readme.txt Driver File Contents (NeroBurnRights.exe)

Nero BurnRights

If you work on Microsoft Windows 2000 or on Windows XP you have to have 
adminstratorrights to be able to burn with nero.
We sent NeroSVC and NeroCecurity in the past to resolve this issue.
Nero BurnRights is the latest version of these packages.

It was improved to enable easy installation and easy maintenance.

Nertwork administrators note:
Advanced options for installation and maintenance will be explained 
in the end of this decription.

What is NeroBurnRights actually?
Nero BurnRights gives simple users without administrator rights the 
opportunity to burn on Windows 2000 and Windows XP, if they use 
nero or other nero burnengine based products.


If you want to install Nero Burnrights you must be member of the 
adminstratorgroup. Please shut down all other applications before you 
execute the installation file.

The installation is pretty simple, because all steps will be accomplished 
automatically. You will be informed if problems occur. Please follow the 
steps in this description to succeed. You can assign additional groups that 
should have the right to burn, when Nero BurnRights is running as soon as 
the installation process is finshed. A restart for this system is mandatory 
to finish the setup.

Realizing Nero BurnRights on your system

Nero BurnRights will show up as icon in the control panel after executing 
the installerfile. It will give you these three options:

A. Only Administrators will have burnrights.
   This is the default setting of Windows 2000 and Windows XP

B. All declared users will be able to burn

C. Only administrators and a selected group of users will have the 
   right to burn.

   (This option is not available on XP home edition)

   This option distinguishs between usergrous which are allowed to burn and 
   usergroups which are not allowed to burn.
   The defaultname for the group with burnrights is "Nero".
   Any user can be added to this 'privilliged' group anytime, if you 
   proceed following steps:
   Click on:
   start->settings->administration tools->computer management->
   local users and groups->groups
   Choose the group 'Nero' and add the prefered user to this group.

- Below you will find the description of what to do in case the group 
  has a different name.

- The group will be set up automaticly, if it wasn't there beforehand.

How to uninstall Nero BurnRights

Nero Burnrights can be uninstalled like every other software that is 
listed in start -> settings -> control panel -> software
Select Nero BurnRights and press remove.

Additional notes regarding Nero BurnRights
1. Installation

   1.1. Installationdirectory
      a. The regular installationdirectory of Nero BurnRights is called 
         NeroBurnRights. If nero is installed already, the installation
         directory of Nero BurnRights will be on the same level.
         If nero is on D:\burning\ahead\Nero
           Nero BurnRights will be installed in the directory:
      b. In case nero is not installed Nero will be installed
         in the subfolder ahead\NeroBurnRights of the default program
         Is C:\Program Files the default program folder the Nero BurnRights
         will be installed in C:\Program Files\ahead\NeroBurnRights
      c. If you don't like the path it's going to be installed in as 
         seen in a. & b. You can make up your directory selection. 
         Use this steps therefore: 
         Invoke the NeroBurnRightsInstaller with following parameter:
         /path=<requested path for NeroBurnRights>
         If there is a blank in the name of the path you have set 
         quotation marks in the begining and the end.
         "/path=D:\My Programs\ahead\NeroBurnRights"
   1.2.  When NeroSVC or NeroSecurity is installed already
         The Installer of Nero BurnRights will notice a previous 
         installation of this tools and point out possible difficulties 
         and how to resolve them.


      	 a. Uninstall NeroSVC or NeroSecurity only if your asked to do it, 
      	    because NeroBurnRights will adopt the recent group which has 
      	    already burnrights.

      	 b. A problem could be that a group which had the right to burn, 
      	    will keep this right, even if it's assigned as group without 
      	    burnrights in Nero Burnrights.

      	 c. The adminstrator will not be informed about problems, if the 
      	    /silent install was selected. Please look up b.
    1.3. Installation via script
       This issue is only interessting for networkadministrators.
       Options for silentinstallation:
       a. No user specific information are required.
       b. You can select the requested group that should have burnrights, 
          when you following the steps below.
                 only members of the adminstratorgroup can burn
                 all users which are declared on this local system will 
                 be able to burn
             /burnrights:group=<any groupname>
                 only members of the administratorgroup and the selceted 
                 group will be able to burn
           If there is a blank in the name of the group you have set 
           quotation marks in the begining and the end.
           "/burnrights:group=nero burngroup"

        c. You can also use the way described in 1.1.c to set up the 
           /path=<requested path for NeroBurnrights>    
           So all the below listed parameters are supported:
     	   /path=<requested path for NeroBurnrights>
      	   /burnrights:group=<any groupname>
2. Renaming the groupname of the group that has burnrights   

   Nero is installed and the group 'Nero' should not be the one with 

   a. You can change the present groupname if the group which should have 
      burnrights doesn't exist at the moment. Nero BurnRights will recognize 
      the renamed group.
   b. If the requested group already exists:
      1. Please start Nero Burnrights and select the adminstratorgroup as 
         group with burnrights. Now close the program. 
         Do not reboot the system.
      2. Now start regedit and go to 
           HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Nero BurnRights
         Add a new string (REG_SZ) entry.
         Name it:
         And enter the requested groupname.
      3. Now start Nero BurnRights. Now the entered name will be 
         taken over.

3. Problems
   It's possible that a group can burn even without having burnrights.
   In this case Nero BurnRights gives you the option to handle this.
   Please start Nero BurnRights and open the property page
   "Advanced Options". Now press "Reset Burnrights".
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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