; Canon Raster/PCL5e Fax Driver INF for Windows XP/Vista (x64) ; Copyright CANON INC. 2007 All Rights Reserved ; CNXRPUA6.inf ; InfID: {6CACBC2B-1B59-4b5e-84BD-DA19B211E1D4} [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Provider=%CANON% ClassGUID={4D36E979-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Class=Printer DriverVer=03/20/2007, CatalogFile=CNXRPUA6.cat [Manufacturer] %CANON%=Canon,NTamd64,NTamd64.6.0 [Canon.NTamd64] "Canon MF3200 Series (FAX)" = MF3200_FAX,USBPRINT\CanonMF3200_Series_(5D1C [Canon.NTamd64.6.0] "Canon MF3200 Series (FAX)" = MF3200_FAX,USBPRINT\CanonMF3200_Series_(5D1C [MF3200_FAX] CopyFiles=MF3200FU,FAX_IMG,HELP_US,FAX_COM,PCOM_US,COLOR_COM,COLOR_IMG,UTL_NC,UTL_COM,NS_CPCA_LM3 DataFile=MF3200FU.xpd DataSection=MF3200FU_DATA LanguageMonitor=%NS_LMON3_CPCA% [OEM URLS] %CANON% = "http://www.canon.com/support" [MF3200FU] MF3200FU.xpd CNFR0M_D9732.dll, CNFR0M.dll CNFR0MUI_D9732.dll, CNFR0MUI.dll CNFR0409_D9732.dll, CNFR0409.dll [MF3200FU_DATA] DriverFile=CNFR0M_D9732.dll ConfigFile=CNFR0MUI_D9732.dll HelpFile=CNFRU50.chm [FAX_IMG] CnxP0RsW.dll [HELP_US] CNFRU50.chm [FAX_COM] CNXP3FGU.dll CNXP3FU3.dll CNXADR.dll CNXCR.dll CNXECR.dll CNXDMAN.dll CnFX1UTS.dll CNFX2ESV.inf CNFX2EUA.dll CNFX2EUA.chm CNFX2EUC.dll CNFX2ECS.dll CNFX2EWS.dll CNFX2EMS.dll [PCOM_US] CPC1US.DLL CPC10S.dll CPC10D.exe CPC10Q.exe CPC10E.dll CPC10V.exe [COLOR_COM] CnXPCP32.dll CnXPCF32.dll CNXPVT32.dll CnXPTN32.dll UCS32P.dll CNLK.prf [COLOR_IMG] CNFXCM32.DLL CMDFFXK.DAT [UTL_NC] AUSSDRV.dll [UTL_COM] CNXP0LOG.DLL [NS_CPCA_LM3] CNAS0MMK.DLL,,,0x00000020 [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=66000 NS_CPCA_LM3=66002 [SourceDisksNames.amd64] 1=%DISK1%,fax.cab, [SourceDisksFiles.amd64] MF3200FU.xpd = 1 ; CNFR0M.dll = 1 CNFR0MUI.dll = 1 CNFR0409.dll = 1 CnxP0RsW.dll = 1 ; CNFRU50.chm = 1 ; CNXP3FGU.dll = 1 CNXP3FU3.dll = 1 CNXADR.dll = 1 CNXCR.dll = 1 CNXECR.dll = 1 CNXDMAN.dll = 1 CnFX1UTS.dll = 1 CNFX2ESV.inf = 1 CNFX2EUA.dll = 1 CNFX2EUA.chm = 1 CNFX2EUC.dll = 1 CNFX2ECS.dll = 1 CNFX2EWS.dll = 1 CNFX2EMS.dll = 1 ; CPC1US.DLL = 1 CPC10S.dll = 1 CPC10D.exe = 1 CPC10Q.exe = 1 CPC10E.dll = 1 CPC10V.exe = 1 ; CnXPCP32.dll = 1 CnXPCF32.dll = 1 CNXPVT32.dll = 1 CnXPTN32.dll = 1 UCS32P.dll = 1 CNLK.prf = 1 ; CNFXCM32.DLL = 1 CMDFFXK.DAT = 1 ; AUSSDRV.dll = 1 ; CNXP0LOG.DLL = 1 CNAS0MMK.DLL = 1 [Strings] CANON="Canon" NS_LMON3_CPCA="CPCA Language Monitor3,CNAS0MMK.DLL" DISK1="Canon Raster/PCL5e Fax Driver for Microsoft Windows XP/Vista (x64) Installer Disk"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.