Configuration.txt Driver File Contents (

//***************** C-Media Configuration Release Note ******************//

//	0041 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 37 or later¡^2003.09.25
0041_1 wizard enable/disable definition
2.add a button to control analog output for enable/disable volume,and mixer master volume mute synchronize
3.fixed virtual mode speajer shifter select error bug "Plus" mode 
5.fixed Shifter volume can't work
6.fixed Shifter effect not disable in DSP Mode,when change to None mode.
7.only 9739 need to show warning "front speakers don't have sound" message on S/PDIF Page
8.Should show "backpanel" not "frontpanel" on Smart Jack Page.
9.treat 97612 as 9739 but don't show warning message on S/PDIF page
10.remember shifter enable/disable status for DSP MODE:Xear3D on mainsetting page

//	0040 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 35 or later¡^2003.07.21
1.CPL newest Style version
2.Add Select Language function into Info Page
3.fix bug: when doing single speaker test,sometime testing wave can't playback to the end.
4.change the button behavior of Auto/Manual rotate.
5.if S-bracket controled by manuually then if don't select s-bracket 
  then shouldn't show any s-bracket jacks
6.add tooltip for advanced setting icon in main Setting page.
7.Info Page add show nVidia CK8 south bridge information
8.suppory multy language show DirectX9.0b infor in information pag "+" sign in AC97 control when codec support AC3 encoder function.
11.none support multy language in Win-SE/ME "Show audio configuration icon in the system tray"information page
13.suport manual S-Btracket

//	0038 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 33(8738) or later¡^2003.08.11
1.Modify MIC page:if only one MIC exist then hide all Mic Position selection
1.fix bug:when receive GPIO Event,then the speaker test page should also
  reflect latest presenting channel.

//	0037 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 32(8738) or later¡^2003.05.22
1.fix bug:wrong Detect syntax when to query SPDIF-In format on update All buttons of Digital Page.
2.Add mechanism to judge 9739A+,9738S+

//	0035 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 30(8738) or later¡^2003.04.17
1. add customer bmp mechanism into cpl
2. CODEC loudness max value set to 12db
3. "auto-lock" change to "Detect"
4. when change speaker  config,then wait 200 milisec to avoid interrupt
  lib handling.

//	0034 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 30(8738) or later¡^2003.04.11 
1.Add USB audio Output setting page
2.add Xear3D page(porting from Shifer)
3.remove "Stop","Autotest" only demo once not loop again
4.Add multi-language for new page
5.fix bug:EQ,Effect shouldn't show up
6.fix bug:"exit" shouldn't show up on "Xear3D" Page
7.fix bug:Env item couldn't show correctly
8.USB ver add show S/PDIF out page mechanism
9.change Dolby Logo image
10.change USB version Shifter's Env Japanese Text
11.SpeakerTest will show 5.1 channel when AC3 enable
12.VolumePage  will re-query capability whenever be set active
13.fix bug: Invoke CPL from control panel when USB audio didn't be plug-in
  will make CPL can't be invoked next time when USB audio actually be plugged-in.

//	0033 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 30(8738) or later¡^2003.04.07 
1. add CMI8738 PCI_VER

//	0032 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 30(8738) or later¡^2003.03.25 
1.suport phonejack bemp

//	0031 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 30(8738) or later¡^2002.03.16 
1.add AC-3 Encoder tag

//	0030 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0020, driver 30(8738) or later¡^2002.03.14 
//------------------------------------------------------------------ USB Audio

//	0029 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0017, driver 30(8738) or later¡^2002.03.14 
//-------------------------------------------------------------- CMI8738

//	0028 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0017, driver 30 or later¡^2002.02.24
1.AGC Gainªº½d³ò­È,¥Ñ3dB~24dB §ï¬° 3dB~22dB
2.­µ¶qªº¹w³]­È¾÷¨î,§ï¬°±NAGC Disable

//	0027 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0017, driver 29 or later¡^2002.02.10 
1.­×¥¿Mediom §PÂ_4ID®É,¨S¦³¦Ò¼{¤j¤p¼gªº¤ñ¹ï¤è¦¡³y¦¨ªº»~§P
4.MIC Page:if 6CH and Share Jack,then Gray Rear Mic item.
5.Select Source §ï¬°¶ÈÅã¥ÜButton,¤£Åã¥ÜVolumeªº¸ê°T
6.MIC On/Off §ï¦¨ Mute MIC
7.Remove Env/EQ µ¥¨ÌChannelÀx¦s³]©wªº¥\¯à
8.¦pªGJackªº¥\¯à¤¤,µLMic®É,«h±NRear Mic Icon Åã¥Ü¬°¤£­P¯àª¬ºA
9.­×¥¿Front-panel Mic,Rear-Panel Micªº¦r¼Ë

//	0026 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0017, driver 28 or later¡^2002.01.15 
  1.¥Ã»·¶}±Ò Xear 3D ¿ï¶µ,©Ò¥H¤£¦AÅã¥Ü¸Ó¿ï¶µ
  3.Shifter¿ï¶µ,²¾¦Ü Xear 3D­¶¦¸
  5.¨ú®øÂI¿ï³â¥z¹Ï¼Ëµ¥¦P©óÂI¿ïChannelªº¥\¯à,¥²¶·ÂI¿ï Icon¤~·|§@¥Î

    ¶}±Ò¸Ó¿ï¶µ®É,·|¦P®É±N¿ý­µ¨Ó·½¿ï©w¬° S/PDIF
  2.¼W¥[S/PDIF InÀW²v°»´úªº¥\¯à

  1.¼W¥[ AGC ­µ¶q½Õ¾ã¿ï¶µ,­È½d³ò¬°3dB~12dB
  1.¼W¥[ Microphone ­¶¦¸
  2.¼W¥[ Xear 3D ­¶¦¸
3.¥[¤J XP Styleªº®ÄªG

//	0025 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0016, driver 27 or later¡^2002.12.27 
1.add a checkbox in Analog page represent monitor S/PDIF function
  mechanism: if not support none ,then show this checkbox,layout 4X1
             otherwise show monitor 3 items layout 2x2
2.fix bug:if no support S/PDIF,shouldn't show digital page,and monitor function

//	0024 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0016, driver 27 or later¡^2002.12.26 
1.monitor group function move to analog page
2.change speakers layout to 2x2 
3.change some icon text
4.refresh context when page active

1.max volume on volume page is 0 db not 12 db

1.fix bug:enviroment effect don't work(parameter error when call domodify())
2.Add AMD Chip infomation(1022,746D)

//	0023 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0016, driver 27 or later¡^2002.12.25 
1.max volume in volume page change to 0db

1. add multi-language support
2. remove info page,(EQ/Env pages)

0023_mediom2 2002.12.27
1. fix bug: "front left" error int volume page english ver.
2. if no support S/PDIF ,don't show digital output 
   and Monitor S/PDIF icon in analog page

//	0022 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0016, driver 27 or later¡^2002.12.23 
1.remove APPLY/CANCEL function
2.monitor function move to analog page
3.analog/digital page up to becomes as a property page
4.Speakers group control still exist even no Xear support

//	0021 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0016, driver 28 or later¡^2002.12.19 
//--------------------------------------------------------- support 8738:
  a.switch analog/digital page need to refresh status
    (because S/PDIF don't support 4,6 CH)

//	0020 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0016, driver 27 or later¡^2002.12.12 
//--------------------------------------------------------- more to set to stereo mode when on digital mode page :
  a.add AC-3 Encode option select item
  b.add Enable S/PDIF-Out Item 

2002/12/09..version of above is 0020_ver01 page:
  1.AC-3 Encoder option becomes one of output source.
2.cmaudio.h date is 2002/12/09

1.cmaudio.h date is 2002/12/10 page:
  a.remove Enable S/PDIF option
  b.add no output option
  c.add hide/grey mechanism for each item
3.analog page:
  a.XearPlus item can be hide.

1.modified the maximum jack numbers to 9

1.when not monitor speakers then show digital page otherwise show analog page

1.remove none item in monitor group...

1.if can't select common mode or Xear mode,then don't show these two item.
2.don't disable frontRearXchg even only Xear mode could be selcted

//	0019 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0016 driver 26 or later¡^2002.11.26 
0.Cmaudio.h (from driver 0026-5,CMAUDIO_MISCELLANEOUS)
1.iface.h(add ICMAudioNotify)
2.add mechanism to decide whether to show icon on taskbar or not.
3.add GPIO refresh speaker/sbracket mechanism 
4.add Shifter installed from INF mechanism

//	0018 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0015ª© driver 26 or later¡^2002.11.04 
1.fix bug:when enable xear will enable EQ simultaneously.(for get the wrong key)
  only need to memorize:
  a. EQ enable/disable state,
  b. Enviroment item( roomsize exclude);
2.Keep previous setting,and only pass through to driver
  parameters modified.
3.fix bug:couldn't invoke media player in Win SE & 2K (Mplayer2)
4.SPDIF IN item title  add "LOOP BACK" 
5 COPY PROTECTION item title add "Serial"
6.information page add a hyperlink to website(text in blue and underline) 

1.information page:
  a. nVidia Chipset name.
  b. A3D 1.0
  c. 9739A
2.Enviroment page:
  a.enlarge roomsize space.
3.change ICON for CPL

1.fix bug:can't show nVidia chipset information correctly

1.add ICH5 information 

//	0017 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0015ª© driver 25 or later¡^2002.10.25 
0017 1025
1.modify mechanism of "S-Bracket control". S-Bracket Jacks only when "use S-Bracket" control be selected.
2.Add "Use Front-Panel Microphone" Item into "Phone Jacks" Page
  and register to mixer to monitor changes from mixer.
  and if use front panel microphone,the gray mic item.
3.modify space between chars in string with backslash.
4.memorize EQ and ENV when disable XeaR,and recovery it when enable XeaR.
5.Add Icon into CPL's TaskBar and Title Window.
6.Add MenuItem when right click CPL icon
  a.Media Rack if exist
  b.Volume Control
  c.Window Media Player
  d.Sound Recorder
7.Change Icon's & Wnd's Name.(we use "Hidden Main Window"   to communicate with others)

1.Store two set parameter for Plain/XeaR Mode
  a.Speaker config
  b.CenterBass Swap
  c.Bass Redirect
  d.XeaR Plus Phone

1.Fix Gray Jack Error.(try to gray s-bracket jack,but wrong to others);

1.adjust use s-bracket control position.

1.split Xear enable Check button into Common Mode and Xear 3D mode
2.Hide IDC_JACKGROUP when show speaker bitmap  


//	0016 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0015ª© driver 25 or later¡^2002.10.17 
0016 1017
1.Cmaudio.h modify:
  a.add RoomSize Struct Into Cmaudio_Global_ReverB 
  b.move KSPROPERTY_CMAUDIO_CHIP_INFO  to top of Enum,for Uninstall.exe need
    this information,so we need to avoid change its sequence.
  c.Increase Reverb support items.
2.Add 3D Audio Engine information into information page.

	0015 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0015ª© driver 23 or later¡^2002.08.16 
1.add a new Equalizer property page
2.add phoneJack into Analog Property page

0015A 0828..
1. separate RearFrontReverse and Shift function
2. adjust speaker icon and jack icon position

0015A 0905
1. on XeaR Mode,if choose Earphone then hide Earphone Plus item
2. switch Earphone Plus may change Support Speakers status

0015A 0917
1. if have advance page,then if turn off XeaR,EQ,Enviroment will be turn off
2. Graphics of XeaR showing when on XeaR earphone plus mode

0015A 0918
1. change some text "XeaR->Xear"..."use earphone.."->"Allows"..
2. Remove Default item from Enviroment Selection items.

0015A 0923
1. change (rear/front/earphone) Jack text when under certain condition,ex:
   earphone plus.
2. gray jack text if choosed channel doesn't support it. ex:
   2 channel doesn't support rear/center jack.

	0014 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0014ª© driver 21 or later¡^2002.07.30 
1.XeaR 4.1 channel ¹Ï¹³Åܧó(shouldn't show bass speaker)
2.Cmaudio.h §ó·s
3.Analog  page:
  a) add center/bass swap select button
  b) modify size to make cpl size smaller .so it won't cover
     whole screen when using in resolution 640*480 page:
  a) modify some captions.
  b) output source selection integrated into 4 types and each can dynamic 
     be decided position when it is available.
  c) selection of monitor also possess such dynamic adjust position capability.
  d) when select analog input as source ,then will show a button to open 
     MS volume controller(sndvol32.exe) to let user select analog recording
     input source.
5.add a new information page:
  which support information of
  a) driver version 
  b) direct X version 
  c) audio controller version
  d) codec type.
  e) cpl version.

6.add a minimizebox

7.fix bug that when switch to digital page,the volume page can't show
  correct volume slider status.
8.using "N/A" instead of "DirectX Version 0.0" when can't
  get DX information.

9.on analog page,if not support this channel,then the represent icon won't show anymore.
10.when switch to 4 channel,also show Bass Enhancement checkbox.
11.when switch to XeaR mode then system will force to enable Bass Enhancement.
12.add a "Default" button into volume page,and will reset all available channel to 0db.

0013 ¡]UdaProp.dll: 0013ª©¡^_2002.07.18

   §ï¬°¥H db*65536 ­È¬°½u©Ê½Õ¾ãªº¨Ì¾Ú,¥Bdb­È½d³ò¥Ñ
   (0,-96)½Õ¬°(12,-40),¦ý³Ì§C­È«h³]¬° -96db
2.§R°£¬°°t¦XµØºÓ¥ª¥kÁn¹D¬Û¤Ï´£¨Ñªºphone jack­¶­±
3.SPDIF MONITOR¥\¯à¼W¥[¥i¿W¥ß§P§O¬O§_¦³´£¨Ñ SPDIF_IN/SPDIF_OUT ºÊ±±ªº¥\¯à


7.§ó§ïXeaR 4Channelªº¹Ï§Î,®³±¼¤£¾A¤ÁªºSubWoofer

0012¡]UdaProp.dll: 0011aª©¡^

0011¡]UdaProp.dll: 0011aª©¡^
1. ­×§ïcmaudio.h¡A°t¦XµØºÓ¥ª¥kÁn¹D¬Û¤Ï¡]°µ¿ù¡^ªºªO¤l¡A´£¨Ñ¤@­Óphone jack­¶­±¨Ñ¨Ï¥ÎªÌ¿ï¾Ü¨Ï¥Î
2.­×¥¿Xear Channel¹Ï¼ËµLªk¿ï¨úªº°ÝÃD(ª`·N¦h°ê»yªºResourceª©¥»ªº¤@­P©Ê)
4.D3D °ÊºA¸ü¤Jlibrary

0010_D3D¡]UdaProp.dll: 0011ª©¡^
1.for driver 018
2.remove Xear function

0010_LCD¡]UdaProp.dll: 0011ª©¡^
1.for driver 018
2.force Enable Xear always
bug note:2002/06/21
A.window caption same as 0010,so will failed when try to replace it..(W2K)

0010_20020612¡]UdaProp.dll: 0011ª©¡^
1.for driver 019
2.¶È­×§ï 4.1CH 5.1CHªº¹Ï¼Ë¬° 4CH 6CH

0009_20020502....20020514..20020523¡]UdaProp.dll: 0011ª©¡^
1. for Xear
2. cmaudio.h Àɮקó·s,¥[¤JXear¥\¯à
4.release version date/time 0514/1105
5.¼W¥[XeaR EarPhoneªº¿ï¾Ü 0523/1648

1. cmaudio.h Àɮקó·s
    include add SubVender/Device ID, CMAUDIO_PCM_OUT...
2.when selecting analog/digital property page than treat as change it immediately.
3.SPDIF_IN_LOOP invalidate flag effect loop item only and so as SPDIF_PCM_OUT vs pcm out item.

1. cmaudio.hÀɮקó·s¡C
2. ¬°´î¤ÖS/PDIF³]©w¿ï¶µ¥i¯à³y¦¨¨Ï¥ÎªÌ²V²cªº°ÝÃD¡A±N­ì¥ýªº¡uS/PDIF¡v»P¡u³â¥z¡v­¶­±¦X¦Ó¬°¤@¡A¦¨¬°¡u¿é¥X¡v­¶­±¡C

1. 0005ª©½Õ¾ã­µ¶q®É¥²¶·¦b«ö¤U¡u½T©w¡v©Î¡u®M¥Î¡vÁä«á¤~¦³§@¥Î¡AµLªk§Y®ÉÅ¥¨ì­µ¶qªº§ïÅÜ¡C¥»ª©§ï¬°½Õ¾ã®É¥i¦P¨BÅ¥¨ì­µ¶qªº§ïÅÜ¡C
2. ¡u­µ¶q¡v­¶­±·|¤ÏÀ³³â¥z²ÕºAªº³]©wµ²ªG¡A¥ç§Y¨S¦³¥Î¨ìªºÁn¹D§YµLªk½Õ¾ã­µ¶q¡C
3. ¡u³â¥z¡v­¶­±Åã¥Ü³â¥z²ÕºA¤§¹Ï¥Ü¥h­I¡A¥HÁקK¥X²{©³¦â¤è¶ô¡C
4. ¡u³â¥z¡v­¶­±¿ï¨ú³â¥z²ÕºA®É¡A°£¤F¥iÂI¿ï«ö¶s¡A¥ç¥iÂI¿ï«ö¶s¥k¤è¤§¹Ï§Î¡A®ÄªG¬Û¦P¡C

1. 0004ª©¦bWindows XP·|·í±¼¡A¤wÃҹꬰ¡u­µ¶q¡v­¶­±ªºbug¡C¥»ª©¤w¸Ñ¨M¡C
2. ·s¼W¤u§@¦C¹Ï¥Üªº¥kÁä¿ï³æ¥\¯à¡A©ó¹Ï¥Ü¤WÂI·Æ¹«¥kÁä·|¥X²{¡u¶}±Ò¡Bµ²§ô¡v¤§¿ï³æ¡C

1. ¡u­µ¶q¡v­¶­±¦b©Ò¦³ªº­µ¶q½Õ¾ã±ì§¡±Ä°ÊºA²£¥Íªº¤è¦¡¡A¨Ï¨ä¯à¹ï»ôµe­±¤¤¥¡¡A¨Ã¦b¥~³ò¥[®Ø¡A¥H¼W¥[¬üÆ[«×¡C
2. ¡u­µ®Ä¡v­¶­±²¾°£¡u±Ò°Ê5.1Án¹DµêÀÀ­µ®Ä¡v¿ï¶µ¡A¨Ã±N¡uÀô¹Ò­µ®Ä¡vLIST BOX²¾¨ìµe­±¤¤¥¡¡C
3. §ïÅÜCOM¤¶­±¨ú±o¤Î¨Ï¥Î¤è¦¡¡A¥HÁקKµ{¦¡°¸µoªº·í±¼¡C

1. ¬°ÁקKÂê¦í¸ê·½¥H­P©óÅX°Êµ{¦¡µLªk³Q²¾°£©Î°±¥Î¡A¦p¥Dµøµ¡¤w¶}±Ò¡A·|¦Û°ÊÃö³¬¡Fµ{¦¡·|µ²§ô¨Ã¨Ï¤u§@¦Cª¬ºA°Ï¤§¹Ï¥Ü®ø¥¢¡C

1. ·f°t0009ª©UDA driverªºª©¥»¡C

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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