Release.txt Driver File Contents (driver_lan_realtek_27635C.exe)

Realtek 8169/8168/8101 PCI/PCIe NDIS6 driver (for Windows Vista)

Updated driver : Please visit


Version 6.206.0502.2008

1. Fix driver bug : It may send out IPv4 only packet with wrong checksum value (8111C only)

2. Update 8111C 9K jumbo INF section

  8K and 9K INF entry is not updated in previous version.

3. 8102E new PHY parameters (Better TX signal result on low voltage; AVDD = 1.09V)

4. Fix driver bug : Link status may disconnect and connect in the loop (8111CP only)

  This is because driver does not invoke a interrupt DPC to handle send completion.

5. Fix driver bug : Unicast workaround fix causes TX/RX stoped after system resumed (8101E/8168B)

  This is only happens on few specfic motherboards which enable unicast workaround fix

6. Fix several installshield bugs. (Installer)


Version 6.205

This version is same as 6.204 but disable MSI


Version 6.204.0317.2008

1. Change INTx emulation to MSI

 It reduce CPU utilization significantly and no sharing interrupt issue.

2. Reduce 8102E/8102EL power consumption

 Change CLK REQ parameter

3. 8111C Jumboframe support maximum 9K

4. Fix 8111C jumboframe driver bug

5. This version is for one specific system vendor only.

  Next version will disable MSI again.

6. Fix 8168CP always reports disconnected issue

  (ASF register read/write bug)

7. Fix installer VSS error (event viewer)

  Realtek installer workaound fix this issue.

8. Fix driver RSS bug (8111C/8111CP/8102E)

  Performance may slow down when RSS enabled and runs on Vista (6000).

  This is not Realtek driver issue.

  To use RSS with best CPU load balance, please use Vista SP1 (6001).



Version 6.203.0214.2008

For 'Deep Slumber Mode' hardware design, it MUST update to this verison or later versions

For Vista SP1 DTM, it MUST update to this version or later versions

1. Support hardware 'Deep Slumber Mode' (8111C and 8102E)

2. Fix driver bug : 8101E and 8102E PHY parameters restored after reset

  The bug ignores PHY powersaving mode.

3. Update power management routine to reduce a bit resume time (8111C and 8102E)

4. Add hardware IO error dection routine to prevent driver long waits for hardware operation completion.

  Hardware IO error may be caused by BIOS, mother board layout ...

  Driver automatically detects hardware invalid case and skips IO operation to prevent sleep/resume failure.

5. Update Auto installer to support 'Deep Slumber Mode'

  Installer need to stop installation to prevent new driver not updated system registry.

  It automatically detects NIC and cable.

  If no card and no cable, it display message to ask users to connect a cable to NIC.

  User could abort the install procedure by pressing 'No'.

  Pressing 'Yes' to detect realtek device again.

6. Fix memory allocation leak bug

  This bug causes Vista SP1 DTM failed


Version 6.202.0123.2008

For 8168C users, it MUST update to this version.

For 8169, 8101E and 8168B users, please update to this version

1. Update 8111C PHY parameter to increase switch compatibility (8111C)

2. Update power routine (8169, 8101E, 8111B and 8111C)

3. Better memory utilization and memory allocation fail-over

4. Reduce RX memory usage on 64-bit environment

5. Adjust TX parameter on specific parallel detection hub

  Old versions has lower performance on specific 10/100 hub.

  Those switch hubs may drop short IFG frames.

6. Update 81169SB PHY parameter to increase switch compatibility (8169SB)

7. Update 8111C UDP hardware checksum driver routine (8111C)

  Application uses UDP based protocol may fail to connect

8. Support RTL8102EL (48-pin) non-EEPROM design
  Please use this version if RTL8102EL is without EEPROM


Version 6.201.1228.2007

1. Add support to 8111CP

2. Add INF Wake-on-Lan capabilities to override OS setting

3. Workaround fix MDI/MDIX on several specific mother boards

4. Skip EEPROM test on non-EEPROM design (This is for diagnostic tool)

5. Add 8169SC new phy parameters to improve switch compatibility

6. Add new phy paramter to enable retry NWAY speed down (8111C/8111CP)

  It disables gigabit capability if PHY could not link up after several times.

7. Add new phy paramter to enable 2-pair cable detection (8111C/8111CP)

  It reduces the link time if uses 2-pair cable.


Version 6.200.1130.2007

1. Add support to RTL8102E and RTL8102EL


Version 6.199.1116.2007

For 8168C users, please update to this version.

1. Fix 8111C power routine bug

2. Add 8101E LDPS mode (Link Down Powersaving)

3. Add new 8111c PHY parameters

4. Add new priority & VLAN options

5. Add WOL & shtudown link speed options


Version 6.198.1018.2007

1. Workaround fix 8101E unicast issue

2. Fix VLAN ID bug

  Please update to this or later version to use Realtek VLAN utility


Version 6.197.0917.2007

1. Open LargeSend Offload Version 2 options

  Largesend Offload version 2 supports both Ipv4 and Ipv6


  Large Send Offload (IPv4) = Enabled
  Large Send Offload v2 (IPv4) = Disabled
  Large Send Offload v2 (IPv6) = Enabled

2. Enable Receiving-Side Scaling (default setting)

3. OID_GEN_VENDOR_DESCRIPTION has more detail description for various NIC

  Some ethernet packets capture tool need this OID to have detail description

4. Support BaseCpuNumber for RSS (8111C)

  Thus, quad-core CPU could use RSS now. 

  2 cores, 4 cores, 8 cores, 16 cores and 32 cores all support RSS.

  Previous version only enable RSS when running on a dual-core machine.

5. Add reset mechanism for BIOS PCI-reset (8111C, 8102E)

  This is for overclock.  8102E is not supported by this verision.

6. New PHY parameter (8111C)

  Advanced link down power saving


Version 6.196.0803.2007

For 8168C users, please update to this version.

1. New powersaving feature

  Lowest link speed when sleep or shutdown

   This feature only valid when speed and duplex is auto-neg

   If link partner support 10 Mbps          : 10 half / 10 full NWAY
   If link partner does not support 10 Mbps : 10 half / 10 full / 100 half / 100 full NWAY

2. Remove option - Sleep WOL Power Saving

3. Add VistaCDM diagnostic routine for register read/write test

4. Fix driver bug : performance test tool may stop to test


Version 6.195.0625.2007

1. Improve copy file speed on the platform with very slow CPU

2. Fix PHY speed changed bug: Force to 10Mbps but S3/S4 change to 100Mbps.

   This is because driver change to 10/100 auto neg mode when S3/S4.

3. Fix incorrect WOL behavior on a specific notebook (S3 enabled but S4 disabled)

4. Add VistaPE diagnostic routine to check interrupt.


Version 6.194.0607.2007

1. Fix the driver bug: 8101E indicate incorrect max link speed, This causes taskmgr shows 1 gigabit speed.

2. Fix the driver bug: Mobility center Stalls 40 seconds after system boots up.

3. Fix the driver bug: Link speed may slow down from gigabit to 100 Mbps if system resumes very fast. (S3)

4. Add new power saving options

  Auto Disable Gigabit (Power Saving)

   Disabled               : disable this power saving feature
   Re-Link, Battery       : in battery mode, system will disable gigabit speed after cable re-links
   Re-Link, Battery or AC : in battery mode or AC power, system will disable gigabit speed after cable re-links

  Auto Disable PHY (Power Saving)

   This feature only valid when Auto Disable Gigabit is enabled.

   Disabled               : disable this power saving feature
   Enabled, Battery       : in battery mode, system will disable PHY after cable disconnected
   Enabled, Battery or AC : in battery mode or AC power, system will disable PHY after cable disconnected

  Auto Disable PCIe (Power Saving)

   Disabled               : disable this power saving feature
   Enabled, Battery       : in battery mode, system will disable PCIe after cable disconnected
   Enabled, Battery or AC : in battery mode or AC power, system will disable PCIe after cable disconnected

  Please refer FAQ for more detail

5. Receiving-Side-Scaling is for better CPU utilization.

   It is recommend that end-user who care better CPU utilization to enable this feature.


  Please refer Receiving_Side_Scaling.txt for more detail.    


Version 6.193.0430.2007

For 8168B users, please update to this version.

1. Fix driver to correctly support 8168B largesend (8168B)

2. Fix 8101E force link speed bug

  The link will change to auto-negotiation after re-link 


Version 6.192.0417.2007

1. Support 8168C

2. Fix 8169 PCI and 8168B PCIe jumbo frame bug
  The jumbo frame option is for expert users.  Please be very carefully to change the options.
  For more detial, please refer FAQ - jumbo_frame.txt

3. Fix 8101E force link speed bug

  The link will change to auto-negotiation after system resumes

4. To install 8168C driver, please use installer.

  Please refer FAQ - 8168C_manual_install.txt


Version 6.191.0305.2007
1. Fix the driver bug: after shutdown, system could not reboot (8168/8101E with one specific chipset) 
  This only happens on one specific chipset.
2. Fix the driver bug: 10M half mode largesend problem (8168)
3. Fix the driver bug: Driver sync problem when sleeping (8169/8168/8101E with multiple core CPU )
  Transfering file and going to sleep mode at the same time. (Long ping time issue)
4. Auto Disable PHY (Battery) : reduce power consumption (8168 only)
  Driver will automatically disable PHY when system using battery and cable off
  Notice: The NIC has long link time when linking if the feature enabled.
5. Auto Disable PCIe (Battery) : reduce power consumption (8168 / 8101E)
  Driver will automatically disable PCIe/MAC when system using battery and cable off
6. Shutdown Wake-On-Lan : reduce power consumption
  If disabled, driver will disable PHY when shutdown
7. Sleep WOL Power Saving : reduce power consumption
  If enabled, driver will switch the PHY to lower power state to reduce power consumption when sleeping.
  The wake-on-lan feature still works even PHY in low power state.
8. Workaroudfix OS incorrect wakeup flag problem.


For 8169 cardbus , 8110SC and 8101E users, please update to this version.

1. Fix driver to correctly support 8101E largesend (8101E)

2. Fix 8110SC performance downgrade if MWI enabled

3. Fix cardbus statistic counter (cardbus 8169SB)

4. Fix cardbus adapter surprised removed bug

5. Add foolproof PHY speed & duplex setting 
 100 full -> 100 full / 100 half / 10 full / 10 half
 100 half -> 100 half / 10 full / 10 half
 10 full  -> 10 full / 10 half
 10 half  -> 10 half

6. The jumboframe options are changed to match Windows XP
  Please refer Jumbo_Frame.txt for more detail.

7. Fix driver to correctly support 8110SC largesend (8110SC)


Version 6.189.1213.2006

1. Only adds a workaround fix for Vista WOL.  Driver will remove this patch from source code after Vista SP1.
  If your system have special WOL issue, please use this version instead of 6.188.


Version 6.188.1207.2006

1. Add jumbo frame support

  When jumbo frame enabled, driver will automatically disable 'Large Send Offload (IPv4)'.
  'Jumbo Packet' > 1514 means to enable jumbo frame.
  'Jumbo Packet' = 1514 means to disable jumbo frame.

  For 8169 PCI series , maximum jumbo packet size is 7*1024
  For 8168 PCIe series , maximum jumbo packet size is 5*1024
  Please refer Jumbo_Frame.txt for more detail.

2. Performance enhancement

3. Lower CPU utilization

4. Auto TX/RX adaptive tuning

5. Driver uninstallation will remove the driver and roll back to previous WHQL/inbox driver now


Version 6.187.1121.2006
1. Fix the driver bug: WOL incorrectly PHY power down

2. Fix the driver bug: 'Network Address' not reset to original to MAC address
  After 'Network Address' changed and then cleared, the MAC address does not reset to the original one.
  ('Network Address' is in the Device Manager | Properties | Advanced | Property)

3. Fix the driver bug: 'Network Address' could not change the MAC address

4. change TX/RX parameters to improve copy throughput

5. add 'Auto Disable Gigabit' feature.

  Important : The feature is only for notebook users.

  Please refer Auto_Disable_Gigabit.txt
  for notebook user, it is recommended to turn on this to reduce power consumption
  The default value is off.

6. due to HW/SD and FAE request, disable MSI and re-enable INTx emulation for maximum hardware compatibility.

  Important: the device mangement may require the user to re-boot
  If you install a MSI-enabled driver and then install a INTx emulation driver, the device managment may
  ask the user to re-boot.

  Important: multiple 8168/8101E cards installed.
  Device management may appear code 10 error if multiple an MSI-enabled driver update to INTx emulated driver.
  Please re-install the driver to all Realtek network card to ensure all the driver are identical.

  Known compatibility issue : Nvidia PCI express X16 slot disable MSI functionality


Version 6.186.1103.2006

1. Fix DHCP client binds TCP/IP problem

  Realtek inbox driver has this issue and recommended users replace the Vista RTM inbox to new one
  Please refer Inbox_Driver_Dhcp_Binds_Failed.txt

2. Fix PME_EN compatibility issue with some MB  (WOL pattern match)

3. Support 8168B rev c (PCI-express)


Version 6.1853.1011.2006

1. Add message-signaled interrupt. (8168/8101)

  Reduce interrupt latency and no interrupt sharing

2. Add large send offload, TCP/IP checksum offload.

3. Fix wrong OS reported link speed.  The physical link speed is correct.

  If no cable connected when driver initialization, the link speed OS reported is wrong.
  The physical is correct.

4. Fix magic packet wake up problem when incoming packet is multicast (8168/8101)


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Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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