ce4.txt Driver File Contents (VIA823x_40.zip)

**  VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter
**  NDIS Driver for Windows CE 4.x
**  v3.65   Dec, 2006


  This document shows you how to setup the driver in Windows CE 4.x operating system.

Contents of the Subdirectory:

    FETCE4B.DLL         The NDIS5 driver for Windows CE 4.x.
    FETCE4B.MAP         driver MAP file.
    FETCE4B.PDB         driver PDB file.
    FETCE4B.REL         driver REL file.
    FETCE4B.REG         driver sample REG file.
    FETCE4B.CEC         driver catalog feature(.CEC) file.
    CE4.TXT             this readme file.


  Before starting with the installation process, make sure that the adapter
  is properly installed and configured.

    1. System hardware configuration:
       An IRQ line must be assigned to the fast Ethernet controller
       by the system BIOS.

    2. Driver Installation:
       Please run FETCE4B.MSI, it will copy all the driver files to the target
       installation directory:

       Or you can copy the driver files to the target installation directory:

       In Platform Builder, select File -> Manage Catalog Features ->Import to
       add the FETCE4B.CEC to the catalog, then press OK.

       The path of the driver in catalog menu is
       "Catalog\Device Drivers\Network\VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter" or
       "Catalog\Third Party\Device Drivers\Networking\Local Area Networking(LAN) devices\
        VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter".

    3. Create and build a new platform:
       Assume a new platform based on CEPC:X86 BSP is created in Platform
       Builder 4.x and choose a suitable platform configuration such as
       Set-Top Box or Internet Appliance.

       Drag the network driver named "VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter" in the catalog
       menu into the workspace (features) window or
       right-click on the network driver named "VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter" in the
       catalog menu and select "Add to Platform"..

    4. Modify the registry settings if necessary:
       You may need to modify the default registry settings in FETCE4B.REG if necessary.
       Find details in Note 2.

    5. Select "Build Platform" from the "Build" menu. This step is necessary
       only for the first time a new platform is created.

    6. Download the binary image to your target platform.


    1. Basic connection testing:
       On the development workstation, open a command prompt and type:

         ping  <IP address of the target device>

       As an example, if the network card's IP address in the target platform
       is, then type:


       If the driver is installed correctly and the network card works
       properly, the following messages will appear on the development workstation:

         Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

         Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
         Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
         Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32
         Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=32

       Note values for "time" and "TTL" may vary from system to system.
       If the network card or the driver itself fails to work properly,
       the following messages will appear on the development workstation:

         Pinging with 32 bytes of data:

         Request timed out.
         Request timed out.
         Request timed out.
         Request timed out.

    2. Update registry FETCE4B.REG:
       You may modify FETCE4B.REG in
       $(_WINCEROOT)\3rdParty\VIA\FETCE4B\TARGET\$(_TGTCPU)\$(WINCEDEBUG)\ as needed.

       After modifying it, select "Make Image" from the "Build" menu to rebuild
       a new OS binary, i.e. NK.BIN.

       Read below for more information on how to configure the driver settings.

       The FETCE4B drivers use several registry sub-keys under the
       [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\FETCE4B\Parms] key.

       The PCIBus of "BusType" is designated by 0x05.
       The media type of "ConnectionType" is designated below:

         MEDIA_AUTO              0x00
         MEDIA_100M_HALF         0x01
         MEDIA_100M_FULL         0x02
         MEDIA_10M_HALF          0x03
         MEDIA_10M_FULL          0x04

       "BusNumber" and "SlotNumber" specify the bus and slot(device) numbers of
       the FETCE4B network controller on the PCI bus. "BusNumber" is 0 normally.
       If "SlotNumber" is given, the driver will access FETCE4B through the
       specified bus and slot numbers.
       The sub-keys under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\FETCE4B1\Parms\TcpIp]
       are addresses for IP, gateway, and subnetmask. The listed values
       are used as an example, and these keys must be
       modified according to your actual network environments.
       If a DHCP server exists in your network, set the sub-keys as below
       to enable the DHCP configuration,
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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