Setup.ini Driver File Contents (

;      Client Manager V インストーラÝèファイル Ver.
;      ProductVersion : 0x00010401(66562)
;                            インストール初ú»
title		= "BUFFALO Client Manager V Installer"
Version		= 1.10
date		= 900119
AllUser		= 1
goto		= check_version
if_not_admini = QUIT

; update check
command		= cmp_reg_dword
key_name	= "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MELCO INC\Melsetup\UN900119"
value		= Version, DWORD, 66562
if_large	= check_arg_large
if_other	= check_ng_program1

command		= disp_msg_box
string_num	= 5
string1		= "Later version Client Manager V"
string2		= "is already installed."
string3		= "Update isn't necessary."
string4		= ""
string5		= "Do you wish to cancel the installation?"
button		= YES_NO
option		= ?
if_ok_yes	= quit_cancel
if_cancel_no	= check_ng_program1

command		= find_reg_key
key_name	= "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\MELCO INC\Melsetup\UN900119"
if_success	= error_check_ng_program900119
if_error	= menu_check_os

command		= disp_msg_box
string_num	= 5
string1		= "Client Manager V is already installed."
string2		= "Uninstallation of Client Manager V is necessary."
string3		= ""
string4		= ""
string5		= "Do you wish to start the uninstallation?"
button		= YES_NO
option		= ?
if_ok_yes	= call_uninst900119_r
if_cancel_no	= quit_cancel

command		= release_mymutex
if_success	= call_uninst900119
if_error	= call_uninst900119
command		= execute_app
type		= WAIT
file1		= "$WINDOWS$\UN900119.exe"
option1		= /U
if_success	= call_uninst900119_c
if_error	= call_uninst900119_c
command		= create_mymutex
if_success	= check_ng_program1
if_error	= check_ng_program1

; «チェック
command		= check_os_ver
if_win7		= menu_check_ie
if_winvista	= menu_check_ie
if_other	= NOT_SUPPORT
command		= check_ie_ver
if_other	= menu
; インストールメニュー
command		= disp_dialog
focus		= 2
string1		= "Client Manager V Installation"
string2		= ""
string3		= "Before starting the installation, please close all open applications."
string4		= "When all applications have been closed click `Next` to continue."
button2		= Next, license
button3		= Cancel, quit_cancel
command		= disp_agreement
text_image	= "$SETUP$\license.txt"
string1		= "License Agreement"
button1		= Agree,user_folder
button2		= Disagree,quit_cancel
focus		= 1
command		= select_folder
focus		= 3
string1		= "Client Manager V will be installed and saved to the following folder:"
folder_path	= "$PROG$\BUFFALO\clientmgrv"
button1		= Browse
button2		= Back,license
button3		= Next,inst_find1
; インストール
command		= disp_msg_box
string_num	= 1
string1		= "Failed to install Client Manager V "
button		= OK
option		= STOP
if_ok_yes	= quit_error
command		= find_app
file		= cmvMain.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= inst_sleep1
if_error	= inst_find2
command		= sleep
time		= 1000
goto		= inst_find1_2
command		= find_app
file		= cmvMain.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= inst_sleep1_2
if_error	= inst_find2
command		= sleep
time		= 10000
goto		= inst_find1_3
command		= find_app
file		= cmvMain.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= attention_session
if_error	= inst_find2
command		= find_app
file		= cmvConsole.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= inst_sleep2
if_error	= inst_find3
command		= sleep
time		= 500
goto		= inst_find2
command		= find_app
file		= AOSSWPS.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= inst_sleep3
if_error	= inst_find4
command		= sleep
time		= 500
goto		= inst_find3
command		= find_app
file		= AirMonv.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= inst_sleep4
if_error	= inst_mkfolder
command		= sleep
time		= 500
goto		= inst_find4
command		= make_folder
folder_path1	= "$USER$"
folder_path2	= "$USER$\bin"
folder_path3	= "$USER$\driver"
if_success	= inst_file_copy
if_error	= inst_error
command		= copy_file2
file1		= "$SETUP$\License.txt",  "$USER$\License.txt"
file2		= "$SETUP$\License_OpenSSL.txt",  "$USER$\License_OpenSSL.txt"
file3		= "$SETUP$\License_WscRefImpl.txt",  "$USER$\License_WscRefImpl.txt"
if_success	= inst_file_copyx1
if_error	= inst_error
command		= xcopy
src			= "$SETUP$\bin"
dst			= "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= inst_file_copyx2
if_error	= inst_error
command		= xcopy
src			= "$SETUP$\driver"
dst			= "$USER$\driver"
if_success	= inst_bufeap
if_error	= inst_error

command		= execute_app_ex
show_status	= NORMAL
Token		= NOUSE
file		= "$USER$\driver\netset.exe"
option		= "-i bufeap.inf"
if_value_0	= inst_add_group
if_value_-6	= inst_error
if_value_-5	= inst_error
if_value_-4	= inst_error
if_value_-3	= inst_error
if_value_-1	= inst_error
if_others	= inst_add_group
if_error	= inst_error

; ショートカット
command		= add_menu_item_b
group		= "AirStation Utility"
item1		= ClientManagerV,"$USER$\bin\cmvMain.exe"
show		= NO
if_success	= inst_add_desktop
if_error	= inst_error
command		= make_shortcut
shortcut1	= "$DESKTOP$\ClientManagerV.lnk", "$USER$\bin\cmvMain.exe"
if_success	= inst_add_startup
if_error	= inst_error
command		= make_shortcut
shortcut1	= "$STARTGRP$\\ClientManagerV.lnk", "$USER$\bin\cmvMain.exe"
if_success	= inst_set_uninst_data
if_error	= inst_error
command		= set_uninst_info
uninst_section	= uninstall
display_name	= "BUFFALO Client Manager V"
display_icon	= "$USER$\bin\cmvMain.exe"
publisher	= "Buffalo Technology"
url_info_about	= ""
url_update_info	= ""
help_link	= ""
error_report	= NO
if_success	= regadd
if_error	= inst_error
command		= set_reg_value
value1		= Version, DWORD, 66562
if_success	= regadd_aoss
if_error	= inst_error
command		= set_reg_value
value1		= PATH, SZ, "$USER$\bin\AOSSWPS.exe"
if_success	= inst_rundll32
if_error	= inst_error
command		= execute_app
type		= WAIT
file1		= "$WINSYS$\rundll32.exe", " WlanNet.dll,DllRegisterServer", "$USER$\bin"
file2		= "$WINSYS$\rundll32.exe", " WlanNetPs.dll,DllRegisterServer", "$USER$\bin"
file3		= "$USER$\bin\BWH32S.exe", " -install", "$USER$\bin"
file4		= "$WINSYS$\rundll32.exe", " BWH32PS.dll,DllRegisterServer", "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= inst_done
if_error	= inst_error
command		= disp_msg_box
string1		= "Client Manager V installation complete."
button		= OK
if_ok_yes	= Execute_App
command		= execute_app
type		= NOWAIT
file1		= "$USER$\bin\cmvMain.exe"
option1		= /DOGAPP="AirNavi.exe"
Token		= SUCCESS
if_success	= quit_success
if_error	= quit_success
command		= disp_msg_box
string1		= "Client Manager V installation complete."
string2		= ""
string3		= "Windows restart is necessary to use Client Manager V."
string4		= "Do you wish to restart Windows now?"
option		= ?
button		= YES_NO
if_ok_yes	= REBOOT
if_cancel_no	= quit_success

;                          アンインストール初ú»
command		= disp_dialog
string1		= "Uninstalling of Client Manager V"
string2		= ""
string3		= "To uninstall click `Start`."
string4		= "To cancel the process at any time click `Stop`"
button2		= Start, uninst_find1
button3		= Cancel, quit_cancel
focus		= 2
command		= disp_msg_box
string_num	= 3
string1		= "Failed to uninstall Client Manager V."
string2		= "Please reboot the computer and try again."
string3		= ""
button		= OK
option		= STOP
if_ok_yes	= quit_error
command		= find_app
file		= cmvMain.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= uninst_sleep1
if_error	= uninst_find2
command		= sleep
time		= 1000
goto		= uninst_find1_2
command		= find_app
file		= cmvMain.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= uninst_sleep1_2
if_error	= uninst_find2
command		= sleep
time		= 10000
goto		= uninst_find1_3
command		= find_app
file		= cmvMain.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= attention_session
if_error	= uninst_find2
command		= find_app
file		= cmvConsole.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= uninst_sleep2
if_error	= uninst_find3
command		= sleep
time		= 500
goto		= uninst_find2
command		= find_app
file		= AOSSWPS.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= uninst_sleep3
if_error	= uninst_find4
command		= sleep
time		= 500
goto		= uninst_find3
command		= find_app
file		= AirMonv.exe
option		= STOP
if_success	= uninst_sleep4
if_error	= uninst_find_file_netset
command		= sleep
time		= 500
goto		= uninst_find4
command		= find_file
file_path	= "$USER$\driver\netset.exe"
if_success	= uninst_bufeap
if_error	= check_wlannet_dll
command		= execute_app_ex
show_status	= NORMAL
Token		= NOUSE
file		= "$USER$\driver\netset.exe"
option		= "-u bufeap"
if_value_0	= check_wlannet_dll
if_value_-5	= uninst_error
if_value_-4	= quit_cancel
if_value_-3	= quit_cancel
if_value_-1	= uninst_error
if_others	= check_wlannet_dll
if_error	= check_wlannet_dll
command		= find_file
file_path	= "$USER$\bin\WlanNet.dll"
if_success	= unregister_wlannet_dll
if_error	= check_wlannetps_dll

command	= execute_app
type		= WAIT
file1		= "$WINSYS$\rundll32.exe", " WlanNet.dll,DllUnregisterServer", "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= check_wlannetps_dll
if_error	= check_wlannetps_dll


command		= find_file
file_path	= "$USER$\bin\WlanNetPs.dll"
if_success	= unregister_wlannetps_dll
if_error	= check_bwh32s_svc

command	= execute_app
type		= WAIT
file1		= "$WINSYS$\rundll32.exe", " WlanNetPs.dll,DllUnregisterServer", "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= check_bwh32s_svc
if_error	= check_bwh32s_svc


command		= find_file
file_path	= "$USER$\bin\BWH32S.exe"
if_success	= unregister_bwh32s_svc
if_error	= check_bwh32ps_dll

command	= execute_app
type		= WAIT
file1		= "$USER$\bin\BWH32S.exe", " -uninstall", "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= check_bwh32ps_dll
if_error	= check_bwh32ps_dll


command		= find_file
file_path	= "$USER$\bin\BWH32PS.dll"
if_success	= unregister_bwh32ps_dll
if_error	= regdel_aoss

command	= execute_app
type		= WAIT
file1		= "$WINSYS$\rundll32.exe", " BWH32PS.dll,DllUnregisterServer", "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= regdel_aoss
if_error	= regdel_aoss

command		= del_reg_value
value_name1	= PATH
if_success	= regdel_aossk
if_error	= regdel_aossk
command		= del_reg_key
if_success	= uninst_del_group
if_error	= uninst_del_group
command		= del_file
file_path1	= "$MENUGRPB$\AirStation Utility\ClientManagerV.lnk"
file_path2	= "$DESKTOP$\ClientManagerV.lnk"
file_path3	= "$STARTGRP$\ClientManagerV.lnk"
folder_path1	= "$MENUGRPB$\AirStation Utility", RECURSIVE
if_success	= uninst_del_filex1
if_error	= uninst_del_filex1
command		= xdelete
dst			= "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= uninst_del_filex2
if_error	= uninst_del_filex2
command		= xdelete
dst			= "$USER$\driver"
if_success	= uninst_del_file
if_error	= uninst_del_file
command		= del_file
file_path1		= "$USER$\License.txt"
file_path2		= "$USER$\License_OpenSSL.txt"
file_path3		= "$USER$\License_WscRefImpl.txt"
file_path4		= "$DESKTOP$\Client Manager V beta Questionnaire.url"
folder_path3	= "$USER$", RECURSIVE
folder_path2	= "$USER$\driver"
folder_path1	= "$USER$\bin"
if_success	= uninst_del_uninst_data
if_error	= uninst_del_uninst_data
command		= del_uninst_info
if_success	= uninstalled_msg
if_error	= uninstalled_msg
command		= disp_msg_box
string1		= "Uninstalling of Client Manager V complete."
button		= OK
if_ok_yes	= quit_success

; 終¹Í(ê部ð除¢Ä)±±Ìセクションð使用µÜ·
command		= disp_msg_box
string_num	= 5
string1		= "Client Manager V is already running."
string2		= ""
string3		= "If log on users exist,"
string4		= "try again after log off or restart Windows."
string5		= ""
button		= OK
option		= STOP
if_ok_yes	= quit_cancel
command		= quit
return		= 0
command		= quit
return		= 1
command		= quit
return		= 2
command		= quit
return		= 3

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 2.43