;============================================================================================ ; ; Integrated Telecom Express Inc. ADSL NIC Driver Installation Set, for Apollo, Windows XP ; ; Copyright (c) 1998-2001, Integrated Telecom Express Inc. ; ;============================================================================================ [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" Class = Net ClassGUID = {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} Provider = %V_ITeX% ;Following are reserverd for future use CatalogFile = ITeXA2.cat ;DriverVer = mm/dd/yyyy,[a.b.c.d] DriverVer = 09/11/2001,2.3.4 [Manufacturer] %V_ITeX%=ITeX [ITeX] ; DisplayName Section DeviceID ; ----------- ------- -------- ;%itexadsla2.DeviceDesc% = itexadsla2.ndi, PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188&SUBSYS_01881471&REV_10;for A2 ;%itexadsla2.DeviceDesc% = itexadsla2.ndi, PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188&SUBSYS_03881471&REV_10;for A3 ;%itexadsla2.DeviceDesc% = itexadsla2.ndi, PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188&SUBSYS_03881471&REV_11;for A3 %itexadsla2.DeviceDesc% = itexadsla2.ndi, PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188 [ControlFlags] ;ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188&SUBSYS_01881471&REV_10, \ ; PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188&SUBSYS_03881471&REV_10, \ ; PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188&SUBSYS_03881471&REV_11 ExcludeFromSelect = PCI\VEN_1471&DEV_0188 ;================================================================= ; Source Files Section ;================================================================= [SourceDisksNames] 50=%V_DISK% [SourceDisksFiles] ;netamgm.inf = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root netitex.inf = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root ;amgmwan.sys = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root itexwana.sys = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root mapidrv.dll = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root mapiicon.exe = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root ndi9x.dll = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root dllmapi2.exe = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root dllmapi6.exe = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root dllmapi7.exe = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root dllmapi8.exe = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root UInsADSL.exe = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root UnInst.exe = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root AdslCfg.ini = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root ReadMe.htm = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root NdiNT5.dll = 50,, ; on distribution disk 1, in root ;======================================================================================= ; Copy Files Section ;======================================================================================= ;==================================== ;[Common Part for A2,Winnt] ;==================================== [itexadsl.CopyFiles.ntinf] ;netamgm.inf,,,2 [itexadsl.CopyFiles.sys] ;amgmwan.sys,,,2 ;==================================== ;[Product Specific Part for A2] ;==================================== ;[A2, Winnt] [itexadsla2.CopyFiles.sys] itexwana.sys,,,2 ;==================================== ;[MAPI Utility for A2] ;==================================== ;[A2, MAPI] [itexadsla2.CopyFiles.mapiw2k] mapiicon.exe,,,2 mapidrv.dll,,,2 dllmapi2.exe,,,2 DllMapi6.exe,,,2 DllMapi7.exe,,,2 DllMapi8.exe,,,2 UInsADSL.exe,,,2 AdslCfg.ini,,,2 ReadMe.htm,,,2 UnInst.exe,,,2 ;==================================== ; Destination Section ;==================================== [DestinationDirs] ;[Common Part for A2, Winnt] itexadsl.CopyFiles.ntinf = 17 ;Inf itexadsl.CopyFiles.sys = 12 ;System32\Drivers ;itexadsl.CopyFiles.ntdll = 11 ;LDID_SYS itexadsla2.CopyFiles.coinstaller = 11 ;[A2, Winnt] itexadsla2.CopyFiles.sys = 12 ;[A2, MAPI,w2k] itexadsla2.CopyFiles.mapiw2k = 11 DefaultDestDir = 12 ;=========================================================================================== ; Installer Section for WINNT ;=========================================================================================== ;[A2, Winnt] [itexadsla2.ndi] BusType = 5 Characteristics = 0x84 ;NCF_PHYSICAL AddReg = itexadsla2.ndi.reg ,A2NT5_param.ndi.reg CopyFiles = itexadsl.CopyFiles.ntinf,itexadsl.CopyFiles.sys,itexadsla2.CopyFiles.sys,itexadsla2.CopyFiles.mapiw2k ;[itexadsla2.ndi.Hw] ;AddReg = Reg-LowerFilter-NdisTapi ;[Reg-LowerFilter-NdisTapi] ;HKR,,LowerFilters,0x00010000,"NdisTapi" ;=========================================================================================== ;A2, Winnt CoInstaller [itexadsla2.ndi.CoInstallers] AddReg=CoInstaller_AddReg CopyFiles=itexadsla2.CopyFiles.coinstaller [itexadsla2.CopyFiles.coinstaller] NdiNt5.dll [CoInstaller_AddReg] HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x00010000,"NdiNt5.dll,MyCoInstaller" ;============================================================================================ ; Service Section (NT only) ;============================================================================================ ;[A2, Winnt] [itexadsla2.ndi.Services] AddService = itexadsla2, 2, itexadsla2.AddService, itexadsl.AddEventLog ;============================================================================================ ; Add Service Section (For WINNT) ;============================================================================================ [itexadsla2.AddService] DisplayName = %itexadsla2.Service.DispName% ServiceType = 1 ;%SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = 3 ;%SERVICE_AUTO_START% ErrorControl = 1 ;%SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\itexwana.sys ;change corresponding driver name if necessary LoadOrderGroup = NDIS ;=========================================================================================== ; Service Removal Section (NT only) ;=========================================================================================== ;[A2,Winnt] ;[itexadsla2.ndi.Remove.Services] ;DelService=itexadsla2 ;============================================================================== ; Binding/Interface Section ;============================================================================== ;[A2, Winnt] [itexadsla2.ndi.reg] HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "itexadsla2" ;HKR, Ndi, RequiredAll,0 ,"ITEXAMGM5" ;auto-install amgm protocol HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "adsl" ;HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndiswan,amgmwan" HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndiswan" HKR,, WanEndpoints, 0x00010001, "1" HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,ADSL_A2,,"A2Installed" [A2NT5_param.ndi.reg] HKR,, ServerName, 0x00000000, "" HKR,, ServiceName, 0x00000000, "" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi,ParamDesc,, "VPI" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi,default, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi,min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi,max, , "255" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi,step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi,base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi,type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci,ParamDesc,, "VCI" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci,default, , "35" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci,min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci,max, , "65535" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci,step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci,base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci,type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\Params\Framing, ParamDesc, 0, "Framing" HKR, Ndi\Params\Framing, default, 0, "1" HKR, Ndi\Params\Framing\Enum, "0", 0, "LLC/SNAP" HKR, Ndi\Params\Framing\Enum, "1", 0, "VC Mux" HKR, Ndi\Params\Framing, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\Params\Protocol, ParamDesc, 0, "Protocol" HKR, Ndi\Params\Protocol, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\Protocol\Enum, "0", 0, "PPPoA" HKR, Ndi\Params\Protocol\Enum, "1", 0, "PPPoE" HKR, Ndi\Params\Protocol, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi_Bert,ParamDesc,, "VPI (Bit Error Rate Test)" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi_Bert,default, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi_Bert,min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi_Bert,max, , "255" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi_Bert,step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi_Bert,base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\Vpi_Bert,type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci_Bert,ParamDesc,, "VCI (Bit Error Rate Test)" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci_Bert,default, , "21" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci_Bert,min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci_Bert,max, , "65535" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci_Bert,step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci_Bert,base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\Vci_Bert,type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\ModemOpMode, ParamDesc,, "ModemOpMode" HKR, Ndi\params\ModemOpMode, default, 0, "1" HKR, Ndi\Params\ModemOpMode\Enum, "1", 0, "T1.413" HKR, Ndi\Params\ModemOpMode\Enum, "2", 0, "G.Dmt" HKR, Ndi\Params\ModemOpMode\Enum, "3", 0, "T1.413+G.Dmt" HKR, Ndi\Params\ModemOpMode\Enum, "8", 0, "G.Lite" HKR, Ndi\Params\ModemOpMode\Enum, "9", 0, "T1.413+G.Lite" HKR, Ndi\Params\ModemOpMode\Enum, "10", 0, "G.Dmt+G.Lite" HKR, Ndi\Params\ModemOpMode\Enum, "11", 0, "T1.413+G.Dmt+G.Lite" HKR, Ndi\params\ModemOpMode, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\QoS, ParamDesc,, "QoS" HKR, Ndi\params\QoS, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\QoS\Enum, "0", 0, "Disable" HKR, Ndi\Params\QoS\Enum, "1", 0, "Enable" HKR, Ndi\params\QoS, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\PCR, ParamDesc,, "QoS Option, PCR" HKR, Ndi\params\PCR, default, , "1811" HKR, Ndi\params\PCR, min, , "75" HKR, Ndi\params\PCR, max, , "1811" HKR, Ndi\params\PCR, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\PCR, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\PCR, type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\SCR, ParamDesc,, "QoS Option, SCR" HKR, Ndi\params\SCR, default, , "905" HKR, Ndi\params\SCR, min, , "75" HKR, Ndi\params\SCR, max, , "1811" HKR, Ndi\params\SCR, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\SCR, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\SCR, type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\MBS, ParamDesc,, "QoS Option, MBS" HKR, Ndi\params\MBS, default, , "448" HKR, Ndi\params\MBS, min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\MBS, max, , "1811" HKR, Ndi\params\MBS, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\MBS, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\MBS, type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\AVR, ParamDesc,, "QoS Option, AVR" HKR, Ndi\params\AVR, default, , "905" HKR, Ndi\params\AVR, min, , "75" HKR, Ndi\params\AVR, max, , "1811" HKR, Ndi\params\AVR, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\AVR, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\AVR, type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\MinRate, ParamDesc,, "QoS Option, Min Rate" HKR, Ndi\params\MinRate, default, , "1358" HKR, Ndi\params\MinRate, min, , "75" HKR, Ndi\params\MinRate, max, , "1811" HKR, Ndi\params\MinRate, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\MinRate, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\MinRate, type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\TxCellQueueLength,ParamDesc,, "Transmit Cell Buffer Length" HKR, Ndi\params\TxCellQueueLength,default, , "10240" HKR, Ndi\params\TxCellQueueLength,min, , "256" HKR, Ndi\params\TxCellQueueLength,max, , "16384" HKR, Ndi\params\TxCellQueueLength,step, , "128" HKR, Ndi\params\TxCellQueueLength,base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\TxCellQueueLength,type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\RxCellQueueLength,ParamDesc,, "Receive Cell Buffer Length" HKR, Ndi\params\RxCellQueueLength,default, , "10240" HKR, Ndi\params\RxCellQueueLength,min, , "256" HKR, Ndi\params\RxCellQueueLength,max, , "16384" HKR, Ndi\params\RxCellQueueLength,step, , "128" HKR, Ndi\params\RxCellQueueLength,base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\RxCellQueueLength,type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\AtuC_VendorID, ParamDesc,, "AtuC_VendorID" HKR, Ndi\params\AtuC_VendorID, default, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\AtuC_VendorID, min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\AtuC_VendorID, max, , "255" HKR, Ndi\params\AtuC_VendorID, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\AtuC_VendorID, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\AtuC_VendorID, type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower, ParamDesc, 0, "IncTxPower" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "115", 0, "-15" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "114", 0, "-14" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "113", 0, "-13" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "112", 0, "-12" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "111", 0, "-11" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "110", 0, "-10" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "109", 0, "-9" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "108", 0, "-8" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "107", 0, "-7" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "106", 0, "-6" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "105", 0, "-5" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "104", 0, "-4" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "103", 0, "-3" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "102", 0, "-2" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "101", 0, "-1" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "0", 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "1", 0, "1" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "2", 0, "2" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "3", 0, "3" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "4", 0, "4" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "5", 0, "5" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "6", 0, "6" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "7", 0, "7" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "8", 0, "8" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "9", 0, "9" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "10", 0, "10" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "11", 0, "11" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "12", 0, "12" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "13", 0, "13" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "14", 0, "14" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower\Enum, "15", 0, "15" HKR, Ndi\params\IncTxPower, type, 0, "enum" ;HKR, Ndi\Params\BoardConf, ParamDesc, 0, "Board Config" ;HKR, Ndi\Params\BoardConf, default, 0, "1" ;HKR, Ndi\Params\BoardConf\Enum, "1", 0, "A2" ;HKR, Ndi\Params\BoardConf\Enum, "2", 0, "A3" ;HKR, Ndi\Params\BoardConf, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\Params\OAM, ParamDesc, 0, "OAM" HKR, Ndi\Params\OAM, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\Params\OAM\Enum, "0", 0, "Disable" HKR, Ndi\Params\OAM\Enum, "1", 0, "Enable" HKR, Ndi\Params\OAM, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\Params\BitSwap, ParamDesc, 0, "BitSwap" HKR, Ndi\Params\BitSwap, default, 0, "1" HKR, Ndi\Params\BitSwap\Enum, "0", 0, "Disable" HKR, Ndi\Params\BitSwap\Enum, "1", 0, "Enable" HKR, Ndi\Params\BitSwap, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\LEDType, ParamDesc,, "LED Type" HKR, Ndi\params\LEDType, default, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\LEDType, min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\LEDType, max, , "3" HKR, Ndi\params\LEDType, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\LEDType, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\LEDType, type, , "long" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower, ParamDesc, 0, "Performance Tuning" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower, default, 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower\Enum, "12", 0, "-2" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower\Enum, "11", 0, "-1" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower\Enum, "0", 0, "0" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower\Enum, "1", 0, "1" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower\Enum, "2", 0, "2" HKR, Ndi\params\EnPower, type, 0, "enum" HKR, Ndi\params\DiscTimeOut, ParamDesc,, "Disconnect Timeout(sec)" HKR, Ndi\params\DiscTimeOut, default, , "30" HKR, Ndi\params\DiscTimeOut, min, , "0" HKR, Ndi\params\DiscTimeOut, max, , "300" HKR, Ndi\params\DiscTimeOut, step, , "1" HKR, Ndi\params\DiscTimeOut, base, , "10" HKR, Ndi\params\DiscTimeOut, type, , "long" ;======================================================================================== ; Common Event Log Section for NT ;======================================================================================== [itexadsl.AddEventLog] AddReg = itexadsl.AddEventLog.Reg [itexadsl.AddEventLog.Reg] HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll" HKR, , TypesSupported, 0x00010001, 7 ;======================================================================================== ; String and Misc Section ;======================================================================================== [Strings] V_ITeX = "ITeX" ;[A2] V_DISK = "ITeX ADSL PCI NIC Driver Disk(Disk 1)" itexadsla2.DeviceDesc = "ITeX ADSL PCI NIC" itexadsla2.Service.DispName = "ITeX ADSL PCI NIC Service"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.