RELEASE.TXT Driver File Contents (


  Title:        RTL8129 Fast Ethernet 16 Bit DOS ODI Driver

  History:      V 0.02 --   1996.08.29
		V 1.00 --   1996.11.18
		V 1.01 --   1996.12.19
		V 1.02 --   1997.01.20
		V 1.03 --   1997.01.28
		V 1.04 --   1997.02.27
		V 2.00 --   1997.05.29

  Notes:        All changed codes are marked with the release date 'YY.MM.DD'.
		In other words, you may search '90.07.12' if you want to find
		the changed codes of a source program released on 1990.07.12,


  Name:          RTFODI.002

  Version:       V 0.02

  Released By:   Jasper Tan

  Release Date:  1996.08.29

  Changed File:

		1. Add support to various GEP defines.

		2. Develop from LDDK 4.00.


  Name:          RTFODI.100

  Version:       V 1.00

  Released By:   Jasper Tan

  Release Date:  1996.11.18

  Changed File:  RTFODI.ASM

		1. Fix Push eax bug.

		2. Fix Message.

		3. Add SPEED parameter.

		4. Add .ins file


  Name:          RTFODI.101

  Version:       V 1.01

  Released By:   Jasper Tan

  Release Date:  1996.12.19

  Changed File:  RTFODI.ASM

		1. Fix CheckUserForceSpeed bugs.

		2. Fix Seeding problems.

		3. Improve performance.


  Name:          RTFODI.102

  Version:       V 1.02

  Released By:   Jasper Tan

  Release Date:  1997.01.20

  Changed File:  RTFODI.ASM

		1. Fix RTL8140E bugs.


  Name:          RTFODI.103

  Version:       V 1.03

  Released By:   Jasper Tan

  Release Date:  1997.01.28

  Changed File:  RTFODI.ASM

		1. Add SID's code.


  Name:          RTFODI.104

  Version:       V 1.04

  Released By:   Jasper Tan

  Release Date:  1997.02.27

  Changed File:  RTFODI.ASM

		1. Normal Driver.


  Name:          RTFODI.200

  Version:       V 2.00

  Released By:   Jasper Tan

  Release Date:  1997.05.29

  Changed File:  RTFODI.ASM

		1. Turbo Driver with Tx FIFO fix and shared interrupt.



  Name:          RTSODI.100

  Version:       V 1.00

  Released By:   Victor

  Release Date:  1997.06.28

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:         1. Added early TX/RX function
;                 2. Added loopback test for early throushold parameter
;                 3. Scale RX error counter to 3
		  4. change  Capr update code
		  5. change from rtfodi.200
		  6. IORANGE1is 80h (orginal is 0  testing will fail)

  Name:          RTSODI.200

  Version:       V 2.00

  Released By:   Victor Hsu

  Release Date:  1997.08.20

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:         1. Fix early receive bug of check ERBAD when receive complete
		  2. Check link change bit in isr and dynamic change analog parameter

  Name:          RTSODI.210

  Version:       V 2.10

  Released By:   Victor Hsu

  Release Date:  1997.09.04

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:         1. Chang fast link from DriverInit to DriverTimeOut Proc.
		  2. Fix Speed 100 do not work problem in net.cfg file

  Name:          RTSODI.250

  Version:       V 2.50

  Released By:   Victor Hsu

  Release Date:  1997.09.15

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:         1. Add push & pop eax command in DriverTimeOut Proc.
		  2. Restory MII0 register when driver unload



  Name:          RTSODI.300

  Version:       V 3.00

  Released By:   Victor Hsu

  Release Date:  1997.10.22

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. Fixed sharing interrupt EOI and 8259 IMR bug (vic10/14)
		2. chang SPEED keyword to MEDIUM keyword

  Name:          RTSODI.301

  Version:       V 3.01

  Released By:   Season Chen

  Release Date:  1998.03.02

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. Update parameter when cable length is changed


  Name:          RTSODI.310

  Version:       V 3.10

  Released By:   Season Chen

  Release Date:  1998.05.29

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. Modify driver's Force medium type with Nway_Force.
		2. Make sure the Bus Master bit in the PCI Configuration Space
		   is enabled.
		3. Set default early Rx FIFO threshold to 64 bytes and if error
		   occur, set early Rx FIFO thrshold to 0.
		4. Set early Rx thrshold to 1/16 as linespeed is 100M bps, and
		   12/16 as linespeed is 10Mbps.


  Name:          RTSODI.311

  Version:       V 3.11

  Released By:   Season Chen

  Release Date:  1998.08.19

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. Pass TNDC tests
		2. Disable early Rx interrupt as MLID enable driver Promiscouos mode
		3. Update 8139 K version cable length 7 parameter
		4. Modify CRC error and CRC alignment error bits of AX bit map
		   before call MSMGetRCB.


  Name:          RTSODI.360

  Version:       V 3.60

  Released By:   Clifford Chiang

  Release Date:  1999.05.17

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. RTL8138 CardBus card can be found.
		2. Set default values to ERFTH, ERXTH_S100, ERXTH_S10.
		   RTL8139 will use these default calues for better performance.
		3. When the driver finds the card is 8138 CardBus card,
		   a. 100Mhz early interrupt is set to disable.
		   b. 10Mhz early interrupt is set to disable.
		   c. Early receive is set to disable.


  Name:          RTSODI.361

  Version:       V 3.61

  Released By:   Season Chen

  Release Date:  2000.06.26

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. Clear register 84h_d3h for RTL8139/A/B
		2. Enable MEM and IO bit of Command register of PCI
		   configuration space.
		3. Always set to D0 status.
		4. Support another verdor/device ID .


  Name:          RTSODI.362

  Version:       V 3.62

  Released By:   Season Chen

  Release Date:  2001.05.30

  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. Change the wait byte number of early interrupt from 4 to 64.
		2. Add NONEARLY keyword to set the 8139 to run at non early 
		   interrupt mode.


  Name:          RTSODI.363

  Version:       V 3.63

  Released By:   Victor Hsu

  Release Date:  2001.07.05
  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:       1. If 8139C enter loopback mode the receiver may dead on 90m cable
		and NS PHY.
		2. In miniPCI and clock run enable the early transmit parameter should
		limit to 0x0a.


  Name: 	 RTSODI.364

  Version:	 V 3.64

  Released By:   Victor Hsu

  Release Date:  2001.08.16
  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:	 1.Add a loop counter for early receive to prevent 8139 enter a wait
		 next packet state. That will slow down the performance.


  Name: 	 RTSODI.365

  Version:	 V 3.65

  Released By:   Season Chen

  Release Date:  2002.10.01
  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:	 1.Search every function of PCI device when the PCI device is Multi_function
		 2.Update Realtek Logo message to "Realtek RTL8139/810x Family Fast Ethernet".


  Name: 	 RTSODI.366

  Version:	 V 3.66

  Released By:   Victor Hsu

  Release Date:  2003.12.31
  Changed File:  RTSODI.ASM

  Reason:	 1.Wait DMA complete to transmit and receive packet.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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