MFPAdmin.ini Driver File Contents (epson12562.exe)

FontName                ="Arial"
FontSize                ="8"

Welcome                 ="Welcome !"
PSManager               ="Server Manager"
PSGroup                 ="Server Group"
OK                      ="OK"
Cancel                  ="Cancel"
Save                    ="Save"
Exit                    ="Exit"
DateTime                ="Date Time"
Message                 ="Message"
UnKnown                 ="Unknown"
Port1                   ="Port 1 : " 
Port2                   ="Port 2 : "
Port3                   ="Port 3 : "

File                    ="File"
Help                    ="Help"
Exit                    ="E&xit"
About                   ="About"

Status                  ="Status"
Setup                   ="Setup"
Wizard                  ="Wizard"
Report                  ="Report"
Refresh                 ="Refresh"
Reboot                  ="Reboot"
Search                  ="Search"

MACID                   ="MAC ID : "
ModelType               ="Model Type : "
Version                 ="Version : "
PrintPort               ="Server Port"
TCPIP                   ="TCP/IP"
IPAddress               ="IP Address : "
SubnetMask              ="Subnet Mask : "
Gateway                 ="Gateway : "
DHCPServer              ="DHCP Server : "
DHCPStatus              ="Status : "
DHCPStartIP             ="Start IP : "
DHCPNextIP              ="Next Available IP : "
DHCPSubnetMask          ="Netmask : "
DHCPGatewayIP           ="Gateway IP : "
DHCPDNS                 ="DNS : "
NetWare                 ="NetWare"
FileServerName          ="File Server Name : "
PollingTime             ="Polling Time : "
AttachedQueue           ="Attached Queue"
AppleTalk               ="AppleTalk"
Zone                    ="Zone"
ZoneName                ="Zone Name : "
PrintType               ="Printer Type"
Rendezvous              ="Bonjour"
ServiceName             ="Service Name"
SNMP                    ="SNMP"
Contact                 ="Contact : "
Location                ="Location : "
System                  ="System"
SysRaw                  ="Raw Print : "
SysIPP                  ="IPP Print : "
SysLPR                  ="LPR Print : "
SysNetware              ="NetWare Binary Printing : "
SysAppleTalk            ="AppleTalk Printing : "
SysRendezvous           ="Bonjour Printing : "
SysSMB                  ="SMB : "
SysSNMP                 ="SNMP : "
SysUPNP                 ="UPnP : "
SysNETBEUI              ="NETBEUI : "
SysTelnet               ="Telnet : "
Wireless                ="Wireless"
ConnectMode             ="Connect Mode : "
ConnectStatus           ="Connect Status : "
APMACID                 ="AP's MAC ID : "
APSSID                  ="Wireless Network Name(SSID) : "
SecurityMode            ="Security mode : "
Channel                 ="Channel : "
Port                    ="Port"
Enable                  ="Enable"
Disable                 ="Disable"
Auto                    ="Auto"
NotSupport              ="Not Support"
PrinterReady            ="Ready"
PrinterOffline          ="Off Line"
PrinterPaperout         ="Paper Out"
PrinterRunning          ="Printing"
Active                  ="Active"
Inactive                ="Inactive"
InfraMode               ="Infrastructure Mode"
AdhocMode               ="Adhoc Mode"
Connected               ="Connected"
Disconnected            ="Disconnected"
None                    ="None"
MFPServer               ="MFP Server"
MFPDescription          ="MFP Server Description : "    
Idle                    ="Idle"
Busy                    ="Busy"
ComputerName            ="Computer Name : "
ContactInfo             ="Contact Information : "

General                 ="General"
TCPIP                   ="TCP/IP"
NetWare                 ="NetWare"
AppleTalk               ="AppleTalk"
Rendezvous              ="Bonjour"
SNMP                    ="SNMP"
MailPrint               ="MailPrint"
System                  ="System"
Wireless                ="Wireless"
Wizard                  ="Print Server Setup Wizard"
MFP                     ="MFP Server Management"
SMB                     ="SMB"

BarText                 ="General"
SettingPanel            ="General Settings"
DeviceInfo              ="Device Info"
PrintServerName         ="Server Name : "
SetNamePassword         ="Set User Name/Password"
UserName                ="User Name : "
Password                ="Password : "
RetypePassword          ="Retype Password : "
MACID                   ="MAC ID : "
Type                    ="Type : "
ModelType               ="Model Type : "
Version                 ="Version : "
PortNo                  ="Port No : "
PortName                ="Port Name"
SettingWait             ="Setting General. Please wait..."

RetypePasswordErr       ="Retype Password Error !"
InputInvalid            ="cannot input "" or '"
InputUsername           ="Please input User Name !"
InputPassword           ="Please input Password !"
InputRetypePassword     ="Please input Retype Password !"
PasswordLenErr          ="Password can't exceed 7 characters."
PSNameLenErr47          ="Server Name can't exceed 47 characters."
PSNameLenErr15          ="Server Name can't exceed 15 characters."

BarText                 ="TCP/IP"
SettingPanel            ="TCP/IP Settings"
IP                      ="IP"
AutoIP                  ="Auto IP"
StaticIP                ="Static IP"
IPAddress               ="IP Address : "
SubnetMask              ="Subnet Mask : "
Gateway                 ="Gateway : "
DHCPServer              ="DHCP Server"
DHCPStartAddr           ="Starting Address : "
DHCPEndAddr             ="Ending Address : "
DHCPIPRange             ="Range : "
DHCPDNS                 ="DNS : "
Auto                    ="Auto"
Enable                  ="Enable"
Disable                 ="Disable"
SettingWait             ="Setting TCP/IP. Please wait..."

IPError                 ="Invalid IP Address !"
NetmaskError            ="Invalid Subnet Mask !"
GatewayError            ="Invalid Gateway !"
GatewayDifferSubnet     ="The gateway of the Server has a different subnet to the Server IP."
ClientIPDifferentPSIP   ="Caution!! The Print Server is in a different subnet from the connected computer.\nYou are recommended to change the IP address to the same subnet. Otherwise the Print Server \nmay not be able to establish communication with your computer."
SubnetDifferDHCPSubnet  ="The subnet mask of Server are different with DHCP subnet mask."

DHCPstartIPError        ="Invalid DHCP Start Address !"
DHCPendIPError          ="Invalid DHCP End Address !"
DHCPIPRangeError        ="Invalid DHCP IP Range !"
DHCPNetmaskError        ="Invalid DHCP Subnet Mask !"
DHCPGatewayError        ="Invalid DHCP Gateway !"
DHCPDNSError            ="Invalid DHCP DNS !"
DHCPStartIPDifferSubnet ="The starting IP of the DHCP has a different subnet to the Server IP."
DHCPEndIPDifferSubnet   ="The ending IP of the DHCP has a different subnet to the Server IP."
DHCPGatewayDifferSubnet ="The gateway of the DHCP has a different subnet to the IP."
DHCPSearchWait          ="Searching for the IP address, Please wait..."    
DHCPServerNoResponse    ="A DHCP Server could not be found within the network.\nIf you want to set the IP Address manually, please click "Yes". or click "No" to search again"
BarText                 ="NetWare"
SettingPanel            ="NetWare Settings"
PollingTime             ="Polling Time : "
Sec                     ="(Sec.)"
QueueByPrinter          ="Queue Serviced By Printer"
Serviced                ="File Server to be serviced"
NetwareServer           ="NetWare Server : "
SettingWait             ="Setting NetWare. Please wait..."

PollingTimeErr          ="Polling Time Error !"
PollingTimeLimit        ="Polling Time must be 3 to 255 !"
InputPollingTime        ="Please input Polling Time !"

BarText                 ="AppleTalk"
SettingPanel            ="AppleTalk Settings"
ZoneName                ="Zone Name : "
PrintType               ="Printer Type"
SettingWait             ="Setting AppleTalk. Please wait..."

PrintTypeLenErr         ="Print Type length could not large than 66 !"
ZoneNameLenErr          ="Zone Name length could not large than 32 !"

BarText                 ="Bonjour"
SettingPanel            ="Bonjour Settings"
ServiceName             ="Service Name"
SettingWait             ="Setting Bonjour. Please wait..."
ServiceNameErr          ="Service Name length cound not large than 16 !"

BarText                 ="SNMP"
SettingPanel            ="SNMP"
Contact                 ="Contact : "
Location                ="Location : "
SettingWait             ="Setting SNMP Please wait..."

BarText                 ="SMB"
SettingPanel            ="SMB"
SMBGroupName            ="SMB Group Name : "
PassJob                 ="Pass Job When Error Occured"
WaitTime                ="Waiting time to Pass Job : "
Second                  ="seconds(1~120)"
SettingWait             ="Setting SMB Please wait..."
Second07                ="seconds(1~60)"
SMBGrpNameLenErr        ="SMB Group Name can't exceed 16 characters."

BarText                 ="System"
SettingPanel            ="System Settings"
EnableAppleTalk         ="Enable Appletalk Printing"
EnableRendezvous        ="Enable Bonjour Printing"
EnableLPR               ="Enable LPR Printing"
EnableNetWare           ="Enable NetWare Binary Printing"
EnableRAW               ="Enable TCP RAW Printing"
EnableIPP               ="Enable IPP Printing"
EnableSMB               ="Enable SMB"
EnableSNMP              ="Enable SNMP"
EnableTelnet            ="Enable Telnet"
EnableNetBEUI           ="Enable NetBEUI"
EnableDiagnostic        ="Enable Diagnostic Print Out"
EnableUPNP              ="Enable UPnP"
PortName                ="Port Name"
Update                  ="Update : "
Upgrade                 ="Upgrade"
WirelessFunction        ="Wireless Function : "
WirelessDomain          ="Domain Country : "
Auto                    ="Auto"
Enable                  ="Enable"
Disable                 ="Disable"
Restore                 ="Load Default"
SettingWait             ="Setting System. Please wait..."

RestoreNow              ="Are you sure to restore now ?"
Restoreing              ="Restore ..."
OpenFileErr             ="Open File Error !"
ReadFileErr             ="Read File Error !"
BindPortError           ="Error : Can't bind port !\nEither you do not have necessary privilege or a daemon is already started"
BindFTPPortError        ="Error : Can't bind the TFTP port !\nEither you do not have necessary privilege or a TFTP daemon is already started"
UpgradeFormat           ="File Format is not correct !"
UpgradeFail             ="has not upgraded successfully.  Click OK to retry upgrade."
UpgradeSelectFile       ="Select File First !"
UpgradeTimeout          ="Upgrade Timeout ! Try upgrade again. [Notice]DO NOT power off your server."
UpgradesegmentError     ="IP segment Error.\nYou need to make the PC under the same subnet mask as the PrintServer to complete this upgrading procedure."

BarText                 ="Wireless"
SetMode                 ="Set Your Wireless Adapter Mode"
InfraMode               ="Infrastructure Mode"
InfraHint               ="If you wish to use Wireless to connect to your Wireless Access Point, please select this mode."
AdhocMode               ="Adhoc Mode"
AdhocHint               ="If you wish to connect head to head with another Wireless client, please choose this mode."
WirelessFunction        ="Wireless Function : "
Auto                    ="Auto"
Enable                  ="Enable"
Disable                 ="Disable"

InfraPageTitle          ="Connect to Your Wireless Network"
InfraSSIDScan           ="Scan For Your local Wireless Network"
InfraSSIDScanHint       ="Let the Wizard automatically scan for your Wireless Network(SSID)"
InfraSSIDManual         ="Assign Your Wireless Network Manually"
InfraSSIDManualHint     ="Enter your own Wireless Network ID (SSID)Manually"

AdhocPageTitle          ="Connect to your wireless Network"
AdhocSSIDScan           ="Scan For Your local Wireless Network"
AdhocSSIDHint           ="Let the Wizard automatically scan for your Wireless Network(SSID)"
AdhocManual             ="Assign Your Wireless Network Manually"
AdhocManualHint         ="Enter your own Wireless Network ID (SSID)Manually"
ChannelSel              ="Channel Selection"
Manual                  ="Manual"

ScanSSIDPageTitle       ="Wireless Network Name(SSID)"
SSIDCol1                ="SSID"
SSIDCol2                ="BSSID"
SSIDCOl3                ="Channel"
SSIDCOl4                ="Network Type"
SSIDCOl5                ="Encryption"
Scan                    ="Scan"
ScanHint                ="Please scan and select the name of your Wireless Network from the list above.\nIf you do not see your Wireless Network please check to see if your Wireless Network is setup correctly and re-scan."

ScaningPrompt           ="Scanning...Please Wait"

WEPPageTitle            ="Wireless Security"
WEPHint                 ="If you wish to activate wireless security or your wireless network is already running wireless security you may configure your settings here. (Note)All Wireless Devices on your network must use the same key to function correctly."
SecurityMode            ="Security Mode : "
SecurityModeDisable     ="Disable"
SecurityModeWEPASCII    ="WEP(ASCII)"
SecurityModeWEPHEX      ="WEP(HEX)"
SecurityModeWPAPSK      ="WPA-PSK"
SecurityModeWPA2PSK     ="WPA2-PSK"
SecurityModeWPA         ="WPA"
SecurityModeWPA2        ="WPA2"
SecurityModeWPANone     ="WPA-None"
PassPhrase              ="PassPhrase"
WEP64                   ="64 bit"
WEP128                  ="128 bit"
WEPKey1                 ="Key 1 : "
WEPKey2                 ="Key 2 : "
WEPKey3                 ="Key 3 : "
WEPKey4                 ="Key 4 : "
WPAAlgorithms           ="WPA Algorithms : "
WPATKIP                 ="TKIP"
WPAAES                  ="AES"
WPANone                 ="None"
SharedKey               ="Key : "

IPPageTitle             ="Configure Your Adapters IP Address"
IPDHCP                  ="Automatically Obtain IP Settins(DHCP)"
IPDHCPHint              ="Obtain your IP Settings from your Wireless Access Point/Router.\n(DHCP must be enabled on your Wireless Access Point/Router)"
IPManual                ="Set Your IP Manually"
IPAddress               ="IP Address : "
SubnetMask              ="Subnet Mask : "
Gateway                 ="Gateway : "

SummaryPageTitle        ="Setup Status Summary"
SummaryPrintServerName  ="Server Name : "
SummaryConnectMode      ="Connect Mode : "
SummarySSID             ="Wireless Network Name(SSID) : "
SummaryAutoCH           ="Auto CH"
SummaryCH               ="CH"
SummaryIPSettings       ="IP Settings"
SummaryWLANSecurity     ="Wireless Security : "
SummaryWEP              ="WEP"
SummaryWPA              ="WPA"
SummaryNONE             ="None"
SummaryWPA2PSK_AES      ="WPA2PSK-AES"
SummaryKey              ="Key : "

Infrastructure          ="Infrastructure"
Adhoc                   ="Adhoc"
ON                      ="on"
OFF                     ="off"

Back                    ="<< Back"
Next                    ="Next >>"
SettingWait             ="Setting Wireless. Please wait..."

NoSSIDfound             =" No SSID Scanned !"
SSIDSelect              ="Please Select SSID !"
WPAwithoutSSID          =" Not Found ! WPA would not work. Are you sure to process ?"
WEPKeyBlank             ="Key cannot be blank !"
CharTooShort            ="Invalid length of key value. It should be larger than "
InputNCharAbove         =" characters."
CharTooLong             ="Invalid length of key value. It should be at most "
InputNCharBelow         =" characters."
InvalidKeyLen           ="Invalid length of key value. It should be "
InputNChar              =" characters."
Input8to63Char          ="Invalid length of key value. It must be 8 to 63 characters."

SummaryPageTitle        ="Setup Status Summary"
SummaryPrintServer      ="Server"
SummaryPrintServerName  ="Name : "
SummaryPortName         ="Port Name"
SummaryPrintProtocol    ="Print Protocol"
SummaryIPSettings       ="IP Settings : "
SummaryDHCPServer       ="DHCP Server : "
SummarySecurity         ="Security : "
SettingWait             ="Wizard Setting, Please wait..."

BarText                 ="MFP Server Management"
ReleasePanel            ="Force Release"
Port1                   ="Port 1"
Port2                   ="Port 2"
Port3                   ="Port 3"
ForceRelease            ="Force Release"
SettingPanel            ="Settings"
MFPDiscription          ="MFP Server Description : "
AutoRelease             ="Auto release when idle time is over"
Minutes                 ="minutes(5-255)."
ReleaseTimErr           ="The idle time setting must be in the range of 5-255 minutes."
SettingWait             ="Setting MFP, Please wait..."

ReleasePort1            ="Are you sure to Force Release Port 1 ?"
ReleasePort2            ="Are you sure to Force Release Port 2 ?"
ReleasePort3            ="Are you sure to Force Release Port 3 ?"
ReleasePort1Success     ="Force Release Port 1 Success"
ReleasePort2Success     ="Force Release Port 2 Success"
ReleasePort3Success     ="Force Release Port 3 Success"
ReleasePort1Fail        ="Force Release Port 1 Fail"
ReleasePort1Fai2        ="Force Release Port 2 Fail"
ReleasePort1Fai3        ="Force Release Port 3 Fail"
BarText                 ="Mail Printing"
SettingPanel            ="Mail Print Configure"
PollingTime             ="Mail Polling Time : "
Minute                  ="minute(s)"
LPT1                    ="LPT1"
LPT2                    ="LPT2"
LPT3                    ="LPT3"
MailServer              ="Mail Server : "
MailAccount             ="Mail Account : "
Password                ="Password : "
ConfirmPassword         ="Password Confirm : "
MailHeader              ="Print Mail Header"
SettingWait             ="Setting MailPrint. Please wait..."
DeviceName              ="Device Name"
MACID                   ="MAC ID"
ModelType               ="Model Type"
Version                 ="Version"
Status                  ="Status"

ProductName             ="Server Manager"
Version                 ="Version : "
Info                    ="Release Version."
Company                 =""

Initial                 ="Initial..."
UpgradeWait             ="Upgrading... Please Wait !"
UpgradeSuccess          ="Upgrade successful !"
UpgradeStart            ="Starintg Upgrade Process..."
UpgradeReceive          ="Receiving RomData completed, Upgrading..."
SeekFileError           ="Seek on File Error !"
UpgradeFirmware         ="Upgrading Firmware"

Searching               ="Searching...Please Wait !"

Title                   ="Login"
UserName                ="User Name : "
Password                ="Password : "
LoginButton             ="Login"

VerifyOK                ="Verification Successful !"
VerifyFail              ="Verification Failed."
IncorrectLogin          ="Login Username/Password Incorrect !"
TitleNotice             ="Psadmin"
SearchWait              ="Searching... Please Wait !"

PrintServerFound        ="1 server found !"
PrintServersFound       =" servers found !"
PrintServerNotFound     ="No server found !"

RefreshOK               =" Refresh OK !"
Refreshed               =" refreshed."
RefreshWait             ="Refreshing... Please Wait !"

PleaseReboot            =" Please Reboot Server To Take Effect !"
RebootWait              ="Rebooting... Please Wait !"
RebootComplete          =" Reboot Complete."
Reconnecting            ="Re-Connecting to this Server..."

NoResponse              =" No Response !"
PSStartRecive           ="Server starts to receive..."

SettingsUpdated         ="Settings Updated."

Warning                 ="Warning"
ClickNoPrintServer      ="Please Select Server !"
SettingConfirm          =If you want to proceed and save the setting, please click on OK.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web4, load: 0.89