====================================================== MSI LAN Utility 0.9.4 ====================================================== This file contains information about system requirement, installation, usage, and warning issues. ====================================================== System Requirement ====================================================== * Operating System: -Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003. ====================================================== Installation Notes ====================================================== * To install the program, one can use the self-extracting executable file (e.g. MSILANUtility-Vx.x.x.exe). * After installation process is completed successfully, the program will launch automatically and add an icon in system tray (task area). Besides, the default value of start up launch is enabled. * To uninstall the program, one can use one of the following shortcuts, Start => All Programs => MSI => LAN Utility => Uninstall, or Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel. ====================================================== Using MSI LAN Utility ====================================================== * Start: - The program must run under an account with administrator privileges. - If the start up launch option is enabled, menu of system tray icon will show "Disable Start Up Launch", and the program will launch automatically when user login. - One can start the program via the shortcut: Start => All Programs => MSI => LAN Utility => DiagnosticUtility. * Stop: - To exit the program, one can either choose the menu item, "Exit", of the system tray icon or remove system tray icon in "General" page and then close the main window of this program. * System Tray Icon: - In "General" page of main window, one can enable or disable the system tray icon by select the option, "Show the Tray Icon". - Right click the system tray icon, it will launch a pop-up menu with the following items: (1) Launch: When the system tray icon exists, one can hide the main window by close button of the window and choose the item to display it. (2) Exit: It is used to terminate this program. (3) Enable/Disable Start Up Launch: When the menu shows "Disable Start Up Launch", it means start up launch is enabled, and likewise, "Enable Start Up Launch" means the option is disabled. * Left Client Window of the Main Window: - This window displays all active LAN cards in this machine. - User can select one of LAN cards listed in the window. If RTL8169/8110 card is available and selected by user, all pages in the right window will be enabled. On the other hand, other cards only enable "General" page in the right window. * Right Client Window of the Main Window: - Four pages are available in this window: (1) "General" This page displays general information about the selected LAN card. (2) "Driver" This page displays driver related information. (3) "Setting" This page displays working parameters for this card. One can modify these parameters here. (4) "Diagnostic" This page performs hardware tests on selected LAN card. ====================================================== Warning ====================================================== * Do not perform any one of the following actions while doing hardware tests in "Diagnostic" page: - Disable the selected LAN card. - Kill the program (via task manager). - Uninstallation. * After finishing hardware tests, the program will reload network driver, and therefore, statistics listed in "General" page will be reset. However, if link status of the adapter is down (e.g. cable is unplugged) while reloading the driver, the packets proposed by OS will be failed to send and counted as Error(Send) in "General" page.Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.