;******************************************************************************* ;* ** ;* I N T E L P R O P R I E T A R Y ** ;* ** ;* COPYRIGHT (c) 1999-2005 BY INTEL CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO ** ;* PART OF THIS PROGRAM OR PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUCED, TRANSMITTED, ** ;* TRANSCRIBED, STORED IN A RETRIEVAL SYSTEM, OR TRANSLATED INTO ANY ** ;* LANGUAGE OR COMPUTER LANGUAGE IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS, ELECTRONIC, ** ;* MECHANICAL, MAGNETIC, OPTICAL, CHEMICAL, MANUAL, OR OTHERWISE, WITHOUT ** ;* THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF : ** ;* ** ;* INTEL CORPORATION ** ;* ** ;* 2200 MISSION COLLEGE BLVD ** ;* ** ;* SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA 95052-8119 ** ;* ** ;******************************************************************************* ;* iresol.INF ** ;* ** ;* Based on: MSPORTS.INF ** ;* Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Microsoft Corporation ** ;* ** ;******************************************************************************* [version] signature="$Windows NT$" Class=Ports ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider=%Intel% CatalogFile = iresol.cat DriverVer=03/02/2005,5.1.2600.2180 [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 11 ;LDID_SYS ; Drivers ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Manufacturer] %Intel%=Intel, NTx86.5.3, NTx86.5.2, NTx86.5.1 [Intel.NTx86.5.3] ; Empty section, so this INF does not support NT 5.3 and later for x86. [Intel.NTx86.5.2] ; Winodws 2003 Server %E108f_serial.DeviceDesc% = ComPort, "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_108f&CC_0700" [Intel.NTx86.5.1] ; Windows XP %E108f_serial.DeviceDesc% = ComPort, "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_108f&CC_0700" [Intel] ; Windows 2000 %E108f_serial.DeviceDesc% = ComPort, "PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_108f&CC_0700" ;--------- SourceDiskNames and SourceDiskFiles Section ----------------------- ; These sections identify source disks and files for installation. [SourceDisksFiles] prounstl.exe = 1 ; COM sections ;---------------------------------------------------------- [ComPort.AddReg] HKR,,PortSubClass,1,01 [ComPort.NT] AddReg=ComPort.AddReg, ComPort.NT.AddReg, IRESOL.Uninstall.AddReg LogConfig=c14,c1a,c23,c2a,c34,c3a,c43,c4a,caa SyssetupPnPFlags = 1 [ComPort.NT.HW] AddReg=ComPort.NT.HW.AddReg [ComPort.NT.AddReg] HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider" ; Uncomment the following line if you want to override the advanced dialog for ; your device. See msports.h for protoype of OverrideAdvancedFunction ; HKR,,EnumAdvancedDialog,,"yourdll.dll,OverrideAdvancedFunction" [ComPort.NT.HW.AddReg] HKR,,"UpperFilters",0x00010000,"serenum" [IRESOL.Uninstall.AddReg] HKLM,Software\Intel\Prounstl\SupportedDevices\8086, 108F, 0, "82573E SOL" ;-------------- Service installation ; Port Driver (function driver for this device) [ComPort.NT.Services] AddService = Serial, 0x00000002, Serial_Service_Inst, Serial_EventLog_Inst AddService = Serenum,,Serenum_Service_Inst ; -------------- Serial Port Driver install sections [Serial_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %Serial.SVCDESC% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 1 ; SERVICE_SYSTEM_START (this driver may do detection) ErrorControl = 0 ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE ServiceBinary = %12%\serial.sys LoadOrderGroup = Extended base ; -------------- Serenum Driver install section [Serenum_Service_Inst] DisplayName = %Serenum.SVCDESC% ServiceType = 1 ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER StartType = 3 ; SERVICE_DEMAND_START ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL ServiceBinary = %12%\serenum.sys LoadOrderGroup = PNP Filter [Serial_EventLog_Inst] AddReg = Serial_EventLog_AddReg [Serial_EventLog_AddReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\serial.sys" HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7 ; The following sections are COM port resource configs. ; Section name format means: ; Char 1 = c (COM port) ; Char 2 = I/O config: 1 (3f8), 2 (2f8), 3 (3e8), 4 (2e8), a (any) ; Char 3 = IRQ config: #, a (any) [c14] ; COM1,IRQ4 ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=3f8-3ff(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:4 [c1a] ; COM1, any IRQ ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=3f8-3ff(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 [c23] ; COM2, IRQ3 ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=2f8-2ff(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:3 [c2a] ; COM2, any IRQ ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=2f8-2ff(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 [c34] ; COM3, IRQ4 ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=3e8-3ef(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:4 [c3a] ; COM3, any IRQ ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=3e8-3ef(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 [c43] ; COM4, IRQ3 ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=2e8-2ef(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:3,5 [c4a] ; COM4, any IRQ ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=2e8-2ef(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 [caa] ; Any base, any IRQ ConfigPriority=HARDRECONFIG IOConfig=8@100-ffff%fff8(3ff::) IRQConfig=LS:3,4,5,7,9,10,11,12,14,15 ; End COM port LogConfig sections [ComPort.NT.PosDup] *PNP0500,*PNP0501,*PNP0502,*PNP0510,*PNP0511,*SMCF010,*NSC6001 ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings] Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC = "Serial port driver" Serenum.SVCDESC = "Serenum Filter Driver" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc = "Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0804] ; Chinese (Simplified) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="´®Ðж˿ÚÇý¶¯³ÌÐò" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum ¹ýÂËÆ÷Çý¶¯³ÌÐò" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0404] ; Chinese (Traditional) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="§Ç¦C³s±µ°ðÅX°Êµ{¦¡" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum ¿z¿ï¾¹ÅX°Êµ{¦¡" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0406] ; Danish (Denmark) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Seriel portdriver" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum filterdriver" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0407] ; German (Germany) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Serieller Anschlusstreiber" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum-Filtertreiber" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0C0A] ; Spanish (Spain) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Controlador de puerto serie" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Controlador de filtro Serenum" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.040B] ; Finnish (Finland) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Sarjaporttiohjain" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum-suodatinohjain" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.040C] ; French (France) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Pilote de port série" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Pilote de filtre Serenum" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0410] ; Italian (Italy) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Driver della porta seriale" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Driver filtro Serenum" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0411] ; Japanese (Japan) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="シリアル クラス ドライバ" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum フィルタ ドライバ" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0412] ; Korean (Korea) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Á÷·Ä Æ÷Æ® µå¶óÀ̹ö" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum ÇÊÅÍ µå¶óÀ̹ö" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0413] ; Dutch (Netherlands) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Stuurprogramma voor seriële poort" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Serenum Filter-stuurprogramma" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0414] ; Norwegian (Bokmål) (Norway) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Seriellportdriver" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Sereneumfilterdriver" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.0416] ; Portuguese (Brazil) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Driver de porta serial" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Driver de filtro Serenum" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL" ; User readable strings ;---------------------------------------------------------- [Strings.041D] ; Swedish (Sweden) Intel="Intel" Serial.SVCDESC ="Drivrutin för seriell port" Serenum.SVCDESC ="Drivrutin för Serenum-filter" E108f_serial.DeviceDesc ="Intel(R) Active Management Technology - SOL"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.