#################################################################### # Resource File Version 1.0 # # TEXT LABEL NAMES # #################################################################### MSG_PDMISSING_CONFIRM=Warning: This will mark the Physical Drive as Missing! Are you sure? RAID_LEVEL_1_DISPLAY_STRING=RAID 1 MSG_MEMFREE_FAILED=Failed to free memory PROPERTY_ISUARTPRESENT_TEXT=UART Present MANUAL_MODE_ARRAY=(A)rray Selection MANUAL_MODE_ARRAY_1=Array Selection AUTHENTICATE_DIALOG_TITLE=Enter User Name & Password RECONWIZARD_TEXT=Reconstruction Wizard IOPOLICY_CACHED=Cached IO LEGEND_UNUSED_TEXT=Available CONFIGWIZARD_TEXT=Configuration Wizard PROPERTY_DEVID_TEXT=Device ID PROPERTY_PSUPPLYNUMBER_TEXT=Number of Power Supplies MENU_LOGVIEW_TEXT=(V)iew Saved Log LEGEND_USED_TEXT=Configured LABEL_BGIRATE_TEXT=(B)GI Rate WRITEPOLICY_WRITE_BACK=Write Back BBU_MFG_DATE=Mfg Date OPERATION_INSTRUCTION_TEXT=<html>Select an operation from the left and press go to<br>invoke the selected Operation!</html> LABEL_EXISTINGARRAY_ONLY=Use (E)xisting Arrays Only LDRIVE_STATE_OFFLINE=Offline PROPERTY_VENDORINFO_TEXT=Vendor ID MSG_SET_CONTROLLER_PROP=Warning: This will set controller properties. MSG_ASSISTEDCONF_FAILED=Assisted Configuration Failed! PDTYPE_FC=Fibre Channel BBU_MAX_ERROR=Maximum Error Margin MSG_FAILED_FOREIGNCFG=Cannot read Foreign Config! OUT_OF= out of FAILED_TO_IMPORT= configurations failed to import. PROPERTY_FWSTATE_TEXT=Firmware State RECON_DRIVE_SEL=Drive Selection ENCL_ELEMSTATUS_UNRECOVERABLE=Unrecoverable ENCL_ELEMSTATUS_NOT_INSTALLED=Not Installed PROPERTY_SUBVENDORID_TEXT=SubVendor ID MSG_NO_FOREIGN_CONFIG=NO Foreign Configuration is found! MSG_RECON_INPROGRESS=Operation cannot be started while reconstruction is in progress! MSG_STATUS_GUIDEDFINISH=Change the number, size and other parameters for Virtual Disks and press Next BBU_TYPE=Battery Type GUIDED_MSG_TEXT=The capacity mentioned will be used as an approximation while creating the virtual disks. MENU_LOG_TEXT=(L)og MSG_DELPDFROMARRAY_LDEXISTS=Cannot delete Physical Drive from the array because one or more Virtual Disk is defined on this array! PROPERTY_CACHEFLUSHINTERVAL_TEXT=Cache Flush Interval BUTTON_GUIDEDCONF_TEXT=(G)uided Configuration MSG_IGNORE_FOREIGN_CONFIG=Do you want to ignore the foreign configuration? MSG_NOARRAY_SELECTED=Please specify an array! BUTTON_IMPORT_CONFIG=Import Configuration LABEL_UNUSEDARRAYS_TEXT=Unused Arrays BUTTON_RECLAIM_TEXT=Reclai(m) RAID_LEVEL_5_DISPLAY_STRING=RAID 5 MSG_CLEAR_FOREIGN_CONFIG=This will clear the selected Foreign Configuration! Are you sure? MSG_CONFIG_FAILED=Cannot write configuration: Unknown Exception! PROPERTY_RAWSIZE_TEXT=Raw Size PD_STATE_OFFLINE=Offline MSG_DISBL_ALARM=Warning: This will start Patrol Read operation. MSG_INVALID_CTRL=Incorrect controller number specified MSG_CONF_EXISTS=Configuration exists. You must clear the existing configuration before adding a new one. MSG_SCSINAME_FAILED=Failed to get SCSI device name PD_STATE_FAILED=Failed LEGEND_HIGHLIGHTED_TEXT=Selected VD BBU_MFG_NAME=Mfg Name ADAPTER_OPERATION_8_DESC=User configurable task rate priorities for controller FAILED_SERVER=Failed MSG_GUIDEDCONFIG_FAILED=Guided Configuration failed! MANUAL_DRIVE_SELECTION_JTABLE_PORT_COLUMN_HEADING=Port MANUAL_MODE_FINISH=Fi(n)ish MANUAL_MODE_FINISH_1=Finish MSG_NOLD_SELECTED=Please specify a virtual disk! LABEL_CAPACITY_TEXT=Total (C)apacity: MSG_VERSION_MISMATCH=Mismatch in versions. BBU_OPERATION_REFRESH_DESC=Rescans and updates the BBU information RAID_LEVEL_3_DISPLAY_STRING=RAID 3 BBU_OPERATION_SLEEP=Sleep MSG_NOLD_TEXT=Please create at least one virtual disk and then proceed to next step! MSG_CONFIRM_ARRAYDELETE=This will delete the Array. Are you sure? MSG_STATUS_ARRAYSEL=Select one or more physical drive(s) and use the right arrow to move them to the right panel to create arrays MSG_FW_REBOOT=You must reboot the system to bring the firmware in effect ABOUT_OSVERSION_TEXT=Operating System Version DISK_CACHE_UNCHANGED=Unchanged PDTYPE_SATA=SATA PROPERTY_PDSTATE_TEXT=Physical Drive State MSG_INAVLID_PARAM=The input parameter to the command was invalid LOGICAL_TAB_TEXT=Logical BUTTON_UPDATE_TEXT=(U)pdate MAXPD_COUNT_TEXT=Ma(x)imum PD Count for patrolling: COER_MODE_128MB=128 MB PROPERTY_ISBBUPRESENT_TEXT=BBU Present MSG_STATUS_GUIDED=Select the choices given above and then proceed to next step for guided configuration LOG_DETAILS_DIALOG=Event Details PHDRIVE_OPERATION_1_DESC=Changes a drive from OFFLINE state to ONLINE state PROPERTY_YES_TEXT=Yes PROPERTY_DEFWRITEPOLICY_TEXT=Default Write Policy MSG_RECON_CHGRL=This operation cannot be aborted. Do you want to continue? LABEL_LDNUM_HINT=(D)esired Number of Virtual Disks : MSG_LINUX_LIBSYSFS_MISSING=libsysfs is not present in the system RECON_INSERT_BUTTON_TEXT=(A)dd Drive LABEL_MB_TEXT=MB LABEL_REDUNDANCY_ONLY=(R)edundancy Only DEV_DIRECT_TEXT=Disk DIRECT_IO=Direct IO BBU_AVGTIMEFULL_CAPACITY=Average Time to Full MSG_INIT_FAILED=Storelib Initialization failed MSG_OP_TIMEDOUT=Command to driver timed out PRPOERTY_HOSTINTERFACE_TEXT=Host Interface PROPERTY_DEVICEPORTCOUNT_TEXT=Device Port Count PD_CACHE_ENABLE=Enable PROPERTY_RECONRATE_TEXT=Reconstruction Rate MSG_SELECT_ARRAY=Please select one or more arrays! MAX_DRIVE_SELECTION_EXCEEDED_TEXT=RECONSTRUCTION_CARD_TITLE LABEL_REDUNDANCY_NO=N(o) Redundancy MSG_LOGIN_EXFAILURE=Login failed: Exception while login! LEGEND_LDRIVELOCATION_TEXT=Virtual Disk Location MSG_NOSTOARGEAPI=No Storage Controller Found! PROPERTY_TEMPERATURE_TEXT=Temperature LABEL_ELAPSED_TEXT=Elapsed time: PD_STATE_REBUILD=Rebuild READ_AHEAD_NONE=No Read Ahead LABEL_EXISTINGARRAYS_GROUP=Existing Arrays RECON_FINISH_SEL=Finish MSG_SETLDPARAM_FAILED=Cannot set virtual disk parameters! LABEL_USE_ALLARRAYS=Use Existing and New (A)rrays LABEL_ADD_HSP=-- Add Hotspare To -- MSG_ABORT_NOT_POSSIBLE=Abort not possible LABEL_VOLUMEPROP_TEXT=Virtual Disk Parameters SECOND_TEXT=second MENU_LOGSAVE_TEXT=(S)ave Log BUTTON_BROWSE_TEXT=(B)rowse PHDRIVE_OPERATION_10_DESC=Aborts Locate Physical Drive operation on a physical disk MSG_DEDICATEDHSP_FAILED=Cannot make dedicated hotspare: Error Code: LABEL_DEFWRITEPOLICY_TEXT=Default (W)rite Policy: LABEL_EVENT_TYPE=Event Type: MSG_SETLDPROP_CONFIRM=Warning: This will set Virtual Disk properties! Are you sure? MENU_CONFIG_TEXT=(C)onfiguration ADAPTER_TEXT=Controller ABOUT_OSNAME_TEXT=Operating System Name LABEL_HOSTNAME_TEXT=Host MSG_CONFIRM_LOGOVERWRITE=File already exists. Do you want to overwrite? MSG_INVALID_FILETYPE=This is not a valid FW File! LABEL_ACCESSPOLICY_TEXT=Access Pol(i)cy: MSG_CLEARCONFIG_FAILED=Clear Configuration failed: Unknown Exception PHDRIVE_OPERATION_2_DESC=Changes a drive from ONLINE state to OFFLINE state PDTYPE_UNKNOWN=Unknown GRP_SHOWPROGRESS_TITLE=Group Show Progress ENCL_ELEMSTATUS_NONCRITICAL=Non Critical MSG_PROTOCOL_ERROR=Fatal Error: Network protocol error! WRITEPOLICY_WRITE_THROUGH=Write Through PROPERTY_SLOTNUMBER_TEXT=Number of Slots PRODUCT_INFO=MegaRAID Storage Manager GRAPHICALVIEW_TAB_TEXT=Graphical View LABEL_TIME_STAMP=Time of Event: MSG_FLASHFW_CONFIRM=Warning: This will flash the controller firmware! Current firmware version is LABEL_INITIALIZATION_TEXT=Initiali(z)ation Type: PROPERTY_HOSTNAME_TEXT=Host Name PROPERTY_CLUSTERENABLE_TEXT=Cluster Enable SORTBYCOMBO_NAME_TEXT=Name MSG_LDPROGRESS_TEXT=Ongoing Operations on Virtual Disks NEWLDCREATED_TEXT=New Virtual Disk MENU_GRINITIALIZE_TEXT=(I)nitialize BBU_TEMP_STATUS=Temperature ENCL_ELEMSTATUS_UNKNOWN=Unknown UNPROTECTED_DRIVE_GROUPS=Unprotected Drive Groups UNPROTECTED_DRIVE_GROUPS_LABEL=(U)nprotected Drive Groups: UNPROTECTED_MSG=<html>This global hot spare will not protect the following<br>drive groups because it is a DRIVE=drive</html>. CACHED_IO=Cached IO LDRIVE_OPERATION_8=Set Vi(r)tual Disk Properties LDRIVE_OPERATION_7=Abort Initialization PD_STATE_HOTSPARE=Hot Spare LDRIVE_OPERATION_6=Start Initiali(z)ation LABEL_REDUNDANCY_TEXT=(R)edundancy Type: LDRIVE_OPERATION_5=Cancel Check Consistency NEXT_LEARNTIME_TEXT=Next Learn Time (sec): LDRIVE_OPERATION_4=(C)heck Consistency BBU_AVGTIMEEMPTY_CAPACITY=Average Time to Empty MENU_CONFIGWIZARD_TEXT=Configuration (W)izard VOLUME_CANDIDATE_PANEL_ADD=Add BUTTON_CONNECT_TEXT=(C)onnect BUTTON_FINISH_TEXT=(F)inish LABEL_FWVERSION_TEXT=Framework Version: LD_ACCESS_RDONLY=Read Only PHDRIVE_OPERATION_11_DESC=Assigns the Unconfigured Good drive as a global hotspare BBU_GAS_GAUGE=Gas Gauge Status LABEL_POWER_TEXT=Power Supply MSG_LOGIN_FAILURE=Login failed: Invalid username or password! MSG_STATUS_IR_MANUALVDCREATE=<html>Select one Array from the top left panel, change the various properties and press accept DISK_CACHE_DISABLED=Disabled MSG_CONFIRM=Are you sure? MSG_STATUS_FINISH=View the summary and finally press Finish to write the configuration NOBBU_TEXT=No Battery BBU_OPERATION_SETPROP_DESC=Defines various Battery Operation Parameters BBU_OPERATION_LEARN_DESC=Starts a battery calibration cycle LABEL_STRIPESIZE_TEXT=Stri(p)e Size: PDTYPE_SAS=SAS RECON_REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT=REMOVE LDRIVE_OPERATION_1_DESC=Deletes the specified virtual disk MSG_INIT_NOT_COMPLETED=Initialization was not yet completed. TEXT_CLIENT_TIME=Client time MSG_GET_PARTITION_FAILED=Failed to get partition. Partition may not exist PD_STATE_UNCONFGOOD=Unconfigured Good FOREIGN_CONFIG_WIZARD=Foreign Configuration Wizard MSG_LDOS_MAP_INCOMPLETE=The LD to OS drive mapping is not complete. This will happen when fw reports SELECTED_DRIVES_TEXT=(S)elected Drives PROPERTY_ACCESSPOLICY_TEXT=Access Policy PROPERTY_FLASHSIZE_TEXT=Flash Size PROPERTY_ISNVRAMPRESENT_TEXT=NVRAM Present BBU_FW_STATUS=Firmware Status LABEL_POWERS_TEXT=Power Supplies PROPERTY_PREDFAILCOUNT_TEXT=Pred Fail Count PROPERTY_LDCOUNT_TEXT=Virtual Disk Count ADAPTER_TYPE_PCIX=PCIX AUTO_MODE_FINISH=Fi(n)ish AUTO_MODE_FINISH_1=Finish MSG_PDREBUILD_CONFIRM=Warning: This will rebuild the Physical Drive! Are you sure? PROPERTY_LDDEGRADEDCOUNT_TEXT=Degraded Virtual Disk Count BBU_ABSCHARGE_STATE=Absolute State of Charge PROPERTY_LDRIVESIZE_TEXT=Size ADAPTER_TYPE_PCIE=PCIE MSG_INVALID_ARRAYSIZE=Please Create arrays with at least 2 physical drives then go to next step! LABEL_READPOLICY_TEXT=R(e)ad Policy: GUIDED_CONFIG_STEP3=Finish GUIDED_CONFIG_STEP3_1=Finish GUIDED_CONFIG_STEP2=V(i)rtual Disk Parameters GUIDED_CONFIG_STEP2_1=Virtual Disk Parameters BUTTON_ABORT_TEXT=Abort GUIDED_CONFIG_STEP1=G(u)ided Config GUIDED_CONFIG_STEP1_1=Guided Config MSG_AUTOCONFIG_FAILED=Auto Configuration failed! RECON_DELETE_BUTTON_TEXT=(R)emove Drive MSG_ABORTPROG_CONFIRM=Do you want to abort this operation? BBU_OPERATION_REFRESH=Refresh PROPERTY_FWBUILDTIME_TEXT=Firmware Build Time BBU_DESIGN_CAPACITY=Design Capacity READ_AHEAD_ALWAYS=Always Read Ahead LABEL_FANS_TEXT=Fans SORTBYCOMBO_TYPE_TEXT=Type CONFIGURATION_NOTE=<html>Note: Drives containing boot partitions or foreign configurations will not be \ listed because they can not be used in new configurations.</html> MSG_CANNOT_ABORT_OP=The operation cannot be aborted! PHDRIVE_OPERATION_12_DESC=Designates a ready or Unconfigured Good drive as a dedicated hotspare to the specified array(s) LABEL_NOREDUNDANCY_TEXT=No Redundancy MSG_PDOFFLINE_CONFIRM=Warning: This will make the Physical Drive Offline! Are you sure? MSG_PDONLINE_CONFIRM=Warning : Forcing a failed physical disk to Online will result in changing the virtual disk state. \ \nThis disk will immediately start participating in the virtual disk operations and may lead to data corruption. \ \n\nAre you sure you want to continue? RECON_NOCHANGE_BUTTON_TEXT=(C)hange RAID Level GRP_INITDLG_TITLE=Group Initialization BBU_TEXT=Battery Backup Unit LABEL_LDNAME_TEXT=(N)ame: STATUS_LOG_SERVER=Displaying log from server LDRIVE_OPERATION_2_DESC=Identifies virtual disk members by blinking the associated physical disk(s) activity LED PROPERTY_CURWRITEPOLICY_TEXT=Current Write Policy MSG_DELARRAY_ILLEGAL=Cannot delete new Array: Illegal Configuration Exception! LABEL_DOMAIN_ADDR=Connect to (r)emote server at IP address: MSG_INVALID_LDOPTION=cannot create Virtual Disk: Invalid input parameters for creating Virtual Disk! NEWLD_PROPERTY_INPUT=Virtual Disk Properties PROPERTY_ISCLUSTERACTIVE_TEXT=Cluster Active LOGGERHEADER_DESCRIPTION_TEXT=Description LABEL_OSNAME_TEXT=OS MENU_FILE_TEXT=(F)ile FULL_INIT_TEXT=Full Initialization TEXT_SEC_FRM_REBOOT=seconds from reboot PROPERTY_No_TEXT=No PROPERTY_HOSTPORTCOUNT_TEXT=Host Port Count BBU_TYPE_BBU=BBU WRITEPOLICY_WRITE_ADAPTIVE=Write Adaptive ABOUT_SERVERINFO_TEXT=(S)erver Info LABEL_SELECTLD_TEXT=Select Excluded Virtual Disks: PROPERTY_LDRIVERL_TEXT=Current RAID Level MSG_CONFIRM_ADDCFG=<html>This operation will try to configure the controller based on a saved configuration.<br>Unstable conditions might arise due to difference in physical devices in the two configurations.<br>Are you sure ?</html> ABOUT_HOSTNAME_TEXT=HostName MENU_LOGCLEAR_TEXT=(C)lear Log HEALTHY_SERVER=Healthy ACCESS_READ_WRITE=Read Write PHDRIVE_OPERATION_13_DESC=Removes the hotspare assignment and changes the drive state to UNCONFIGURED GOOD ADAPTER_OPERATION_1_DESC=Sets controller alarm to on to alert user when the controller MENU_HELP_TEXT=(H)elp PROPERTY_REVLEVEL_TEXT=Revision Level PD_CACHE_DISABLE=Disable BUTTON_AUTOCONF_TEXT=(A)uto Configuration SERVERINFO_LABEL_TEXT=Server Information LABEL_REDUNDANCY_GROUP=Redundancy PROPERTY_HOSTOSARCH_TEXT=OS Architecture LDRIVE_STATE_PARTDERGRADED=Partially Degraded MSG_GETRDLEVELSIZE_FAILED=Cannot get possible RAID level and size: Unknown Exception! MINUTE_TEXT=minute LABEL_LDSUMMARY_TEXT=(V)irtual Disk Summary MENU_OPERATION_TEXT=O(p)erations ACCEPT_ARRAY=A(c)cept MSG_DELETELD_CONFIRM=Warning: This will delete the Virtual Disk! Are you sure? LABLE_KERNELVERSION_TEXT=Kernel Version: PD_STATE_UNCONFBAD=Unconfigured Bad LDRIVE_OPERATION_3_DESC=Aborts the Locate Virtual Disk operation PROPERTY_COERCEDSIZE_TEXT=Coerced Size PHDRIVE_OPERATION_5_DESC=Replaces a drive of a degraded array that is marked missing with an UNCONFIGURED GOOD drive PROPERTY_REBUILDRATE_TEXT=Rebuild Rate PROPERTY_HOSTOSVER_TEXT=OS Version MSG_FATAL_RESCAN_ERROR=Fatal error: rescan failed! Exiting... PROPERTY_DEVICEPORTADDRESS_TEXT=Device Port Address DEGRADED_SERVER=Degraded ENCLOSURE_TEXT=Enclosure PROPERTY_FWVERSION_TEXT=Firmware Version LABEL_NUMVIRTUALDISK_TEXT=(V)irtual Disk Count: MSG_CONFIRM_LOGSAVE_BEFORE_DELETE=Do you want to save the existing log? OPERATION_RECON_TEXT=Reconstruction FREQUENCY_TEXT=Execution Fre(q)uency: LABEL_ESTIMATED_TEXT=Estimated time left: LABEL_ARRAY_FREE=Arrays with Available Space MSG_NOCONFIG_POSSIBLE=No new Virtual Disk can be added to the configuration! LABEL_WITHREDUNDANCY_TEXT=With Redundancy PROPERTY_MEMUNCORRECTABLEERRORCOUNT_TEXT=UnCorrectable Error Count MSG_INVALID_DATA=Invalid data sent to driver MSG_INVALID_OPSTATE=The drive is not in a state to perform LD_ACCESS_BLOCKED=Blocked GUIDED_CONFIG_STEP=Finish MSG_INVALID_IPADDR=Invalid IP Address! AUTOLEARN_PERIOD_TEXT=Auto Learn Period (sec): MENU_RECONWIZARD_TEXT=(R)econstruction Wizard COER_MODE_1GB=1 GB MSG_FULLACCESS_DENIED=<html>Full Access denied because another user is logged in<br> with full access from IP Address: MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR=Operation Failed OPMODE_MANUAL=Manual PROPERTY_ALARMENABLE_TEXT=Alarm Enabled BBU_NEXTLEARN_TIME=Next Learn Time PHDRIVE_TEXT=Physical Drive MSG_DATA_BAKUP=It is advisable to backup data before this operation. Are you ready? ABOUT_OKBUTTON_TEXT=OK PROPERTY_SASADDR_TEXT=Backend SAS Address PROPERTY_ISALARMPRESENT_TEXT=Alarm Present LOGINMODE_TEXT=Login (M)ode: ADAPTER_OPERATION_2_DESC=Sets the audible controller alarm option to off PROPERTY_BIOSVERSION_TEXT=BIOS Version MSG_CONFIRM_LOGDELETE=This will delete the log. Are you sure? BUTTON_ADDHSP_TEXT=Add HotSpare CHECKBOX_WITHFIX_TEXT=Automatically Fix errors LABEL_UNCONF_PDLIST=Unconfigured Physical Drive List LABEL_NO_EXISTINGARRAY=Do no(t) use Existing Arrays PROPERTY_WRITEPOLICY_TEXT=Write Policy MSG_REMOVEHSP_FAILED=Cannot remove hotspare! MSG_LD_ZERO=Total Number of Virtual Disks must be greater than 0! PROPERTY_TAB_TEXT=Properties MENU_ADVANCED_OP=(A)dvanced Operations MSG_CONN_LOST=Connection to the server has been lost. Do you want to re-login? LDRIVE_OPERATION_4_DESC=Starts a check consistency operation on the selected virtual disk PHDRIVE_OPERATION_6_DESC=Marks an offline/failed drive of a degraded array as missing in order to prepare for drive replacement OPERATION_MODE_TEXT=Operation (M)ode: MSG_DELPDFROMARRAY_FAILED=Cannot delete Physical Drive from the array! MSG_RAID0_NOTPOSSIBLE=This RAID level is not possible as there is dedicated hotspare for the specified arrays RAID_LEVEL_0_DISPLAY_STRING=RAID 0 MSG_ABORTALL_CONFIRM=This will abort all the operations shown above! Are you sure? MENU_EXIT_TEXT=(E)xit STATUS_LOG_LOCAL=Displaying log from file PROPERTY_MEMCORRECTABLEERRORCOUNT_TEXT=Correctable ErrorCount LABEL_CCRATE_TEXT=Ch(e)ck Consistency Rate PROPERTY_DEVICEID_TEXT=Device ID PROPERTY_SLOT_NUMBER=Slot Number OPERATION_BGI_TEXT=Background Initialize MANUAL_DRIVE_SELECTION_JTABLE_CAPACITY_COLUMN=Drive Capacity (in MB) PROPERTY_PRODUCTINFO_TEXT=Product Info MENU_GRCHKCONSISTENCY_TEXT=(C)heck Consistency BGINIT_DISABLE=Disabled BUTTON_SELECTALL_TEXT=Select (A)ll MSG_FAIL_SAVE_CONFIG=Save configuration failed BUTTON_START=(S)tart LABEL_INITSTATE_TEXT=Init Stat(e): SERVER_TEXT=Server MSG_THREAD_CREATE_FAILED=Thread creation failed PROPERTY_HOSTSTATUS_TEXT=Status MSG_CMDFAILED_OS=Command failed by Operating System MENU_LOADPLUGINS_TEXT=Load Plugins MAX_DRIVE_SELECTION_TEXT=Select Physical Drives LOGGERHEADER_DATETIME_TEXT=Date / Time LABEL_RAIDLEVEL_TEXT=RAID (L)evel: OPERATION_PATROLREAD_TEXT=Patrol Read MSG_SELECTHOST=Please select a host from the list! MSG_LINUX_SYSFS_ERROR=An error occurred while accessing sysfs PROPERTY_DEVICETYPE_TEXT=Device Type PROPERTY_NO_TEXT=No PROPERTY_PRODUCTID_TEXT=Product ID SORTBYCOMBO_IPADDRESS_TEXT=IP Address PROPERTY_STRIPESIZE_TEXT=Stripe Size BBU_SERIALNO=Serial No ADAPTER_OPERATION_3_DESC=Temporarily quiets the controller alarm for the current event LABEL_SENSORS_TEXT=Sensors: MSG_ABOUT_LINE2=Copyright \u00a9 2007 LSI Corporation. All Rights Reserved. RECON_MODE_SEL=Reconstruction Mode MSG_ABOUT_LINE1=Client Build: LOGINMODE_FULLACCESS=Full Access PROP_PDSASADDR_TEXT=SAS Address LEGEND_UNUSABLE_TEXT=Reserved PD_CACHE_UNCHANGED=Unchanged VALUE_NOT_AVAILABLE=Not Available PHDRIVE_OPERATION_13=Remove H(o)tspare PHDRIVE_OPERATION_12=Make D(e)dicated Hotspare MSG_INIT_NOT_DONE=Storelib Initialization not completed PHDRIVE_OPERATION_11=Make Glo(b)al Hotspare MSG_INVALID_CMD=Invalid Operation PHDRIVE_OPERATION_10=Stop Locating Physical (D)rive MSG_INVALID_FLASH_IMAGE=The firmware flash image is invalid MSG_RECON_NOTALLOWED=Reconstruction on this Volume is not allowed! BBU_FULL_CAPACITY=Full Capacity MSG_NO_CONNECTION=Fatal Error: Cannot connect to Framework! LDRIVE_OPERATION_5_DESC=Cancels the current check consistency operation on the selected virtual disk OPMODE_DISABLED=Disabled MSG_CONFIG_CORRUPTED=Configuration Corrupted! PHDRIVE_OPERATION_7_DESC=This option will start rebuild on selected offline/failed drive BUTTON_CLEAR_CONFIG=Cl(e)ar Configuration LOGGERHEADER_ERRORLEVEL_TEXT=Error Level PROPERTY_MEMORYSIZE_TEXT=Memory Size VOLUME_CANDIDATE_PANEL_REMOVE=Remove ACCESS_READ_ONLY=Read Only ADAPTER_TYPE_SAS_3G=SAS_3G PROPERTY_IOPOLICY_TEXT=IO Polic(y) PROPERTY_READPOLICY_TEXT=Read Policy MANUAL_DRIVE_SELECTION_JTABLE__DEVID_COLUMN=Device ID MSG_CLEAR_FOREIGN_FAILED=Clear Foreign Config failed! PROPERTY_DISKCACHEPOLICY_TEXT=Disk Cache Policy PROP_SCSIDEVTYPE_TEXT=SCSI Device Type WRITE_BACK=Write Back RAID_LEVEL_TEXT=RAID PROPERTY_RAIDLEVEL_TEXT=RAID Level LABEL_STATE_TEXT=State: BBU_OPERATION_LEARN=Learn PROPERTY_COERCIONMODE_TEXT=Coercion Mode BBU_DESIGN_VOLTAGE=Design Voltage LDRIVE_STATE_DEGRADED=Degraded SORTBYCOMBO_OS_TEXT=OS RECON_ADD_BUTTON_TEXT=ADD NEWLD_TEXT=New Virtual Disks MSG_LINUX_SYSFS_NOTMOUNTED=sysfs is not mounted in the system COER_MODE_NONE=None LD_ACCESS_RDWRITE=Read Write ACCESS_BLOCKED=Blocked LABEL_FAN_TEXT=Fan MSG_NO_MORE_VD=No more virtual disk can be added MSG_IMPORT_FOREIGNCFG_SUCCESS=Foreign Configuration was imported successfully! MSG_NOLD_POSSIBLE=Please Create at least one array then go to next step! PROPERTY_HOSTOS_TEXT=Operating System MSG_NOSERVER_FOUND=No Servers found! MENU_LOGREMOTE_TEXT=Revert to Current Log PROPERTY_PATROLREADRATE_TEXT=Patrol Read Rate ADAPTER_OPERATION_4_DESC=Updates controller firmware with a specified firmware image BUTTON_ACCEPT_TEXT=Accep(t) MSG_NOASSISTED_POSSIBLE=No configuration possible for the given parameters! PROPERTY_CCRATE_TEXT=Consistency Check Rate LDRIVE_TEXT=Virtual Disk IOPOLICY_DIRECT=Direct IO RAID_TEXT=RAID TEXT_GUID=GUID TEXT_CONFIGURATION=Configuration MSG_SAVELOG_INVALIDFILE=Cannot save to the file specified! Device not ready! BUTTON_NEXT_TEXT=(N)ext OPERATION_FGI_TEXT=Foreground Initialize OPMODE_AUTO=Auto BUTTON_DESELECTALL_TEXT=(D)eselect All STATUS_LOG_FILE_ERROR=No Valid Log found in LDRIVE_OPERATION_6_DESC=Starts an initialization operation on the selected virtual disk MSG_ILLEGAL_CONFIG=Cannot create new Array: Illegal Configuration Exception! PHDRIVE_OPERATION_8_DESC=Cancels the current rebuild operation on a physical drive PROPERTY_PDTYPE_TEXT=Physical Drive Type MSG_MAXLDNUM_EXCEEDED=Total number of Virtual Disks must not exceed MSG_SELCCLDRIVE_TEXT=Select Virtual Disks: OPERATION_REBUILD_TEXT=Rebuild NEW_ARRAY_TEXT=New Array OPERATIONS_TAB_TEXT=Operations PROPERTY_VENDORID_TEXT=Vendor ID MSG_CONFIG_NOTALLOWED=Configuration on this adapter is not allowed! ABOUT_OSARCHI_TEXT=Operating System Architecture MSG_UNKNOWN=Unknown Exception! GRP_CONCHECK_TITLE=Group Consistency Check LABEL_RAID_TEXT=RAID BBU_RUNTIMEEMPTY_CAPACITY=Run time to Empty MSG_STATUS_MANUALVDCREATE=<html>Check one or more Array holes from the top left panel, change the various properties and press accept MSG_INVALID_INPUT=Invalid input specified! BUTTON_MODIFY_TEXT=(M)odify PASSWORD_TEXT=(P)assword: SERVERS_BUTTON_TEXT=(S)ervers LABEL_PATROLREADRATE_TEXT=Patrol (R)ate ABOUT_IPADDRESS_TEXT=IP Address READ_AHEAD_ADAPTIVE=Adaptive Read Ahead BBU_OPERATION_SLEEP_DESC=Sets the BBU to low power storage mode BBU_REM_CAPACITY=Remaining Capacity ARRAY_WITH_HOLES=Arrays with Free Space PROPERTY_BIOSBUILDTIME_TEXT=BIOS Build Time MODE_SEL_STEP=Mode (S)election MODE_SEL_STEP_1=Mode Selection MSG_IMPORT_FOREIGNCFG_FAILED=Import foreign configuration failed! LABEL_REDUNDANCY_TRY=Redundancy when (p)ossible ADAPTER_OPERATION_5_DESC=Sets patrol read options for configured physical drives BBU_VOLTAGE_STATUS=Voltage BUTTON_OPERATION_GO=G(o) MSG_NOT_RESPONDING=Framework not responding! MENU_GRPROGRESS_TEXT=Show (P)rogress MENU_FOREIGN_CONFIG=Scan For (F)oreign Configuration MSG_CANNOT_ABORT=Cannot be aborted! MSG_MEMALOC_FAILED=Failed to allocate memory WRITE_THROUGH=Write Through DISK_CACHE_ENABLED=Enabled LABEL_TEMPERATURE_TEXT=Temperature MSG_MAXEVENT_EXCEEDED=The maximum number of events that can be retrieved has exceeded BBU_OPERATION_SETPROP=Set BBU Properties LDRIVE_OPERATION_7_DESC=Cancels the current initialization operation on the selected virtual disk PHDRIVE_OPERATION_9_DESC=Identifies a physical disk by blinking the associated physical disk activity LED BUTTON_CANCEL_TEXT=Cancel MSG_MAXCONFIG_EXCEEDED=Max Configuration limit exceeded! ADAPTER_TYPE_ISCSI=Unknown MENU_RESCAN_TEXT=(R)escan BUTTON_MANUALCONF_TEXT=(M)anual Configuration LABEL_SENSOR_TEXT=Sensor TEXT_ARRAY_ROW=Row Index MENU_PLUGINS_TEXT=Plugins BUTTON_ABORTALL_TEXT=Abort All[A] ENCL_ELEMSTATUS_OK=OK BUTTON_LOGIN_TEXT=(L)ogin USERNAME_TEXT=(U)ser Name: HOLE_TEXT=Hole MSG_BIG_LDNAME=Virtual Disk Name is too big! MENU_GROUPOPERATION_TEXT=(G)roup Operations BUTTON_CLOSE_TEXT=Close[C] PROPERTY_SERIALNO_TEXT=Serial No LOGINMODE_VIEWONLY=View Only PROPERTY_LDSTATE_TEXT=Virtual Disk State PROPERTY_MEDIACOUNT_TEXT=Media Error Count PROPERTY_DISKWRITECACHEDISABLE_TEXT=Disk Write Cache Disable LDRIVE_STATE_OPTIMAL=Optimal MSG_LDDELETE_DATA_LOST=Data contained in the virtual drive will be lost. Do you want to continue? DEV_TAPE_TEXT=TAPE PDTYPE_SCSI=SCSI MSG_ADDHOTSPARE_FAILURE=Cannot add Hotspare to the array! LABEL_BACKGROUNDINIT_TEXT=Background Ini(t)ialization: CHECKBOX_FASTINIT_TEXT=Fast Initiali(z)ation PROPERTY_BGIRATE_TEXT=BGI Rate MSG_CONFIRM_CFGOVERWRITE=This will overwrite the existing configuration. Are you sure? MANUAL_MODE_LOGICALDRIVE=V(i)rtual Disk Creation MANUAL_MODE_LOGICALDRIVE_1=Virtual Disk Creation BUTTON_REMOVEHSP_TEXT=Remove HotSpa(r)e PROPERTY_HOSTPORTADDRESS_TEXT=Host Port Address MENU_HELPME_TEXT=(H)elp UNUSED_ARRAYS_TEXT=Unused Arrays LABEL_PATROL_CONTINUOUS=(C)ontinuous Patrolling BBU_CURRENT_STATUS=Current SELECT_RAID_LEVEL_TEXT=New (R)AID Level BBU_RELCHARGE_STATE=Relative State of Charge PROPERTY_LDFAILEDCOUNT_TEXT=Failed Virtual Disk Count MSG_NO_OP_SELCTED=Please select an operation ! ADAPTER_OPERATION_6_DESC=Starts patrol read operation on the selected physical drives LABEL_VOLUMENAME_TEXT=Volume (N)ame : ARRAY_TEXT=Array MSG_LDINIT_DATA_LOST=Initialization will result in data loss on the selected Virtual Disk(s). Proceed ? PROPERTY_LDRIVENAME_TEXT=Name MSG_FAIL_ADD_CONFIG=Add configuration failed MENU_ABOUT_TEXT=(A)bout MSG_NOMORE_ARRAY=No more array can be created : Maximum Number is : OPERATION_CLEAR_TEXT=Clear ENCL_ELEMSTATUS_NOT_AVAILABLE=Not Available OPERATION_CC_TEXT=Check Consistency LDRIVE_OPERATION_8_DESC=Defines virtual disk operation parameters PROPERTY_FANNUMBER_TEXT=Number of Fans ADAPTER_OPERATION_8=Set Adjustable Tas(k) Rates PROPERTY_HOSTIP_TEXT=IP Address ADAPTER_OPERATION_7=S(t)op Patrol Read PORT_TEXT=Port ADAPTER_OPERATION_6=Start Patrol R(e)ad MSG_DELARRAY_FAILED=Cannot delete new Array: Unknown Exception! ADAPTER_OPERATION_5=Set Patrol (R)ead Properties ADAPTER_OPERATION_4=Fl(a)sh Firmware ADAPTER_OPERATION_3=S(i)lence Alarm VERSIONINFO_LABEL_TEXT=Version Information ADAPTER_OPERATION_2=(D)isable Alarm MSG_STATUS_MODESEL=Select one of the modes of configuration ADAPTER_OPERATION_1=E(n)able Alarm ENCL_ELEMSTATUS_CRITICAL=Critical MSG_PDPROGRESS_TEXT=Ongoing Operations on Physical Drives PHYSICAL_TAB_TEXT=Physical MSG_ARRAYCREATIONIR_FAILED=Cannot create new Array: At least 2 physical drives needed! PROPERTY_NVRAMSIZE_TEXT=NVRAM Size MSG_MAXPDINARRAY_EXCEEDED=No more Physical Drive can be added to this array: Maximum Number is: LABEL_DISKCACHEPOLICY_TEXT=Dis(k) Cache Policy: PROPERTY_PRODUCTNAME_TEXT=Product Name HOUR_TEXT=hour LABEL_SORTBY_TEXT=(S)ort By AVAILABLE_DRIVES_TEXT=(A)vailable Drives LABEL_IPADDRESS_TEXT=IP Address LABEL_SIZE_TEXT=Size (in MB): SELARRAY_DEDICATEDHSP_TEXT=Select arrays LABEL_RECONRATE_TEXT=Reconstru(c)tion Rate BBU_CYCLE_COUNT=Cycle Count BUTTON_BACK_TEXT=(B)ack IBBU_TEXT=IBBU DEV_CDROM_TEXT=CDROM DEV_OPTICAL_DRIVE_TEXT=Optical Drive MSG_DEVNOT_RESPONDING=Device not responding! HOTSPARE_TEXT=HotSpare Physical Drive MSG_STATUS_AUTOCONFIG=Select modify to make desired changes to auto configuration parameters or Select Finish to complete Auto Configuration Wizard. MSG_LINUX_SCSIMAP_FAILED=The SCSI device to SCSI address mapping failed BBU_AUTOLEARN_PERIOD=Auto Learn Period MSG_DELETLD_FAILED=Cannot delete newly created Virtual Disk: Unknown Exception! MSG_PDREMOVEHSP_CONFIRM=Warning: This will remove the hotspare drive! Are you sure? MSG_MUTEX_CREATE_FAILED=Mutex creation failed MSG_NOADMIN_RIGHT=This user does not have Administrator right for this system! PD_STATE_ONLINE=Online LABEL_VOLUMEID_TEXT=Volume I(D): LABEL_REBUILDRATE_TEXT=Reb(u)ild Rate PROPERTY_LDONLINECOUNT_TEXT=Online Virtual Disk Count PHDRIVE_OPERATION_9=Lo(c)ate Physical Drive PHDRIVE_OPERATION_8=(A)bort Rebuild PHDRIVE_OPERATION_7=(R)ebuild PHDRIVE_OPERATION_6=Mark Physical Drive as (M)issing COMBO_SELECTLDRIVE_TEXT=-- Select Virtual Disk (VD) -- PHDRIVE_OPERATION_5=Replace M(i)ssing Drive PHDRIVE_OPERATION_4=S(t)op Patrol Read PHDRIVE_OPERATION_3=Start Patrol R(e)ad PHDRIVE_OPERATION_2=(M)ake Drive Offline PHDRIVE_OPERATION_1=Make Drive O(n)line PHDRIVE_OPERATION_16=Disable Write Cache PHDRIVE_OPERATION_17=Enable Write Cache ADAPTER_OPERATION_7_DESC=Stops the current patrol read operation MSG_NOMORE_ARRAY_INONESHOT=No additional arrays may be created in this configuration. LABEL_FILETYPE_ROM=ROM Files (*.rom) POSTPONELEARN_DELAY_TEXT=Postpone Learn Delay Interval (hours): MSG_CONFIG_OS_DRIVE_PRESENT=This configuration contains at least one OS drive. Configuration cannot be cleared. MSG_OS_LD=This is an OS drive. This virtual drive cannot be deleted. PROPERTY_ENCLOSURE_TYPE_TEXT=Enclosure Type PROPERTY_ENCLOSURE_TYPE_VIRTUAL=Virtual MSG_NEW_VERSION=and the new version is MENU_ADD_CONFIG=(A)dd Configuration from file MENU_SAVE_CONFIG=Sa(v)e Configuration to file MENU_CLEAR_CONFIG=Clear Configura(t)ion OPERATION_SELECTION_TEXT=Selected Operation : OPERATION_DESC_TEXT=Description : LDRIVE_OPERATION_1=(D)elete Virtual Disk LDRIVE_OPERATION_2=Locate (V)irtual Disk LDRIVE_OPERATION_3=Stop Locating Virtual Dis(k) MSG_RECONS_ERR_UNKNOWN=Reconstruction failed : Unknown error MSG_PD_TYPE_WRONG=Configuration is not possible with SAS/SATA mixed drives MSG_SAS_SATA_MIX_NOT_ALLOWED=Configuration is not possible with SAS/SATA mixed drives. Please select same types of drive to add into this array. TXT_DAYS= Days RECON_DRIVE_ADD_MESSAGE=<HTML>Select drive(s) that you want to add to the volume.<BR>You may select a maximum of {0,number} drives</HTML> RECON_DRIVE_REMOVE_MESSAGE=<HTML>Select drive that you want to remove to the volume.<BR>You may select a maximum of {0,number} drive</HTML> MSG_CLEARCONFIG_CONFIRM=Clearing the configuration will destroy virtual disks and result in data loss on the selected controller. Proceed ? QUICK_INIT_TEXT=Fast Initialization NO_INIT_TEXT=No Initialization MSG_CONFIRM_LDRECLAIM=This will delete the newly created Virtual Disk! Are you sure? AUTOLEARN_MODE_TEXT=Auto Learn Mode: AUTO_LEARN_WARN=Warn AUTO_LEARN_MODE=Auto Learn Mode TXT_PROGRESS_HRS= Hrs TXT_PROGRESS_MIN= Min TXT_PROGRESS_SEC= Sec ZCR_LEGACY_TEXT=ZCR Legacy MSG_WRITE_BACK_WARN=Write-through is recommended for maximum data integrity when no battery is present ! MSG_COMPONENT_NOT_RUNNING_ERROR=Error : One or more target component is not running. MSG_CONFIGURATOR_NOT_RESPONDING_ERROR=Error : Configurator not responding. MSG_CONFIGURATOR_INVALID_OPERATION_ERROR=Error : Invalid operation. MSG_CONFIGURATOR_OPERATION_FAILED_ERROR=Error : Operation failed. MSG_CONFIGURATOR_EXCEPTION_ERROR=Error : Unknown exception. BUTTON_YES_TEXT=(Y)es BUTTON_NO_TEXT=(N)o CONFIRM_TEXT=(C)onfirm SPLASH_MSG_GUI_STARTING=Starting Vivaldi GUI... SPLASH_MSG_CONNECT_FRAMEWORK=Connecting Server SPLASH_MSG_LOADING_PLUGIN=Loading SPLASH_MSG_ADAPTER_FOUND=Scanning Adapter... SPLASH_MSG_LOGIN_FULL_ACCESS_REQUEST=Logging in with 'Full Access' mode... SPLASH_SCREEN_LOGIN_VIEW_ONLY_REQUEST=Logging in with 'View Only' mode... SERVERIP_TEXT=Server : AUTOCONF_DESC_TEXT=Auto configuration is the quickest and simplest way to create a new storage configuration. Selecting this mode, the Configuration Wizard creates the best possible using the available physical disks with minimum user interactions. MANUALCONF_DESC_TEXT=Manual Configuration provides a fully flexible way create a new storage configuration. This is specially designed for advanced user with in-depth knowledge of storage configuration. Selecting this mode, the Configuration Wizard will let the user to create desired configuration with available disk drives. GUIDEDCONF_DESC_TEXT=Guided Configuration provides an easy way to create a new storage configuration. Based on the information that is provided during different steps, the Configuration Wizard uses the available disk drives to create an optimal storage configuration. BUTTON_SELECTPRIMARYDISK_TEXT=Change Primary Disk MSG_ERR_PRIMARY_DISK_CHANGE=Failed to change Primary Disk ! TITLE_SELECT_PRIMARY_DISK=Select Primary Disk BUTTON_SELECTPRIMARYDISK_TEXT=Change Primary Disk MSG_SELECT_PRIMARY_DISK=Please select one disk as Primary Disk ! MENU_TOOLS_TEXT=(T)ools MENU_CONFIGURE_TEXT=(C)onfigure PROPERTY_FWPKGVERSION_TEXT=Firmware Package Version MSG_OS_LD_INIT=This is an OS drive. This virtual drive cannot be initialized. VD_WR_POLICY_BAD_BBU=(U)se Write Through for failed or missing battery ENCLOSURE_ID_TEXT=ID LOGGERHEADER_SEQUENCENO_TEXT=ID MSG_APP_DEGRADE=Incompatible Controller. Old firmware is being used. MSG_APP_UPGRADE=Application needs to be upgraded to support this controller. PROPERTY_MUXSETTING_TEXT=MUX Setting : Quad PROPERTY_MUXMODE_AUTO_TEXT=Auto PROPERTY_MUXMODE_EXT_TEXT=External PROPERTY_MUXMODE_INT_TEXT=Internal MSG_WARNING_DIALOG=Do you want to close the window ? RECON_CHANGE_RAID_TEXT=Change RAID Level provides a way to reconstruct the existing storage configuration. No drive additions or deletions are required from the existing configuration. This has been done by changing the RAID Level only. RECON_DELETE_TEXT=Remove drive provides a way to reconstruct the existing storage configuration. This has been by removing physical drives from the configuration. RECON_INSERT_TEXT=Add drive provides a way to reconstruct the existing storage configuration by adding new physical drives. PROPERTY_ENCLPOSITION_TEXT=Enclosure Position PROPERTY_ENCLCONNINDEX_TEXT=Enclosure Connector Index TITLE_SELECT_HOTSPARE_AFFINITY=Select affinity option MSG_SELECT_AFFINITY_OPTION=Please select affinity option ! MSG_NO_AFFINITY_OPTION=(N)o Affinity MSG_WITH_AFFINITY_OPTION=(W)ith Affinity BADBBU_PRE=Yes BADBBU_ABS=No PROPERTY_BADBBUPOLICY_TEXT=Write Through for failed/missing battery PD_STATE_HOTSPARE_DEDICATED=Dedicated PD_STATE_HOTSPARE_GLOBAL=Global PD_STATE_HOTSPARE_AFFINITY=Affinity MSG_MAX_LEARN_DELAY_EXCEEDED=Postpone Learn Delay Interval must not be greater than 7 Days ! WRITEPOLICY_WRITE_CACHE=Write Cache EXPANDER_TEXT=Expander RAID_LEVEL_6_DISPLAY_STRING=RAID 6 RAID_LEVEL_4_DISPLAY_STRING=RAID 4 LD_STRIPE_SIZE_512=512 Byte LD_STRIPE_SIZE_1K=1 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_2K=2 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_4K=4 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_8K=8 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_16K=16 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_32K=32 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_64K=64 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_128K=128 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_256K=256 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_512K=512 KB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_1M=1 MB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_2M=2 MB LD_STRIPE_SIZE_4M=4 MB MSG_RESOLUTION_NOT_SUPPORTED=System resolution not supported ! MSG_CLEAR_FOREIGN_CONFIG_SUCCESS=Foreign Configuration Cleared Successfully ! MSG_CLEAR_FOREIGNCFG_SUCCESS_RESCAN=<html>Foreign Configuration was cleared successfully.<br>More foreign configurations were detected.<br>Would you like to re-scan for foreign configurations?<br><br></html> MSG_IMPORT_FOREIGNCFG_SUCCESS_RESCAN=<html>Foreign Configuration was imported successfully.<br>More foreign configurations were detected.<br>Would you like to re-scan for foreign configurations?<br><br></html> MSG_LDINIT_REFRSH_VD=VD list is not updated! Do you want to update? MSG_MAX_SELECTED_ARRAYS=Dedicated Hotspare can't be created for more than 16 arrays ! MSG_TXTLOGFILE_HEADER= Event Log - Generated on MSG_TXTFILE_ID=ID = MSG_TXTFILE_SEQNUM=SEQUENCE NUMBER = MSG_TXTFILE_TIME=TIME = MSG_TXTFILE_LOCALIZEDMSG=LOCALIZED MESSAGE = MENU_LOGSAVE_TEXT_FORMAT=S(a)ve Log Text MSG_EXECUTION_FRE_NOZERO_VAL=Execution frequency can't be zero second! FREQUENCY_TEXT_HOUR=Hour FREQUENCY_TEXT_MINUTE=Minute FREQUENCY_TEXT_SEC=Second ITBBU_TEXT=ITBBU PROPERTY_ENCLCONNNAME_TEXT=Enclosure Connector Name PROPERTY_NVDATA_VERSION_TEXT=NVDATA Version MSG_LOGIN_FAILURE_THRICE=<html>You have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts. <br> Please contact the administrator. ADAPTER_OPERATION_12=Consistency (C)heck Settings MSG_CC_ON_ERROR=Stop Consistency Check on Error MSG_CC_FIX_ERROR=Continue Consistency Check and Fix Errors ADAPTER_OPERATION_12_DESC=Specify how the consistency check operation should behave when an error is encountered. PROPERTY_PRODREVLEVEL_TEXT=Product Revision Level LABEL_SELECT_FILE_TEXT=F(i)le LABEL_SELECT_VIRTUAL_DISK_TEXT=S(e)lect Virtual Disk LABEL_ARRAY_TEXT=Available A(r)rays LABEL_HOTSPARE_TEXT=(H)ot Spare BUTTON_ADD_TEXT=A(d)d BUTTON_REMOVE_TEXT=Remo(v)e VDC_LABEL_READPOLICY_TEXT=Read Polic(y) : VDC_VD_WR_POLICY_BAD_BBU=Use Write Throu(g)h for failed or missing battery LABEL_IOPOLICY_TEXT=IO P(o)licy VDC_LABEL_ACCESSPOLICY_TEXT=A(c)cess Policy : GUIDED_LABEL_STRIPESIZE_TEXT=(S)tripe Size: GUIDED_LABEL_READPOLICY_TEXT=(R)ead Policy : GUIDED_VD_WR_POLICY_BAD_BBU=Use Write (T)hrough for failed or missing battery GUIDED_LABEL_IOPOLICY_TEXT=I(O) Policy GUIDED_LABEL_ACCESSPOLICY_TEXT=Access (P)olicy : GUIDED_LABEL_DISKCACHEPOLICY_TEXT=Disk Cache Polic(y) : GUIDED_LABEL_INITSTATE_TEXT=Init St(a)te : BUTTON_CLOSE=Cancel GRPINIT_CHECKBOX_FASTINIT_TEXT=(F)ast Initialization LABEL_DRIVES=Unconfig(u)red Drives VDC_LABEL_ARRAY_TEXT=A(r)rays RECON_PROPERTY_LDRIVENAME_TEXT=(N)ame RECON_PROPERTY_IOPOLICY_TEXT=IO Policy LABEL_NEWVIRTUALDISK_TEXT=New Virt(u)al Disk LABEL_HEALTH_TEXT=Health LABEL_SERVER_TEXT=Ser(v)ers PROPERTY_IOPOLICY_TEXT_2= IO Policy LABEL_FOREIGN_STATE_TEXT=Foreign FOREIGN_CONFIG_MAX_LIMIT_EXIT_MSG=<html>The number of foreign configurations detected exceeds the number that can be displayed.<br> Import or clear the configurations that are displayed <br>and then scan for foreign configurations again.</html> LABEL_FILETYPE_FWFLASH=Firmware Flash Files(*.rom,*.fw) NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_1=Cannot import virtual disk:\nOne or more drives are missing.\nInsert the missing drive(s) and re-scan. NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_2=Cannot import virtual disk:\nOne or more spans are missing.\nInsert the missing drive(s) and re-scan. NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_3=Cannot import virtual disk:\nExceeded number of virtual drives allowed.\nRemove some of the existing virtual disks and re-scan. NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_4=Cannot import virtual disk:\nUnsupported Configuration. Clear the configuration \nor return the drive(s) to the original controller. NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_5=Cannot import virtual disk:\nOutdated drive data. Insert the missing drive(s) and re-scan. NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_6=Import warning: \nPossible outdated drive data.\nInsert the missing drive before importing the configuration.\nImporting the virtual disk without the missing drive may result in data loss. NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_7=Cannot import physical drive: Configuration conflict. The drive’s place may have been taken by another drive,\nit could be part of another configuration, or the drive’s configuration may be incompatible.\nIm,port or clear any other configurations that exist \nand then re-scan or return the drive to the original controller. NOIMPORTABLE_VD_MSG_8=Cannot import virtual disk: One or more drives are orphan. Insert the missing drive(s) and re-scan. FOREIGN_CFG_GUID_COMBO_LABEL=Select Confi(g)uration FOREIGN_CFG_GUID_TREE_LABEL=Configuration (P)review BUTTON_CLEAR_CONFIG=Clea(r) BUTTON_IMPORT_CONFIG=I(m)port BUTTON_CANCEL_FOREIGN_CONFIG=(C)lose MSG_FOREIGN_DESC_TEXT=Details MSG_CLEAR_FOREIGN_CONFIG=<html>This operation will remove the selected foreign configuration.<br> Are you sure you want to continue?</html> MSG_IMPORT_FOREIGN_CONFIG=<html>This operation cannot be reversed after it is started.<br>Are you sure you want to import the configuration?</html> FOREIGN_MSG_REBUILD_PENDING=Rebuild Pending ADAPTER_OPERATION_11=(S)chedule Consistency Check ADAPTER_OPERATION_11_DESC=Establish schedule for consistency check operation. CTRL_OP_CC_RUN_TEXT=Run (c)onsistency check: CTRL_OP_CC_OPTION_HOURLY=Hourly CTRL_OP_CC_OPTION_DAILY=Daily CTRL_OP_CC_OPTION_WEEKLY=Weekly CTRL_OP_CC_OPTION_MONTHLY=Monthly CTRL_OP_CC_OPTION_DISABLE=Disable CTRL_OP_CC_RUN_CONTINUOUS_TEXT=R(u)n consistency check continuously CTRL_OP_CC_START_DATE_TEXT=Sta(r)t on: MONTH_JANUARY_TEXT=January MONTH_FEBRUARY_TEXT=February MONTH_MARCH_TEXT=March MONTH_APRIL_TEXT=April MONTH_MAY_TEXT=May MONTH_JUNE_TEXT=June MONTH_JULY_TEXT=July MONTH_AUGUST_TEXT=August MONTH_SEPTEMBER_TEXT=September MONTH_OCTOBER_TEXT=October MONTH_NOVEMBER_TEXT=November MONTH_DECEMBER_TEXT=December CTRL_OP_CC_START_TIME_TEXT=Start ti(m)e: TIME_AM_TEXT=AM TIME_PM_TEXT=PM TEXT_NOT_AVAILABLE=Not available MSG_EXTERNAL_LUNCH_TIMEOUT=Login failed : Due to timeout! MSG_LDCC_NOT_INIT=<html>The virtual disk has not been initialized. Running a consistency check may result in<br> inconsistent messages in the log. Are you sure you want to continue?<html> MSG_WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE_WARNING=<html>You have elected to enable caching for the virtual disk. Data may<br>be lost or corrupted in the event of a sudden power lost when<br>caching is enabled on a volume with mirroring properties.<br>Are you sure you want to enable caching?</html> MSG_MAX_LEARN_DELAY_INVALID_NUMBER=Invalid Postpone Learn Delay Interval. Postpone Learn Delay Interval cannot be negative or Zero. MSG_MAX_LEARN_DELAY_CONTAINS_NON_NUMERIC_VALUES=Invalid Postpone Learn Delay Interval. Postpone Learn Delay value cannot contain non numeric characters. ABOUT_OKBUTTON_TEXT_DSC=OK BUTTON_OPERATION_GO_DSC=Go BUTTON_BROWSE_TEXT_DSC=Browse LOGINMODE_DSC=Mode ARRAY_LIST_DSC=Array List PHYSICAL_DRIVE_DSC=PHYSICAL DRIVE AUTOLEARN_MODE_DSC=Auto Learn Mode OPMODE_DSC=Operation Mode READ_POLICY_DSC=Read Policy ACCESS_POLICY_DSC=Access Policy DISKCACHE_POLICY_DSC=Disk Cache Policy IO_POLICY_DSC=IO Policy BACK_GROUNDINIT_DSC=Background Initialization CTRL_OP_CC_OPTION_DSC=Consistency Check Opertaion Mode LOGICAL_DRIVE_DSC=Logical Drive BUTTON_SELECTALL_DSC=Select All BUTTON_DESELECTALL_DSC=Deselect All BUTTON_CC_START_DSC=Consistency Check Start BUTTON_CLOSE_DSC=Close Consistency Check Operation BUTTON_CLOSE_DSC_1=Close Intialization Operation BUTTON_CLOSE_DSC_2=Close progress window GRPINIT_CHECKBOX_FASTINIT_DSC=Fast Initialization BUTTON_INIT_START_DSC=Intialization Start CHECKBOX_FASTINIT_DSC=Fast Initialization CHECKBOX_PATROL_CONTINUOUS_DCS=Continuous Patrolling CHECKBOX_DOMAIN_ADDR_DSC=Remote server at IP address" CHECKBOX_BAD_BBU_DSC=Bttary Backup Unit CHECKBOX_CC_RUN_CONTINUOUS_DSC=consistency check continuously ABOUT_SERVERINFO_DSC=Server Info BUTTON_ABORTALL_DSC=Abort All BUTTON_UPDATE_DSC=Update BUTTON_CONNECT_DSC=Connect BUTTON_CANCEL_DSC=Cancel MAXPD_COUNT_DSC=Maximum PD Count for patrolling LABEL_SELECTLD_DSC=Select Excluded Virtual Disks FREQUENCY_HOUR_DSC=Execution Frequency Hours FREQUENCY_MIN_DSC=Execution Frequency Minutes FREQUENCY_SEC_DSC=Execution Frequency Seconds REBUIL_DRATE_DSC=Rebuild Rate PATROL_READRATE_DSC=Patrol Rate BGI_RATE_DSC=BGI Rate CC_RATE_DSC=Check Consistency Rate RECON_RATE_DSC=Reconstruction Rate USER_NAME_DSC=Enter Host User Name PASSWORD_DSC=Enter Host Password FILE_NAME_DSC=Enter Or Select File Name POSTPONELEARN_DELAY_DSC LD_NAME_DSC=Logical Drive Name SERVER_SORT_DSC=Server Sorting HOTSPEAR_ARRAY_DSC=Hotspear Array INIT_STATE_DSC=Intialization Stage AUTO_MODE_DSC=Auto Mode STRIPE_SIZE_DSC=Stripe Size READ_POLICY_DSC=Read Policy DISK_CACHEPOLICY_DSC=Disk Cache Policy WRITE_POLICY_DSC=Write Policy CACHE_POLICY_DSC=Cache Policy ACCESSPOLICY_DSC=Access Policy INITSTATE_DSC=Initialization State BBU_DSC=Battary Backup Unit Check ARRAYCMB_DSC=Array Combination RAID_LEVEL_DSC=RAID Level BUTTON_ADD_DSC=Add BUTTON_REMOVE_DSC=Remove ACCEPT_ARRAY_DSC=Accept BUTTON_REMOVEHSP_DSC=Remove HotSpare BUTTON_MODIFY_DSC=Modify BUTTON_ACCEPT_DSC=Accept BUTTON_SELECTPRIMARYDISK_DSC=Change Primary Disk BUTTON_RECLAIM_DSC=Reclaim BUTTON_CLEAR_CONFIG_DSC=Clear BUTTON_IMPORT_CONFIG_DSC=Import BUTTON_CANCEL_FOREIGN_CONFIG_DSC=Close VOLUMENAME_DSC=Volume Name MSG_WITH_AFFINITY_DSC=With Affinity MSG_NO_AFFINITY_DSC=No Affinity MSG_CC_FIX_ERROR_DSC=Continue Consistency Check and Fix Errors MSG_CC_ON_ERROR_DSC=Stop Consistency Check on Error REDUNDANCY_ONLY_DSC=Redundancy Only REDUNDANCY_TRY_DSC=Redundancy when possible EXISTINGARRAY_ONLY_DSC=Use Existing Arrays Only REDUNDANCY_NO_DSC=No Redundancy NO_EXISTINGARRAY_DSC=Don't use Existing Arrays BUTTON_AUTOCONF_DSC=Auto Configuration BUTTON_MANUALCONF_DSC=Manual Configuration BUTTON_GUIDEDCONF_DSC=Guided Configuration RECON_INSERT_BUTTON_DSC=Add Drive RECON_DELETE_BUTTON_DSC=Remove Drive RECON_NOCHANGE_BUTTON_DSC=Change RAID Level MSG_NO_AFFINITY_OPTION=(N)o Affinity MSG_WITH_AFFINITY_OPTION=(W)ith Affinity ##Copyback resource strings REPLACING_PHYSICAL_DRIVE=Replacing Physical Drive COPY_BACK_IN_PROGRESS=Copyback in progress REPLACING_WITH_PHYSICAL_DRIVE=Replacing with Physical Drive OPERATOIN_COPYBACK_TEXT=Replace With COPY_BACK_OP_TEXT=(R)eplace Physical Drive COPYBACK_OP_DESC=Replaces the physical drive and copies the data to the selected component. MSG_REPLACE_BY=will be\nreplaced by COPYBACK_STARTED_CHECK_PROGRESS=This may take some time. Go to the show\nprogress option to view the progress of this\nreplacement or abort the operation. ## Multipathing resource strings PROP_PDREDUNDANTPATH_TEXT=Redundant Paths PROPERTY_YES_TEXT=Yes PROPERTY_NO_TEXT=No ## FRU PROPERTY_FRU_TEXT=FRU ## 16 to 64 VDs per array support. CONFIRM_64_VDS_DDF_PARTITION=Following this operation, your storage configuration \nwill contain more than 16 virtual disks.While supported \nby your system, the configuration may not be compatible \nwith other systems that support a maximum of 16 virtual \ndisks per array.Proceeding with this operation may prevent \nyou from moving your configuration to an incompatible system\n Are you sure you want to continue? #CR 69055: Add the ability to make UNCONFIGURED_BAD to UNCONFIGURED_GOOD PHDRIVE_STATE_CHANGE_OP=Change to (U)nconfigured Good PHDRIVE_STATE_CHANGE_OP_DESC=Changes the drive state to Unconfigured Good PROPERTY_FWENCLVER_TEXT=Enclosure FW Version ABOUT_CC_ADVANCED_BUTTON_TEXT=Advanced MSG_CCSCHEDULE_DATE=The specified date occurs in the past MSG_CCDRIVE_TEXT=Virtual Disks CCADVANCED_VDSTOCHECK_TEXT=Select virtual disks to check: MSG_CCMODE_TEXT=Mode CCADVANCED_SEQUENTIAL_MODE_TEXT=Sequential: Check virtual disks one at a time (slower but less performance impact). CCADVANCED_CONCURRENT_MODE_TEXT=Concurrent: Check all selected virtual disks at once (faster but lowers performance). SCHEDULE_CC_ADVANCED=Schedule Consistency Check - Advanced CCADVANCED_CHECK_MODE_TEXT=Consistency check (m)ode: CTRL_BUTTON_CC_ADVANCED_DSC=Consistency Check Advanced Window PROPERTY_CONNECTOR_TEXT=Connector PROPERTY_POSITION_TEXT=Position LABEL_ENABLE_AUTO_LEARN=En(a)ble automatic learn cycles AUTO_LEARN_ENABLED=Enabled BBU_OPERATION_REFRESH_PROPERTIES=(R)efresh Properties Tab BBU_OPERATION_START_LEARN=Start L(e)arn Cycle BBU_OPERATION_SET_LEARN_PROP=Set Lear(n) Cycle Properties BBU_OPERATION_SET_LEARN_PROP_DESC=Sets the learn cycle properties for the battery backup unit LABEL_DISABLE_AUTO_LEARN=Disa(b)le automatic learn cycles DELAY_NEXT_CYCLE=(D)elay next learn cycle: NEXT_LEARN_TEXT=Next learn cycle: AUTO_LEARN_TEXT=Automatic learn cycles: LABEL_REMIND_LEARN=Re(m)ind me when to start a learn cycle ADAPTER_OPERATION_13=Copyback on SMART alert PROPERTY_SMART_CB_ENABLED=Enabled PROPERTY_SMART_CB_DISABLED=Disabled FIRMWARE_UPDATE_TEXT=Firmware to update: CONTROLLER_FIRMWARE_TEXT=Co(n)troller firmware CURRENT_VERSION_TEXT=Current version: BIOS_TEXT=BIO(S) FIRMWARE_FILE_NOT_FOUND=The specified file could not be found. Please check the file path and try again. #NCQ update PROPERTY_NCQSTATUS_TEXT=Native Command Queuing PROPERTY_NCQ_ENABLED=Enabled PROPERTY_NCQ_DISABLED=Disabled MSG_INCOMPLETE_FOREIGNCFG=Incomplete Foreign Config, Please see the warnings !! TITLE_FOREIGN_CONFIG_DETECTED=Foreign Configuration Detected BUTTON_IMPORT_LABEL=I(m)port: Import logical configuration from all foreign drives. BUTTON_CLEAR_LABEL=(C)lear: Remove logical configuration from all foreign drives. BUTTON_ADVANCED_LABEL=(A)dvanced: Preview, import and clear specific foreign configurations. MESSAGE_FOREIGN_CONFIG_DETECTED=<html>Foreign drives were detected. You must import or clear these<br>drives before they can be used.<br><br></html> LABEL_CHOOSE_AN_OPTION=Choose an option: MSG_CLEAR_FOREIGN_CONFIG=<html>This operation will remove the foreign configuration.<br>Are you sure you want to continue? </html> TITLE_FOREIGN_CONFIG_CLEARED=Clear Successful. MSG_FOREIGN_CONFIG_CLEARED=The foreign configuration was cleared successfully. MSG_LABEL_PREVIEW=(P)review ENCL_POSITION_TEXT=Position ENCL_SLOT_TEXT=Slot ENCL_BACKPLANE_TEXT=Backplane DRIVE_GROUP_TEXT=Drive Group VIRTUAL_DRIVES_TEXT=Virtual Drives VIRTUAL_DRIVE_TEXT=Virtual Drive DRIVES_TEXT=Drives DEDICATED_HOT_SPARES_TEXT=Dedicated Hot Spares TOTAL_FREE_CAPACITY_TEXT=Total Free Capacity CAPACITY_TEXT=Capacity GLOBAL_HOT_SPARES_TEXT=Global Hot Spares UNCONFIGURED_DRIVES_TEXT=Unconfigured Drives SPANNED_DRIVE_GROUP_TEXT=Spanned Drive Group SPAN_TEXT=Span PROPERTY_ENCLOSUREID_TEXT=Enclosure ID PROPERTY_ENCLOSUREMODEL_TEXT=Enclosure Model PROPERTY_ENCLLOCATION_TEXT=Enclosure Location PROPERTY_USABLE_CAPACITY_TEXT=Usable Capacity PROPERTY_STATUS_TEXT=Status PROPERTY_RAW_CAPACITY_TEXT=Raw Capacity PROPERTY_TYPE_TEXT=Type PROPERTY_SOLID_STATE_DRIVE_TEXT=Solid State Drive PROPERTY_DRIVE_TYPE_TEXT=Drive Type SSD_TEXT=SSD HOURS=hours DEDICATED_HSP_DESC = <html>A dedicated hot spare will only replace problematic drives on \ selected drive groups.<br><br></html> ################################################################## #### BLACK ROCK Changes ## ################################################################## #### Controller & FDE Encryption - Configuration Management ## PROPERTY_ENCR_CAPABLE_TEXT = Encryption capable PROPERTY_ENCR_ENABLED_TEXT = Encryption enabled PROPERTY_ENCR_METHOD_TEXT = Encryption method DESC_ENCR_METHOD_FDE = FDE Only DESC_ENCR_METHOD_FDE_AND_CTRL = FDE and Controller-based PROPERTY_SECURED = Secured PROPERTY_FDE_CAPABLE_TEXT = Full disk encryption capable PROPERTY_DRIVE_SECURITY_METHOD = Drive security method DESC_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_FDE = Full disk encryption DESC_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_CTRL = Controller-based encryption LABEL_ENCRYPTION_TEXT = En(c)ryption : TEXT_FDE_WHEN_POSSIBLE = FDE when possible TEXT_CONTROLLER_BASED = Controller-based only TEXT_NO_ENCRYPTION = No Encryption LABEL_ENCRYPTION_GROUP = Encryption LABEL_USE_FDE_WHEN_POSSIBLE = Use (f)ull disk encryption when possible LABEL_USE_CTRL_BASED_ENCRYPTION = Use (c)ontroller based encryption only LABEL_NO_ENCRYPTION = No encr(y)ption LABEL_USE_FDE = Use (f)ull disk encryption SELECT_ENCRYPTION_METHOD_DIALOG_TITLE = Select Encryption Method SELECT_ENCR_METHOD_DESC = <html>Select the encryption method to use for Drive Group ENCRYPTION_METHOD_NOTE1 = <br><br>Note: Once Drive Group ENCRYPTION_METHOD_NOTE2 = is encrypted, you will not be able to<br>remove encryption without relocating or \ clearing all virtual drives.<br><br></html> CONFIRM_FDE_DIALOG_TITLE = Confirm Full Disk Encryption CONFIRM_FDE_WARN_TEXT = The following global hot spares will not cover FDE drive groups\ \nbecause they are not capable of full disk encryption. LABEL_GLOBAL_HOT_SPARES_INCAPABLE_OF_FDE = (G)lobal hot spares incapable of FDE: ENCRYPTION_WARN_TEXT = \nOnce drive groups are encrypted, it is not possible to remove \nencryption without \ relocating or clearing all virtual drives on the \nencrypted drive groups. \ \n\n Are you sure you want to use full disk encryption? DRIVES_USING_FDE_DIALOG_TITLE = Drives Using FDE DRIVES_USING_FDE_DESC1 = The following drives are currently encrypted using full disk\ \nencryption. You cannot use these drives in a non-FDE drive \ \ngroup until you clear their full disk encryption. DRIVES_USING_FDE_DESC2 = It is not possible \nto create a configuration without using these drives. LABEL_FDE_DRIVES = (D)rives using FDE: CONFIRM_CTRL_ENCR_TEXT = Do you want to continue with controller-based encryption \ \nwithout using these drives? CONFIRM_CTRL_ENCRYPTION_DIALOG_TITLE = Confirm Controller Encryption CTRL_ENCRYPTION_WARN_DESC = The following FDE-capable drives will not be used to their full \ncapability. \ \n\nOnce drive groups are encrypted, it is not possible to remove \ \nencryption without relocating or clearing all virtual drives. \ \n\nAre you sure you want to use controller encryption only?\n CONFIRM_DRIVE_GROUP_ENCRYPTION_DIALOG_TITLE = Confirm Drive Group Encryption DRIVE_GROUP_ENCRYPTION_DESC1 = All of the drives in Drive Group DRIVE_GROUP_ENCRYPTION_DESC2 = will be encrypted using \nfull disk encryption. \n\nOnce drive group DRIVE_GROUP_ENCRYPTION_DESC3 = is encrypted, you will not be able to \nremove encryption without relocating \ or clearing all virtual \ndrives.\n\nAre you sure you want to use full disk encryption?\n CONFIRM_CLEAR_FDE_DIALOG_TITLE = Confirm Clear FDE CLEAR_FDE_DESC1 = When you clear full disk encryption from Drive CLEAR_FDE_DESC2 = , any data \non Drive CLEAR_FDE_DESC3 = will be permanently lost. \n\nAre you sure you want to clear Drive CLEAR_FDE_DESC4 = ?\n CTRL_PASS_PHRASE_ERROR_DIALOG_TITLE = Controller Pass Phrase Error CONTROLLER_TEXT = Controller: CTRL_PASS_PHRASE_ERROR_DESC = \n\nThere is a problem with the encryption pass phrase on \nyour controller that prevents \ access to your drives. \n\nYou must disable and re-enable encryption, and then \ \nscan for a foreign configuration to fix the problem.\n NON_FDE_GLOBAL_HS_TITLE = Non-FDE Global Hot Spare NON_FDE_GLOBAL_HS_DESC = <html>This global hot spare will not act as a hot spare for the<br>following drive groups because it is \ not capable of full disk<br>encryption.<br><br>Only an FDE-capable hot spare can cover drive groups that\ <br>use full disk encryption.<br><br></html> FDE_DRIVE_GRP_LABEL = (F)DE Drive Groups: NON_FDE_DEDICATED_HS_TITLE = Non-FDE Dedicated Hot Spare NON_FDE_DEDICATED_HS_DESC = <html>You have chosen to make a non-FDE drive a dedicated hot<br>spare for the following drive \ groups that are made up of all<br>FDE-capable drives.<br><br>If you choose to encrypt these \ drive groups later, this<br>dedicated hot spare will no longer work.<br><br></html> DRIVE_GRP_LABEL = (D)rive Groups: #### Key Management, Key Creation, Key Deletion, Key Reprovisioning ## SELECT_DRIVE_GROUP_DEDHSP_TEXT = (S)elect drive group(s) LABEL_SUGGESTED_SECURITY_KEY=(S)uggested security key: SUGGESTED_SECURITY_KEY_DIALOG_TITLE = Suggested Security Key SUGGESTED_SECURITY_KEY_DESC = <html>The security key below was generated by your controller.\ If you choose to use this<br>security key, you will need to confirm it by typing each character as shown.\ You can<br>leave this dialog open while you confirm the security key.<br><br>Be sure to record this security key, as your \ controller will not keep any <br>record of it.<br><br></html> ENABLE_ENCRYPTION_DESC = <html>When encryption is enabled, data will be secured using a pass phrase.<br>Encryption must \ be enabled to create encrypted virtual drives.<br><br>The pass phrase is case-sensitive.\ It must be between eight and<br>thirty-two characters and contain at least one number, \ one lowercase letter,<br>one uppercase letter, and one non-alphanumeric character \ e.g. ! * @ + #).<br><br>Note: For maximum security, use thirty-two varied characters.</html> MESSAGE_CANNOT_DISABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY = <html>You cannot disable drive security because one or more secure<br>drive groups are present \ on this controller.<br><br>In order to disable drive security, you must first delete the \ virtual drives on all<br>secure drive groups.<br><br></html> ERROR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH = The characters entered in the pass phrase field and the confirm\nfield do not match.\n\nPlease re-enter and confirm your pass phrase. ERROR_INVALID_PASSPHRASE = The pass phrase entered either uses an invalid character or does\nnot meet the minimum security requirements.\n\n\ The pass phrase is case-sensitive. It must be between eight and\nthirty-two characters and contain at least one number, \ one\nlowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one non-alphanumeric\ncharacter (e.g. < > @ +).\n\n\ The space character is not permitted in the pass phrase.\n\nPlease specify a pass phrase that meets the above requirements.\n\n ERROR_INVALID_SECURITY_KEY = The security key entered either uses an invalid character or does\nnot meet the minimum security requirements.\n\n\ The security key is case-sensitive. It must be between eight and\nthirty-two characters and contain at least one number, \ one\nlowercase letter, one uppercase letter, and one non-alphanumeric\ncharacter (e.g. < > @ +).\n\n\ The space character is not permitted in the pass phrase.\n\nPlease specify a security key that meets the above requirements.\n\n ERROR_INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE = The pass phrase entered was incorrect. Please verify your\npass phrase and try again. ERROR_INCORRECT_SECURITY_KEY = The security key entered was incorrect. Please verify your\nsecurity key and try again. MESSAGE_CONFIRM_CHANGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS = <html>You chose to change the security key identifier | security key | security key<br>identifier \ and security key and not to require<br>an optional pass phrase. It is highly recommended that \ you<br>change the security key identifier whenever you change the<br>security key.<br><br>The existing \ configuration on this controller will be updated to<br>use the new security settings. If you previously \ removed any<br>secured drives, you will still need to supply the old security key<br>to import \ them.<br><br>Are you sure you want to change the drive security settings?<br><br></html> MESSAGE_CONFIRM_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION = Drive security will be enabled on this controller using the<br>specified \ security key identifier, LABEL_AND = and LABEL_OR = or LABEL_NOT = not MESSAGE_SECURITY_KEY_ID = security key identifier MESSAGE_SECURITY_KEY = security key MESSAGE_PASSPHRASE = pass phrase MESSAGE_BE_SURE_TO_RECORD = Be sure to record this information. MESSAGE_SECURITY_KEY_PROMPTED = You may be prompted to<br>enter the security key if you perform certain operations MESSAGE_SECRET_KEY_REBOOT = you<br>will be prompted to enter the pass phrase every time the server boots. MESSAGE_FORGOT_SECURITY = If you forgot the {0} {1} {2}you could lose access<br>to your data. MESSAGE_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_CHANGE = Are you sure you want to change the drive security settings? MESSAGE_ARE_YOU_SURE_TO_ENABLE = Are you sure you want to enable the drive security? MESSAGE_CHOOSE_TO_REQUIRE_PASSPHRASE = You choose to {0}require an optional pass phrase. MESSAGE_HIGHLY_RECOMMENDED = It is highly recommended that you change the<br>security key \ identifier whenever you change the security key. MESSAGE_PREV_REMOVE_DRIVES = If you previously removed any<br>secured drives, you will \ still need to supply the old security key<br>to import them. MESSAGE_CHOOSEN_CHANGE = You choose to change the {0} MESSAGE_CHOOSEN_PASSPHRASE = choose to {0} require an optional pass phrase MESSAGE_EXISTING_CONFIG = The existing configuration on this controller will be<br>updated \ to use the new security settings. MESSAGE_CONFIRM_CHANGE_PASSPHRASE = If you change the pass phrase, the existing configuration on\n\ this controller will be updated to use the new pass phrase. If\n\ you have removed any encrypted drives, they will continue to\n\ use the old pass phrase.\n\nAre you sure you want to change the pass phrase?\n\n MESSAGE_CONFIRM_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION = If you disable drive security, you will not be able to create any\nnew \ secure virtual drives{0}. Disabling drive security will\nnot \ affect the security or data of foreign drives.\n\nIf you removed any \ drives that were previously secured, you will\nstill need to enter \ the security key when you import them.\nOtherwise, the data contained \ on those drives will not be accessible.\n\nAre you sure you want to disable \ drive security?\n\n MESSAGE_ALL_FDE_DRIVES_ERASED = and all secure unconfigured FDE\ndrives will be securely erased MESSAGE_CONFIRM_DISABLE_SECURITY_FDE = and all secure unconfigured FDE drives will be securely erased ERROR_SECURITY_KEY_MISMATCH = The characters entered in the security key field and the confirm\nfield do not match.\n\nPlease re-enter and confirm your security key. TITLE_INVALID_PASSPHRASE = Invalid Pass Phrase TITLE_INVALID_SECURITY_KEY = Invalid Security Key TITLE_PASSPHRASE_MISMATCH = Pass Phrase Mismatch TITLE_INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE = Incorrect Pass Phrase TITLE_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED = Encryption Enabled TITLE_CONFIRM_PASSPHRASE_CHANGE = Confirm Change Pass Phrase TITLE_CONFIRM_DISABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY = Confirm Disable Drive Security TITLE_CANNOT_DISABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY = Cannot Disable Drive Security TITLE_AUTHENTICATE_DRIVE_SECURITY_SETTINGS = Authenticate Drive Security Settings TITLE_INCORRECT_SECURITY_KEY = Incorrect Security Key TITLE_DRIVE_SECURITY_NEEDED_TO_IMPORT = Drive Security Required to Import CHANGE_PASSPHRASE_DIALOG_TITLE = Change Pass Phrase ENABLE_ENCRYPTION_DIALOG_TITLE = Enable Encryption TITLE_CONFIRM_ENABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY = Confirm Enable Drive Security TITLE_CONFIRM_CHANGE_SECURITY_SETTINGS = Confirm Change Security Settings TITLE_CONFIRM_DISABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY = Confirm Disable Drive Security TITLE_SECURITY_KEY_MISMATCH = Security Key Mismatch LABEL_SUGGEST_PASS_PHRASE = (S)uggest Pass Phrase LABEL_SUGGEST_SECURITY_KEY = (S)uggest Security Key LABEL_PASS_PHRASE = (P)ass phrase: LABEL_CONFIRM = (C)onfirm: LABEL_OLD_PASS_PHRASE = Old (p)ass phrase: LABEL_USE_PASS_PHRASE = (U)se a pass phrase in addition to the security key LABEL_CONTROLLER = Controller: LABEL_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_ENABLED = Drive security is currently enabled. LABEL_ENCRYPTION_STATUS_DISABLED = Drive security is currently disabled. LABEL_ENCRYPTED_VIRTUAL_DRIVES = (E)ncrypted Virtual Drives: TOOL_TIP_PASS_PHRASE = Please enter a valid pass phrase BUTTON_LABEL_OK = Ok BUTTON_LABEL_CANCEL = Cancel BUTTON_LABEL_YES = (Y)es BUTON_LABEL_NO = (N)o BUTTON_USE_KEY = (U)se Key BUTTON_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION = Ena(b)le... BUTTON_CHANGE_PASSPHRASE = Chan(g)e Security Settings... BUTTON_DISABLE_ENCRYPTION = (D)isable... OPERATION_CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY = Change Dri(v)e Security OPERATION_CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY_DESC = Changes the controller's drive security settings LABEL_SECURE_KEY_ID = (S)ecurity key identifier: LABEL_SECURITY_KEY = Security (k)ey: LABEL_NEW_SECURITY_KEY = Ne(w) Security Key: LABEL_OLD_SECURITY_KEY = Old security (k)ey: LABEL_ENTER_SECURITYKEY_AND_PASSPHRASE = Please enter the current security key and pass phrase. LABEL_ENTER_SECURITYKEY_ONLY = Please enter the current security key. LABEL_USE_CURRENT_SECURE_KEY_ID = (U)se the existing security key identifier. LABEL_CURRENT_SECURITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER = (C)urrent security key identifier: LABEL_ENTER_NEW_SECURITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER = (E)nter a new security key identifier LABEL_NEW_SECURITY_KEY_IDENTIFIER = Ne(w) security key identifier: LABEL_USE_CURRENT_SECURITY_KEY = (U)se the existing drive security key LABEL_ENTER_NEW_SECURITY_KEY = (E)nter a new drive security key LABEL_RECORD_SECURITY_SETTINGS = I (r)ecorded the security settings for future reference. LABEL_CURRENT_SECURITY_KEY = (C)urrent security key: ENABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY_INTRODUCTION_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Enable Drive Security - Introduction ENABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY_ENTER_SECURITY_KEY_ID_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Enable Drive Security - Enter Security Key ID ENABLE_DRIVE_SECRUITY_ENTER_SECURITY_KEY_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Enable Drive Security - Enter Security Key ENABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY_ENTER_PASSPHRASE_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Enable Drive Security - Enter Pass Phrase CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY_INTRODUCTION_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Change Security Settings - Introduction CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY_ENTER_SECURITY_KEY_ID_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Change Security Settings - Security Key ID CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY_ENTER_SECURITY_KEY_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Change Security Settings - Security Key CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY_ENTER_PASSPHRASE_WIZARD_PAGE_TITLE = Change Security Settings - Pass Phrase ENTER_SECURITY_KEY_ID_PAGE_DESC = <html>First, specify a security key identifier. The controller has provided a default<br>identifier for \ you. You may use this string or enter your own identifier.<br><br></html> ENTER_SECURITY_KEY_PAGE_DESC = <html>Next, enter the security key. The security key is case-sensitive. It must be<br>between eight \ and thirty-two characters and contain at least one number,<br>one lowercase letter, one uppercase \ letter, and one non-alphanumeric character<br>(e.g. < > @ +).<br><br>Note: For maximum security, \ use thirty-two varied characters. You may<br>optionally choose for the system to suggest a strong \ security key.<br><br>Be sure to record the security key.<br><br></html> ENTER_PASSPHRASE_PAGE_DESC = <html>Optionally, you may enter a pass phrase to provide additional security.<br>If you choose to require a \ pass phrase, you will need to enter it every time<br>you reboot the server, and whenever you provide \ the security key. The pass<br>phrase should be different from the security key.<br><br>The pass phrase is \ case-sensitive. It must be between eight and thirty-two<br>characters and contain at least one number, \ one lowercase letter, one<br>uppercase letter, and one non-alphanumeric character (e.g. ! * @ + #).<br><br></html> ENABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY_INTRO_DESC = <html>This wizard will guide you through enabling drive security on this controller.<br>Once you enable \ drive security, you will have the option to create secure<br>virtual drives using a security key.<br><br>First, \ you will create the security key identifier. This identifier displays<br>whenever you must enter the security \ key. If you have multiple security<br>keys, the identifier will help you determine which security key to \ enter.<br><br>Next, you will create the security key. You may need to enter the security<br>key in order to \ perform certain operations. The controller can suggest a<br>strong security key.<br><br> ENABLE_DRIVE_SECURITY_INTRO_PASSPHRASE = Finally, you will have the option to create a pass phrase. The \ pass phrase<br>provides additional security. If you choose to \ require a pass phrase, you<br>must enter it whenever you boot your \ server.<br><br> CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY_INTRO_DESC = <html>Drive security is currently enabled. This wizard will guide you through<br>changing the drive security \ settings on this controller.<br><br>First, you will have the option to edit the security key identifier. \ This identifier<br>displays whenever you must enter the security key. If you have multiple<br>security keys, \ the identifier will help you determine which security key to<br>enter.<br><br>Next, you will have the option \ to edit the security key. You may need to<br>enter the security key in order to perform certain operations. \ The controller<br> can suggest a strong security key.<br><br> CHANGE_DRIVE_SECURITY_INTRO_PASSPHRASE = Finally, you will have the option to add or change the pass phrase. \ The pass<br>phrase provides additional security. If you choose to require a \ pass phrase,<br>you must enter it whenever you boot your server.<br><br> CHANGE_SECURITY_KEY_ID_PAGE_DESC = <html>Select whether you want to keep the existing drive security key identifier or<br>enter a new \ one.<br><br>Note: If you plan to change the security key, it is highly recommended that<br>you change \ the security key identifier. Otherwise, you will not be able to<br>differentiate between the \ security keys.<br><br></html> CHANGE_SECURITY_KEY_PAGE_DESC = <html>Select whether you want to keep the existing drive security key or enter a<br>new one.<br><br></html> CHANGE_PASS_PHRASE_PAGE_DESC1 = <html>Your controller currently has an optional pass phrase for additional<br>security. \ You may change the pass phrase if desired. If you wish to keep the<br>existing \ pass phrase, you must enter it again here.<br><br></html> CHANGE_PASS_PHRASE_PAGE_DESC2 = <html>Your controller does not currently have an optional pass phrase for \ additional<br>security. You may add one if desired. You will be required \ to enter it every<br>time the server boots.<br><br></html> AUTHENTICATE_DRIVE_SECURITY_SETTINGS_DESC = <html>Authentication is required for the changes that you requested to the drive<br>security \ settings. Please enter the current security key to authenticate these<br>changes.<br><br></html> CONFIRM_DELETE_VIRTUAL_DRIVE_WARN1 = You have chosen to delete Virtual Drive CONFIRM_DELETE_VIRTUAL_DRIVE_WARN_FDE=All data on the virtual drive will be lost.\n\n CONFIRM_DELETE_VIRTUAL_DRIVE_WARN_CONTROLLER=All data on the virtual drive will be permanently erased.\n\n CONFIRM_DELETE_VIRTUAL_DRIVE_WARN2=Are you sure you want to delete Virtual Drive CONFIRM_CLEAR_CONFIG_WARN_FDE = You have chosen to clear the configuration. This will \ destroy \nall virtual drives. All data on all virtual drives will be \ lost.\n\nAre you sure you want to clear the configuration? CONFIRM_CLEAR_CONFIG_WARN_CONTROLLER = You have chosen to clear the configuration. This will \ destroy \nall virtual drives. All data on all virtual drives \ will be securely \nerased. \n\nAre you sure you want to clear the configuration? CONFIRM_SECURE_ERASE_TITLE = "Confirm Secure Erase" DRIVE_GROUP_ENCRYPTION_DESC1 = All of the drives in Drive Group DRIVE_GROUP_ENCRYPTION_DESC2 = will be secured using \nFull Disk Encryption. \n\nOnce drive group DRIVE_GROUP_ENCRYPTION_DESC3 = is secured, you will not be able to \nremove the security without \ deleting the virtual \ndrives.\n\nAre you sure you want to secure Drive Group CONFIRM_SECURE_ERASE_WARN = <html>When you securely erase a drive, any data on the drive will<br>be \ permanently lost.<br><br>Are you sure you want to securely erase the drive in ENCLOSURE_TEXT = Enclosure SLOT_TEXT = Slot CONTROLLER_TEXT = Controller: DRIVE_SECURITY_KEY_ERROR_MSG = There is a problem with the drive security key on your \ncontroller \ that prevents access to your drives.\n\nTo fix the problem, disable \ and then re-enable the drive \nsecurity feature on your controller, \ then scan for a \nforeign configuration. Your data will remain secure. #### Importing foreign configuration #### ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED_TO_IMPORT_DIALOG_TITLE=Encryption Required To Import LABEL_LOCKED_DRIVES=(L)ocked Drives: ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED_DESC=<html>You cannot import the following locked foreign drives because<br> encryption is disabled on your controller.Only unlocked drives<br> may be imported.</html> ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED_CONTINUE_LABEL=Do you want to continue? UNLOCK_FOREIGN_DRIVES_TITLE=Unlock Foreign Drives UNLOCK_FOREIGN_DRIVES_DESC = <html>One or more foreign drives are locked.<br><br>In order to import these drives, you will need \ to provide the security key used to secure them. If you<br>want want to import only unlocked drives, \ leave the security key field blank and select Continue.<br><br>If the locked drives use different \ security keys, enter one security key and repeat the import<br>process for the remaining locked \ drives.<br><br></html> UNLOCK_FOREIGN_DRIVES_SECURITY_KEY_LABEL = (S)ecurity Key UNLOCK_FOREIGN_DRIVES_DESC4=<html>If you do not know the pass phrase, you can press Continue to import any <br> unlocked foreign drives. If you do not care about the data on these drives,<br> you can clear the drives to remove encryption and delete all existing data.</html> BUTTON_CONTINUE_TEXT=(C)ontinue REMOVE_FDE_FROM_UNCONFIGURED_DRIVES_TITLE=Remove FDE from Unconfigured Drives REMOVE_FDE_FROM_UNCONFIGURED_DRIVES_DESC1=<html>One or more of the drives that you unlocked does not have <br> any detectable configuration to import. In order to use these <br> drives in a new configuration, their existing full disk encryption <br> must be removed.</html> REMOVE_FDE_FROM_UNCONFIGURED_DRIVES_DESC2=<html>If there is any undetected data on the drives below, removing <br> full disk encryption will permanently delete that data. If you do <br> not want to clear the data on these drives, click No to leave <br> them encrypted and import only drives that have <br> configurations.</html> DRIVES_TO_CLEAR_LABEL=(D)rives to clear: REMOVE_FDE_FROM_UNCONFIGURED_DRIVES_DESC3=<html>There is no way to undo this destructive operation. Are you <br> sure you want to clear these drives?</html> CLEAR_LOCKED_FOREIGN_TITLE=Clear Locked Foreign Configuration CLEAR_LOCKED_FOREIGN_DRIVES_DESC1=One or more foreign drives are locked and cannot be cleared. CLEAR_LOCKED_FOREIGN_DRIVES_DESC2=<html>In order to clear these drives, you will need to provide either the pass <br> phrase used to encrypt each drive or the manufacturer ID that is typically <br> stamped on the drive. This operation will remove the foreign configuration.</html> CLEAR_LOCKED_FOREIGN_DRIVES_LABEL=Select method to clear drive: CLEAR_LOCKED_FOREIGN_DRIVES_LABEL1=(U)se pass phrase CLEAR_LOCKED_FOREIGN_DRIVES_LABEL2=U(s)e manufacturer ID CLEAR_LOCKED_FOREIGN_DRIVES_LABEL3=(M)anufacturer ID: BUTTON_CLEAR_DRIVE_TEXT=Clear (D)rive MSG_INCORRECT_PASSPHRASE=Incorrect security key. MSG_INCORRECT_MANUFACTURE_ID=Incorrect Manufacturer ID. PHDRIVE_SECURE_ERASE_OP = Securely Er(a)se Drive PHDRIVE_SECURE_ERASE_OP_DESC = Securely erases the drive, removing drive security. ######################################################### # CR 71555 Estatoah Falls # ######################################################### ADAPTER_OPERATION_POWER_SETTINGS = Po(w)er Settings ADAPTER_OPERATION_POWER_SETTINGS_DESC = Modify the power management settings. PROPERTY_POWER_STATUS = Power Status PROPERTY_POWERSAVE_ON = On PROPERTY_POWER_SAVE = Powersave PROPERTY_READY_TO_REMOVE = Ready To Remove PHDRIVE_OPERATION_15 = (U)ndo Prepare For Removal PHDRIVE_OPERATION_15_DESC = Cancels Prepare For Removal operation on a physical disk PHDRIVE_OPERATION_14 = Prepare For Re(m)oval PHDRIVE_OPERATION_14_DESC = Spins down the selected drive to ready it for removal SPIN_DOWN_DRIVE = Sp(i)n Down Drive SPIN_DOWN_DRIVE_DESC = Spins down the selected drive into powersave mode to conserve energy or to prepare for removal. SPIN_UP_DRIVE = Sp(i)n Up Drive SPIN_UP_DRIVE_DESC = Spins up a drive that is in powersave mode to prepare it for use. POWER_SAVE_MODE_DESC_LSI = <html>The controller includes Dimmer SwitchTM technology that conserves energy by<br>placing \ certain unused drives into powersave mode. The controller will automatically<br>spin up \ drives from powersave mode whenever necessary.<br><br></html> POWER_SAVE_MODE_DESC_OTHERS = <html>The controller conserves energy by placing certain unused drives into powersave \ mode.<br>The controller will automatically spin up drives from powersave mode<br>whenever \ necessary.<br><br></html> ALLOW_POWERSAVE_MODE = Allow (u)nconfigured drives to enter powersave mode. LABEL_SPINNING_UP_DRIVES = Spinning up selected drives: LABEL_COMPLETE = complete. TITLE_DRIVES_SPIN_UP_PROGRESS = Progress TITLE_FOREIGN_DRIVES_SPUN_DOWN = Foreign Drives Spun Down FOREIGN_DRIVES_SPUN_DOWN_DESC = <html>The following foreign drives are currently spun down in \ powersave<br>mode. You must spin them up in order to import them. If you do<br>not spin \ them up now, they will be skipped during the import.<br><br></html> LABEL_SPUN_DOWN_FOREIGN_DRIVES = (S)pun down foreign drives: #################################################################### # IMAGE FILE NAMES # #################################################################### LABEL_TEMPERATURE_ICON=temperature.jpg LABEL_FAN_ICON=fan.jpg LABEL_POWER_ICON=powersupply.jpg ENCLOSURE_BOX_IMAGE=enclosurebox.jpg UNCONF_ENCLPD_IMAGE=enclosurepd.jpg ONLINE_ENCLPD_IMAGE=onlinepd_in_enclosure.jpg OFFLINE_ENCLPD_IMAGE=offlinepd_in_enclosure.jpg EMPTYSLOT_ENCL_IMAGE=emptyslot_in_enclosure.jpg HOTSPARE_ENCLPD_IMAGE=hotsparepd_in_enclosure.jpg REBUILD_ENCLPD_IMAGE=rebuildpd_in_enclosure.gif DEFAULT_HOST_IMAGE=host.jpg DEGRADED_HOST_IMAGE=degraded.jpg FAILED_HOST_IMAGE=failed.jpg LSI_LOGO_IMAGE=lsi_logo.jpg SELECTED_HOST_IMAGE=selected_host.jpg RIGHT_ARROW=rightarrow.jpg LEFT_ARROW=leftarrow.jpg PHDRIVE_IMAGE=phdrive.png ADAPTER_IMAGE=controller_standard.jpg PORT_IMAGE=port.jpg UNCONFIG_IMAGE=unconfig.png AUTO_CONF=wrench.jpg MANUAL_CONF=hammer.jpg GUIDED_CONF=guided.jpg RECON_INSERT_IMG=plus.jpg RECON_DELETE_IMG=Scissor.jpg RECON_CHANGE_IMG=thread_chaser.jpg RECON_DOWN_IMG=arrowdown.jpg RECON_UP_IMG=arrowup.jpg PHDRIVE_SCSI_IMAGE=scsidrive.jpg NEEDS_ATTENTION_IMAGE=needatn.jpg PHDRIVE_FC_IMAGE=phdrive.png PHDRIVE_SAS_IMAGE=sasdrive.jpg BANNER_SMALL_IMAGE=small_banner.jpg PHDRIVE_SATA_IMAGE=satadrive.jpg LDRIVE_IMAGE=volume.jpg BBU_IMAGE=battery.png BANNER_IMAGE=banner.jpg SPLASH_ICON=msm_splash_screen.jpg FOREIGN_DRV_SAS=Foreign_Drv_sas.png FOREIGN_DRV_SATA=Foreign_Drv_sata.png DIALOG_BANNER_IMAGE=dialog_banner.jpg LSI_DIALOG_LOGO_IMAGE=dialog_logo.jpg REBUILDDRV_SAS=RebuildDrv_sas.png REBUILDDRV_SATA=RebuildDrv_sata.png VIRTUAL_DISK_NOIMP=VirtualDisk_noimp.png PHYSICAL_DISK_NOIMP_SAS=NoImpDrive_sas.png PHYSICAL_DISK_NOIMP_SATA=NoImpDrive_sata.png LSI_PROGRAM_ICON_16=16_prg_icon.png LSI_LOGIC_BANNER_IMAGE=lsi_logic_banner.jpg LSI_LOGIC_LOGO_IMAGE=lsi_logic_logo.jpg GLOBAL_HOTSPARE_IMAGE=Global_Drv_hotspr.jpg CONTROLLER_NOENCRYPTION=controller_encryp.gif CONTROLLER_ENCRYPTED=controller_noencryp.gif DG_ENCRYPTION=dg_encryp.gif DG_NOENCRYPTION=dg_noencryp.gif DRIVE_FDE = drive_fde.gif HOTSPARE_FDE = hotspare_fde.gif HOTSPARE_GLOBAL_FDE = hotspare_global_fde.gif #ESTATOAH FALLS ICONS ARRAY_IMAGE=array.png BACKPLANE_IMAGE=backplane.png CONFIGURED_IMAGE=configured.png CONFIGURED_DRIVES_IMAGE=configured_drives.png FOREIGN_DRIVE_IMAGE=foreign_drive.png FREE_CAPACITY_IMAGE=free_capacity.png FREE_CAPACITY_TOTAL_IMAGE=free_capacity_total.png HOTSPARE_IMAGE=hotspare.png HOTSPARE_GLOBAL_IMAGE=hotspare_global.png HOTSPARES_IMAGE=hotspares.png HOTSPARES_GLOBAL_IMAGE=hotspares_global.png NO_IMPORT_IMAGE=no_import.png REBUILD_IMAGE=rebuild.png SERVER_IMAGE=server.png UNCONFIGURED_IMAGE=unconfigured.png UNCONFIGURED_DRIVES_IMAGE=unconfigured_drives.png VOLUME_IMAGE=volume.png VOLUMES_IMAGE=volumes.png BATTERY_IMAGE=battery.png CDROM_IMAGE=cdrom.png CONTROLLER_LOCK_IMAGE=controller_lock.png CONTROLLER_STANDARD_IMAGE=controller_standard.png CONTROLLER_UNLOCK_IMAGE=controller_unlock.png DEGRADED_IMAGE=degraded.png ENCLOSURE_IMAGE=enclosure.png FAILED_IMAGE=failed.png FOREIGN_DRIVE_UNCONFIGURED_IMAGE=foreign_drive_unconfigured.png HOTSPARE_FDE_IMAGE=hotspare_fde.png PARTIAL_DEGRADED_IMAGE=partialdegraded.png TAPE_IMAGE=tape.png VIRTUAL_DISK_NOIMP_IMAGE=virtual_disk_noimp.png SPAN_IMAGE=span.pngDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.