INSTALL.TXT Driver File Contents (

        NetWare 3.11 Server Driver Installation

   Four sections are covered in this information as below:



   DRIVER          : ET32NW.LAN

   Parameter  Description          Valid Values and Notes
   PCIBOARD   PCI board number     1,2,3,4

       This parameter specifies a specific ET32/Px adapter when multiple
       ET32/Px adapters are installed in one system. If only one ET32/Px
       adapter is installed, it is not necessary to specify this option.
       The driver will search the adapter automatically.
   FRAME      Packet Frame type  Ethernet_802.2,Ethernet_II,Ethernet_802.3

       If not specified, the driver uses Ethernet_802.2 as default.


   A.Load the necessary Netware 3.11 related NLM modules

     First copy all NLM modules from the NW311 directory to the target
     Netware Server DOS directory, C:\SERVER.311 for example.

     After starting the NetWare server by running SERVER.EXE, the
     following commands, in order, must be executed on the NetWare 3.11
     console before loading the server driver and bind it to NetWare:


     These commands can be optionally added to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file used
     by the SERVER.EXE program.  This file can be edited by running the
     INSTALL.NLM utility from a server console and then choosing the
     "System Options".  From there, choose the "Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file"

     NOTE: You must LOAD and BIND the driver for each frame type desired.
           NetWare 3.11 allows up to four different frame types:
           Ethernet_802.3, Ethernet_802.2, Ethernet_II, and Ethernet_SNAP.
           The LAN cards supports all Ethernet frame types.

     NOTE: There is no LOAD command for the MSM31X.NLM because the
           ETHERTSM.NLM will automatically load the MSM31X.NLM file.

   B.Use "LOAD ET32NW ..." Command

     You may load the server driver directly under Netware console prompt.
     However, make sure you have copied all drivers and the required NLM
     files from the driver diskette into your proper direcotry in the
     server before loading the driver.

     To load ET32NW.LAN driver, follow the commands as below:

             :load et32nw [parameter=value]

     The supported parameters are summarized as below:

                Valid values
     Parameter  (none) means parameter is not specified.
     ---------  -----------------------------------------
     PCIBOARD   1,2,3,4
                (none) -- auto search

     FRAME      Ethernet_802.2, Ethernet_802.3,
                Ethernet_SNAP, Ethernet_II
     Note : All parameter names and values are caps insensitive.


     * Single adapter using frame Ethernet_802.2

       (a) command:          load et32nw

     * Single adapter using frame ethernet_802.3

             load et32nw frame=ethernet_802.3

     * Single adapter supporting multiple frame types

             load et32nw pciboard=1 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=et32_802.2
             load et32nw pciboard=1 frame=ethernet_802.3 neme=et32_802.3
             bind IPX to et32_802.2 net=8022
             bind IPX to et32_802.3 net=8023

     * Multiple adapters, single frame type

       Two ET32/Px adapters respectively to support frame ethernet_802.3

             load et32nw pciboard=1 frame=ethernet_802.3 name=et32_1_802.3
             load et32nw pciboard=2 frame=ethernet_802.3 name=et32_2_802.3
             bind IPX to et32_1_802.3 net=18023
             bind IPX to et32_2_802.3 net=28023

     * Multiple adapters, multiple frame types

       Two ET32/Px adapters supporting frame ethernet_802.2 and

             load et32nw pciboard=1 frame=ethernet_802.3 name=et32_1_802.3
             load et32nw pciboard=1 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=et32_1_802.2
             load et32nw pciboard=2 frame=ethernet_802.3 name=et32_2_802.3
             load et32nw pciboard=2 frame=ethernet_802.2 name=et32_2_802.2
             bind IPX to et32_1_802.3 net=18023
             bind IPX to et32_1_802.2 net=18022
             bind IPX to et32_2_802.3 net=28023
             bind IPX to et32_2_802.2 net=28022


   This section provides the information for how to improve your network
   performance in a Netware 3.11 environment.

   Netware 3.11 is an early NOS which does not support Packet Burst
   protocol. Packet Burst was implemented in later versions of NetWare.
   The Packet Burst is a enhanced function that allows the clients and
   servers to communicate more efficiently over IPX protocol. The clients
   or servers are allowed to transfer multiple packets upon per IPX read
   or write request.

   Without this function, Netware 3.11 will only transmit single packet
   upon per IPX read or write request. Most of the network bandwidth is
   comsumed on the protocol handshaking. This will limit the utilization
   of the network performance.

   To improve the performance, Novell implemented the PBURST.NLM which
   must be installed on the Netware 3.11 and allow the server to support
   Packet Burst function over IPX protocol. Of course, only the clients
   that have been installed with the VLM requester can get the benefit.

   Secondly, this Netware server driver is based on the latest version
   of the Novells ODI specification, and some *.NLM files are required
   to be loaded with this Netware server drivers for Netware 3.11.

   Installation Procedures:

   1. Copy the ET32NW.LAN driver and Netware Loadable Modules from the
      Driver Disk.

      While still running DOS on the server computer, copy the Netware
      server driver (ET32NW.LAN) and all the Netware Loadable
      Modules from the Driver Disk to the DOS directory containing the
      Netware server. For example, if the Driver Disk is in floppy drive
      A and the server is in the C:\SERVER.311 directory, execute the
      following DOS commands:

           COPY A:\NW311\VGNW.LAN C:\SERVER.311
           COPY A:\NW311\*.NLM C:\SERVER.311

   2. At the Server prompt, enter the following commands:

           LOAD  C:\SERVER.311\LSLENH.NLM
           LOAD  C:\SERVER.311\MONITOR.NLM
           LOAD  C:\SERVER.311\ET32NW.LAN
           BIND IPX to ET32NW NET=xxxx
           LOAD  C:\SERVER.311\PBURST.NLM

   3. Change your Workstations Netware Client Software from NETX to VLM.

      You can choose to use the VLM either from the latest Novell Netware
      Client software or use the DOSUP9.EXE from Novell NOVLIB in

   The performance of a Netware 3.11 server with packet burst mode enabled
   can be improved dramatically. Please contact Novell for more
   information about PBURST.NLM.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web5, load: 1.22