setup.ini Driver File Contents (

; Copyright (C) 2003-2005 TOSHIBA Corporation
; Setup Initialization File
; SEP.13.2004 Created
; SEP.24.2004 Added strings for all languages.
; NOV.08.2004 Updated
; DEC.07.2004 Added mst for new installer

LOGO = "dbt120.bmp"

INSTALLER = "setup.exe"
;MSIFILE = "Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba.msi"
VERSION = "v3.03.13(C)"

MSIFILE = "BtSwInst.msi"
VERSION = "v3.03.13(C)"

;// Japanese Japanese JPN  
0x0411 = "JPN"

;// Danish Danish DAN  
0x0406 = "DAN"

;// Dutch Dutch (Standard) NLD 
0x0413 = "NLD"
;// Dutch Belgian (Flemish) NLB 
0x0813 = "NLD"

;// English American ENU  
;0x0409 = "ENU"
;// English British ENG  
;0x0809 = "ENG"
;// English Australian ENA  
;0x0c09 = "ENU" 
;// English Canadian ENC  
;0x1009 = "ENU"
;// English New Zealand ENZ  
;0x1409 = "ENU"
;// English Ireland ENI  
;0x1809 = "ENU"

;// Finnish Finnish FIN  
;0x040B = "ENU"

;// French French (Standard) FRA  
0x040C = "FRA"
;// French Belgian FRB  
0x080C = "FRA"
;// French Canadian FRC  
0x0C0C = "FRA"
;// French Swiss FRS  
0x100C = "FRA"

;// German German (Standard) DEU  
0x0407 = "DEU"
;// German Swiss DES  
0x0807 = "DEU"
;// German Austrian DEA  
0x0C07 = "DEU"

;// Icelandic Icelandic ISL  
0x040F = "ITA"
;// Italian Italian (Standard) ITA  
0x0410 = "ITA"
;// Italian Swiss ITS  
0x0810 = "ITA"

;// Norwegian Norwegian (Bokmal) NOR  
0x0414 = "NOR"
;// Norwegian Norwegian (Nynorsk) NON  
0x0814 = "NOR"

;// Portuguese Portuguese (Brazilian) PTB  
0x0416 = "PTB"
;// Portuguese Portuguese (Standard) PTG  
0x0816 = "PTB"

;// Swedish Swedish SVE  
0x041D = "SVE"
;// Spanish Spanish (Standard/Traditional) ESP  
0x040A = "ESP"
;// Spanish Mexican ESM  
0x080A = "ESP"
;// Spanish Spanish (Modern) ESN  
0x0C0A = "ESP"

;// Korean  
0x0412 = "KOR"

;// chainese, Traditional (Taiwan)  
0x0404 = "CHT"

;// chainese, Simplified  
0x0804 = "CHS"

;// Russian  
0x0419 = "RUS"

;// Finnish  
0x040B = "FIN"

MSTFILE = "1041.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
;See Setup_JPN.ini

MSTFILE = "1033.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Install the Bluetooth Utility"
PCMAN="View the DBT-120 Manual"
CDOPEN="Browse this folder"
Message1="Installation image is not correct."
Message2="Software(Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba %s already exists. Do you want to continue installation? Select OK button to uninstall current version automatically before installation."
Message4="Operating System version currently not supported."


MSTFILE = "1036.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Installation (%s)"
PCMAN="Afficher le guide de l’utilisateur"
CDOPEN="Parcourir ce CD"
Message1="Il est nécessaire de mettre à jour le pilote hôte de carte SD. Pour mettre à jour ce pilote, consultez le Guide de prise en main rapide. Cliquez sur le bouton OK pour ouvrir la boîte de dialogue [Système] du Panneau de configuration."
Message2="Le programme (Bluetooth Stack for Windows par Toshiba %s) existe déjà. Voulez-vous continuer l'installation ? Cliquez sur OK pour désinstaller automaticamenet l'ancienne version et installer la nouvelle."
Message3="Impossible d’ouvrir le Manuel de l’utilisateur. Veuillez installer Acrobat(R) Reader(TM)."

MSTFILE = "1031.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Installation (%s)"
PCMAN="Benutzerhandbuch anzeigen"
CDOPEN="Diese CD durchsuchen"
Message1="Sie müssen den SD-Host-Treiber aktualisieren. Hinweise zur benötigten Version finden Sie in der Kurzanleitung. Wählen Sie [OK], um den Eintrag [System] in der Systemsteuerung zu öffnen."
Message2="Die Software (Bluetooth Stack für Windows von Toshiba %s) ist bereits vorhanden. Möchten Sie die Installation fortsetzen? Klicken Sie auf OK, um vor der Installation die aktuelle Version automatisch zu deinstallieren."
Message3="Das Benutzerhandbuch kann nicht geöffnet werden. Installieren Sie Acrobat(R) Reader(TM)."

MSTFILE = "1040.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Installa (%s)"
PCMAN="Visualizza manuale utente"
CDOPEN="Sfoglia questo CD"
Message1="È necessario aggiornare il driver host SD. Per aggiornare il driver consultare la Guida rapida. Selezionare OK per aprire l'icona [Sistema] del Pannello di controllo."
Message2="Il software (Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba %s) esiste già. Continuare con l'installazione? Selezionare il pulsante OK per disinstallare automaticamente la versione corrente prima di eseguire la nuova installazione."
Message3="Impossibile aprire il Manuale utente. Installare Acrobat(R) Reader(TM)."

MSTFILE = "1030.mst"
Caption = "Bluetooth-stak til Windows fra Toshiba"
PCINST = "Installer (%s)"
PCMAN = "Vis produktbemærkninger"
CDOPEN = "Gennemse denne mappe"
Message1 = "Installationsbilledet er ikke korrekt."
Message2 = "Softwaren (Bluetooth-stak til Windows fra Toshiba %s) findes allerede. Vil du fortsætte med installationen alligevel? Klik på OK hvis du vil afinstallere den nuværende version, inden installationen begynder."
Message4 = "Styresystemet understøttes ikke."
CLOSE = "Luk"

MSTFILE = "1044.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows fra TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Installer (%s)"
PCMAN="Vis versjonsmerknader"
CDOPEN="Bla gjennom denne mappen"
Message1="Ugyldig installeringsbilde."
Message2="Programvaren (Bluetooth Stack for Windows fra Toshiba %s) er allerede installert. Vil du fortsette med installeringen? Klikk OK for å avinstallere den gjeldende versjonen før du fortsetter med installeringen."
Message4="Programvaren støttes ikke av dette operativsystemet."

;Portuguese (Brazilian)
MSTFILE = "1046.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack para Windows da TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Instalar (%s)"
PCMAN="Exibir nota de versão"
CDOPEN="Procurar nesta pasta"
Message1="A imagem da instalação não está correta."
Message2="O software (Bluetooth Stack para Windows da Toshiba %s) já existe. Deseja continuar com a instalação?  Selecione o botão OK para automaticamente desinstalar a versão atual antes da instalação."
Message4="Versão do SO não suportada."

MSTFILE = "1053.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth-stack för Windows av TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Installera (%s)"
PCMAN="Visa versionsanmärkningar"
CDOPEN="Sök i denna mapp"
Message1="Installationsbilden är felaktig."
Message2="Programvaran (Bluetooth-stack för Windows %s av Toshiba) finns redan. Vill du fortsätta med installationen? Klicka på OK om du vill att den nuvarande versionen ska avinstalleras automatiskt innan installationen påbörjas."
Message4="Det finns inget stöd för denna version av operativsystemet."

MSTFILE = "1034.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Instalar (%s)"
PCMAN="Mostrar Manual del usuario"
CDOPEN="Examinar este CD"
Message1="Debe actualizar el controlador de host SD. Actualice el controlador consultando la guía de inicio rápido. Seleccione Aceptar para abrir [Sistema] en el Panel de control."
Message2="El software(Pila Bluetooth para Windows de Toshiba %s) ya existe. ¿Desea continuar con la instalación? Seleccione el botón Aceptar para desinstalar la versión actual automáticamente antes de la instalación."
Message3="No se puede abrir el Manual del usuario. Instale Acrobat(R) Reader(TM)."

MSTFILE = "1043.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Installatie (%s)"
PCMAN="Gebruikershandleiding weergeven"
CDOPEN="Door deze cd bladeren"
Message1="U dient een update van het SD Host-stuurprogramma uit te voeren. Raadpleeg hiervoor de Snelstartgids. Klik op OK om het venster [Systeem] in Configuratiescherm te openen"
Message2="De software (Bluetooth Stack voor Windows van Toshiba %s) bestaat al. Wilt u de installatie vervolgen? Klik op OK als u de huidige versie automatisch wilt verwijderen voor de installatie wordt vervolgd."
Message3="De gebruikershandleiding kan niet worden geopend. Installeer Acrobat(R) Reader(TM)."

MSTFILE = "1042.mst"
;See Setup_KO.ini

MSTFILE = "1033.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Install the Bluetooth Utility"
PCMAN="View the DBT-120 Manual"
CDOPEN="Browse this folder"
Message1="Installation image is not correct."
Message2="Software(Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba %s already exists. Do you want to continue installation? Select OK button to uninstall current version automatically before installation."
Message4="Operating System version currently not supported."

MSTFILE = "1033.mst"
Caption="Bluetooth Stack for Windows by TOSHIBA"
PCINST="Install the Bluetooth Utility"
PCMAN="View the DBT-120 Manual"
CDOPEN="Browse this folder"
Message1="Installation image is not correct."
Message2="Software(Bluetooth Stack for Windows by Toshiba %s already exists. Do you want to continue installation? Select OK button to uninstall current version automatically before installation."
Message4="Operating System version currently not supported."

MSTFILE = "1049.mst"
;See Setup_RUS.ini

MSTFILE = "1035.mst"
Caption = "TOSHIBAN Bluetooth Stack Windowsille"
PCINST = "Asenna(%s)"
PCMAN = "Näytä julkaisutiedot"
CDOPEN = "Selaa tätä kansiota"
Message1 = "Asennusvedos on virheellinen."
Message2 = "Ohjelmisto (Toshiban Bluetooth Stack Windowsille %s) on jo olemassa. Haluatko jatkaa asennusta? Napsauta OK-painiketta poistaaksesi nykyisen version automaattisesti ennen asennusta."
Message4 = "Käyttöjärjestelmän versio ei ole tuettu."
CLOSE = "Sulje"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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