QntmDLT.inf Driver File Contents (win2kxpintel0.exe)

; QNTMDLT.INF -- This file contains descriptions of all the Tape Drives supported
;                by QUANTUM CORPORATION in Windows XP (32-bit) and Windows 2000.

; Copyright (c) 2002, Quantum Corporation
; ***************************************
; QntmDLT.inf, File Version 1.5 (32-bit)

; INF File -- Version History
; Version 1.3:     Added support for Windows XP; changed version to 1.3 to match sys file.
; Version 1.3a:    Added support for SDLT320 drive.
; Version 1.3b:    Removed placeholder for Compaq SDLT320.
; Version 1.3c:    Added entries for Benchmark DLT1 and Compaq DLT1 drives.
; Version 1.4:     Changed DriverVer to 1.4 and updated Filesize.
; Version 1.4.1:   Changed DriverVer to 1.4.1 and updated Filesize.
; Version 1.5:     Changed DriverVer to 1.5 and updated Filesize.

Signature = "$Windows NT$"        ;---- Valid for NT-based operating systems, including Win 2000 and XP.
Class     = TapeDrive
ClassGUID = {6D807884-7D21-11CF-801C-08002BE10318}
Provider  = %QNTM%
DriverVer = 03/26/2002,1.5        ;---- QNTMDLT.sys Driver is version 1.5

CatalogFile.ntx86 = QntmDLT.cat

1 = %Inst%,,,,          ;---- 4th comma added for Win XP

QntmDLT.sys = 1,,7168   ;---- Filesize = 7168 bytes

DefaultDestDir = 12     ;---- Points to %windir%\system32\drivers

                        ;---- Removed ExcludeFromSelect=*

[Manufacturer]          ;---- Added separate entries for Compaq and Quantum with individual
                        ;---- section pointers instead of just one entry for "Quantum".
                        ;---- Cipher, DEC and Tandberg sections will not appear.

                        ;---- Cipher = Cipher_Models
                        ;---- DEC = DEC_Models
                        ;---- Tandberg = Tandberg_Models

Benchmark = Benchmark_Models
Compaq = Compaq_Models
Quantum = Quantum_Models

;Benchmark - Manufacturer device list
"Benchmark DLTtape(tm) DLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialBNCHMARKDLT1____________

;Cipher - Manufacturer device list
"Cipher DLTtape(tm) T860 Drive"    = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__T860____________
"Cipher DLTtape(tm) L860 Drive"    = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__L860____________
"Cipher DLTtape(tm) TZ86 Drive"    = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__TZ86____________
"Cipher DLTtape(tm) DLT2000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCIPHER__DLT2000_________

;Compaq - Manufacturer device list
"Compaq DLTtape(tm) DLT7000 Drive"   = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__DLT7000_________
"Compaq DLTtape(tm) DLT8000 Drive"   = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__DLT8000_________
"Compaq DLTtape(tm) SuperDLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__SuperDLT1_______
"Compaq DLTtape(tm) DLT1 Drive"      = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialCOMPAQ__DLT1____________

;DEC - Manufacturer device list
"DEC DLTtape(tm) THZ02 Drive"   = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____THZ02___________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ86 Drive"    = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ86____________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ87 Drive"    = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ87____________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ88 Drive"    = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ88____________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) TZ89 Drive"    = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____TZ89____________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT2000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT2000_________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT2500 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT2500_________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT2700 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT2700_________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT4000 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT4000_________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT4500 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT4500_________
"DEC DLTtape(tm) DLT4700 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialDEC_____DLT4700_________

;Quantum - Manufacturer device list
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT2140 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT2140_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4140 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4140_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4000 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4000_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4500 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4500_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4700 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQuantum_DLT4700_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT2140 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT2140_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT4140 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT4140_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT7000 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT7000_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) DLT8000 Drive"       = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_DLT8000_________
"Quantum DLTtape(tm) SuperDLT1 Drive"     = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_SuperDLT1_______
"Quantum Super DLTtape(tm) SDLT320 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialQUANTUM_SDLT320_________

;Tandberg - Manufacturer device list
"Tandberg DLTtape(tm) DLT4000 Drive"   = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGDLT4000_________
"Tandberg DLTtape(tm) DLT7000 Drive"   = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGDLT7000_________
"Tandberg DLTtape(tm) DLT8000 Drive"   = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGDLT8000_________
"Tandberg DLTtape(tm) SuperDLT1 Drive" = qntmdlt_Inst, SCSI\SequentialTANDBERGSuperDLT1_______

CopyFiles = @QntmDLT.sys
UseInfDeviceDesc = 1		; Added to override SCSI Inquiry Data

AddService = qntmdlt, %SPSVCINST_ASSOCSERVICE%, qntmdlt_Service_Inst, qntmdlt_EventLog_Inst

ServiceBinary  = %12%\qntmdlt.sys

AddReg = qntmdlt_EventLog_AddReg



QNTM="Quantum Corporation"
Inst="Install Diskette"

;Handy macro substitutions (non-localizable)

REG_EXPAND_SZ          = 0x00020000
REG_DWORD              = 0x00010001

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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