Vietnamese1258.txt Driver File Contents (

Initiate Voip Call=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi Voip
Send Key=Phím Göûi
Call Waiting Sequence=Chuoãi Cuoäc goïi Chôø
Conference Key Sequence=Chuoãi phím Goïi Hoäi nghò
Popup Skype Window=Cöûa soå Skype Popup
Restore Defaults=Khoâi phuïc Maëc ñònh
Restore=Khoâi phuïc
Enabled=Ñaõ baät
TLink VoIP Personal Gateway (Beta)=Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân Tlink VoIP (baûn Beta)
Popup Skype window when initiating VoIP call=Cöûa soå Skype Popup khi baét ñaàu goïi VoIP
Press these keys during a call to switch between a VoIP and regular call=Nhaán nhöõng phím naøy trong khi goïi ñeå chuyeån giöõa cuoäc goïi thöôøng vaø VoIP
Press these keys to get VoIP dial tone=Nhaán nhöõng phím naøy ñeå taûi aâm quay soá VoIP
Press this key following the phone number (or speed dial number) when making a VoIP call=Nhaán phím naøy sau khi nhaán soá ñieän thoaïi (hoaëc soá quay nhanh) khi ñang goïi VoIP
Press these keys during a call to conference a VoIP and regular calls=Nhaán nhöõng phím naøy trong khi goïi hoäi nghò ñeå chuyeån giöõa cuoäc goïi thöôøng vaø VoIP
General=Bình thöôøng
Call Forward Settings=Caøi ñaët Chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi
Call Forwarding=Ñang chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi
VoIP To Phone Line=VoIP Sang Ñieän thoaïi
Rings Before Forwarding=Reo Tröôùc khi Chuyeån tieáp
Number To Dial=Soá Saép Goïi
Phone Line To VoIP=Ñieän thoaïi Sang VoIP
Empty Number Not Allowed=Khoâng theå Ñeå Troáng Soá
Only Digits Allowed=Chæ Cho Ñieàn Soá
First Character Must be=Kyù töï Ñaàu tieân Phaûi laø
First Character Must be # or *=Kyù töï Ñaàu tieân Phaûi laø # hay *
Sequence Already in Use=Chuoãi hieän Ñang Duøng
Apply=AÙp duïng
&Apply=AÙp duïng
Initializing=Ñang khôûi ñoäng
Uninstall=Gôõ caøi ñaët
Help=Trôï giuùp
Skype Connected=Ñang keát noái Skype
Skype Disconnected=Ñaõ ngaét keát noái Skype
Adaptor Connected=Ñaõ laép Boä ñieàu hôïp
Adaptor Disconnected=Ñaõ thaùo Boä ñieàu hôïp
Line and phone cables are reversed!=Ñöôøng daây vaø caùp ñieän thoaïi bò ñaûo ngöôïc!
Failed to run TLinkMonitor=Loãi khoâng theå chaïy TLinkMonitor
Invalid value=Giaù trò sai
Empty field not allowed=Khoâng theå ñeå troáng tröôøng noäi dung
Invalid second character=Kyù töï thöù hai khoâng hôïp leä
Second character must be a digit=Kyù töï thöù hai phaûi laø kyù töï soá
General Settings=Caùc thoâng soá caøi ñaët Thoâng thöôøng
Personal VoIP Gateway (Beta)=Coång giao tieáp VoIP Caù nhaân (baûn Beta)
Close=Ñoùng laïi
Configure=Caáu hình
About=Thoâng tin
Version=Phieân baûn
Copyright=Baûn quyeàn
Personal VoIP Gateway=Coång giao tieáp VoIP Caù nhaân
Disabled=Ñaõ taét
Configuration=Caáu hình
This will remove Personal VoIP Adaptor from your computer=Vieäc naøy seõ thaùo caøi Boä ñieàu hôïp VoIP Caù nhaân khoûi maùy tính cuûa baïn
This will install Personal VoIP Adaptor to your computer=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp caøi Boä ñieàu hôïp VoIP Caù nhaân vaøo maùy tính cuûa baïn
Would you like to proceed=Baïn muoán thöïc hieän
Please Plug In your Personal VoIP Gateway Device=Vui loøng Laép Thieát bò Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân VoIP 
Setup=Caøi ñaët
Pin number=Soá Pin
Switch to Call Forward after=Chuyeån sang cheá ñoä Chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi sau
Toll Bypass=Khoâng Reo Chuoâng 
Enable Call Forward=Baät cheá ñoä Chuyeån tieáp Cuoäc goïi
Enable Toll Bypass=Baät cheá ñoä Khoâng Reo Chuoâng
Connected=Ñaõ keát noái
Disconnected=Ñaõ ngöng noái
Pin number should have 4 to 8 digits in length=Soá Pin phaûi coù chieàu daøi töø 4 ñeán 8 kyù töï
Pin number=Soá Pin
Terms and Conditions=Ñieàu khoaûn vaø Ñieàu kieän
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions as stated above=Toâi ñaõ xem vaø ñoàng yù vôùi caùc ñieàu khoaûn vaø ñieàu kieän neâu treân
I agree=Toâi ñoàng yù
End User License Agreement=Thoûa thuaän Caáp pheùp cho Ngöôøi söû duïng
Personal VoIP Gateway Device is Not Present=Khoâng tìm thaáy coù thieát bò Coång giao tieáp VoIP Caù nhaân 
This will remove=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp thaùo
This will install=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp caøi ñaët
from your computer=töø maùy tính cuûa baïn
to your computer=vaøo maùy tính cuûa baïn
Please Plug In your=Vui loøng Laép vaøo
Device=Thieát bò
Select the soft phone client you wish to work with=Choïn chöông trình phaàn meàm ñieän thoaïi baïn muoán duøng
Soft Phone Type=Loaïi Ñieän thoaïi Phaàn meàm
Your Skype version is old, please update Skype version=Phieân baûn Skype cuûa baïn ñaõ cuõ, vui loøng caäp nhaät phieân baûn Skype
Push the button back to disable the help=Nhaán nuùt quay veà ñeå taét cheá ñoä trôï giuùp
Move the cursor through the window to get help=Di chuyeån con troû qua cöûa soå ñeå ñöôïc trôï giuùp theâm
Configuration Utility=Coâng cuï Caáu hình
Skype To Phone Line=VoIP Sang Ñieän thoaïi
Phone Line To Skype=Ñieän thoaïi sang VoIP
Initiate Skype Call=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi Skype
Disable Standby/Hibernate=Taét Cheá ñoä Chôø/Nguû ñoâng
Active TLink Session - Power state change request denied!=Phieân Hoaït ñoäng TLink – Töø choái yeâu caàu thay ñoåi traïng thaùi naêng löôïng!
To insure proper functionality please update Skype version=Ñeå ñaûm baûo chöùc naêng vaän haønh, vui loøng caäp nhaät phieân baûn Skype
Call Recorder=Boä ghi aâm Cuoäc goïi
Location=Vò trí
Open Folder=Môû thö muïc
Automation=Töï ñoäng
Inactive=Ko hoaït ñoäng
Record next call=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi keá tieáp
Record all calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi
Record pass-through calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi ñaõ goïi
Manual Control=Kieåm soaùt Thuû coâng
Power Management=Quaûn lyù Naêng löôïng
Control Keys=Phím Ñieàu Khieån
Start Recording=Baét ñaàu Ghi aâm
Stop Recording=Döøng Ghi aâm
General settings=Caùc thoâng soá caøi ñaët thoâng thöôøng
&Initiate VoIP call:=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi VoIP:
Initiate VoIP call:=Baét ñaàu Cuoäc goïi VoIP:
&Send key:=Phím göûi:
Send key:=Phím göûi:
Call &waiting sequence:=Chuoãi Cuoäc goïi Chôø:
Call waiting sequence:=Chuoãi cuoäc goïi Chôø:
&Conference key sequence:=Chuoãi phím goïi hoäi nghò:
Conference key sequence:=Chuoãi phím goïi hoäi nghò:
Popup Skype window=Cöûa soå Skype Popup
&Restore defaults=Khoâi phuïc maëc ñònh
Restore defaults=Khoâi phuïc maëc ñònh
Call forward settings=Caøi ñaët chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi
Call forwarding=Ñang chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi
VoIP to phone line=VoIP sang ñieän thoaïi
&Rings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
Rings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
&Number to dial:=Soá saép goïi:
Number to dial:=Soá saép goïi:
Phone line to VoIP=Ñieän thoaïi sang VoIP
Empty number not allowed=Khoâng theå ñeå troáng soá
Only digits allowed=Chæ cho ñieàn soá
Sequence already in use=Chuoãi hieän ñang duøng
TLink Agent configuration=Caáu hình Tlink Agent
Skype connected=Ñang keát noái Skype
Skype disconnected=Ñaõ ngaét keát noái Skype
Adaptor connected=Ñaõ laép boä ñieàu hôïp
Adaptor disconnected=Ñaõ thaùo boä ñieàu hôïp
&Configure=Caáu hình
configuration=caáu hình
Please plug in your Personal VoIP Gateway Device=Vui loøng laép Thieát bò Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân VoIP 
This will install Personal VoIP Adaptor on your computer=Vieäc naøy seõ giuùp caøi Boä ñieàu hôïp VoIP Caù nhaân vaøo maùy tính cuûa baïn
&Pin number:=Soá Pin:
&Switch to call forward after:=Chuyeån sang cheá ñoä chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi sau:
Switch to call forward after:=Chuyeån sang cheá ñoä chuyeån tieáp cuoäc goïi sau:
Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
&Call forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
Call forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
&Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
Agree=Ñoàng yù
End user license agreement=Thoûa thuaän caáp pheùp cho ngöôøi söû duïng
Personal VoIP gateway device is not present=Khoâng tìm thaáy coù thieát bò Coång giao tieáp VoIP caù nhaân 
on your computer=treân maùy tính cuûa baïn
Please plug in your=Vui loøng laép vaøo
Soft &phone type:=Loaïi ñieän thoaïi phaàn meàm:
Soft phone type:=Loaïi ñieän thoaïi phaàn meàm:
Configuration utility=Coâng cuï caáu hình
Skype to phone line=VoIP sang ñieän thoaïi
Phone line to Skype=Ñieän thoaïi sang VoIP
Initiate Skype call=Baét ñaàu cuoäc goïi Skype
Disable standby/hibernate=Taét cheá ñoä chôø/nguû ñoâng
Active session - power state change request denied!=Phieân hoaït ñoäng – töø choái yeâu caàu thay ñoåi traïng thaùi naêng löôïng!
Call recorder=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi
&Open folder=Môû thö muïc
Open folder=Môû thö muïc
&Inactive=Khoâng hoaït ñoäng
Record &next call=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi keá tieáp
Record next call=Ghi aâm cuoäc goïi keá tieáp
Record &all calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi
Record all calls=Ghi aâm taát caû cuoäc goïi
Manual control=Kieåm soaùt thuû coâng
Power management=Quaûn lyù naêng löôïng
Control keys=Phím ñieàu khieån
&Start recording:=Baét ñaàu ghi aâm:
Start recording:=Baét ñaàu ghi aâm:
S&top recording:=Döøng ghi aâm:
Stop recording:=Döøng ghi aâm:
Call &forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
Call forward=Goïi chuyeån tieáp
Toll &bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
Toll bypass=Khoâng reo chuoâng 
R&ings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
Rings before forwarding:=Reo tröôùc khi chuyeån tieáp:
N&umber to dial:=Soá seõ goïi:
Number to dial:=Soá saép goïi:
Destination folder=Thö muïc goác
Browse=Trình duyeät
and press OK=vaø nhaán OK
Please plug in your Personal VoIP Gateway and press OK=Vui loøng laép Coång giao tieáp Caù nhaân VoIP vaø nhaán OK
Do you want to continue?=Baïn coù muoán tieáp tuïc
&Disable standby/hibernate=Taét cheá ñoä chôø/nguû ñoâng
Choose a directory in which you wish to install the software=Choïn thö muïc baïn muoán caøi ñaët phaàn meàm vaøo
Please enter valid folder name=Vui loøng ñieàn teân thö muïc hôïp leä
Initiate Skype call:=Baét ñaàu cuoäc goïi Skype:
Pin number:=Soá Pin:
Call handling=Quaûn lyù cuoäc goïi
Incoming Internet calls=Cuoäc goïi ñeán qua Internet
Incoming PSTN calls=Cuoäc goïi ñeán qua PSTN
Just ring handset=Chæ reo chuoâng ñieän thoaïi
&Just ring handset=&Chæ reo chuoâng ñieän thoaïi
J&ust ring handset=C&hæ reo chuoâng ñieän thoaïi
A&nswering machine=M&aùy traû lôøi töï ñoäng
Ans&wering machine=Maùy& traû lôøi töï ñoäng
Answering machine=Maùy traû lôøi töï ñoäng
&Enable administrative mode=&Baät cheá ñoä quaûn trò
Enable ad&ministrative mode=Baät ch&eá ñoä quaûn trò
Enable administrative mode=Baät cheá ñoä quaûn trò
&Rings before response:=&Reo chuoâng tröôùc khi hoài ñaùp:
R&ings before response:=R&eo chuoâng tröôùc khi hoài ñaùp:
Administrative mode=Cheá ñoä quaûn trò
Remote Access=Truy caäp Töø xa
Voice menu language=Ngoân ngöõ menu thoaïi
&Language=&Ngoân ngöõ
IVR Settings=Thoâng soá caøi ñaët IVR
Rings before answering:=Reo chuoâng tröôùc khi traû lôøi:
Switch to answering machine:=Chuyeån sang maùy traû lôøi töï ñoäng:
Remove all recordings=Xoùa taát caû ñoaïn ghi aâm
Device Not Present=Khoâng Coù Thieát Bò
Advanced=Naâng cao
&Advanced=&Naâng cao
Ring Frequency=Taàn soá Reo
Do you want to continue?=Baïn coù muoán tieáp tuïc?
VOIP On/Off Hold Sequence=Trình töï Giöõ Baät/Taét VOIP
PSTN/VOIP Switch Sequence=Trình töï Chuyeån PSTN/VOIP
Default Mode=Cheá ñoä Maëc ñònh
&Configure=&Caáu hình
About=Thoâng tin veà
PC wake-up on incoming PSTN call=Baät maùy PC khi coù cuoäc PSTN goïi ñeán
Next=Tieáp theo
Back=Trôû veà
Finish=Hoaøn thaønh
Please wait while the Setup Wizard Installs=Vui loøng ñôïi trong khi Trình höôùng daãn Thieát laäp Caøi ñaët
This may take several minutes=Vieäc naøy coù theå maát vaøi phuùt
Status=Traïng thaùi
Setup wizard was interrupted=Trình höôùng daãn caøi ñaët ñaõ bò giaùn ñoaïn
Click the Finish button to exit the Setup Wizard=Nhaáp nuùt Hoaøn thaønh ñeå thoaùt khoûi Trình höôùng daãn Caøi ñaët

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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