; QNTMDLT.INF -- This file contains descriptions of all the Tape Drives supported ; by QUANTUM CORPORATION in Windows XP (32-bit) and Windows 2000. ; Copyright (c) 2002, Quantum Corporation ; *************************************** ; QntmDLT.inf, File Version 1.5 (32-bit) ; INF File -- Version History ; Version 1.3: Added support for Windows XP; changed version to 1.3 to match sys file. ; Version 1.3a: Added support for SDLT320 drive. ; Version 1.3b: Removed placeholder for Compaq SDLT320. ; Version 1.3c: Added entries for Benchmark DLT1 and Compaq DLT1 drives. ; Version 1.4: Changed DriverVer to 1.4 and updated Filesize. ; Version 1.4.1: Changed DriverVer to 1.4.1 and updated Filesize. ; Version 1.5: Changed DriverVer to 1.5 and updated Filesize. [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" ;---- Valid for NT-based operating systems, including Win 2000 and XP. Class = TapeDrive ClassGUID = {6D807884-7D21-11CF-801C-08002BE10318} Provider = %QNTM% DriverVer = 03/26/2002,1.5 ;---- QNTMDLT.sys Driver is version 1.5 CatalogFile.ntx86 = QntmDLT.cat [SourceDisksNames] 1 = %Inst%,,,, ;---- 4th comma added for Win XP [SourceDisksFiles] QntmDLT.sys = 1,,7168 ;---- Filesize = 7168 bytes [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir = 12 ;---- Points to %windir%\system32\drivers [ControlFlags] ;---- Removed ExcludeFromSelect=* [Manufacturer] ;---- Added separate entries for Compaq and Quantum with individual ;---- section pointers instead of just one entry for "Quantum". ;---- Cipher, DEC and Tandberg sections will not appear. ;---- Cipher = Cipher_Models ;---- DEC = DEC_Models ;---- Tandberg = Tandberg_Models Benchmark = Benchmark_Models Compaq = Compaq_Models Quantum = Quantum_Models ;*********************************** ;Benchmark - Manufacturer device list [Benchmark_Models] "Benchmark DLTtape(tm) DLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialBNCHMARKDLT1____________ ;*********************************** ;Cipher - Manufacturer device list [Cipher_Models] "Cipher DLTtape(tm) T860 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__T860____________ "Cipher DLTtape(tm) L860 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__L860____________ "Cipher DLTtape(tm) TZ86 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__TZ86____________ "Cipher DLTtape(tm) DLT2000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__DLT2000_________ ;*********************************** ;Compaq - Manufacturer device list [Compaq_Models] "Compaq DLTtape(tm) DLT7000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__DLT7000_________ "Compaq DLTtape(tm) DLT8000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__DLT8000_________ "Compaq DLTtape(tm) SuperDLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__SuperDLT1_______ "Compaq DLTtape(tm) DLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__DLT1____________ ;*********************************** ;DEC - Manufacturer device list [DEC_Models] "DEC DLTtape(tm) THZ02 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____THZ02___________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ86 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ86____________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ87 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ87____________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ88 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ88____________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ89 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ89____________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT2000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT2000_________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT2500 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT2500_________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT2700 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT2700_________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT4000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT4000_________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT4500 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT4500_________ "DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT4700 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT4700_________ ;*********************************** ;Quantum - Manufacturer device list [Quantum_Models] "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT2140 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT2140_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4140 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4140_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4000_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4500 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4500_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4700 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4700_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT2140 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT2140_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4140 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT4140_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT7000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT7000_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT8000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT8000_________ "Quantum DLTtape(tm) SuperDLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_SuperDLT1_______ "Quantum Super DLTtape(tm) SDLT320 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_SDLT320_________ ;*********************************** ;Tandberg - Manufacturer device list [Tandberg_Models] "Tandberg DLTtape(tm) DLT4000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGDLT4000_________ "Tandberg DLTtape(tm) DLT7000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGDLT7000_________ "Tandberg DLTtape(tm) DLT8000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGDLT8000_________ "Tandberg DLTtape(tm) SuperDLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGSuperDLT1_______ [qntmdlt_Inst] CopyFiles = @QntmDLT.sys UseInfDeviceDesc = 1 ; Added to override SCSI Inquiry Data [qntmdlt_Inst.Services] AddService = qntmdlt, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, qntmdlt_Service_Inst, qntmdlt_EventLog_Inst [qntmdlt_Service_Inst] ServiceType = %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER% StartType = %SERVICE_DEMAND_START% ErrorControl = %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL% ServiceBinary = %12%\qntmdlt.sys [qntmdlt_EventLog_Inst] AddReg = qntmdlt_EventLog_AddReg [qntmdlt_EventLog_AddReg] HKR,,EventMessageFile,%REG_EXPAND_SZ%,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%%SystemRoot%%\System32\drivers\qntmdlt.sys" HKR,,TypesSupported,%REG_DWORD%,7 HKR,,DeviceCharacteristics,0x10001,0 ;********************************** [Strings] QNTM="Quantum Corporation" Inst="Install Diskette" ;******************************************* ;Handy macro substitutions (non-localizable) SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE = 0x00000002 SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 1 SERVICE_DEMAND_START = 3 SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL = 1 REG_EXPAND_SZ = 0x00020000 REG_DWORD = 0x00010001Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.