HCWemAud.inf Driver File Contents (mce_cd_31e.zip)

;   hcwEmAud.inf -- This file contains installation information
;                  for WinTV USB 2.0 Audio Devices.
;   This installation is for XP SP1 + USB2.0 update or later.
;   Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc

Signature   = "$CHICAGO$"
Class       = MEDIA
ClassGUID   = {4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Provider    = %Vendor%
CatalogFile = hcwEmAud.cat
DriverVer   = 06/06/2006, 4.6.0606.24158

101 = %DiskLabel%,,,HVR-900

;emAudio.sys = 101


;; %emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\CLASS_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_EB1A&PID_2801&MI_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_EB1A&PID_2821&MI_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_EB1A&PID_2841&MI_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_EB1A&PID_2711&MI_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_EB1A&PID_2881&MI_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_EB1A&PID_2711&MI_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_EB1A&PID_2751&MI_01

; dev test only
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_2040&PID_4200&MI_01
;%emAudio.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_2040&PID_4201&MI_01

%HVR900.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_2040&PID_6500&MI_01
%HVR930.DeviceDesc%=emAudio, USB\VID_2040&PID_6501&MI_01


AlsoInstall= ks.registration(ks.inf),wdmaudio.registration(wdmaudio.inf)
CopyFiles  = emAudio.CopyList
AddReg     = emAudio.AddReg


AddInterface = %KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,      %KSNAME_Wave%,          emAudio.I.Wave
;AddInterface = %KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,     %KSNAME_Wave%,          emAudio.I.Wave
AddInterface = %KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,    %KSNAME_Wave%,          emAudio.I.Wave
AddInterface = %KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,      %KSNAME_Topology%,      emAudio.I.Topo
;AddInterface = %KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,     %KSNAME_Topology%,      emAudio.I.Topo
AddInterface = %KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%,    %KSNAME_Topology%,      emAudio.I.Topo

;; HKR,,NTMPDriver,,"emAudio.sys,sbemul.sys"


;WinTV USB2 specific settings
; preset some useful data
;HKLM,Software\Hauppauge\hcwTVWnd,"USB2_Preview",0x00010001, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
;HKLM,Software\Hauppauge\hcwTVdlg\MotionCapture,"AudioCaptureSource",0,"WinTV HVR-900 Audio Device"

HKLM,%RunOnce%,"hcwOEMgo2",,"rundll32.exe hcwutl32.dll,hcwExec %10%\hcwoemgo.exe emAudio.sys 2.5.1223.24060" 





Needs=KS.Registration, WDMAUDIO.Registration
CopyFiles = emAudio.CopyList
AddReg    = emAudio.AddReg

AddInterface    = %KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,   %KSNAME_Wave%,          emAudio.I.Wave
;AddInterface    = %KSCATEGORY_RENDER%,  %KSNAME_Wave%,          emAudio.I.Wave
AddInterface    = %KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE%, %KSNAME_Wave%,          emAudio.I.Wave
AddInterface    = %KSCATEGORY_AUDIO%,   %KSNAME_Topology%,      emAudio.I.Topo

include         = wdmaudio.inf
needs           = wdmaudio.registration.services
AddService      = emAudio, 0x00000002, emAudio_Service_Inst

DisplayName     = %emAudio.DeviceDesc%
ServiceType     = 1
StartType       = 3
ErrorControl    = 1
ServiceBinary   = %10%\system32\drivers\emAudio.sys

KSNAME_Wave          = "Wave"
KSNAME_Topology      = "Topology"
Proxy.CLSID          = "{17CCA71B-ECD7-11D0-B908-00A0C9223196}"
KSCATEGORY_AUDIO     = "{6994AD04-93EF-11D0-A3CC-00A0C9223196}"
KSCATEGORY_RENDER    = "{65E8773E-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196}"
KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE   = "{65E8773D-8F56-11D0-A3B9-00A0C9223196}"
emAudio.NameGuid     = "{946A7B1A-EBBC-422a-A81F-F07C8D40D3B4}"
MediaCategories      = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaCategories"
Audio.Key            = "Software\USB2800\Audio"
RunOnce= "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce"

Vendor               = "Hauppauge"
DiskLabel            = "WinTV HVR900 Driver Disk"
Mfg                  = "Hauppauge"
emAudio.DeviceDesc   = "WinTV USB2 Audio Device"
emAudio.Topo.szPname = "WinTV HVR-900 Audio Topology"
emAudio.Wave.szPname = "WinTV HVR-900 Audio Device"
emAudio_MIDI         = "WinTV HVR-900 MIDI Device"
emAudio.Name         = "WinTV HVR-900 Audio Device"
HVR900.DeviceDesc    = "WinTV HVR-900 Audio Device"
HVR930.DeviceDesc    = "WinTV HVR-930 Audio Device"

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.55