JMB38X_Driver_release_notes.txt Driver File Contents (

JMB38X Memory Card Driver Release Note

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.10.04 (2008/03/31)
  - Fix Copy File performance low issue with SD/MMC/MsPro.
    Modify the condition that enable continuous read/write to DataSize >= 64K because under some condition OS may
    limited the DataSize to 64K when copy file by Explorer.
  - Add SSIDSVID 361B103C, 361C103C, 361D103C for Quanta.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.10.03 (2008/03/31)
  - Add SSIDSVID 3D9A17AA for Compal.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.10.02 (2008/03/26)
  - Add SSIDSVID 015B1025 for Quanta ZG5.
  - Fix the bug of installing driver on a clean platform for the first time and the service keys will be removed during
    the uninstallation progress. It will fail in sequential driver install.
  - Modify wait TransferDone Int if CRC error occurs because DMA may got problem if driver submit command right after 
    CRC error occurs.
  - Modify Driver to check MemoryCard capacity after resume from sleep. If it is different with the one before sleep, report disk
    unplugged and then report a new disk again.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.10.01_InternalTesting (2008/03/21)
  - Implement a new UI for supporting the Language pack installation and uninstallation. 

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.10.00 (2008/03/17)
  - Add SSIDSVID FF021179 for Compal
  - Modify driver doesn't restore PCI Config 0xAC for BIOS may change D3E enable status after resume from D3E.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.09.03 (2008/03/13)
  - Add SSIDSVID 113F1734 for Wistron
  - Mark codes to set disk Label, Icons, and NoSoftEject registry code because they are set by inf and setup now.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.09.02 (2008/03/12)
  - Fix the bug that occurs when doing driver pre-installation for JMB38X controllers is previously installed.
  - Show the correct driver version for our JMB38X uninstallation program in the Add/Remove dialog.
  - Write some registries to set Disk Icon in order to fix the issue of sometimes loading disk icon fail.
    This feature could be customized by the "SetDiskIconRegistry" item in setup.ini.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.09.01 (2008/03/07)
  - Some BIOS may Enable D3E bits after resume from sleep even card is plugged.
    Modify driver to Disable D3E bits before CardIdentify to avoid problem happens.
  - Modify driver to Disable All Int Enable and then turn off card Detection TestBit before setting ResetAll Bit.
    To avoid unexpected CardInsertion signaled after ResetAll.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.09.00 (2008/03/06)
  - Add SSIDSVID 72101462, 67101462, 67201462 for MSI.
  - Enhance compatibilityu on SANYO MMC 32MB 1-Bit Card.
  - Modify driver to do D3E polling by Thread but not Timer because of some DDK functions
  - For S3 resume issue, not restore PCI Config Offset 0xE3h because of wrongly overwrite value of another register.
  - Modify CustomizedSetting11 definition from seconds to minutes.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.08.04 (2008/02/22)
  - Modify Product name to "Jmicron JMB38X Flash Media controller" in setup.ini, setup.iss and uninstall.iss.
  - The setup program of JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.08.03 is updated as R1.00.08.04 for formal release.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.08.03 (2008/02/21)
  - Add check WriteProtect status with each 30ms and 5 iterations after SD/MMC card identified.
    For WriteProtect detection of some push-push connectors may not ready when Card Identified issue.
  - Improve write performance of xD.
  - Fix the uninstallation issue that the driver is not uninstalled cleanly for all JMB38X controllers in Vista 32/64 bit OS.
  - Rename JMicron setup package Title to "JMicron JMB38X Flash Media Controller"
  - Fix DTM issue that Disable->Enable Disk Device may fail.
  - Modify D3E JMCR_TimerDpcForD3E to set PCI cnfg 0xAE to 0x79 if 1394 Exists, to fix 1394 can not wake up from D3E mode.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.08.02 (2008/02/19)
  - Fix xD Compliance Test Fail Issue: Copy Compare Large File may fail.
  - Fix xD Compliance Test Fail Issue: Free Block List may get error with Erase Cmd return Fail case.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.08.01 (2008/02/15)
  - Add SSIDSVID 360F103C, 3610103C, 015A1025 for Quanta
  - Improve sometimes Disk Icon would not be updated issue.
  - Fix issue that Disk would be wrongly reported when driver is loaded with
    SDIO device plugged.
  - Fix issue that Surprise Remove xD card when reading data from it may cause
    page fault in DOP_OS_REQUEST. 
  - To reduce possibility that Device Plug/Unplug without sound.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.08.00 (2008/01/28)
  - Add SSIDSVID 003414C0, 003514C0, 003614C0, 003714C0 for Compal
  - Add SSIDSVID 014C1025 for Compal


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.07.01 (2008/01/22)
  - For patching Controller may show in SafeRemove Menu issue.
  - Fixing DTM Plug and Play Driver Test fail issue.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.07.00 (2008/01/15)
  - Continue identify device if card is still Present.
    For CardInsertion signal may be unstable and CardInsertion/CardRemoval
    interrupt may be signaled repeatly.
  - Improve some device access time.
    For sometimes Transfer does not complete, wait OS timeout may be too long.
    Using driver timer to check timeout and retry Data Transfer more quickly.
  - Set SUPPORT_D3E as defaultly Enabled (Auto mode).
    Let BIOS to Control if D3E should be activated. (PCI Config Offset ACh b'6)
  - Add SSIDSVID 33011019 for ECS


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.06.02 (2008/01/11)
    - Change PMOS setting condition.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.06.01 (2008/01/09)
    - Delay and retry Card Identify more times for push-push connector issue.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.06.00 (2008/01/08)
    - Add SSIDSVID C2141631, C2151631, E2161631, E2171631, E2191631 for Quanta
    - Add SSIDSVID 76401558, 76411558, 08061558,08071558 for Clevo
    - Decrease Interface Mode to access Memory Card if Request Timeout.
    - Fix ReInitialize errors with some Old SD Cards.
    - Modify Driver to Set Disk Registry only at first time Disk Reported with each time driver loaded.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.05.06 (2007/12/27)
    - Add SSIDSVID C2141631, C2151631, E2161631, E2171631, E2191631 for Quanta


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.05.05 (2007/12/20)
    - Fix Performance too Low issue
    - Add Check if Controller is OnBoard or ExpressCard Code.
    - Modify Music delay when memory card plug/unplug issue.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.05.04 (2007/12/18)
    - Fix System hang when Suprise Removal when Read/Write file with xD issue.
    - Fix Device cannot SafeRemove after resume from standby issue.
    - Add Custom Setting Definitions for D3E
        CustomizedSetting1 D[5]: Support D3E (0x00000020) // Need BIOS Supporting
        CustomizedSetting11: D3E Waiting Time (Seconds. Max 65535.)


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.05.03 (2007/12/15)
    - The installation and uninstallation support Language pack 


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.05.02 (2007/12/13)
    - Add SSIDSVID 01531025 for Wistron
    - Add SSIDSVID 11351734, 11361734, 11371734, 11381734 for ECS
    - Fix cannot enter sleep again after rsume when 2381 is using JM driver issue.
      Add SWOP_DRV_MS_NO_ADJUST_TIMING. Default enable auto adjust Timing with both
      SD/MMC and MS.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.05.01 (2007/12/10)
    - Fix Disk Drive of SD Card may lost after resume from sleep issue.
    - Fix hotplug memory card Music may be interrupt issue.
    - Patch for xD stress test may hang issue.
    - Modify driver when OS's Read/Write request in thread if xD mapping table is not ready.
    - Add SWOP_DRV_SUPPORT_D3E to support D3E feature. Need BIOS setting to Enable this.
      Currently only test version.
    - Setup Program use version.


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.05.00 (2007/12/03)

    - Add SSIDSVID 113A1734, 113B1734, 113D1734, 113E1734 for Wistron
    - Add SSIDSVID 013B1025, 013E1025, 01401025, 30FE103C for Compal
    - Modify XD CardIdentify part to build only first 128MB during card identify and
    - Try DownSpeed() if TimingAdjusted but still get continuous errors.

JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.04.01 (2007/12/05)
    - Provide a dialog for user to select "SupportSDIOCard".  If Support SDIO Card, the setup program will not install driver for 2381.
      These features could be customized with the following keys in setup.ini
      (a)Customize the default value of "DefaultSupportSDIOCard", "0" indicate NOT support. (Silent install will use this value to decide if supporting SDIO Card or NOT.)
      (b)Customize to show the dialog for user to select "SupportSDIOCard", "0" indicate NOT show. (If ShowSelectSDIODialog=1, the interactive install and preinstall will depend on the user selection to decide if supporting SDIO Card or NOT.)
      (c)Customize the INF file name of supporting SDIO card via "SupportSDIOInfName".


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.04.00 (2007/11/14)

    - Add SSIDSVID 01451025, 01461025 for Inventec
    - Modify SSIDSVID 07221558 to 072F1558 for Clevo SSID duplicated
    - Add SSIDSVID 3D9A17AA, 3D9B17AA, 3D9C17AA, 3D9D17AA for Quanta
    - Add SSIDSVID 30F4103C, 30F7103C, 3607103C for Compal
    - Add SSIDSVID 65101462, 65201462 for MSI
    - Add SSIDSVID 04811558, 08011558, 08021558, 08031558, 08041558, 08051558, 08601558,
      70011558, 74601558, 74611558 for Clevo
    - Add SSIDSVID 2079161F for Arima
    - Add CustomizedSetting10 for IC Driving Setting. Default value 0x01020101.
    - Set Disk Capability EjectSupported = TRUE so that OS would call IRP_MN_EJECT during
      SafeRemove. Driver call EjectDevice() to turn off card power in IRP_MN_EJECT.
    - Set Registry NoSoftEject = 1 for DiskDrive because driver can know SafeRemove now.
    - Support Silent uninstallation. The batch file (xUninstall.bat) is produced during the installation and is located to the windows directory.
      (Modify setup programs, dll files and iss file)
    - Support uninstallation without reboot. It will not delete some service related keys and also rescan all devices soon after doing uninstallation. It will make OS find the devices again and is only for the preparation of the next driver installation.
      (Modify setup programs, dll files and INF files)


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.03.00 (2007/10/30)

    - Modify to set XD default Clock Mux with 40MHz for XD Compliance Test
    - Add SSIDSVID 003014C0, 003114C0, 003214C0, 003314C0, 01471025, 014B1025 for Compal
                   03901558, 07221558 for Clevo


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.02.00 (2007/10/29)

    - Create 2 directory for Old sample and MP sample of JMB380 & JMB385
    - Add SSIDSVID 11391734 for FSC, 33001019 for ECS


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.01.00 (2007/10/25)

    - Modify to On/Off MS Clock with MS Card Power for HW LED Flash Control.
    - Add CustomizedSetting1 Bit Definition.  D[1]: Set Disk Icon     (0x00000002).
      Driver would setup registry value of DiskDrive if this Bit is On.
      However, Setup AP need to copy icon files to Windows\System32 to make this work.
    - Setup program will copy the driver icon files to Windows\System32 folder.
    - Add SSID SVID 3D9B17AA - 2382, 3D9C17AA - 2383, 01441025 for Compal.
    - Add SSID SVID 3600103C, 013D1025, 01421025, 01431025, 014D1025, 014A1025 for Quanta.
    - Set PCI Config 0xE2 D[2] = 1, D[6] = 0 - LED Pull-High.
    - Support the customization of INF filename, Appname and company name via setup.ini and setup.iss (silent setup).
    - Support the customization of driver pre-installation with the "SupportDriverPreInstall" key in setup.ini (valid for both interactive setup and silent setup)
      (For non-WHQL driver, please set "SupportDriverPreInstall" to 0 since driver pre-installation only work for WHQL driver)


JMB38X_WinDrv_R1.00.00.01 (2007/10/15)


    - None


    - First formal Release for WHQL

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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