3dl2.inf Driver File Contents (40k8529.zip)

; Copyright (c) 2003 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd
; 3DL.inf
; Installation inf for 3Dlabs Acuity II Driver

Signature="$Windows NT$"

; Source file information

1 = %DiskId1%,,,x86
2 = %DiskId1%,,,amd64

1 = %DiskId1%,,,x86
2 = %DiskId1%,,,amd64

3dl2DD.dll		= 2,
3dl2mp.sys	 	= 2,
3Dl2CoIn.dll     	= 2,
3Dl2CP.dll       	= 2,
3Dl2ICD.dll      	= 1,
3Dl2ICD64.dll    	= 2,
3Dl2Install.exe  	= 2,
3Dl2WinMn.dll    	= 2,
3Dl2WMWiz.exe    	= 2,
3Dl2TB.exe       	= 2,
3Dl2Svc.exe      	= 2,
3dl2compiler.dll 	= 1,
3dl2compiler64.dll	= 2,
3dl2dci.dll	 	= 2,
3dl2winmn32.dll  	= 2,
3dl2winmn32.exe	 	= 2,
GetVPD.dll		= 1,
getvpdc.exe 		= 1,

3Dl2DD.dll.2K    	= 1,
3dl2DD.dll	 	= 1,
3Dl2MP.sys.2K    	= 1,
3dl2mp.sys	 	= 1,
3Dl2CoIn.dll     	= 1,
3Dl2CP.dll       	= 1,
3Dl2ICD.dll      	= 1,
3Dl2Install.exe  	= 1,
3Dl2WinMn.dll    	= 1,
3Dl2WMWiz.exe    	= 1,
3Dl2TB.exe       	= 1,
3Dl2Svc.exe      	= 1,
3dl2compiler.dll 	= 1,
3dl2dci.dll	 	= 1,
GetVPD.dll		= 1,
getvpdc.exe 		= 1,
pmemw.dll		= 1,
pmemnt.sys		= 1,

;Destination file information

DefaultDestDir			= 11
Miranda2.Miniport		= 12  ; drivers
Miranda22K.Miniport		= 12  ; drivers
Miranda2.Display		= 11  ; system32
Miranda22K.Display		= 11  ; system32
Miranda2.Applet			= 11  ; system32
Miranda2.OGLICD			= 11  ; system32
Miranda2.OGLICD64		= 11  ; system32
Miranda2.OGLICDWOW64		= 10  , syswow64
Miranda2.Uninst			= 11  ; system32
Miranda2.SysTray		= 11  ; system32
Miranda2.CoInstall		= 11  ; system32
Miranda2.LMM			= 11  ;	system32
Miranda2.WinMan			= 11  ;	system32
Miranda2.DCI			= 11  ;	system32
Miranda2.DCIWOW64		= 10  , syswow64
Miranda2.WinManWOW64		= 10  , syswow64
IBM.System32			= 11  ; system32
IBM.Drivers			= 12  ; drivers
IBM.WOW64			= 10  , syswow64
IBM.getvpdc64			= 11  ; system32

ExcludeFromSelect = %DEV_U20A%&%SSI_WC_U22%

%TDDD% = 3DlabsMfg,ia64,NTamd64.5.1,NT.5.1

; do not support itanium

; First come the PnP entries: each of these should be duplicated in an ExcludeFromSelect directive
%WC_U22%      		= Miranda2.NTamd64.5.1, %DEV_U20A%&%SSI_WC_U22%

; Next, the non-PnP (user upgrade) entries
%3DLABS_COMPAT%   	= Miranda2.NTamd64.5.1, %DEV_U20A%, %DEV_U20B%
%3DLABS_DUALVIEW% 	= Miranda2.NTamd64.5.1, DISPLAY\Mia2Dual


; First come the PnP entries: each of these should be duplicated in an ExcludeFromSelect directive
%WC_U22%      		= Miranda2.NT.5.1, %DEV_U20A%&%SSI_WC_U22%

; Next, the non-PnP (user upgrade) entries
%3DLABS_COMPAT%   	= Miranda2.NT.5.1, %DEV_U20A%, %DEV_U20B%
%3DLABS_DUALVIEW% 	= Miranda2.NT.5.1, DISPLAY\Mia2Dual


; this section is identical to the 3DlabsMfg.NT.5.1 section - it is needed so the 2k driver 
; can be installed from the same inf file. 
; If any cards are not supported under 2k, they can be removed from this section.
%WC_U22%      = Miranda2, %DEV_U20A%&%SSI_WC_U22%

; Next, the non-PnP (user upgrade) entries
%3DLABS_COMPAT%   = Miranda2, %DEV_U20A%, %DEV_U20B%
%3DLABS_DUALVIEW% = Miranda2, DISPLAY\Mia2Dual

; General installation section

;64 bit Windows XP and later
CopyFiles=Miranda2.Miniport, Miranda2.LMM, Miranda2.Display, Miranda2.Applet, Miranda2.OGLICD64, Miranda2.OGLICDWOW64, Miranda2.Uninst, Miranda2.SysTray, Miranda2.Winman, Miranda2.WinManWOW64, Miranda2.DCIWOW64, Miranda2.inf, IBM.WOW64, IBM.getvpdc64 

;Windows XP and later
CopyFiles=Miranda2.Miniport, Miranda2.LMM, Miranda2.Display, Miranda2.Applet, Miranda2.OGLICD, Miranda2.Uninst, Miranda2.SysTray, Miranda2.WinMan, Miranda2.DCI, Miranda2.inf, IBM.System32, IBM.Drivers

;Windows 2K
CopyFiles=Miranda22K.Miniport, Miranda2.LMM, Miranda22K.Display, Miranda2.Applet, Miranda2.OGLICD, Miranda2.Uninst, Miranda2.SysTray, Miranda2.WinMan, Miranda2.DCI,  Miranda2.inf, IBM.System32, IBM.Drivers

;Windows XP and later
AddReg          = 3Dl2CoIn.AddReg
DelFiles        = Miranda2.CoInstall
CopyFiles       = Miranda2.CoInstall

;Windows XP and later
AddReg          = 3Dl2CoIn.AddReg
DelFiles        = Miranda2.CoInstall
CopyFiles       = Miranda2.CoInstall

;Windows 2K
AddReg          = 3Dl2CoIn.AddReg
DelFiles        = Miranda2.CoInstall
CopyFiles       = Miranda2.CoInstall


; File sections






















; Service Installation

;Windows XP64 and later
AddService = Miranda2, 0x00000002, Miranda2_Service_Inst, Miranda2_EventLog_Inst
Addservice = 3Dl2Svc,  0x00000000, LMM_Service_Inst

;Windows XP and later
AddService = Miranda2, 0x00000002, Miranda2_Service_Inst, Miranda2_EventLog_Inst
Addservice = 3Dl2Svc,  0x00000000, LMM_Service_Inst
AddService = pmem,, pmem_Service_Inst			; SPECIAL FOR IBM

;Windows 2K
AddService = Miranda2, 0x00000002, Miranda2_Service_Inst, Miranda2_EventLog_Inst
Addservice = 3Dl2Svc,  0x00000000, LMM_Service_Inst
AddService = pmem,, pmem_Service_Inst			; SPECIAL FOR IBM

ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 1                  ; SERVICE_SYSTEM_START
ErrorControl   = 0                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
LoadOrderGroup = Video
ServiceBinary  = %12%\3Dl2MP.sys

AddReg = Miranda2_EventLog_AddReg


DisplayName    = %LMM_SERVICENAME%
ServiceType    = 0x110              ; SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS + DESKTOP INTERACTION
StartType      = 2                  ; SERVICE_AUTO_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %11%\3Dl2Svc.exe

ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER 
StartType      = 2                  ; SERVICE_AUTO_START 
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_WARNING 
ServiceBinary  = "%12%\pmemnt.sys"

; Software Installation

;64bit Windows XP and later
AddReg = Miranda2_SoftwareDeviceSettings
DelReg = Miranda2_DelReg

;Windows XP and later
AddReg = Miranda2_SoftwareDeviceSettings
DelReg = Miranda2_DelReg

;Windows 2K
AddReg = Miranda2_SoftwareDeviceSettings
DelReg = Miranda2_DelReg


;64 bit Windows XP and later
AddReg = Miranda2_OpenGLSoftwareSettings64, Miranda2_OpenGLSoftwareSettingsWOW64, Miranda2_CPanelSoftwareSettings, Miranda2_SoftwareGlobalSettings, Miranda2_UninstallRegWOW64

;Windows XP and later
AddReg = Miranda2_OpenGLSoftwareSettings, Miranda2_CPanelSoftwareSettings, Miranda2_SoftwareGlobalSettings, Miranda2_UninstallReg

;Windows 2K
AddReg = Miranda2_OpenGLSoftwareSettings, Miranda2_CPanelSoftwareSettings, Miranda2_SoftwareGlobalSettings, Miranda2_UninstallReg

HKR,, InstalledDisplayDrivers,						%REG_MULTI_SZ%, 3Dl2DD
;HKR,, DefaultSettings.BitsPerPel,					%REG_DWORD%,    0x20
;HKR,, DefaultSettings.XResolution,					%REG_DWORD%,    0x400
;HKR,, DefaultSettings.YResolution,					%REG_DWORD%,    0x300
;HKR,, DefaultSettings.Interlaced,					%REG_DWORD%,    0
;HKR,, DefaultSettings.VRefresh,						%REG_DWORD%,    0x3c
HKR,, VgaCompatible,								%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKR,, HardwareInformation.ChipType,					%REG_SZ%,		"unknown"
HKR,, HardwareInformation.DACType,					%REG_SZ%,		"unknown"
HKR,, HardwareInformation.AdapterString,			%REG_SZ%,		"unknown"
HKR,, HardwareInformation.BiosString,				%REG_SZ%,		"unknown"
HKR,, HardwareInformation.MemorySize,	            %REG_DWORD%,	0
HKR,, HardwareInformation.CurrentChipClockSpeed,    %REG_DWORD%,	0
HKR,, HardwareInformation.CurrentMemClockSpeed,     %REG_DWORD%,	0
HKR,, HardwareInformation.CurrentPixelClockSpeed,	%REG_DWORD%,	0 
HKR,, ApplicationInfs,								%REG_SZ%,       "3Dl2Mon.Inf, 3Dl2Wrk.Inf"
; W2K/WXP specific stuff - These override some settings above
; System settings...
HKR,, MultiFunctionSupported,						%REG_DWORD%,    1

HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, 3DExtensions.Disable,					%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, 3DExtensions.SupportGDIsingle,			%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, 3DExtensions.SupportGDIdouble,			%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, CustomID,								%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.BypassDownloads,			%REG_DWORD%,	0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.Disable,					%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.DisableAGPHeap,			%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.DriverLclIBSizeKB,			%REG_DWORD%,    10240
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.DriverLclVBSizeKB,			%REG_DWORD%,    81920
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.DriverNonLclIBs,			%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.DriverNonLclIBSizeKB,		%REG_DWORD%,    25000
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.DriverNonLclVBs,			%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.DriverNonLclVBSizeKB,		%REG_DWORD%,    70000
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.EnableSysMemHintDynIBs,	%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Direct3DHAL.ShadowSysMemEBs,			%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, DualView.Mode,							%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Mia.DMAUseHostContext,					%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Mia.DMAScheme,							%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Mia.EvMgrEnable2D,						%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Mia.LMMEnable,							%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Mia.LMMHostTables,						%REG_DWORD%,    0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, Mia.Installing,						%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, MonitorTiming.AllowStrides,			%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, MonitorTiming.Type,					%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, MonitorTiming.Flags,					%REG_DWORD%,    2
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, OpenGL.DMAEnableEvents,				%REG_DWORD%,	1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, P10.WantStride,						%REG_DWORD%,    1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, DoubleBuffer.DisablePageFlip,			%REG_DWORD_USR%,    	0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, OpenGL.NumberOfMultisampleSamples,			%REG_DWORD_USR%,	4
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, OpenGL.MultisampleControl,				%REG_DWORD_USR%,	0
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, OpenGL.DefaultTextureMaxAnisotropy,		%REG_DWORD_USR%,	1
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, OpenGL.P10LBWidth,					%REG_DWORD_USR%,	0x20
HKLM, %MIA2_GLOBAL%, OpenGL.WaitForVBlank,				%REG_DWORD_USR%,    	0

HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, DLL,           %REG_SZ%, 3Dl2ICD.dll
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, Flags,         %REG_DWORD%, 0x3
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, Version,       %REG_DWORD%, 0x2
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, DriverVersion, %REG_DWORD%, 0xcc

HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, DLL,           %REG_SZ%, 3Dl2ICD64.dll
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, Flags,         %REG_DWORD%, 0x3
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, Version,       %REG_DWORD%, 0x2
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, DriverVersion, %REG_DWORD%, 0xcc

HKLM, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, DLL,           %REG_SZ%, 3Dl2ICD.dll
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, Flags,         %REG_DWORD%, 0x3
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, Version,       %REG_DWORD%, 0x2
HKLM, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\OpenGLDrivers\3Dlabs Acuity II Driver, DriverVersion, %REG_DWORD%, 0xcc

HKLM,SoftWare\Classes\CLSID\{6B8D3E20-F4FF-4eb7-8758-9D32DA93CD49},,						%REG_SZ% 	,"3Dlabs CPL Extension P20"
HKLM,SoftWare\Classes\CLSID\{6B8D3E20-F4FF-4eb7-8758-9D32DA93CD49}\InProcServer32,,				%REG_SZ%	,"%11%\3dl2CP.dll"
HKLM,SoftWare\Classes\CLSID\{6B8D3E20-F4FF-4eb7-8758-9D32DA93CD49}\InProcServer32,"ThreadingModel",		%REG_SZ%	,"Apartment"

HKLM,SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\3Dlabs CPL Extension P20,,	 	%REG_SZ%,	"{6B8D3E20-F4FF-4eb7-8758-9D32DA93CD49}"
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved,"{6B8D3E20-F4FF-4eb7-8758-9D32DA93CD49}",			%REG_SZ%,	"3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm Control Panel Extension"
HKLM,SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,						"3Dlabs Taskbar Display Manager",	%REG_SZ%,	"%11%\3Dl2TB.exe"
HKLM,Software\3Dlabs\Miranda2\3Dlabs Control Panel,						"ControlPanel.OptimizedApplication",	%REG_SZ_USR%, 	"Professional Software Defaults"

HKLM,Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{419FB04F-55D7-445B-9785-9904B544B478},"UninstallString",		 	%REG_SZ_USR%,	"%11%\3dl2install.exe /Uninstall ""%01%\3dl2.inf"" /PromptReboot"
HKLM,Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{419FB04F-55D7-445B-9785-9904B544B478},"DisplayName",			 	%REG_SZ%,	"3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm Driver"

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{419FB04F-55D7-445B-9785-9904B544B478},"UninstallString",		 	%REG_SZ_USR%,	"%11%\3dl2install.exe /Uninstall ""%01%\3dl2.inf"" /PromptReboot"
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{419FB04F-55D7-445B-9785-9904B544B478},"DisplayName",			 	%REG_SZ%,	"3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm Driver"

;64 bit Windows XP and later
MaximumNumberOfDevices = 8

;Windows XP and later
MaximumNumberOfDevices = 8

;Windows 2K
MaximumNumberOfDevices = 8


; Non-Localizable Strings

REG_SZ          = 0x00000000
REG_MULTI_SZ    = 0x00010000
REG_EXPAND_SZ   = 0x00020000
REG_BINARY      = 0x00000001
REG_DWORD       = 0x00010001

;Registry variables marked as _USR are user changeable variables which should
;be preserved on a reinstall - we set the NOCLOBBER flag to stop the installation
;from overwriting them if they do not already exist
REG_SZ_USR		= 0x00000002
REG_MULTI_SZ_USR 	= 0x00010002
REG_EXPAND_SZ_USR	= 0x00020002
REG_BINARY_USR		= 0x00000003
REG_DWORD_USR		= 0x00010003

; PCI processor IDs
DEV_U20A		= "PCI\VEN_3D3D&DEV_0030"
DEV_U20B		= "PCI\VEN_3D3D&DEV_0031"

; PCI adapter subsys IDs
SSI_WC_U22      = "SUBSYS_10503D3D"

; Localizable Strings

TDDD="3Dlabs Inc. Ltd."
DiskId1="3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm Installation Disk"

LMM_SERVICENAME="3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm LMM Service"

; Product Names
WC_U22      = "3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm 800"

3DLABS_COMPAT	= "3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm Compatible Driver"
3DLABS_DUALVIEW = "3Dlabs Wildcat Realizm DualView Display"

; General constants
MIA2_GLOBAL		= "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Miranda2\Global"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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