; Copyright 1999-2005, C-Media Inc. ; C-MEDIA USB Audio Device. [VERSION] CMEDIA=113 [CMEDIA] ;;CM101/102 ID PCI\VEN_0D8C&DEV_0001&SUBSYS_00000000 = WDM_CMUDAUDEF ;;CMI108 ID PCI\VEN_0D8C&DEV_000C&SUBSYS_00000000 = WDM_CMUDAUDEF ;;CMI106 ID PCI\VEN_0D8C&DEV_0006&SUBSYS_00000000 = WDM_CMUDAUDEF [WDM_CMUDAUDEF] SendSurroundToBackIn6ChannelMode = 0x00000001 DisableSpdifIn =0x00000001 DisableSpdifOut =0x00000001 DisableLineIn =0x00000001 DisableMic =0x00000001 DisableRecord =0x00000001 KaraokeSupport =0x00000000 MagicVoiceSupport =0x00000000 User_HideMixer =0x00000001 DisableCommSpk =0x71 DisableXearSpk =0x71 SpeakerConfig = 0x00000006 ;;Default setting [WDM_CMUDAU1] DisableSpdifIn =0x00000001 ;;disable S/PDIF-IN function [WDM_CMUDAU2] DisableSpdifOut =0x00000001 ;;disable S/PDIF-OUT function [WDM_CMUDAU3] AvailableRate =48000 SpDigitalOut =0x00000001 ;;48k output [WDM_CMUDAU4] AvailableRate =44100 SpDigitalOut =0x00000002 ;;44.1k output [WDM_CMUDAU5] DisableCommSpk =0x01 DisableXearSpk =0x01 ;;disable normal Headphone [WDM_CMUDAU6] DisableCommSpk =0x7e DisableXearSpk =0x7e ;;show HP [WDM_CMUDAU7] DisableCommSpk =0x7c DisableXearSpk =0x7c ;;show HP,2ch h [WDM_CMUDAU8] DisableCommSpk =0x78 DisableXearSpk =0x78 ;;show HP,2,4ch [WDM_CMUDAU9] DisableCommSpk =0x70 DisableXearSpk =0x70 ;;show HP,2,4,6ch [WDM_CMUDAU10] KaraokeSupport =0x00000000 MagicVoiceSupport =0x00000000 ;;hide Karaoke tag [WDM_CMUDAU11] DisableRecord =0x00000001 ;;hide Recording functoin [WDM_CMUDAU12] MicBoost =0x00000001 ;;default set mic boost ;;================================================== [OtherSetting] BassRedirect =0x00000001 DisableLineIn =0x00000001 DisableMicBoost =0x00000001 EnableXear3D =0x00000000 HideBassEnhance =0x00000001 HideLRExchange =0x00000001 HideSideRearExchange =0x00000001 KeyShiftLevel =0x00000000 MicMute =0x00000001 NeedMuteLED =0x00000001 SendSurroundToBackIn6ChannelMode = 0x00000001 SetGPIO0ToHighWhenDriverInit = 0x00000001 UseI2SFunction =0x00000001 VocalCancelLevel =0x00000000 ;;customization phone jack PANELSTYLE0 =0X00000001 User_HideMixer =0x00000001 ;;================================================== RoomSize =0x00000002 ;;================================================== ;Environment default setting GlobalReverb =0x00000008,0x00000001 GlobalReverb =0x00000004,0x00000001 GlobalReverb =0x00000017,0x00000001 GlobalReverb =0x0000001b,0x00000001 ;;================================================== ;;for speaker channel default setting ;;default set HP SpeakerConfig =0x00000001 ;;default set 2CH SpeakerConfig =0x00000004 ;;default set 4CH SpeakerConfig =0x00000003 ;;default set 5.1CH SpeakerConfig =0x00000006 ;;default set 8CH SpeakerConfig =0x00000007 ;;================================================== ;;Loundess volume setting (db*65536) WaveOutVolL =0x00000000 WaveOutVolR =0x00000000 RearVolumeL =0x00000000 RearVolumeR =0x00000000 CenterLfeVolL =0x00000000 CenterLfeVolR =0x00000000 BackVolL =0x00000000 BackVolR =0x00000000 ;;================================================== ;;Mixer Volume setting (db*65536) MasterVolumeL =0x00000000 MasterVolumeR =0x00000000 LineVolL =0x00000000 LineVolR =0x00000000 MicVoL =0x00000000 ;;================================================== ;;set Mic and Line-in volume to 22.5dB InputMicVol = 0x00168000 InputLineInVolL = 0x00168000 InputLineInVolR = 0x00168000 ;;================================================== ;;Use for Enable Record Low Pass Filter Lower bound When All volume is max,ex. -30 RecLpfThMax = 0xffffffe2 ;;Use for Enable Record Low Pass Filter Lower bound When All volume is min,ex -48 RecLpfThMin = 0xffffffb0 ;;Use for Enable Record Low Pass Filter bound range, ex 3 RecLpfThUpperLowerRange = 3 ;;==================================================Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.