PORTUG.TXT Driver File Contents (winportrait.zip)


Pivot(R) Software Manual Contents (best viewed using Times 12 point font)

In this booklet you will find instructions to assist you in installing and
using WinPortrait(R) or MacPortrait(R) which are known collectively as
Software.  This Documentation covers:
- Windows 95
- Windows 98
- Windows NT
- Mac/OS
Pivot(R) software adds functionality to your monitor, but is not required for
you to use it in traditional Landscape orientation.  If you experience any
difficulty, you can always remove the Pivot Software and revert to the native
software which came with your graphics adapter card or computer.

As new graphics cards and operating systems are introduced, Pivot(r) Software is
upgraded to provide enhanced compatibility with current configurations.  If
your system is not supported in this release, please contact the manufacturer
of your display to see if an upgrade is available.  Thank you for using Pivot(r)


WinPortrait Plug-In software (Introduction)
WinPortrait(R) for Windows 95/98/NT has been reconfigured as a 'Plug-In'
software that works directly with your installed Manufacturer's (native)
graphics driver
to greatly enhance WinPortrait(R) speed and compatibility.  The WinPortrait(R)
Plug-In software no longer 'replaces' your original native landscape
graphics driver.  WinPortrait(R) now works directly with your native driver,
allowing the native Display Properties 'Control Panels' to operate normally. 
In landscape mode, WinPortrait(R) "steps out of the way" to allow your native
driver to function normally.  When 'Rotate' is selected, WinPortrait(R)
software activates to allow portrait viewing.
IMPORTANT INSTALLATION INFORMATION: First load your NATIVE landscape drivers. 
The native driver MUST be active to allow WinPortrait software to work

WinPortrait(R) Installation Instructions, Windows 95/98/NT
1. Quit all other applications
2. Make sure your native drivers are installed before installing
3. Insert the Pivot(R) CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive
4. Windows 95/98/NT: select RUN from the START button on the Taskbar
5. Type D:\SETUP.EXE (replace D: with the letter of your CD-ROM if necessary)
6. Click INSTALL

IMPORTANT INFORMATION for WinPortrait(R) Plug-In software for Windows 95/98


1.0     Microsoft WHQL Certified Graphic Drivers
2.0     Windows 98 Issues
    2.1 Dual Monitor Support
    2.2 Active Desktop
    2.3 Multiple User Profiles
3.0     Known issues with WinPortrait Plug-In
    3.1 Direct Draw
    3.2 Animation Files
    3.3 Plus package font smoothing
    3.4 DOS full screen mode
    3.5 No automated cursors in Portrait Mode
4.0     Control Panel Issues  
5.0     Monitor Type Information
6.0     Before you call Technical Support
1.0   Microsoft WHQL Certified Graphic Drivers
WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs) certified drivers are the most dependable
type of graphics drivers on the market.  If you have any problems after
installing WinPortrait software you need to upgrade to WHQL certified drivers! 
Contact your display card manufacturer to obtain WHQL certified drivers.

2.0   Windows 98 Issues

2.1 Dual Monitor Support
Pivot software now support dual monitors under Windows 98. This
Release of WinPortrait software for Windows 98 only supports rotation of the
PRIMARY monitor with any bit depth that the native drivers support.
Before installing Pivot drivers on any dual monitor configuration, make
sure the native dual monitor configuration is fully functional in all bit
depths and resolutions on both monitors.  When full functionality of the
native driver is confirmed, Pivot drivers should then be installed.

2.2 View my Active Desktop as a Web Page
This Windows option is now fully supported.

2.3 Multiple user profiles
Multiple user profiles are now fully supported.

3.0     Known issues with WinPortrait Plug-In  
3.1 Direct Draw Problems

If you experience any problems running a Direct Draw application or any
other amination routines such as .AVI, QuickTime, or others, please do the
1.  Rotate your screen image to landscape mode and re-launch the amination problem.
This will usually correct the problem.

 3.2 Animation files in Portrait mode
If you experience any problems running an application which uses animation
routines such as .AVI, QuickTime, or other, please do the following:
1. Rotating to landscape mode and re-launch the animation program. This will
usually correct the problem.

 3.3 Plus! Package Font Smoothing problems
- Pivot software now supports Font Smoothing

3.4 DOS Full Screen Mode 
The Rendition 2200 from STB has a full screen DOS problem  When closing a full screen DOS session with this card, the screen goes blank.  To correct this problem, do the following:
  Press the <ALT> + <Enter> keys to toggle to a Windowed DOS session.
Then click anywhere on the desktop and press the F5 key to clear the screen.

3.5  Animated color cursors in portrait mode
Animated color cursors are now supported in portrait mode. 

4.0     Control Panel Issues

-  Control Panels are typically accessed via the following methods:
   Method 1:  Click on the blue monitor icon located in the Task Bar and
Select "WinPortrait Display Properties"

   Method 2:  "Right Click" your mouse button on the desktop and select 
"Display Properties".  If you are using Windows 98, select the 'Advanced'
button, located under the 'Settings' tab to access WinPortrait Display Properties.

'Method 1' will allow you to access only the WinPortrait Properties Control
Panel located in Display Properties.  Manufacturer's Control Panels will
not be available via this method, thereby avoiding any possible conflicts between Control Panels.

'Method 2' will allow you to access the WinPortrait Properties Control Panel
tab and any manufacturer's Control Panel you may have loaded. In rare
instances the manufacturer's Control Panel may conflict with some WinPortrait Control Panel options tab.  One possible conflict may occur with certain
Manufacturer's Control Panels that support Dynamic (on-the-fly) color mode switching.  In these instances (and possibly others) please use Method 2 to access Display Properties.

5.0     Monitor Type Information

Windows monitor types are configured via the settings tab in Display
Properties.  Make sure you select the recommended monitor type for your
particular LCD monitor.  If you are unsure of your monitor type selections,
please read the documentation that ships with your particular LCD monitor.
may also check the Pivot(TM) Software disk for accompanying monitor INF files
that may relate to your particular monitor type. 

Monitor type selections may effect the following areas:
 - Refresh Rates
 - Available color options (color depths)
 - Available resolutions
If you experience any of these problems please check your monitor type
selections in Display Properties.

6.0 Before you call Technical Support

Remember, WinPortrait(TM) Plug-In software does not replace your manufacturer's
(native) display drivers.  Instead WinPortrait works directly with your native
drivers to add portrait functionality.  Therefore, if a bug exists in your
native driver, it will still exist when WinPortrait Plug-In software is

If you find a problem that you suspect is graphics display driver
related, you need to follow a few simple steps to verify and possibly correct
the situation.
1. Does this problem occur in both landscape and portrait orientation?
2. Does this problem occur at different resolutions, for example 800x600 vs. 1024x768?
3. Does this problem occur when using different color depths (256 vs. High Color)?
4. Does this problem occur when using your native driver without WinPortrait loaded?

a) If the problem happens in both landscape and portrait modes, then
this may be a native driver issue. Please do the following:
Make sure you have the most current native display drivers.
Most manufacturers such as Diamond, STB, ATI and others have web sites
that will allow you to download current drivers. 
- Simply upgrading your native WHQL drivers and re-installing WinPortrait 
Plug-In will, in many cases, solve the problem. 
- If WHQL certified drivers don't help then install the graphics drivers that shipped on 
your original Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT CD and re-install WinPortrait.
b). Make sure you are using the most current WinPortrait software. Download current
Standard WinPortrait software from the web, or contact your LCD manufacturer for 
current WinPortrait software.
c) If items 'a' and 'b' do not correct the problem, then your native drivers
are most likely not Microsoft WHQL certified, or DIB Engine compliant.

Rotating your Screen Image, Windows 95/98
There are several ways to rotate the screen image.  To rotate:
1. Press the keys CTRL+SHIFT+R (or whatever key combination you have
subsequently selected from the Hot Key tab in the WinPortrait Display
2. Select the blue monitor Icon from the tray on the Windows Taskbar.
Click on the icon, and from the pop-up menu select WINPORTRAIT(R) DISPLAY PROPERTIES, then the WINPORTRAIT tab.  Select 0 or 90 under the SCREEN VIEW tab and press Apply.
3. Click on the blue monitor Icon from the tray on the Windows Taskbar and
select Rotate.
4. Double click on the blue monitor Icon in the tray on the Windows Taskbar

'Native' Display Properties Control Panel
1. WinPortrait Plug-In software for Windows 95/98 no longer controls or sets
refresh rates, but allows the native driver to control refresh rates.
2. Use your native driver's Control Panel to set refresh rates and other
options specific to your particular graphics card.

Troubleshooting -  Windows 95/98
If you are unable to start Windows 95/98 after installing WinPortrait software
then start Windows in safe mode by doing the following:

1. Restart your computer.
2. When you see the message "Starting Windows 95/98. . .", press the F8 key. 
3. In safe mode, Windows uses default settings (VGA monitor, no network,
Microsoft mouse driver, and the minimum device drivers required to start
Windows). You will not have access to CD-ROM drives, printers, or other
4. After starting up in safe mode you should switch back to your native
(non-rotating) driver.
5. Right-click your mouse on an empty area of the Windows desktop.
6. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
7. Click the Settings tab on the Properties sheet.
8. Click the Change Display Type or Advanced Properties button near the bottom
of the dialog box.
9. In the Adapter area or tab, click on the Change button.
10. Click the radio button adjacent to the option 'Show All Devices' in the
lower area of the dialog box. 
11. From the list of graphics drivers that appears in the Select Device dialog
box, select the native driver to which you want to switch and click OK.  Make
sure that you choose a driver that matches the graphics card installed in your
12. Close all dialog boxes and select Restart Windows 95/98.

The WinPortrait software is now removed from the computer.  If the problem does
NOT occur using the Native driver, then contact Technical Support for further
help in this matter.  (See your hardware's user manual for contact


Rotating your Screen Image, Windows NT
There are two ways to rotate the screen image:
1. Click on the blue monitor Icon from the Taskbar tray and select Rotate.
2. From the START button on the Taskbar, select SETTINGS, then CONTROL PANELS,
then choose DISPLAY.  In the Display Properties sheet select the Settings
Select a portrait resolution (ie. 480 X 640) instead of a landscape resolution.

Setting Refresh Rates, Windows NT
1. Right-click your mouse on an empty area of the Windows desktop.
2. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Click the Settings tab on the Properties sheet.
4. Select the correct Refresh Frequency for your display.  Most LCD panels use
60Hz for optimal refresh settings.  CRT's typically use 75Hz as the optimal
5. Always press the Test Button when changing refresh rates.
6. If the test mode displays correctly, click on Apply to activate these


Installation Instructions, Mac/OS
1. Quit all other applications
2. Insert CD-ROM into CD-ROM drive
3. Double-click on the MacPortrait installer.  Follow the instructions
given on
the screen.  During installation, the following files will be moved to your
designated drive:
- MacPortrait software and Display Enabler (if needed) will be placed in your
Extensions folder.
- MacPortrait Control will be placed in your Control Panel folder
- MacPortrait Apple Guide (English, Japanese & German versions only) will be
placed in the Global Guide folder.
4. If the installation is successful you will be asked to restart your MAC.

Setting Up the MacPortrait Control Panel, Mac/OS
The maximum number of colors for any given resolution is determined the amount
of video memory (VRAM) installed and how much MacPortrait Cache (RAM) you
choose to allocate.  The on-line help files will explain this in more detail.

Changing Resolution and Number of Colors, Mac/OS
Available resolutions can be changed on the fly without restarting.  You must
use the drop down menu under the monitor icon on the menu bar at the top of
screen.  Do not select a resolution greater than allowed by your monitor.  If
you do, you may lose sync on the monitor and the screen will become
If this occurs try rebooting the Mac.  If you still have no image then you
'zap PRAM' to reset your parameters.  If you are not familiar with PRAM then
seek advice from an experienced Mac user.

Rotating your Screen Image, Mac/OS
There are three ways to rotate the screen image:
1. Press the keys CTRL+SHIFT+R.  Please note that this is the CTRL, and not
Apple/Command key.
2. Select a portrait resolution from the drop down menu. (ie. 768x1024
Portrait) instead of a landscape resolution (ie. 1024x768).
3. Click and hold the mouse over the monitor Icon on the upper right hand
corner of the screen, select Rotate Now from the drop down menu.

Troubleshooting - Mac/OS
Restart you Macintosh without any extensions by pressing and holding down the
SHIFT key during startup.  If you still experience the problem with extensions
off then the problem is related to your system, not with the MacPortrait
software since it isn't currently loaded.

If turning off extensions solved the problem then there may be a conflict with
MacPortrait and one or more extensions.

If you think there's an extension or application conflict take the following

1. Remove all files from the Control Panels folder and Extensions folder and
place them into temporary folders on your desktop.
2. Place the MacPortrait software back in the appropriate folders.  The
MacPortrait software includes the following files:
 - MacPortrait Controls (In the Control Panel folder)
 - MacPortrait software (In the Extensions folder)
 - Display Enabler (In the Extensions folder, if needed.)
3. Restart your Macintosh.  Rotate the screen from landscape to portrait
orientations to ensure the system is working.
4. Place the extensions you think might be causing the problem back into the
Extensions folder, a few at a time. 
5. Restart your Macintosh.  Add a few more extensions until the crash or
problem occurs.
6. After all the extensions have been tested, follow the same process with the
Control Panels.
7. Once you have isolated the conflicting extension, try reordering it with
respect to MacPortrait software.  You can do this by renaming the MacPortrait
extension to "aaMacPortrait" or "zzMacPortrait" so it
loads first or last.
8. Another option to try is to throw away the "Display Preferences" located in
the Preferences folder; then reboot.
9. Contact the Technical Support location listed in your hardware's user
manual, if you are unable to isolate the problem.

Important Note:  If you have Mac OS 7.5.3 or later, you must remove Display
Enabler from the Extensions folder, as it has been included in the Macintosh



MacPortrait, WinPortrait, Pivot, the Pivot-Enabled logo, the Portrait
Inc. logo, and Portrait Displays, Inc. are trademarks of Portrait Displays,
Copyright 1993-1999, Portrait Displays, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

Portrait Displays, Inc.'s software contain certain trade secrets and
confidential and proprietary information of Portrait Displays, Inc. Use,
reproduction, disclosure and distribution by any means are prohibited, except
pursuant to a written license from Portrait Displays, Inc. Use of copyright
notice is precautionary and does not imply publication or disclosure. Other
trademarks or service marks are property of their respective holders.

End User Software License Agreement
When you open the Pivot(R) Software package, you indicate your acceptance of
this license agreement. Pivot(R) Software is the property of Portrait
Inc. and is protected by United States and International copyright laws. 
Portrait Displays, Inc. grants you a non-exclusive license to use one copy of
Pivot(R) Software on a single computer display device.  You may not duplicate
the software, except to make a single backup copy or to install on a hard
or on multiple computers if they are all attached to and using the same
display. You may transfer the Pivot(R) Software to another person only if you
retain no copies of the software, and the new owner agrees to this license
agreement.  The software contains copyrighted material, trade secrets and
proprietary material. You may not de-compile, reverse engineer, disassemble or
otherwise reduce the software to any human readable or usable form. You may
modify or create any derivative works based on the software. This license
is in
effect until termination. You may terminate this license by destroying all
copies of the software and documentation. Portrait Displays Inc. may terminate
this license if you fail to comply with any of the provisions of this
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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