x86_BIOS_ReadMe.txt Driver File Contents (FC_BIOS_x86_2.02.06.zip)


Installation Guide for the LSI Logic Fusion-MPT (TM) x86 Fibre Channel 
This file describes the features and use of the LSI Logic Fusion-MPT Fibre 
Channel BIOS. It is divided into the following sections:

	Configuration Utility
	Main Menu
	Adapter Properties Menu
	Device properties Menu
	Persistent IDs
	Quitting the Utility

1.0 Introduction

The Fusion-MPT x86 BIOS is a standard Intel INT13 Option ROM that provides pre-OS 
support for LSI Fibre Channel chips and HBAs. 

Note that the x86 BIOS is required ONLY IF Fibre Channel devices are to be used as
OS Boot devices.  If the OS is not booting from Fibre Channel, the x86 BIOS is not
required to be present on the host adapter.

2.0 Features

The x86 BIOS supports these features:

o  256 Host Adapter channels (PCI Functions)
o  Up to (8 Buses X 128 Targets X 8 LUNs) per Fibre Port.
o  Configurable Boot from SAN options
o  Configurable firmware options

3.0 Installation

The x86 BIOS "mptbios.rom" is installed on the HBA using the LsiUtil utility. 
Please refer to the LsiUtil readme for the installation procedure. 

4.0 Configuration Utility

The x86 BIOS includes an embedded configuration utility which may be used 
to change the default configuration of the host adapter.

The Configuration utility is invoked from the system BIOS shell by entering Cntrl-C
during the system start-up process. 

Special keys are provided for the following functions: 

F1/Shift+1 = Help
             Context sensitive help for the cursor-resident field.

F2/Shift+2 = Menu
             Sets cursor context to the menu selection area.
             Select a menu item and press Enter.

F3/Shift+3 = Used in the RAID properties menu to save existing disk
             data when creating an Integrated RAID array. 

Delete(D) = Used in the RAID properties menu to erase existing disk
             data when creating an Integrated RAID array. 

Arrow Keys/H,J,K,L = Select Item
Home(I)/End(O)     = Select Item
      Up, down, left, right movement to position the cursor.

+/- = Change [Item]
      Items with values in [] brackets are modifiable.
      Numeric keypad '+' and numeric keypad '-', update a modifiable field to
      its next relative value.

Esc = Abort/Exit 

      Escape aborts the current context operation and/or exits the current
      screen. User confirmation is solicited as required.

Enter = Execute <Item>

      Items with values in <> brackets are executable.
      Press Enter to execute the field's associated function.

5.0 Main Menu

The Main Menu displays a scrolling list of LSI host adapters in the system, and 
basic information about each of them.

Use the arrow keys to select an adapter, then press Enter to launch the Adapter
Properties Menu for the adapter. 

| LSI Logic MPT Setup Utility   Version vx.xx                               |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
| LSI Logic Host Bus Adapters                                               |
| Adapter   PCI PCI PCI  RAID   FW Revision Pro-  LSI      RAID    IRQ      |
|           Bus Dev Fnc  Alert              duct  Control  Status           | 
|                                                                           |
|  53C1030   0   1   0   None  IME   Enabled  Optimal  10      |
|  53C1030   0   2   1   -----  IME   Enabled  -----    12      |   
|  53C1030   0   3   0   -----  IO    Enabled  -----     7      |
|  53C1030   0   3   1   -----  IO    Enabled  -----     7      |
|  LSI929X   0   5   0   -----  FC    Enabled  -----     3      |
|  LSI929X   0   5   1   -----  FC    Enabled  -----     3      |

6.0 Adapter Properties Menu

The Adapter Properties Menu is used to view and modify the adapter's properties, 
and to gain access to the adapter's device settings. 

| LSI Logic MPT Setup Utility   Version vx.xx                  |
|                                                              |
| Adapter Properties                                           |
|                                                              |
| Adapter    PCI    PCI   PCI                                  |
|            Bus    Dev   Fnc                                  |
| LSIFC929X   0      3     0                                   |
|                                                              |
|      <Device Properties>                                     |
|      <Persistent IDs>                                        |
|      Controllers WWNode Name  10012233FCA08BC0               |
|      Controllers WWPort Name  12012233FCA08BC0               |
|                                                              |
|       Boot Support              [Enabled BIOS & OS]          |
|       Link Configuration        [Auto]                       |
|       Topology Configuration    [Auto]                       |
|       Multi-Pathing             [No]                         |
|       Persistent ID Type        [WWN]                        |
|       Hard ALPA                 [EF]                         |
|      <Restore Defaults>                                      |
|                                                              |

<Device Properties> 
    Press Enter to view and modify device properties.

<Persistent IDs>
    Press Enter to invoke the adapter's Persistent ID menu.

Controllers WWNode Name
    Displays the World Wide Node name for this controller.

Controllers WWPort Name
    Displays the World Wide Port name for this controller.

Boot Support
    Specifies whether an adapter and it's attached devices will be used 
    as an OS boot device.  If yes, the default "Enabled BIOS & OS" should
    be selected. If the OS will not be booted from one of the attached devices,
    "Disabled" should be selected. 

Link Configuration
    Determines whether the port will set itself to the selected link speed or
    auto-negotiate instead. (1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, Auto, default Auto)

Topology Configuration
    Determines whether the port will default to N-Port or NL-Port operation, or
    auto-detect the link topology. (N-Port, NL-Port, Auto, default Auto)

    This field is used to enable/disable Multi Pathing to devices found on 
    the controller. (Yes, No, default No).

Persistent ID Type
    This field is used to set the Persistent Mapping Type to WWN or DID.  The 
    Persistent ID Type is used to determine what type of mappings are displayed
    or may be entered on the Persistent IDs screen.

    This field identifies the Hard ALPA value that the user has assigned to 
    the controller.

Restore Defaults 
    Press Enter to restore default settings.

7.0 Device Properties

The Device Properties screen provides viewing and updating of individual
device settings for an adapter.

Here is an example of the Device Properties screen:

| LSI Logic MPT Setup Utility   Version vx.xx                                |
|                                                                            |
| Device Properties                                                          |
| SCSI  Device Identifier            World Wide Name               DID       |
| ID                                                                         | 
|  0    -                                                                    | 
|  1    -                                                                    | 
|  2    -                                                                    | 
|  3    SEAGATE ST31055N    2000FCBA0023FF44:2100FCBA0023FF44    0000E4      |
|  4    -                                                                    | 
|  5    -                                                                    | 
|  6    -                                                                    | 
|  7    -                                                                    |
|  8    -                                                                    | 
|  9    -                                                                    | 
| 10    -                                                                    | 
| 11    -                                                                    | 
| 12    -                                                                    | 
| 13    -                                                                    | 
| 14    -                                                                    | 
| 15    LSIFC919X                                                            |
|                                    << Scroll Indicator                 >>  |
| Device Properties                                                          |
| SCSI  Device Identifier   DID                 Format          Verify       |
| ID                                                                         |
|  0    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  1    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  2    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  3    SEAGATE ST31055N   0000E4              <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  4    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  5    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  6    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  7    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  8    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
|  9    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
| 10    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
| 11    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
| 12    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
| 13    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
| 14    -                                      <Format>         <Verify>     |
| 15    LSIFC919X          0000EF              <Format>         <Verify>     |
|                                    << Scroll Indicator                 >>  |


   This field indicates the device's logical SCSI Id, assigned by the firmware.

Device Identifier 

   This field indicates the ASCII device identifier string extracted from 
   the device's Inquiry Data.

World Wide Name
   Displays the full World Wide Name of the device 

   Displays the Destination Identifier for the device.


   Press Enter to low-level format the device.

   If enabled, this option starts low-level formatting on a disk drive.
   Low-level formatting will completely and irreversibly erase all data on the

   Note: Formatting will default the drive to a 512-byte sector size even if
         the drive had previously been formatted to another sector size.


   Press Enter to verify all sectors on the device and to reassign defective
   Logical Block Addresses (LBAs).

8.0 Persistent IDs

Persistent IDs mappings may be assigned at the HBA level using the Persistent ID

| LSI Logic MPT Setup Utility   Version vx.xx                               |
|                                                                           |
| Persisten IDs for adapter LSIFC929   Pci Bus 02  Device 00  Function 01   |
|                                                          Scan   Scan      |
| Loc Typ WWN (or DID)                        Bus    TID    ID    LUNS >0   |
|  0   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  1   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  2   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  3  WWN  2000FCBA0023FF44:2100FCBA0023FF44  [ 0]  [107]  [Yes]  [Yes]     |
|  4   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  5   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  6   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  7   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  8   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|  9   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
| 10   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
| 11   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
| 12   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
| 13   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
| 14   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
| 15   -                                      [--]  [---]  [---]  [---]     |
|                                    << Scroll Indicator              >>    |

   Location index into the persistent ID storage area.

   Displays whether the entry specifies a valid WWN or DID number.

WWN (or DID)
   Displays and allows the user to enter a valid WWN or DID number.

   To enter a WWN or DID value, move the cursor to this field and press enter.
   The field will then allow the entry of the hexidecimal value that designate
   the WWN or DID value.
   For WWN values the user should enter the World Wide Node Name first, hit
   enter and then enter the World Wide Port Name. A final press of the enter
   key will save the value.
   For DID values the user can enter the entire value at once. Pressing the
   enter key at any time will save the value.

   If an incorrect value is entered, the <Erase> option can be used to remove
   the value.

   The SCSI bus number reserved for the entry. The max bus value is
   limited by the amount of memory on the controller. (0-7)

   The SCSI target id reserved for the entry. (0-127)

Scan ID 

   This field indicates whether to scan for this SCSI identifier at boot time.
   This item can be used to ignore a device and to decrease boot time by
   disabling the inquiry of unused SCSI identifiers.

   Set this option to "No" if there is a device that you do not want to be
   available to the system. 

   The default value for this field is Yes.

Scan LUNs > 0  

   This field indicates whether to scan for LUNs greater than zero for a
   device. LUN zero is always queried. This option should be used if a 
   multi-LUN device responds to unoccupied LUNs or if it is desired to reduce
   the visibility of a multi-LUN device to LUN zero only.

   Set this option to "No" if you have problems with a device that responds to
   all LUNs whether they are occupied or not. Also, if a device with
   multiple LUNs exists on your system but you do not want all of those LUNs to
   be available to the system, then set this option to "No." This will limit 
   the scan to LUN 0 only.  

   The default for this field is Yes.

   This function will erase the selected entry.  The erase takes place

   This function will restore the selected entry.  The restore takes place

<Add DID>
   This function will add/replace the current entry with a DID one specified by
   the user.

<Add WWN>
   This function will add/replace the current entry with a WWN one specified by
   the user.

   Press Enter to obtain default settings.

9.0 Quitting the Utility

Since some changes only take effect after your system reboots, it is
important that you exit this setup utility properly. To exit, press
Esc (Escape key) and respond to the verification prompts that follow.

Important:  If you reboot the system without properly exiting from this
            utility, some changes may not take effect.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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