PUSHXP.TXT Driver File Contents (Lan_Intel_7.1.12.0_XPx86_A.zip)

Push Install Instructions for Windows* XP

- Introduction 

- Setting up an install directory on the file server 

- Instructions for Creating VLANs(Optional)

- Deployment methods 

- Microsoft documentation for unattended installations of Windows XP 

- Sample unattend.txt file for Windows XP 

- Directory structure for unattended installation files. 



A "Push", or unattended installation of Windows provides a means for network 
administrators to easily install Windows XP on similarly equipped systems. 
The network administrator can create a bootable diskette that will automatically 
log into a central server and install the operating system from an image of the 
Windows installation directory stored on that server. 

This page provides instructions for a basic unattended installation of Windows 
XP that includes the installation of drivers for the Intel(R) PRO/100 and 
Intel(R) PRO/1000 adapters. 

As part of the unattended installation, you can create VLANs. If 
you wish to create one or more VLANs as part of the unattended 
installation, you must also follow the instructions in the "Instructions for 
Creating VLANs (Optional)" section of this document. 

The elements necessary for the Windows XP unattended installation are:

- A Windows XP server with a shared image of the Windows Installation CD. If
  you wish to create VLANS as part of the unattended installation, you need
  to create a configuration file with the VLAN information in it.  To create
  this file you need a sample system that has the same of adapter(s) that will
  be in the systems receiving the push installation.  On the sample system,
  use Intel(R) PROSet to set up the adapters in the VLAN configuration you
  want. This system could also be the Windows XP system mentioned above. For
  clarity, this system is referred to in this document as the configured
- An unattended installation configuration file that provides Windows setup 
  with information it needs to complete the installation. The name of this 
  file is UNATTEND.TXT 
- A DOS boot disk that contains Microsoft Network Client software, which is 
  used to connect to the Windows server. This disk also includes AutoExec 
  commands to automatically start the Windows installation. 


Setting up an install directory on the file server

The server must be setup with a distribution folder that holds the required 
Windows XP files. Clients must also be able to read this folder when connecting 
via TCP/IP or IPX.

For illustration purposes, the examples in this readme use the network share 
D:\PUSHXP. To create this share:

1) Create a directory on the server, (EX: D:\PUSHXP).  
2) Use the My Computer applet in Windows XP to locate the D:\PUSHXP folder.  
3) Right-click the folder and select Sharing. Select Share this folder. 
4) Give it a share name (EX: PUSHXP). This share name will be used to connect 
   to this directory from the remote target systems. By default, the permissions 
   for this share will be for "Everyone" to have "Full Control".  
5) Adjust permissions as necessary and click OK.  

To prepare the distribution folder:

1) Copy the entire contents of the Windows XP CD to D:\PUSHXP. Use Windows 
   Explorer or XCOPY to maintain the same directory structure as on the CD. 
   When the copy is complete, the Windows XP installation files should be 
   in the D:\PUSHXP directory. The I386 and other installation directories 
   should be subdirectories of the D:\PUSHXP directory. 
2) Copy Unattend.txt from the Intel CD (found in \APPS\SETUP\PUSH\XP) into 
   the shared directory D:\PUSHXP\I386.  
3) Edit the Unattend.txt file with Notepad or another text-editor to include 
   your customizations. At a minimum you should change the items in the 
   [UserData] section of the file. 
4) Create the driver install directory structure and copy the driver files 
   to it. 

NOTE: The PUSHCOPY.BAT file provided with the drivers in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH 
directory copy the appropriate files for the installation. PUSHCOPY also 
copies the components needed to perform the automated installations contained 
in the [GuiRunOnce] section of the sample UNATTEND.TXT file. These include an 
unattended installation of the Intel(R) PROSet configuration and diagnostic 

Example: From a Windows XP command prompt where e: is the drive letter of 
your CDROM drive: 
cd push 
	(you must be in the APPS\SETUP\PUSH\XP directory to run PUSHCOPY)
pushcopy D:\PUSHXP\I386 XP

The above command creates the $OEM$ directory structure and copy all the 
necessary files to install the driver and Intel PROSet. However, Intel 
PROSet is not installed unless the line:

; Command0="c:\drivers\net\Intel\Proset.msi /qn" 

is uncommented from unattend.txt.

See the "Directory structure for unattended installation files" of this 
document for more information about the directory structure and file layout 
of the $OEM$ directory.


Instructions for Creating VLANs (Optional)

1) Copy SavRes.vbs from the Intel CD to the configured system. The file is 
   located in the APPS\WMI\ directory on the Intel CD. 
2) Open a command prompt on the configured system and navigate to the 
   directory containing SavRes.vbs. 
3) Run the following command: cscript SavRes.vbs save. A configuration file 
   called WmiConf.txt is created in the same directory. 
4) On the Windows XP Server , create a directory in the $OEM$\$1 directory 
   called WMIScr. For example, on Windows XP, the directory is 
5) Copy the SavRes.vbs and WmiConf.txt files to the WMIScr directory. 
6) Edit the GUIRunOnce section in the unattend.txt file in the following 
   way. After the command to install Intel PROSet and the drivers, add the 
   following command:  

          Command1="%systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe /c cscript c:\wmiscr\savres.vbs restore c:\wmiscr\wmiconf.txt > c:\wmiscr\output.txt"


Deployment methods

Make sure that you have a copy of a network bootable MS-DOS floppy that connects 
to the Z:\PUSHXP directory, uses it to boot the destination system (the one you 
want to push install to), and connects to this shared network directory. 

Run the command from the \\Server\PUSHXP\i386 prompt: 
winnt /u:Z:\I386\unattend.txt /s:Z:\I386 /t:c 
where Z: equals mapped drive. 

NOTE: In the above procedure, setup runs the installation in unattended mode 
and also detects the plug and play network adapters. All driver files are 
copied from the shared directory to the target system directories and 
installation of the OS and Network Adapters continues without user 

If you installed VLANs as part of the unattended installation, view the 
results of the script execution in the output.txt file. This file is in 
the same directory as the SavRes.vbs file.


Microsoft Documentation for Unattended Installations of Windows XP

For a complete description of the parameters supported in Unattend.txt see the 
DEPLOY.CHM document in the DEPLOY.CAB cabinet file on the Windows XP CD. To 
obtain the document, use Internet Explorer 5.0 or greater to open DEPLOY.CAB 
in the \SUPPORT\TOOLS directory on the CD.  

Other documents and utilities in the DEPLOY.CAB file provide details and tools 
for setting up a variety of unattended installation methods. 


Sample unattend.txt file for Windows XP
TargetPath= *

; This switch prevents the user setup dialog from running when XP
; starts for the first time.


; PRODUCT ID is required for most installations.

; *** command to install PROSet - uncomment to install PROSet after push install
; Command0="c:\drivers\net\INTEL\Proset.msi /qn"

; *Use the following for a domain installation
; JoinDomain=MYDOMAIN
; CreateComputerAccountInDomain=Yes
; DomainAdmin=Installer
; DomainAdminPassword=install



Directory Structure for Unattended Installation Files
The following directory structure is created by PUSHCOPY.BAT to place the files 
necessary for the installation of the driver and Intel PROSet. The directory 
D:\PUSHXP refers to the location of the files from the Windows XP installation 

(From the PRO100\WS03XP32 directory of the Intel CD)


(From the PRO1000\WS03XP32 directory of the Intel CD)


      ;  The following two files will also be present if your Intel Driver CD 
      ;  supports the  
      ;      Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Server Adapter
      ;  and the
      ;      Intel(R) PRO/1000 MT Quad Port Network Connection


(From the \APPS\PROSET\WS03XP32 directory on the Intel CD)

*.MST ; International Language files

(From the \APPS\SETUP\PUSH\XP directory on the Intel CD)


; To activate the PROSetI installation once the above 
; directories have been created and populated, uncomment the 
; line:
; Command0="c:\drivers\net\INTEL\Proset.msi /qn"
; in the [GuiRunOnce] section of Unattend.txt
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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