Vietnamese1258.txt Driver File Contents (

Initiate Voip Call=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi Voip
Send Key=Phím Göûi
Call Waiting Sequence=Chuoãi Cuoäc goïi Chôø
Conference Key Sequence=Chuoãi phím Goïi Hoäi nghò
Popup Skype Window=Cöûa soå Skype Popup
Restore Defaults=Khoâi phuïc Maëc ñònh
Restore=Khoâi phuïc
Enabled=Ñaõ baät
TLink VoIP Personal Gateway (Beta)=Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân Tlink VoIP (baûn Beta)
Popup Skype window when initiating VoIP call=Cöûa soå Skype Popup khi baét ñaàu goïi VoIP
Press these keys during a call to switch between a VoIP and regular call=Nhaán nhöõng phím naøy trong khi goïi ñeå chuyeån giöõa cuoäc goïi thöôøng vaø VoIP
Press these keys to get VoIP dial tone=Nhaán nhöõng phím naøy ñeå taûi aâm quay soá VoIP
Press this key following the phone number (or speed dial number) when making a VoIP call=Nhaán phím naøy sau khi nhaán soá ñieän thoaïi (hoaëc soá quay nhanh) khi ñang goïi VoIP
Press these keys during a call to conference a VoIP and regular calls=Nhaán nhöõng phím naøy trong khi goïi hoäi nghò ñeå chuyeån giöõa cuoäc goïi thöôøng vaø VoIP
General=Bình thöôøng
Call Forward Settings=Caøi ñaët Chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi
Call Forwarding=Ñang chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi
VoIP To Phone Line=VoIP Sang Ñieän thoaïi
Rings Before Forwarding=Reo Tröôùc khi Chuyeån tieáp
Number To Dial=Soá Saép Goïi
Phone Line To VoIP=Ñieän thoaïi Sang VoIP
Empty Number Not Allowed=Khoâng theå Ñeå Troáng Soá
Only Digits Allowed=Chæ Cho Ñieàn Soá
First Character Must be=Kyù töï Ñaàu tieân Phaûi laø
First Character Must be # or *=Kyù töï Ñaàu tieân Phaûi laø # hay *
Sequence Already in Use=Chuoãi hieän Ñang Duøng
Apply=AÙp duïng
&Apply=AÙp duïng
Initializing=Ñang khôûi ñoäng
Uninstall=Gôõ caøi ñaët
Help=Trôï giuùp
Skype Connected=Ñang keát noái Skype
Skype Disconnected=Ñaõ ngaét keát noái Skype
Adaptor Connected=Ñaõ laép Boä ñieàu hôïp
Adaptor Disconnected=Ñaõ thaùo Boä ñieàu hôïp
Line and phone cables are reversed!=Ñöôøng daây vaø caùp ñieän thoaïi bò ñaûo ngöôïc!
Failed to run TLinkMonitor=Loãi khoâng theå chaïy TLinkMonitor
Invalid value=Giaù trò sai
Empty field not allowed=Khoâng theå ñeå troáng tröôøng noäi dung
Invalid second character=Kyù töï thöù hai khoâng hôïp leä
Second character must be a digit=Kyù töï thöù hai phaûi laø kyù töï soá
General Settings=Caùc thoâng soá caøi ñaët Thoâng thöôøng
Personal VoIP Gateway (Beta)=Coång giao tieáp VoIP Caù nhaân (baûn Beta)
Close=Ñoùng laïi
Configure=Caáu hình
About=Thoâng tin
Version=Phieân baûn
Copyright=Baûn quyeàn
Personal VoIP Gateway=Coång giao tieáp VoIP Caù nhaân
Disabled=Ñaõ taét
Configuration=Caáu hình
This will remove Personal VoIP Adaptor from your computer=Vieäc naøy seõ thaùo caøi Boä ñieàu hôïp VoIP Caù nhaân khoûi maùy tính cuûa baïn
This will install Personal VoIP Adaptor to your computer=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp caøi Boä ñieàu hôïp VoIP Caù nhaân vaøo maùy tính cuûa baïn
Would you like to proceed=Baïn muoán thöïc hieän
Please Plug In your Personal VoIP Gateway Device=Vui loøng Laép Thieát bò Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân VoIP 
Setup=Caøi ñaët
Pin number=Soá Pin
Switch to Call Forward after=Chuyeån sang cheá ñoä Chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi sau
Toll Bypass=Khoâng Reo Chuoâng 
Enable Call Forward=Baät cheá ñoä Chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi
Enable Toll Bypass=Baät cheá ñoä Khoâng Reo Chuoâng
Connected=Ñaõ keát noái
Disconnected=Ñaõ ngöng noái
Pin number should have 4 to 8 digits in length=Soá Pin phaûi coù chieàu daøi töø 4 ñeán 8 kyù töï
Pin number=Soá Pin
Terms and Conditions=Ñieàu khoaûn vaø Ñieàu kieän
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions as stated above=Toâi ñaõ xem vaø ñoàng yù vôùi caùc ñieàu khoaûn vaø ñieàu kieän neâu treân
I agree=Toâi ñoàng yù
End User License Agreement=Thoûa thuaän Caáp pheùp cho Ngöôøi söû duïng
Personal VoIP Gateway Device is Not Present=Khoâng tìm thaáy coù thieát bò Coång giao tieáp VoIP Caù nhaân 
This will remove=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp thaùo
This will install=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp caøi ñaët
from your computer=töø maùy tính cuûa baïn
to your computer=vaøo maùy tính cuûa baïn
Please Plug In your=Vui loøng Laép vaøo
Device=Thieát bò
Select the soft phone client you wish to work with=Choïn chöông trình phaàn meàm ñieän thoaïi baïn muoán duøng
Soft Phone Type=Loaïi Ñieän thoaïi Phaàn meàm
Your Skype version is old, please update Skype version=Phieân baûn Skype cuûa baïn ñaõ cuõ, vui loøng caäp nhaät phieân baûn Skype
Push the button back to disable the help=Nhaán nuùt quay veà ñeå taét cheá ñoä trôï giuùp
Move the cursor through the window to get help=Di chuyeån con troû qua cöûa soå ñeå ñöôïc trôï giuùp theâm
Configuration Utility=Coâng cuï Caáu hình
Skype To Phone Line=VoIP Sang Ñieän thoaïi
Phone Line To Skype=Ñieän thoaïi sang VoIP
Initiate Skype Call=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi Skype
Disable Standby/Hibernate=Taét Cheá ñoä Chôø/Nguû ñoâng
Active TLink Session - Power state change request denied!=Phieân Hoaït ñoäng TLink – Töø choái yeâu caàu thay ñoåi traïng thaùi naêng löôïng!
To insure proper functionality please update Skype version=Ñeå ñaûm baûo chöùc naêng vaän haønh, vui loøng caäp nhaät phieân baûn Skype
Call Recorder=Boä ghi aâm Cuoäc goïi
Location=Vò trí
Open Folder=Môû thö muïc
Automation=Töï ñoäng
Inactive=Ko hoaït ñoäng
Record next call=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi keá tieáp
Record all calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi
Record pass-through calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi ñaõ goïi
Manual Control=Kieåm soaùt Thuû coâng
Power Management=Quaûn lyù Naêng löôïng
Control Keys=Phím Ñieàu Khieån
Start Recording=Baét ñaàu Ghi aâm
Stop Recording=Döøng Ghi aâm
General settings=Caùc thoâng soá caøi ñaët thoâng thöôøng
&Initiate VoIP call:=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi VoIP:
Initiate VoIP call:=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi VoIP:
&Send key:=Phím göûi:
Send key:=Phím göûi:
Call &waiting sequence:=Chuoãi Cuoäc goïi Chôø:
Call waiting sequence:=Chuoãi cuoäc goïi Chôø:
&Conference key sequence:=Chuoãi phím goïi hoäi nghò:
Conference key sequence:=Chuoãi phím goïi hoäi nghò:
Popup Skype window=Cöûa soå Skype Popup
&Restore defaults=Khoâi phuïc maëc ñònh
Restore defaults=Khoâi phuïc maëc ñònh
Call forward settings=Caøi ñaët chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi
Call forwarding=Ñang chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi
VoIP to phone line=VoIP sang ñieän thoaïi
&Rings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
Rings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
&Number to dial:=Soá saép goïi:
Number to dial:=Soá saép goïi:
Phone line to VoIP=Ñieän thoaïi sang VoIP
Empty number not allowed=Khoâng theå ñeå troáng soá
Only digits allowed=Chæ cho ñieàn soá
Sequence already in use=Chuoãi hieän ñang duøng
TLink Agent configuration=Caáu hình Tlink Agent
Skype connected=Ñang keát noái Skype
Skype disconnected=Ñaõ ngaét keát noái Skype
Adaptor connected=Ñaõ laép boä ñieàu hôïp
Adaptor disconnected=Ñaõ thaùo boä ñieàu hôïp
&Configure=Caáu hình
configuration=caáu hình
Please plug in your Personal VoIP Gateway Device=Vui loøng laép Thieát bò Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân VoIP 
This will install Personal VoIP Adaptor on your computer=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp caøi Boä ñieàu hôïp VoIP Caù nhaân vaøo maùy tính cuûa baïn
&Pin number:=Soá Pin:
&Switch to call forward after:=Chuyeån sang cheá ñoä chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi sau:
Switch to call forward after:=Chuyeån sang cheá ñoä chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi sau:
Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
&Call forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
Call forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
&Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
Agree=Ñoàng yù
End user license agreement=Thoûa thuaän caáp pheùp cho ngöôøi söû duïng
Personal VoIP gateway device is not present=Khoâng tìm thaáy coù thieát bò Coång giao tieáp VoIP caù nhaân 
on your computer=treân maùy tính cuûa baïn
Please plug in your=Vui loøng laép vaøo
Soft &phone type:=Loaïi ñieän thoaïi phaàn meàm:
Soft phone type:=Loaïi ñieän thoaïi phaàn meàm:
Configuration utility=Coâng cuï caáu hình
Skype to phone line=VoIP sang ñieän thoaïi
Phone line to Skype=Ñieän thoaïi sang VoIP
Initiate Skype call=Baét ñaàu cuoäc goïi Skype
Disable standby/hibernate=Taét cheá ñoä chôø/nguû ñoâng
Active session - power state change request denied!=Phieân hoaït ñoäng – töø choái yeâu caàu thay ñoåi traïng thaùi naêng löôïng!
Call recorder=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi
&Open folder=Môû thö muïc
Open folder=Môû thö muïc
&Inactive=Khoâng hoaït ñoäng
Record &next call=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi keá tieáp
Record next call=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi keá tieáp
Record &all calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi
Record all calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi
Manual control=Kieåm soaùt thuû coâng
Power management=Quaûn lyù naêng löôïng
Control keys=Phím ñieàu khieån
&Start recording:=Baét ñaàu ghi aâm:
Start recording:=Baét ñaàu ghi aâm:
S&top recording:=Döøng ghi aâm:
Stop recording:=Döøng ghi aâm:
Call &forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
Call forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
Toll &bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
R&ings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
Rings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
N&umber to dial:=Soá seõ goïi:
Number to dial:=Soá saép goïi:
Destination folder=Thö muïc goác
Browse=Trình duyeät
and press OK=vaø nhaán OK
Please plug in your Personal VoIP Gateway and press OK=Vui loøng laép Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân VoIP vaø nhaán OK
Do you want to continue=Baïn coù muoán tieáp tuïc
&Disable standby/hibernate=Taét cheá ñoä chôø/nguû ñoâng
Choose a directory in which you wish to install the software=Choïn thö muïc baïn muoán caøi ñaët phaàn meàm vaøo
Please enter valid folder name=Vui loøng ñieàn teân thö muïc hôïp leä
Initiate Skype call:=Baét ñaàu cuoäc goïi Skype:
Pin number:=Soá Pin:

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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