Files on Configuration Disk Root directory -------------- VERSION.DOC Descript some information for this version of the RTL8019 driver disk; HELP8019.EXE Readme Viewer; FILEPATH.LST LST file for Readme Viewer; MAINMENU.TXT TXT file for HELP8019 Mainmenu Title; RSET8019.EXE RSET8019 program set up the adapter's hardware configuration and running diagnostics; OEMSETUP.INF The setup file for NT3.5, NT3.51 & NT4.0; NETRTN.INF The setup file for Win95 & OSR2; \TXT\GENERAL ------------- DIRS.TXT All subdirectory contents about this RTL8019 driver diskette; FILES.TXT All files abstract in this RTL8019 driver diskette; \TXT\IBM --------- Text files about IBM NOS Installation Notes : LANSVR20.TXT LANSVR40.TXT \TXT\MS ------- Text files about Microsoft NOS Installation Notes : MSCLIENT.TXT MSLANMAN.TXT MSWFW310.TXT MSWFW311.TXT MSNT.TXT MSNT31.TXT MSWIN95.TXT \TXT\NETWARE ------------- Text files about Novell NOS Installation Notes : NWODIOS2.TXT NWODIDOS.TXT NW311.TXT NW312.TXT NW41.TXT NW411.TXT CLIENT32.TXT \TXT\OTHERS ----------- Text files about Other NOS Installation Notes : LANTAS40.TXT LANTAS50.TXT LANTAS60.TXT PACKET.TXT \TXT\UNIX ---------- Text files about Information on UNIX drivers : SCO4.TXT SCO5.TXT LINUX.TXT Descript how to install ne2000 compatible driver \CLIENT32 ---------- PNPSRV.LAN ODI 32-bit driver; ODIRTL.INF \LANTAS4 -------- PNPLAN.EXE LAN driver for LANtastic 4.0; \LANTAS5 -------- PNPLAN5.EXE LAN driver for LANtastic 5.0; \MSCLIENT --------- PNPND.DOS NDIS 2.0 driver; OEMSETUP.INF Configuration file; \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\RTL8019 --------------------------------------- PNPND.DOS DOS NDIS 2.01 driver; PROTOCOL.INI Protocol.ini stub for LAN Manager install; \MSLANMAN.DOS\DRIVERS\NIF ------------------------- RTL8019.NIF Standard NIF file for DOS; \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\ETHERNET\RTL8019 --------------------------------------- PNPND.OS2 OS/2 NDIS 2.0 driver; PROTOCOL.INI Protocol.ini stub for LAN Manager install; \MSLANMAN.OS2\DRIVERS\NIF -------------------------- RTL8019.NIF Standard NIF file for OS/2; \NDIS\DOS\LAN_S23 ----------------- PNPND.DOS DOS NDIS 2.0 driver; RTL8019.NIF Extended NIF file for IBM OS/2; \NDIS\DOS\LAN_S4 ---------------- PNPND.DOS DOS NDIS 2.0 driver; OEMSETUP.INF Extended NIF file for DOS LAN Requester; \NDIS\OS2\PNPND.OS2 ------------------- PNPND.OS2 OS2 NDIS 2.0 driver; RTL8019.NIF Extended NIF file for IBM OS/2; \NWCLIENT\DOS ------------- PNPODI.COM ODI driver for DOS; NET.CFG Sample Net.cfg for ODI; PNPODI.INS \NWCLIENT\OS2\ --------------- PNPOS2.SYS ODI driver for OS/2; \NWSERVER\311 ------------- PNPSRV.LAN 3.11 Server driver; MSM31X.NLM ETHERTSM.NLM LSLENH.NLM MONITOR.NLM PATCHMAN.NLM \NWSERVER\312 ------------- PNPSRV.LAN 3.12 Server driver; PNPSRV.LDI MSM31X.NLM ETHERTSM.NLM NBI31X.NLM \NWSERVER\41 ------------ PNPSRV.LAN 4.1 Server driver; PNPSRV.LDI ETHERTSM.NLM MSM.NLM NBI.NLM \NWSERVER\411 ------------- PNPSRV.LAN 4.1 Server driver; PNPSRV.LDI \PKTDRV ------- PNPPD.COM Packet Driver; \SCO\4.X --------- DRIVER.O SCO UNIX driver; SETUP INFO INIT MASTER NODE RECONF REMOVE SPACE.C SYSTEM \SCO\5.X --------- DRIVER.O SCO UNIX driver; SETUP MASTER SYSTEM NODE SPACE.C SPACE.H LKCFG AOF/R2E \WFW31 ------ PNPND.DOS NDIS 2.0 driver for WfW 3.10; OEMSETUP.INF Configuration file for WfW 3.11 install; \WFW311 ------- PNPND.386 NDIS 3.0 driver for WfW 3.11; PNPODI.COM WFW311 supports to setup ODI driver; PNPND.DOS WFW311 supports to setup NDIS 2.0 driver; OEMSETUP.INF Configuration file for WfW 3.11 install; \WIN95 ------ PNPNT.SYS NDIS 3.0 mini-port driver for Windows NT , Windows 95; \WINNT31 -------- PNPNT.SYS NDIS 3.0 driver for Windows NT; NDIS.SYS Replace original NDIS in the system with this file; OEMSETUP.INF Configuration file for Windows install; README.TXT \WINNT ------ PNPNT.SYS NDIS 3.0 driver for Windows NT;Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.