[TITLE] Title=02R96 System Software Installer [APPLICATION] FINISH_URL=http://www.yamahaproaudio.com/register/ [LanguageMessage_GENERAL] BTN_NEXT=Next BTN_CANCEL=Cancel BTN_FINISH=Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG00] Radio1=Authorize Radio2=De-authorize Static1=Select this to make add-on effect usable by console. Static2=After authorization, select this to remove the access key from the console and use it to authorize another console. [LanguageMessage_DLG01] Radio1=Install Radio2=Authorize Radio3=De-authorize Static1=Select this for upgrading console from Ver1.x to Ver2.0. Static2=After Ver2.0 upgrade, select this to remove the access key from the console and use it to authorize another console. [LanguageMessage_DLG02] Radio1=Get access key from authentication server Radio2=Have already obtained access key Static1=Access key is needed to install or authorize. Static2=Select this if you do not have access key. Static3=Write access key in the console. Static4=Create registration code Static5= -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG03] Radio1=Create unregistration code Radio2=Have already created unregistration code Static1=Unregistration code is needed to de-authorize. Static2=Get information from console to create unregistration code which is needed for de-authorization in authentication server. Static3=Connect to the authentication server and start de-authorizing. Static4=Create unregistration code Static5= -> De-authorize -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG04] Radio1=Create registration code Radio2=Have already created registration code Static1=Registration code is needed to get access key. Static2=Get information from console to create registration code which is necessary to get the access key. Static3=Connect to the authentication server and get access key. Static4=Create registration code Static5= -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG05] Static1=Check whether the screen of console is "FLASH UPDATE". If it is not "FLASH UPDATE", the next procedure will not work. \nClose the installer and turn off console, switch on the power of console while pressing [REC] key. Then, start installer again. Static2= Static3=Select MIDI port to communicate with console.\nAfter selecting it, click [Next]. It will connect to the console. Static4=Input port: Static5=Output port: Static6=Create registration code Static7= -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG06] Static1=Registration code for creating access key is Static2=Input the PRODUCT ID which is indicated on the seal of CD-ROM package. Static3=Create registration code Static4= -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG07] Radio1=Connect to the authentication server on the Internet and get access key now Radio2=Save registration code to get access key later Static1=To get the access key, it is necessary to connect to the authentication server on Internet. Static2=Create registration code Static3= -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG08] Static1=To get access key, get ready to connect to the Internet and click [Next]. Static2= Static3=Create registration code -> Static4=Get access key Static5= -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG09] Radio1=Save access key to write into console later. Radio2=Write access key in console now. Static1=Received access key successfully. Static2=Access key is Static3= Static4=In case of connecting to the Internet by dial-up, disconnect if required. \nSelect the option for writing access key in console. Static5=Create registration code -> Static6=Get access key Static7= -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG10] Btn=Save in file Static1=Write down the access key or save it in file.\nTo save it in file, click "Save in file". After writing down, click [Next]. Static2=Access key: Static3=Create registration code -> Static4=Get access key Static5= -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG11] Static1=Terminate installer. Static2=To write access key in the console, select \n"Install (Authorize)" -> "Have already obtained access key" -> "Read from file" \nwhen installer is started next time. Static3=If access key is saved in the file, copy the file from this PC to another PC which is connected to the Internet. Static4=Create registration code -> Static5=Get access key Static6= -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG12] Static1=Check whether the screen of console is "FLASH UPDATE". If it is not "FLASH UPDATE", the next procedure will not work. \nClose the installer and turn off console, switch on the power of console while pressing [REC] key. Then, start installer again. Static2= Static3=Select MIDI port to communicate with console.\nAfter selecting it, click [Next]. It will connect to the console. Static4=Input port: Static5=Output port: Static6=Create registration code -> Get access key -> Static7=Write access key Static8=-> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG13] Check1=Start online user registration Static1=Successfully completed installation. Static2=Terminate installer. Static3=Connect to the Internet and register user.\nIf you do not register now, remove the check from the box. Static4=Create registration code -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Static5=Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG14] Btn=Save in file Static1=Write down registration code or save it in the file.\nTo save it in the file, click [Save in file]. After writing in the file, click [Next]. Static2=PRODUCT ID: Static3=Registration code: Static4=Create registration code Static5= -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG15] Static1=Terminate installer. Static2=To get access key, start installer on PC which can connect to the Internet, and select \n"Install (Authorize)" -> "Get access key from authentication server" -> \n"Have already created registration code". Static3=If registration code is saved in the file, copy the file from this PC to another PC which is connected to the Internet. Static4=Create registration code Static5= -> Get access key -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG16] Btn=Read from file Static1=Input PRODUCT ID and registration code.\nTo read from file, click [Read from file]. Static2=PRODUCT ID: Static3=Registration code: Static4=Create registration code -> Static5=Get access key Static6= -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG17] Static1=To get access key, get ready to connect to the Internet and click [Next]. Static2= Static3=Create registration code -> Static4=Get access key Static5= -> Write access key -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG18] Btn=Read from file Static1=Input PRODUCT ID and access key. \nTo read from file, click [Read from file]. Static2=PRODUCT ID: Static3=Access key: Static4=Create registration code -> Get access key -> Static5=Write Access key Static6= -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG19] Static1=To delete access key from console, PRODUCT ID which is used to install and authorize is needed.\nInput the PRODUCT ID which is indicated on the seal of CD-ROM package. Static2=PRODUCT ID: Static3=Create unregistration code Static4= -> De-authorize -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG20] Static1=Check whether the screen of console is "FLASH UPDATE". If it is not "FLASH UPDATE", the next procedure will not work. \nClose the installer and turn off console, switch on the power of console while pressing [REC] key. Then, start installer again. Static2= Static3=Select MIDI port to communicate with console.\nAfter selecting it, click [Next]. It will connect to the console. Static4=Input port: Static5=Output port: Static6=Create unregistration code Static7= -> De-authorize -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG21] Radio1=Connect to the authentication server and start de-authorizing now Radio2=Save unregistration code to de-authorize later Static1=Deleted access key from console and created unregistration code. Static2=Unregistration code is Static3= Static4=Create unregistration code Static5= -> De-authorize -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG22] Static1=Start de-authorizing. Static2=If you are ready to connect to the Internet, click [Next]. Static3=Create unregistration code -> Static4=De-authorize Static5= -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG23] Static1=De-authorizing was completed. \nTerminate installer.\n\nIn case of connecting to the Internet by dial-up, disconnect if required. Static2=Create unregistration code -> De-authorize -> Static3=Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG24] Btn=Save in file Static1=Write down unregistration code or save it in the file.\nTo save it in the file, click [save in file]. \nAfter writing it down, click [Next]. Static2=PRODUCT ID: Static3=Unregistration code: Static4=Create unregistration code Static5= -> De-authorize -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG25] Static1=Terminate installer. Static2=To de-authorize in authentication server, start installer on PC which can connect to the Internet, and select \n"De-authorize" -> "Have already created unregistration code". Static3=If unregistration code is saved in the file, copy the file from this PC to another PC which can connect to the Internet. Static4=Create unregistration code Static5= -> De-authorize -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG26] Btn=Read from file Static1=Input PRODUCT ID and unregistration code. \nTo read from file, click [Read from file]. Static2=PRODUCT ID: Static3=Unregistration code: Static4=Create unregistration code -> Static5=De-authorize Static6= -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG27] Static1=Start installation of 02R96 system software. [LanguageMessage_DLG28] Static1=Check whether the screen of console is "FLASH UPDATE".\nIf it is not "FLASH UPDATE", the next procedure will not work. \nClose the installer and turn off console, switch on the power while pressing [REC] key. Static2=Then, start installer again. Static3=Select MIDI port to communicate with console.\nAfter selecting it, click [Next]. It will connect to the console. Static4=Input port: Static5=Output port: Static6=Writing program Static7= -> Finish [LanguageMessage_DLG29] Static1=Installation is completed. Static2=Terminate installer. Static3=Writing program -> Static4=Finish [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG00] Static1=PRODUCT ID is wrong. Static2=Input correct PRODUCT ID. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG01] Static1=Registration code is wrong. Static2=Input the correct registration code. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG02] Static1=Unregistration code is wrong. Static2=Input the correct unregistration code. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG03] Static1=Access key is wrong. Static2=Input the correct access key. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG04] Static1=Content of the file is not correct data. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG05] Static1=Unable to connect to the console. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG06] Btn1=Do not install Btn2=Reinstall Static1=This version has already been installed. \nNo need to install. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG07] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=This application does not correspond to the console. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG08] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Unable to initialize license management information in console. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG09] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Unable to initialize license management information in console. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG10] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Failed to create registration code. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG11] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Access key cannot be written to the console. \nRetry from the beginning. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG12] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Cannot delete access key from the console. Static2=It is not the PRODUCT ID used for getting access key. \nCheck PRODUCT ID and retry de-authorization. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG13] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Cannot delete access key from the console. Static2=Because this access key is protected, \ncannot delete it from the console. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG14] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Installer cannot proceed because there is no access key, which is needed for installation. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG15] Btn1=Reconnect Btn2=Terminate installer Static1=Unable to connect to the authentication server. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG16] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Access key cannot be issued because the PRODUCT ID is wrong. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG17] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Access key cannot be issued because registration code is wrong. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG18] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=New access key cannot be issued because this PRODUCT ID has already issued an access key. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG19] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Unable to de-authorize because unregistration code is not in agreement with the information when access key was issued. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG20] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=De-authorization is not required as access key has not been issued for this PRODUCT ID. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG21] Btn=Terminate installer Static1=Cannot de-authorize as unregistration code is wrong. [LanguageMessage_ERRMSG22] Static1=File save error. [LanguageMessage_MSG00] Static1=Connecting to the console....\nDo not turn off console. [LanguageMessage_MSG01] Btn=Next Static1=Console's FLASH UPDATE is Ver1. \nBefore creating registration code, it will change FLASH UPDATE to Ver2. [LanguageMessage_MSG02] Static1=Upgrade for FLASH UPDATE is proceeding. \nDo not turn off console until upgrade is completed. [LanguageMessage_MSG03] Btn=Next Static1=Completed upgrade for FLASH UPDATE. \nTo create registration code, turn off console and turn on again while pressing [REC] key. \nAfter turning on, click [Next]. [LanguageMessage_MSG04] Static1=Connecting to the authentication server. [LanguageMessage_MSG05] Static1=Connecting to the console.... \nDo not turn off console until writing is completed. [LanguageMessage_MSG06] Static1=Installing program.... \nDo not turn off console until writing is completed. [LanguageMessage_MSG07] Static1=Connecting to the console.... \nDo not turn off console until writing is completed.Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.