Cmudau.ini Driver File Contents (

; Copyright 1999-2005, C-Media Inc. 
; C-MEDIA USB Audio Device.


;;CM101/102 ID

;;CMI108 ID

;;CMI106 ID

SendSurroundToBackIn6ChannelMode = 0x00000001
DisableSpdifIn        =0x00000001
DisableSpdifOut       =0x00000001
DisableLineIn         =0x00000001
DisableMic            =0x00000001
DisableRecord         =0x00000001
KaraokeSupport        =0x00000000
MagicVoiceSupport     =0x00000000
User_HideMixer        =0x00000001
DisableCommSpk        =0x71
DisableXearSpk        =0x71
SpeakerConfig = 0x00000006
;;Default setting

DisableSpdifIn        =0x00000001
;;disable S/PDIF-IN function

DisableSpdifOut       =0x00000001
;;disable S/PDIF-OUT function

AvailableRate         =48000  
SpDigitalOut          =0x00000001
;;48k output 

AvailableRate         =44100
SpDigitalOut          =0x00000002
;;44.1k output 

DisableCommSpk        =0x01
DisableXearSpk        =0x01
;;disable normal Headphone

DisableCommSpk        =0x7e
DisableXearSpk        =0x7e
;;show HP 

DisableCommSpk        =0x7c
DisableXearSpk        =0x7c
;;show HP,2ch h 

DisableCommSpk        =0x78
DisableXearSpk        =0x78
;;show HP,2,4ch 

DisableCommSpk        =0x70
DisableXearSpk        =0x70
;;show HP,2,4,6ch

KaraokeSupport        =0x00000000
MagicVoiceSupport     =0x00000000
;;hide Karaoke tag

DisableRecord         =0x00000001
;;hide Recording functoin

MicBoost              =0x00000001
;;default set mic boost
BassRedirect          =0x00000001
DisableLineIn         =0x00000001
DisableMicBoost       =0x00000001
EnableXear3D          =0x00000000
HideBassEnhance       =0x00000001
HideLRExchange        =0x00000001
HideSideRearExchange  =0x00000001
KeyShiftLevel         =0x00000000
MicMute               =0x00000001
NeedMuteLED           =0x00000001
SendSurroundToBackIn6ChannelMode = 0x00000001
SetGPIO0ToHighWhenDriverInit     = 0x00000001
UseI2SFunction        =0x00000001
VocalCancelLevel      =0x00000000
;;customization phone jack
PANELSTYLE0           =0X00000001
User_HideMixer        =0x00000001
RoomSize              =0x00000002
;Environment default setting
GlobalReverb          =0x00000008,0x00000001
GlobalReverb          =0x00000004,0x00000001
GlobalReverb          =0x00000017,0x00000001
GlobalReverb          =0x0000001b,0x00000001
;;for speaker channel default setting
;;default set HP
SpeakerConfig         =0x00000001
;;default set 2CH
SpeakerConfig         =0x00000004
;;default set 4CH
SpeakerConfig         =0x00000003
;;default set 5.1CH
SpeakerConfig         =0x00000006
;;default set 8CH
SpeakerConfig         =0x00000007
;;Loundess volume setting (db*65536)
WaveOutVolL           =0x00000000
WaveOutVolR           =0x00000000
RearVolumeL           =0x00000000
RearVolumeR           =0x00000000
CenterLfeVolL         =0x00000000
CenterLfeVolR         =0x00000000
BackVolL              =0x00000000
BackVolR              =0x00000000
;;Mixer Volume setting (db*65536)
MasterVolumeL         =0x00000000
MasterVolumeR         =0x00000000
LineVolL              =0x00000000
LineVolR              =0x00000000
MicVoL                =0x00000000
;;set Mic and Line-in volume to 22.5dB
InputMicVol           = 0x00168000
InputLineInVolL       = 0x00168000
InputLineInVolR       = 0x00168000
;;Use for Enable Record Low Pass Filter Lower bound When All volume is max,ex. -30 
RecLpfThMax           = 0xffffffe2

;;Use for Enable Record Low Pass Filter Lower bound When All volume is min,ex -48
RecLpfThMin           = 0xffffffb0

;;Use for Enable Record Low Pass Filter bound range, ex 3
RecLpfThUpperLowerRange = 3
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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