README.TXT Driver File Contents (

*                                                                           *
*                   Installation guide for NDIS2 Driver                     *
*                                                                           *

This file will help you with the installation for 100/10M PCI Adapter in the 
following platform :
   1. LAN Manager Workstation/Server
   2. LANtastic 6.0
   3. LAN Server 2.0/3.0
   4. LAN Server 4.0 ( DOS LAN Services / OS2 LAN Server )
   5. Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for MS-DOS
   6. Windows for Workgroups v3.10
   A. sample protocol.ini
1. LAN Manager Workstation/Server

   Setup driver procedures on LAN Manager workstation/server :
      Before you start with the installation process, make sure that the
      adapter  is properly  installed  and  configured. Make  sure  your
      Microsoft LAN Manager is properly installed.

      1) Run the appropriate Microsoft Lan Manager SETUP for computer you
         are setting up.(DOS, OS/2 or OS/2 Server). Select "Configuration"
         item ,(the 100/10M PCI Adapter driver isn't included on the Lan 
         Manager disk) and insert the 100/10M PCI Adapter driver disk, specify
         path a:\, and select the RTL8139A Fast Ethernet Adapter compatible
         driver and follow the directions.

      2) When completed, reboot your computer.

         Installing Multiple LAN Adapters:
          To Follow Setup driver Procedure and add two adapter,
          Under  DOS  mode, you can modify the EtherID or BusNo+DeviceNo
          Keyword field in file C:\LANMAN\PROTOCOL.INI.

   Sample Configuration Files:
      CONFIG.SYS (for DOS will contain):


      CONFIG.SYS (for OS/2 will contain):


      PROTOCOL.INI ( See "A. Sample protocol.ini" )
2. LANtastic 6.0

   Sample Configuration Files:

         @echo off
         rem LANtastic  Version 6.00  installed 95/05/23 14:11:21
         rem (for Windows)
         cd C:\LANTASTI
         rem If LANtastic is disabled, skip everything.
         @echo ===== Begin LANtastic configuration =====
         rem Please obtain the NETBEUI.EXE program from Microsoft
         NET LOGIN \\TEST
         @echo LANtastic server was installed but turned off.
         rem If CONNECT.BAT exists, run it to set up connections.
         rem Otherwise set up connections specified during install.
         NET LPT TIMEOUT 10
         @echo Setting up LANtastic connections from CONNECT.BAT
         rem Build CONNECT.BAT like this: "NET SHOW/BATCH >
         rem   (or run the batch file SETNET.BAT)
         call CONNECT.BAT
         NET POSTBOX
         @echo ===== End LANtastic configuration =====
         cd \


         ;PROTOCOL.INI for LANtastic Version 6.00
           DYNAMIC = YES

             DRIVERNAME = RTSND$
            ;EtherID =@0123456789AB

   Install 100/10M PCI Adapter drivers for LANtastic 6.0 : (Using NDIS driver)
      The  installation  procedure  will  transfer  files  to a  specific
      directory on the workstation and modify existing configuration files
      to fit your specific needs.  The installation utility INSTALL.EXE is
      located on LANtastic Network Software Disk 1.   Run INSTALL.EXE from
      Disk 1  and  the  LANtastic  Install program screen will appear. You
      must  complete each of the questions.  These options are specific to
      your needs.

      1) Prompt you to enter a unique Computer Name.
      2) Ask you to  select  the drive that you want LANtastic to
         be installed on. The default is Drive C:.
      3) Ask  you  to  specify  a  directory  where  you want the
         LANtastic files to be installed. The default is \LANTASTI.
      4) Ask  you  if you want to Share your Computers Drives  or
      5) Ask  you  to  select  the  Maximum  Number  of Connected
      6) Prompt  you  to  select any other LANtastic features that
         you may want to install.
      7) A summary  screen of the  options you will appear. If it
         looks  correct  continue  with  the  installation.
      8) Prompt  you  to select a  network  adapter  to  run your
         LANtastic software on. From the list of adapters , select
      9) Ask  you to insert the  manufacturers   driver  diskette
         containing the driver files. Insert the 100/10M PCI Adapter driver
         diskette into drive A:  and  specify the source path for
         driver files as A:\
      10) Ask you if you want to Set Up Permanent Drive or Printer
      11) Another summary screen of the  options  will appear.  If
          this looks correct then select Perform the Installation
          and LANtastic will now install the files.

3. LAN Server 2.0/3.0

   Installing driver procedure on DOS LAN Requester :
      1) Insert the IBM LAN Support Program (LSP) Version 1.30 (or 1.31)
         Diskette into your floppy drive A: .
      2) Type A:\dxmaid  and press <Enter> .
      3) The screen will display the IBM logo. Press <Enter> twice until
         the "Environment Information" appears on screen.
      4) Responds to the screen prompts, specifying the following values
         for each field,use the <Space Bar> to toggle between choices:

                Configuration for this computer?          Yes
                Use existing configuration information?   Yes
                Do you have adapter option diskettes?     Yes
                Are you configuring for two adapters?     No
                Do you need 802.2 interface support?      Yes

                Source for LSP                           A:\
                Target for new configuration             C:\LSP

         Make  sure  that  the values given above are correct, then press
         <Enter> to store your choices.
      5) Insert the 100/10M PCI Adapter driver diskette in floppy A,and specify
         your pathname A:\NDIS2 then press ENTER.
      6) Follow  screen  instructions  to  complete  the  process. Simply
         pressing <Enter> for each screen display will select the default
         options. Press <Enter> until you reach the display prompting you
         to insert the LSP diskette.
      7) Insert the LSP diskette as prompted. Press <Enter> to acknowledge
         completion of the action.
      8) A screen  showing  the  current  configuration  detected will be
         displayed. It should show the RTL8139A Fast Ethernet Adapter  
         compatible and the protocols already selected (i.e., "IBM IEEE 
         802.2" and "IBM OS/2 NETBIOS").
      9) Press <F4>. to save the new configuration. This completes the LSP
      10) Save the configuration and reboot your computer.
      11) Insert the DOS LAN Requester Install Diskette 1 into your floppy
      12) Type A:\INSTALL    <Enter>
      13) The IBM logo will again appear on the screen. Press <Enter> to
          move on to the next screen.
      14) Follow  screen  instructions,  pressing  <Enter>  to move from
          screen-to-screen until you are prompted to indicate the pathname
          of the DOS LAN Requester directory (C:\DOSLAN ).
      15) Specify the pathname (C:\DOSLAN is the default) for the DOS LAN
          Requester directory . Then press <Enter> to continue.
      16) The program will ask you for the services that you require.
      17) Highlight the appropriate option. Select either "Send messages"
          or "Send, View, Edit, and Log message" option. (Normally, second
          option "Send, View, Edit and Log message" is selected).
      18) Specify the PC's ID and domain ID.
      19) Follow screen prompts to complete the installation.

   Installing driver procedure on OS/2 LAN Server 2.0/3.0 :
      Before you start with the installation  process,  make sure that
      OS/2 LAN Server  is properly installed.  Similarly, your adapter
      should also be properly installed in your server.

      1) Copy RTSND.OS2 and RTL8139.NIF files from your Driver diskette
         (\NDIS2) to C:\IBMCOM\MACS.
      2) Click the OS/2 LAN Service icon.
      3) Select "Installation  and  configuration". The IBM logo should
         appear onscreen.
      4) Click <OK>.
      5) Select <Advance> and press <Enter>.
      6) Select "Install or Configuration this Workstation."
      7) Select server type, adding a server or domain controller.  The
         "install or remove" selections should appear.
      8) Select "Configure a component."
      9) Click the "Configure" button.
      10) Select "Configure workstation."
      11) Select "RTL8139A Fast Ethernet Adapter compatible" when 
          prompted to identify you Network Adapter. 
          Then click the <Add> button.
      12) Select IBM NETBIOS from the list and click the <Add> button.
      13) Select <OK> to confirm all selections.
      14) Follow screen instructions to complete the process, selecting
          <OK> to accept default selections.
      15) Continue pressing <OK> until your screen prompts you to backup
          old  CONFIG.SYS and  AUTOEXEC.BAT and create a new  CONFIG.SYS
          and AUTOEXEC.BAT. Also select <OK> to confirm this.
      16) Installation is complete now. Reset your PC by turning it off
          and on.
   1) The DOS version must be bellow DOS 5.0 when install DOS LAN requester
      into your system.
   2) sample protocol.ini ( see "A. Sample protocol.ini" )

4. LAN Server 4.0 ( DOS LAN Services / OS2 LAN Server )

   Installing driver procedure on DOS LAN Requester :
      Before you start with the installation  process,  make sure that
      DOS LAN Services is properly installed.  Similarly, your adapter
      should also be properly installed in your client PC.
      1) Copy RTSND.DOS from your Driver diskette (A:\NDIS2)
         to DOS LAN Services subdirectory C:\DLS .
      2) Under DOS LAN Requester subdirectory C:\DLS, run INSTALL
      3) The  screen  display  some description. If it's correct, move
         highlight to "The listed options are correct" item ,then press
      4) Move highlight to "Network Card", then press ENTER.
      5) Select "Change driver for network card." item, then press ENTER.
      6) Select "Network card not shown in list below..", then press ENTER.
      7) Insert the 100/10M PCI Adapter driver diskette in floppy A,and 
         specify your pathname A:\NDIS2,then press ENTER.
      8) 100/10M PCI Adapter driver is now installed on your computer, reboot
         your computer.

   Installing driver procedure on OS/2 LAN Server 4.0:
      Before you start with the installation  process,  make sure that
      OS/2 LAN Server  is properly installed.  Similarly, your adapter
      should also be properly installed in your server.

      1) In OS/2 window, Click the "MPTS" icon.
      2) The screen will display the IBM Log, press "OK".
      3) Select "Install" button.
      4) Insert the 100/10M PCI Adapter driver diskette, specify the driver
         path A:\NDIS2 and press <Enter>.
      5) When complete above step to load  RTSND.OS2  into OS/2 system,
         then configure your system.
      6) The same step as step 3, select "Configure" button.
      7) The screen will display "Configure" dialog box and select "LAN
         adapters and protocols" then press "configure" button.
      8) The screen will display "LAPS Configuration" dialog box, move
         highlight to "RTL8139A Fast Ethernet Adapter compatible" item
         in "Network Adapter" window, and select "NetBios" protocol.
         Press "OK".
      9) Installation is complete now. Reset your PC by turning it off
          and on.

    Installing Multiple LAN Adapters:
      1)follow [3]. 1-9 and add two 100/10M PCI Adapter Adapter driver
      2)in IBM Lan Services icon, OS/2 Lan Sercices Installation
        Select your the server of the insatlled,[OK].
        Do you want to re-install this version.[No].
        Installing tow card driver [OK] in mpts.
        Configure a component. [OK]
        Lan Services Adapters. [OK]
        Configure. [OK]
        Two Adapter [V]. OK

      sample PROTOCOL.INI ( See "A. Sample protocol.ini" ) 

5. Microsoft Network Client 3.0 for MS-DOS
   Sample Configuration Files:
     Ex1: [PROTOCOL.INI] (install creates this file)





         ; PROTOCOL.INI SAMPLE (See "A. Sample protocol.ini")

   Installation Procedure :
      Before you start with the installation procedure, make sure that the
      adapter is properly  installed and configured.  Similarly, Make sure
      that your  Microsoft Network Client is properly installed.
      (If not, The installation utility SETUP.EXE  is located on Microsoft
      Network Client v3.0 for MS-DOS Disk. Run SETUP.EXE from Disk and the
      SETUP  program screen will appear, and You must complete each of the
      questions. These options are specific to your needs. The installation
      procedure  will transfer files to a specific directory on the client
      and modify existing configuration files to fit your specific needs.)

      1) Change to the Microsoft Network Client subdirectory, and run
      2) The screen will display some infomation. Press <Enter> .
      3) Responds to the screen prompts, selecting "Change Network
         Configuration",then press <Enter>.
      4) Move the highlight to "Add Adapter", press <Enter>.
      5) Select "Network adapter not shown on list below ...".
      6) Insert the 100/10M PCI Adapter driver diskette in floppy A,and
         specify your pathname A:\NDIS2,then press <Enter>.
      7) Follow  screen  instructions  to  complete  the  process. Simply
         pressing <Enter> for each screen display will select the default
         options. Press <Enter> until you reach the display prompting you
         to reboot your system.

   Installing Multiple LAN Adapters:
         There are two different method to complete it:
         To Follow Installation Procedure and add two adapter,

         (a) Under  DOS  mode, you can modify the EtherID or BusNo+DeviceNo
              keyword field in file C:\MSCLIENT\PROTOCOL.INI.
         (b) Or you can also use the SETUP program  and follow  above
             setup procedurc step 4,but move the highlight to "Change
             Setting,then press <Enter>, the screen will prompt you to
             fill EtherID value .

6. Windows for Workgroups v3.10

   Sample Configuration Files:
      CONFIG.SYS (install will add these lines)

    ***  DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\MSIPX.SYS   (Added if running NetWare)

      PROTOCOL.INI (install creates this file)

   ***  transport=ms$ipx,MS$IPX        (Added if running NetWare)
   ***  lana0=RTL8139,1,ms$ipx         (Added if running NetWare)


        ; RPOTOCOL.INI SAMPLE ( See "A. Sample protocol.ini" )


   ***  [MS$IPX]                       (Added if running NetWare)
   ***  Drivername=IPX$                (Added if running NetWare)
   ***  MediaType=Novell/Ethernet      (Added if running NetWare)
   ***  Bindings=RTL8139               (Added if running NetWare)

    *** C:\WINDOWS\MSIPX               (Added if running NetWare)
    *** C:\WINDOWS\NETX                (Added if running NetWare)

      Windows for Workgroups Installation:
      1) Select the "Control Panel" icon in the Main Group.
      2) Select the "Network" icon.
      3) Select the "Adapters" button.
      4) Select the Add option.
      5) Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter"
      6) Insert the adapter driver disk with OEMSETUP.INF and RTSND.DOS and
         specify the path A:\ndis2.
      7) Select the RTL8139A Fast Ethernet Adapter compatible.
      8) The installation program copies the necessary files and
         creates PROTOCOL.INI for use with the adapter.
      9) Select "Close" and when prompted, restart computer for changes to
         take affect and complete the installation.
      NOTE:  You must have a terminated cable attached to the adapter when
             you start Windows for Workgroups.  If you don't, Windows  for
             Workgroups hangs.

      Installing Multiple LAN Adapters:
         There are two different method to complete it:

         (a) Under  DOS  mode, you can modify the EtherID or BusNo+DeviceNo
             keyword field in file C:\WFW31\PROTOCOL.INI.
         (b) Or you can enter Windows for WorkGroup and follow  above
             setup procedure step 2,then click on "Setup.." button, select
             "Advanced...",fill EtherID in Value item. Last step to select
             OK and close NETWORK SETUP.

A. Sample protocol.ini


   EtherID=@0000210000AD  ;This  keyword is used to desinate 100/10M PCI
                          ;adapter by assigning its ethernet ID
                          ;when more than one adapters exist on one
                          ; system.

   BusNo=@00              ;This  keyword is used to desinate 100/10M PCI 
                          ;adapter by assigning it's PCI bus number
                          ;when more than one adapters exist on one
                          ; system.(must be used with 'DeviceNo' keyword)

   DeviceNo=@0A           ;This  keyword is used to desinate 100/10M PCI 
                          ;adapter by assigning it's PCI Device number
                          ;when more than one adapters exist on one
                          ; system.(must be used with 'BusNo' keyword)

   Speed= 100/10          ;This keyword is used to force 100/10M PCI Adapter
                          ;to speed 10M or 100M mode. If not present,
                          ;the driver will auto-detect the speed.

-------------------------------- End Of File ---------------------------------
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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