[country_code] country_num = 71 0 = COUNTRY_DUMMY 1 = COUNTRY_Australia 2 = COUNTRY_Belgium 3 = COUNTRY_Denmark 4 = COUNTRY_Finland 5 = COUNTRY_France 6 = COUNTRY_Germany 7 = COUNTRY_Netherlands 8 = COUNTRY_Italy 9 = COUNTRY_NewZealand 10 = COUNTRY_Norway 11 = COUNTRY_Spain 12 = COUNTRY_Sweden 13 = COUNTRY_Switzerland 14 = COUNTRY_UK 15 = COUNTRY_Austria 16 = COUNTRY_Japan 17 = COUNTRY_RepublicChina 18 = COUNTRY_Korea 19 = COUNTRY_Malaysia 20 = COUNTRY_Singapore 21 = COUNTRY_Taiwan 22 = COUNTRY_Thailand 23 = COUNTRY_Indonesia 24 = COUNTRY_Portugal 25 = COUNTRY_USA 26 = COUNTRY_Ireland 27 = COUNTRY_HongKong 28 = COUNTRY_Canada 29 = COUNTRY_Mexico 30 = COUNTRY_India 31 = COUNTRY_Vietnam 32 = COUNTRY_Philippines 33 = COUNTRY_Greece 34 = COUNTRY_Hungary 35 = COUNTRY_Turkey 36 = COUNTRY_South Africa 37 = COUNTRY_Poland 38 = COUNTRY_Slovenia 39 = COUNTRY_Slovakia 40 = COUNTRY_CzechRepublic 41 = COUNTRY_Luxembourg 42 = COUNTRY_CTR21 43 = COUNTRY_Brazil 44 = COUNTRY_Bulgaria 45 = COUNTRY_Cyprus 46 = COUNTRY_Iceland 47 = COUNTRY_Russia 48 = COUNTRY_Israel 49 = COUNTRY_SaudiArabia 50 = COUNTRY_Pakistan 51 = COUNTRY_Argentina 52 = COUNTRY_Bolivia 53 = COUNTRY_Chile 54 = COUNTRY_Colombia 55 = COUNTRY_Ecuador 56 = COUNTRY_Panama 57 = COUNTRY_Peru 58 = COUNTRY_UAE 59 = COUNTRY_Kuwait 60 = COUNTRY_Oman 61 = COUNTRY_Lebanon 62 = COUNTRY_Egypt 63 = COUNTRY_Bangladesh 64 = COUNTRY_Srilanka 65 = COUNTRY_Latvia 66 = COUNTRY_Lithuania 67 = COUNTRY_Estonia 68 = COUNTRY_Rumania 69 = COUNTRY_Malta 70 = COUNTRY_Morocco [language_id] language_num = 12 0 = string_table_Denmark 1 = string_table_France 2 = string_table_Germany 3 = string_table_Italy 4 = string_table_Netherlands 5 = string_table_Norway 6 = string_table_Poland 7 = string_table_Portugal 8 = string_table_Spain 9 = string_table_Sweden 10 = string_table_UK 11 = string_table_Japan ;string_table_new_country [lang_name_tbl] string_table_Denmark= "Danish" string_table_France= "French" string_table_Germany= "German" string_table_Italy= "Italian" string_table_Netherlands= "Dutch" string_table_Norway= "Norwegian" string_table_Poland= "Polish" string_table_Portugal= "Portuguese" string_table_Spain= "Spanish" string_table_Sweden= "Swedish" string_table_UK= "English" string_table_Japan= "Japanese" ;string_table_new_language= "new_language" for new language [lang_asgn_tbl] lang_asgn_num = 27 COUNTRY_Denmark= string_table_Denmark COUNTRY_France= string_table_France COUNTRY_Germany= string_table_Germany COUNTRY_Italy= string_table_Italy COUNTRY_Netherlands= string_table_Netherlands COUNTRY_Norway= string_table_Norway COUNTRY_Poland= string_table_Poland COUNTRY_Portugal= string_table_Portugal COUNTRY_Spain= string_table_Spain COUNTRY_Sweden= string_table_Sweden COUNTRY_UK= string_table_UK COUNTRY_USA= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Australia= string_table_UK COUNTRY_NewZealand= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Japan= string_table_Japan COUNTRY_Canada= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Belgium= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Finland= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Switzerland= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Austria= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Ireland= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Greece= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Singapore= string_table_UK COUNTRY_HongKong= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Malaysia= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Taiwan= string_table_UK COUNTRY_Thailand= string_table_UK ;COUNTRY_new_country= string_table_new_country for new country [string_id] string_num = 145 0 = LIDS_IDC_SET 1 = LIDS_IDC_MODEMSELECT 2 = LIDS_IDC_ABOUT 3 = LIDS_IDC_EXIT 4 = LIDS_IDC_DIALPROP 5 = LIDS_INSTERR_MSG 6 = LIDS_TAPIREGER 7 = LIDS_COMOPENNG 8 = LIDS_DIAG1 9 = LIDS_DIAG2 10 = LIDS_DIAG3 11 = LIDS_DIAG4 12 = LIDS_IDOK 13 = LIDS_IDCANCEL 14 = LIDS_IDHELP 15 = LIDS_DIAG5 16 = LIDS_DIAG6 17 = LIDS_DIAG7 18 = LIDS_DIAG8 19 = LIDS_DIAG9 20 = LIDS_DIAG10 21 = LIDS_DIAG11 22 = LIDS_DIAG12 23 = LIDS_DIAG13 24 = LIDS_DIAG14 25 = LIDS_DIAG15 26 = LIDS_DIAG16 27 = LIDS_DIAG17 28 = LIDS_DIAG18 29 = LIDS_DIAG19 30 = LIDS_DIAG20 31 = LIDS_DIAG21 32 = LIDS_DIAG22 33 = LIDS_DIAG23 34 = LIDS_DIAG24 35 = UNABLE_FIND_LOCATION 36 = MAIN_WINDOW_TITLE_NAME 37 = UNABLE_OPEN_COM 38 = COM_STATUS 39 = UNABLE_WRITE_COM 40 = NO_ANSWER 41 = UNABLE_READ_COM 42 = UNABLE_SET_CONFIG 43 = NOTIFICATION 44 = ERROR_RETURNED 45 = TIMEOUT_OCCURRED 46 = UNABLE_CLOSE_COM 47 = MSG_ERROR 48 = MSG_MEMERROR 49 = MSG_CONFIGERR 50 = MSG_WARNING 51 = MSG_TAPIMISS 52 = MSG_SAMETAPI 53 = MSG_TAPIUNRES 54 = MSG_TAPITMPNG 55 = MSG_NOTCONFIG 56 = LIDS_Australia 57 = LIDS_Austria 58 = LIDS_Belgium 59 = LIDS_Canada 60 = LIDS_Czech_Republic 61 = LIDS_Denmark 62 = LIDS_Finland 63 = LIDS_France 64 = LIDS_Germany 65 = LIDS_Greece 66 = LIDS_Hungary 67 = LIDS_Ireland 68 = LIDS_Italy 69 = LIDS_Japan 70 = LIDS_Netherlands 71 = LIDS_New_Zealand 72 = LIDS_Norway 73 = LIDS_Poland 74 = LIDS_Portugal 75 = LIDS_Slovakia 76 = LIDS_Slovenia 77 = LIDS_Spain 78 = LIDS_Sweden 79 = LIDS_Switzerland 80 = LIDS_UK 81 = LIDS_USA 82 = LIDS_Singapore 83 = LIDS_HongKong 84 = LIDS_Malaysia 85 = LIDS_Taiwan 86 = LIDS_Thailand 87 = LIDS_RepublicChina 88 = LIDS_Korea 89 = LIDS_Indonesia 90 = LIDS_Mexico 91 = LIDS_India 92 = LIDS_Vietnam 93 = LIDS_Philippines 94 = LIDS_Turkey 95 = LIDS_SouthAfrica 96 = LIDS_Luxembourg 97 = LIDS_Brazil 98 = LIDS_Bulgaria 99 = LIDS_Cyprus 100 = LIDS_Iceland 101 = LIDS_Russia 102 = LIDS_Israel 103 = LIDS_SaudiArabia 104 = LIDS_Pakistan 105 = LIDS_Argentina 106 = LIDS_Bolivia 107 = LIDS_Chile 108 = LIDS_Colombia 109 = LIDS_Ecuador 110 = LIDS_Panama 111 = LIDS_Peru 112 = MSG_DIFFERENTCONFIG 113 = MSG_CREATELOCATION 114 = MSG_CREATELOCATION2 115 = MSG_LOADLIBERROR 116 = MSG_LOADLIBERROR2 117 = MSG_DEFAULT_NEW_LOCATION_NAME 118 = MSG_CANNOT_WRITE_REG 119 = MSG_MODEM_SUPPORT_COUNTRIES 120 = MSG_DIFF1 121 = MSG_DIFF2 122 = MSG_DIFF3 123 = MSG_DIFF4 124 = MSG_DIFF5 125 = MSG_DIFF6 126 = LIDS_LOCDISP 127 = LIDS_COUNTRYDIFF 128 = LIDS_HELP_DIAG14 129 = LIDS_HELP_DIAG15 130 = LIDS_HELP_DIAG16 131 = LIDS_HELP_DIAG17 132 = LIDS_UAE 133 = LIDS_Kuwait 134 = LIDS_Oman 135 = LIDS_Lebanon 136 = LIDS_Egypt 137 = LIDS_Bangladesh 138 = LIDS_Srilanka 139 = LIDS_Latvia 140 = LIDS_Lithuania 141 = LIDS_Estonia 142 = LIDS_Rumania 143 = LIDS_Malta 144 = LIDS_MoroccoDownload Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.