[Languages] Language-1=English [English] HTTP_ADDR = "http://www.msi.com.tw" SHOW_LOGO = "YES" DevicePollingTimerMsec = "3000" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Tool tips ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TOOLTIP1 = "One or more wireless networks are available." TOOLTIP1-1 = "To see a list of available networks, click here." TOOLTIP2 = "Connected to: " TOOLTIP3 = "Signal Strength: " TOOLTIP4 = "Wireless Connection Unavailable" TOOLTIP_CONNECT_TITLE = "Wireless Network Connection" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Popup menu ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PopupItem1 = "Language" PopupItem1-1 = "English" PopupItem2 = "View Available Wireless Networks" PopupItem3 = "Exit" PopupItem4 = "WLAN Cards" PopupItem5 = "Open Network Connections" PopupItem6 = "Switch to AP Mode" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Available Network Dialg ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TITLE = "Wireless Network Connection" AVAILSTATIC1 = "The following wireless networks are available. To access a wireless network, select it from the list, and then click Connect." AVAILSTATIC2 = "Available wireless networks:" AVAILSTATIC3 = "This network requires the use of a network key(WEP). To access this network, type the key, and click Connect." AVAILSTATIC4 = "Network key:" AVAILSTATIC5 = "If you are having difficulty connecting to a network, click Advanced." BUTTON1 = "Advanced" BUTTON2 = "Connect" BUTTON3 = "Cancel" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Main Dialog ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DlgTitle = "Wireless Network Connection" Tab1 = "Wireless Network" Tab2 = "Status" Tab3 = "Information" Tab4 = "AP Config" IDOK = "OK" IDCANCEL = "Cancel" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Wireless Network ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WNSTATIC1 = "Available Networks:" WNSTATIC2 = "To connect to an available network, click Configure." WNSTATIC3 = "Preferred networks:" WNSTATIC4 = "Automatically connect to available networks in the order listed below." IDC_CONFIGURE = "Configure" IDC_BUTTON2 = "Refresh" IDC_MOVEUP = "Move up" IDC_MOVEDOWN = "Move down" IDC_ADD = "Add..." IDC_REMOVE = "Remove" IDC_PROPERTY = "Properties" IDC_ADVANCED = "Advanced" ADD_ERROR_AD_HOC1 = "The computer-to-computer network" ADD_ERROR_AD_HOC2 = "is already configured." ADD_ERROR_AD_HOC3 = "Please change either the network name or the network type before adding this entry to the preferred list." ADD_ERROR_INFRA = "The access point network" ADD_ERROR_TITLE = "Network Connections" IDC_STATIC_ZERO_1 = "Windows is currently managing this adapter." IDC_STATIC_ZERO_2 = "To configure this adapter please use the Network Connection Properties." ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Advance ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ADSTATIC1 = "Channel:" ADSTATIC2 = "Speed:" ADSTATIC3 = "Radio:" ADSTATIC4 = "SSID:" ADSTATIC5 = "MAC address:" ADSTATIC6 = "IP address:" ADSTATIC7 = "Sent" ADSTATIC8 = "Received" ADSTATIC9 = "Packets:" ADSTATIC10 = "Signal Strength:" ADSTATIC11 = "Link Quality:" IDC_CHANGE = "Change" IDC_SUBMIT = "Submit" IDC_CANCEL = "Cancel" IDC_FIX_IP = "Fix" QUALITYLEVEL1 = "Excellent" QUALITYLEVEL2 = "Very Good" QUALITYLEVEL3 = "Good" QUALITYLEVEL4 = "Low" QUALITYLEVEL5 = "Very Low" QUALITYLEVEL6 = "No Signal" RADIOON = "On" RADIOOFF = "Off" IDC_ADVANCE_SETTING = "Advance..." ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Information ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; INSTATIC1 = "MSI Wireless LAN Utility" INSTATIC2 = "Copyright(C) 2002, MICROSTAR" INSTATIC3 = "Hardware Information:" INSTATIC4 = "Board Model:" INSTATIC5 = "Software Information:" INSTATIC6 = "Driver Version:" INSTATIC7 = "Applet Version:" INSTATIC8 = "Applet Date:" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Association ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ASTITLE = "Association" ASSTATIC1 = "Network name (SSID):" ASSTATIC2 = "Wireless network key (WEP)" ASSTATIC3 = "This network requires a key for the following:" ASSTATIC4 = "Encryption:" ASSTATIC5 = "Network Authentication:" ASSTATIC6 = "Network key:" ASSTATIC7 = "Key format:" ASSTATIC8 = "Key length:" ASSTATIC9 = "Key index (advanced):" ASSTATIC10 = "The key is provided for me automatically" ASSTATIC11 = "This is a computer-to-computer (ad hoc) network; wireless access points are not used" HEXCOMBO1 = "40 bits (10 digits)" HEXCOMBO2 = "104 bits (26 digits)" ASCIICOMBO1 = "40 bits (5 characters)" ASCIICOMBO2 = "104 bits (13 characters)" FORMAT1 = "Hexadecimal digits" FORMAT2 = "ASCII characters" WEP_POSITION_ERROR1 = "The character on position" WEP_POSITION_ERROR2 = "in the WEP key material is not a hexadecimal digit." WEP_POSITION_ERROR3 = "Please either change the key format or remove any non hexadecimal characters from the key material text." WEP_LENGTH_ERROR1 = "The length of WEP key material you entered is" WEP_LENGTH_ERROR2 = "The required length is" WEP_LENGTH_ERROR3 = "Please adjust the key material to match exactly the indicated length." END_QUOTE = "." ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Advance dialog ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AVTITLE = "Advance" AVSTATIC1 = "Network to access" IDC_RADIO1 = "Any available network (access point preferred)" IDC_RADIO2 = "Access point (infrastructure only) networks only" IDC_RADIO3 = "Computer-to-computer (ad hoc) networks only" IDC_CHECK1 = "Automatically connect to non-preferred networks" IDCLOSE = "Close" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Property dialog ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PRTITLE = "Wireless Network Properties" PRSTATIC1 = "Network name:" PRSTATIC2 = "This is an "ad hoc" network where computers connect directly to each other rather than through a wireless access point" PRSTATIC3 = "Must use a network password" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Status Advance dialog ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; STADVTITLE = "Advance Settings" IDC_ADV_STATIC1 = "Visible site:" IDC_ADV_STATIC2 = "Fragmentation threshold:" IDC_ADV_STATIC3 = "RTS threshold:" IDC_ADV_STATIC4 = "Preamble type:" IDC_ADV_STATIC5 = "Country:" IDC_ADV_STATIC6 = "Power save:" IDC_ADV_STATIC7 = "Restore default value:" IDC_ADV_SET_PREAMBLE1 = "Long" IDC_ADV_SET_PREAMBLE2 = "Auto" IDC_ADV_SET_COUNTRY1 = "FCC" IDC_ADV_SET_COUNTRY2 = "ETSI" IDC_ADV_SET_COUNTRY3 = "SPAIN" IDC_ADV_SET_COUNTRY4 = "FRANCE" IDC_ADV_SET_COUNTRY5 = "JAPAN" IDC_ADV_SET_POWER1 = "Off" IDC_ADV_SET_POWER2 = "On" IDC_ADV_COLUMN1 = "SSID" IDC_ADV_COLUMN2 = "Channel" IDC_ADV_COLUMN3 = "Signal Strength(dBm)" IDC_ADV_COLUMN4 = "WEP" IDC_ADV_COLUMN5 = "MAC Address" IDC_ADV_COLUMN6 = "Authentication" IDC_ADV_COLUMN7 = "Encryption" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Quit Warning Dialog ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; QUITWARNIG = "Do you really want to close the tray application?" QUITWARNIG_TITLE = "Warning" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; XP detection ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; XP_DETECT_DIALOG1 = "If you want to use MSI WlanUtility under Windows XP, please uncheck" XP_DETECT_DIALOG2 = "Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Wrong Format Dialog ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; WRONG_FORMAT_LINE1 = "The network password needs to be 40bits or 104bits depending on your network configuration." WRONG_FORMAT_LINE2 = "This can be entered as 5 or 13 ascii characters or 10 or 26 hexdecimal characters." WRONG_FORMAT_TITLE = "Wireless Configuration" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; AP config ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IDC_AP_STATE = "Enable AP mode" IDC_STATIC_AP_SSID = "Network SSID:" IDC_STATIC_AP_SECURITY = "Security:" IDC_STATIC_AP_ENCRYPTION = "Encryption:" IDC_STATIC_AP_AUTHENTICATION = "Authentication:" IDC_STATIC_AP_KEY = "Key:" IDC_STATIC_AP_INDEX = "Index:" IDC_STATIC_AP_ADVANCE_SETTING = "Advance setting:" IDC_STATIC_AP_RATE = "Rate:" IDC_STATIC_AP_RATESET = "Basic rateset:" IDC_STATIC_AP_BAND = "Band:" IDC_STATIC_AP_CHANNEL = "Channel:" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; APUtility ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; AP_UTILITY_CONFIGURATION = "Launch AP configuration tool" AP_UTILITY_SWITCH = "Switch to Station mode" AP_START_STEP1 = "Starting Software AP..." AP_START_STEP5 = "Finished, clicked here to start AP controller." AP_STOP_STEP1 = "Switching back to Station mode..." AP_TITLE = "Software AP Controller" AP_UTILITY_QUIT = "Exit" AP_EXIT = "Terminating..." AP_DEFAULT_SSID = "MSI" AP_DEFAULT_CHANNEL = "1" IDC_RADIO_ENABLE_ICS = "Enable IP Sharing" IDC_RADIO_DISABLE_ICS = "Disable IP Sharing" IDC_STATIC_IPSHARING1 = "Please select which connection you want to share:" GW_UTILITY_CONFIGURATION = "Launch Gateway configuration tool" IP_SHARING_DLGTITLE = "Gateway Setting" AP_SWITCH_GW_MODE = "Switch to Gateway mode" AP_SWITCH_AP_MDOE = "Switch to AP mode" AP_SWITCH_GW_SETTING = "Change Gateway Setting" GW_TITLE = "Software Gateway Controller" GW_START_STEP1 = "Starting Software Gateway..." GW_START_STEP5 = "Finished, clicked here to start Gateway controller." AP_SAVE_CONFIG = "Save configuration and don't ask me next time" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Authentication ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Tab5 = "Authentication" IDC_STATIC_PROFILE = "Profile" IDC_BUTTON_ADD = "Add" IDC_BUTTON_DEL = "Delete" IDC_BUTTON_SAVE = "Save" IDC_STATIC_AUTHEN_TYPE = "Authentication type" IDC_STATIC_USER = "User information" IDC_STATIC_U_NAME = "User name" IDC_STATIC_U_PW = "Password" IDC_CHECK_CLIENT_CERT = "Use client certificate" IDC_BUTTON_CLN_CERT = "Select" IDC_STATIC_CLN_CERT = "Certificate information" IDC_STATIC_ISU_TO = "Issue to:" IDC_STATIC_ISU_BY = "Issue by:" IDC_STATIC_EXP = "Expire on:" IDC_STATIC_SERIAL_NO = "Serial No:" CERTIFICATE_TITLE = "Certificate" IDC_STATIC_802_1X = "Using 802.1X authentication" WPA_PASSWORD_WRONG = "The network password needs to be 128bits or 256bits depending on your network configuration. This can be entered as 8 to 63 ascii characters or 64 hexadecimal characters." WEP_PASSWORD_WRONG = "The network password needs to be 40bits or 104bits depending on your network configuration. This can be entered as 5 or 13 ascii characters or 10 or 26 hexadecimal characters." NO_SSID_INPUT = "Please enter a network name." NO_SUPPORT_TKIP_ERROR = "Sorry, your network card does not support TKIP encryption." NO_SUPPORT_AES_ERROR = "Sorry, your network card does not support AES encryption." IDC_CHECK_ASKSAVE = "Ask me to save profile" IDC_NEED_TLS = "Please select a Certificate for TLS!" IDC_INPUT_PROF_NAME = "Please enter no more than 16 characters for profile name!" IDC_INPUT_USER_NAME = "Please enter no more than 16 characters for user name!" IDC_INPUT_USER_PW = "Please enter no more than 16 characters for password!" IDC_SAVE_FAILED = "Sorry, failed to save profile!" IDC_DEL_FAILED = "Sorry, failed to delete profile!" IDC_SV_SET_AND_USE = "Do your want to save setting before selecting another profile?" IDC_SAVE_SETTING = "Some authentication profiles have been modified. Do your want to save it?" IDC_ADV_STATIC8 = "Band" AUTHENTICATION_TIP_0010 = "Authenticating. Please wait a minute..." AUTHENTICATION_TIP_TITLE = "Wireless Network Authentication" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Properties of EAP type ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; IDD_PROC_PROPERTY = "Properties of EAP type" IDC_CHECK_SRV = "Validate Server Certificate" IDC_CHECK_INTER = "Allow Intermedia Certification Authorities" IDC_STATIC_TRUST = "Trusted Root Certification Authorities" IDC_BUTTON_PROPERTY = "Property" ;;;;;End [English] Section;;;;;Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.