HISTORY.TXT Driver File Contents (vs413111l.zip)

11/04/2002 - Miscellaneous fixes with respect to the initial release:

I.   Removed several aggressive CRT timings for high resulution modes
     (specifically, 1152*864: 200 Hz; 1280*1024: 160 Hz; 1600*1200: 120 Hz;
     1792*1344: 85 Hz, 90 Hz; 1856*1392: 85 Hz, 90 Hz; 1920*1440: 80 Hz, 85 Hz;
     2048*1536: 70 Hz, 72 Hz, 75 Hz). Whoops, didn't realize that Voodoo 3/2000
     only has 300 MHz RAMDAC frequency in place of 350 MHz.

II.  Corrected a typo in video mode listings, resulting in 1792*1344 mode being
     inaccessible as desktop resolution.

III. Updated readme.txt file on possible issues using high refresh rates.

IV.  Added 140 Hz refresh rates where possible.

11/21/2001 - Put together a new driver set:

I.   Compiled the following files:
     Display and DirectX drivers - from 3dfx Voodoo Driver Kit 1.04.01 BETA
     Glide and OpenGL drivers - from x3dfx Voodoo Driver Kit 1.07.00 BETA

II.  Lost the .CAT file (version info not really needed with so many drivers
     floating around, but it makes reinstallation easier (Windows can never
     find those .CAT's, does it have an allergy on them?)

III. Help files in various languages have been removed; the only help files are
     now in English, and are installed thru the .INF file, not SETUP.EXE. You
     will not have help in Spanish or German, but it fixed the problem where
     regional settings set to unknown language (not amongst the supported ones)
     would prevent the help file from being installed at all.

IV.  Rewrote the .INF file:

     1. Integrated Voodoo 3 and Voodoo 5 Drivers into a single package. Whether
        the drivers are installed by 3dfx Tools or by hand, the correct set of
        options will be determined based on the card's Device ID. Lost Subvendor
        and Subsystem IDs (all that is needed to determine what options to
        install are Vendor and Device IDs).

     2. Added new registry tweaks (much of which borrowed from x3dfx Community
        Drivers and X-ForceDGL, others determined from scratch by reading the
        Glide source code and experimenting). Removed tweaks known to be defunct
        (i.e. tweak variables that either do not exist or not used by the
        driver). Corrected the tweak descriptions that were known to be
        incorrect (e.g. Bump Mapping). Options that are known to only work
        with VSA-100 are only installed for VSA-100 based cards (not Voodoo 3).
        Added known info to help tips (right click/What's this?). Ditched
        category slots and other tweak availability autodetection bullcrap;
        user will now have to select correct values manually if they are to use
        tweaks at all. Removed 4x and 8x FSAA offsets - these take up too much
        space, 4x FSAA only works with Voodoo 5 5000+, and 8x (theoretically)
        should only work with Voodoo 5 6000+. Each value (except for some
        controls where there's no way to implement it) has DEFAULT option, which
        removes the corresponding value from the registry. Clicking FACTORY
        DEFAULTS in the 3dfx Advanced Features tab will remove all tweak values
        from the registry.

        Complete list of tweaks with corresponding variables:

         AGP Command FIFO (D3D\SSTH3_AGP_XRATE)
         Graphics Core/Memory Clock (DEFAULT\grxClock)
         VIA Chipset Compatibility (DEFAULT\SSTH3_VIA_COMPATIBILITY)
         Video Refresh Optimization (DEFAULT\SSTH3_VIDEO_REFRESH_OPTIMIZATION)

         2 Pixel per Clock Rendering (D3D\SSTH3_2PPC)
         2x FSAA X-Offset (Primary Buffer) (D3D\SSTH3_PRIBUFVTXOFFX_2SMPL)
         2x FSAA X-Offset (Secondary Buffer) (D3D\SSTH3_SECBUFVTXOFFX_2SMPL)
         2x FSAA Y-Offset (Primary Buffer) (D3D\SSTH3_PRIBUFVTXOFFY_2SMPL)
         2x FSAA Y-Offset (Secondary Buffer) (D3D\SSTH3_SECBUFVTXOFFY_2SMPL)
         3D Studio MAX 2.5 Compatibility (D3D\SSTH3_3DSMAX2.5)
         Adjacent Pixel Blending (D3D\SSTH3_PIXELCENTER)
         Alpha Blending Mode (D3D\SSTH3_ALPHADITHERMODE)
         Automatic MIP Map Generation (D3D\SSTH3_AUTOMIPMAP)
         Edge Anti-Aliasing (D3D\SSTH3_ANTIALIAS)
         Force Dither Matrix Flag (D3D\SSTH3_DITHMAT_FORCEFLAG)
         Frame Buffer Swapping Method (D3D\SSTH3_SWAPBUFFER_ALGO)
         Full Scene Anti-Aliasing Mode (D3D\SSTH3_SLI_AA_CONFIGURATION)
         Full Scene Anti-Aliasing Toggle Key (D3D\SSTH3_AAJITTER_TOGGLE_KEY)
         Guardband Clipping (D3D\SSTH3_GUARDBAND_CLIPPING)
         Hardware T&L Emulation (D3D\SSTH3_GEOMETRY_ASSIST)
         Image Filtering Mode (D3D\SSTH3_OVERLAYMODE)
         Iteration Banding (D3D\SSTH3_CBC)
         Loop Delay (D3D\SSTH3_LDELAY)
         Max Pending Frames (D3D\SSTH3_MAX_PENDING_BUFFERS)
         MIP Map Detail Bias (D3D\SSTH3_LOD_BIAS)
         MIP Map Dither Rotation (D3D\SSTH3_DITHER_ROTATION)
         MIP Map Dithering (D3D\SSTH3_LOD_DITHER)
         PSGP Capability (D3D\DISABLEPSGP)
         Rendering Color Depth (D3D\SSTH3_32BPP_RENDERING)
         Scan Line Height (D3D\SSTH3_2PPC_LOG2_BAND_HEIGHT)
         Scan Line Interleave Mode (D3D\SSTH3_DIGITAL_SLI_AA)
         Screen Capture Key (D3D\SSTH3_SCREENSHOT_TOGGLE_KEY)
         SLI Compatibility Settings (D3D\SSTH3_SLI_COMPATIBILITY_SETTINGS)
         Stereo Glasses (D3D\SSTH3_STEREO)
         Z Buffer Clearing Opitimization (D3D\SSTH3_Z_CLEAR_OPTIMIZATION)

         16-bit Depth Precision (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_16BPP_ZPRECISION)
         16-bit Mode Gamma Offset (Glide\FX_GLIDE_16BPPGAMMAOFFSET)
         2 Pixel per Clock Rendering (Glide\FX_GLIDE_2PPC)
         2x FSAA X-Offset (Primary Buffer) (Glide\FX_GLIDE_AA2_OFFSET_X0)
         2x FSAA X-Offset (Secondary Buffer) (Glide\FX_GLIDE_AA2_OFFSET_X1)
         2x FSAA Y-Offset (Primary Buffer) (Glide\FX_GLIDE_AA2_OFFSET_Y0)
         2x FSAA Y-Offset (Secondary Buffer) (Glide\FX_GLIDE_AA2_OFFSET_Y1)
         32-bit Depth Precision (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_32BPP_ZPRECISION)
         3dfx Overlay Logo (Glide\FX_GLIDE_SHAMELESS_PLUG)
         A0 Read Abort (Glide\FX_GLIDE_A0_READ_ABORT)
         AGP Command FIFO Size (Glide\FX_GLIDE_BUMPSIZE)
         Alpha Blending Mode (Glide\SSTH3_ALPHADITHERMODE)
         Brightness (Glide\FX_GLIDE_BRIGHTNESS)
         Color Buffering Mode (Glide\FX_GLIDE_ALLOC_COLOR)
         Contrast (Glide\FX_GLIDE_CONTRAST)
         CPU Type (Glide\FX_CPU)
         Debug File Name (Glide\GDBG_FILE)
         Debug Verbosity (Glide\GDBG_LEVEL)
         Edge Anti-Aliasing (Glide\FX_GLIDE_AA_SAMPLE)
         Emulate Voodoo Rush (Glide\FX_GLIDE_EMUL_RUSH)
         Force 16-bit Textures (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_FORCE_16BPP_TEXTURES)
         Force Old Anti-Aliasing Method (Glide\FX_GLIDE_FORCE_OLD_AA)
         Force PCI DeviceID (Glide\FX_GLIDE_DEVICEID)
         Full Scene Anti-Aliasing Mode (Glide\SSTH3_SLI_AA_CONFIGURATION)
         Full Scene Anti-Aliasing Toggle Key (Glide\FX_GLIDE_AA_TOGGLE_KEY)
         FXT1 Texture Compression (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_COMPRESS_LEGACY_TEXTURES)
         Guardband Clipping (Glide Only) (Glide\FX_GLIDE_GBC)
         Guardband Clipping (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_GUARDBAND_ENABLED)
         Hidden Surface Removal (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_HSR)
         Ignore Graphic Context Reopen (Glide\FX_GLIDE_IGNORE_REOPEN)
         Image Filtering Mode (Glide\SSTH3_OVERLAYMODE)
         Limit Texture Memory to 2M (Glide\FX_GLIDE_TMU_MEMSIZE)
         Max Pending Frames (Glide\FX_GLIDE_SWAPPENDINGCOUNT)
         Min Vertex Stride (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_MIN_VERTEX_STRIDE)
         MIP Map Detail Bias (Glide\FX_GLIDE_LOD_BIAS)
         MIP Map Dithering (Glide\FX_GLIDE_LOD_DITHER)
         Number of Chips (Glide\FX_GLIDE_NUM_CHIPS)
         Number of TMUs (Glide\FX_GLIDE_NUM_TMU)
         Override Application Gamma (Glide\FX_GLIDE_USE_APP_GAMMA)
         Override Application Refresh (Glide\FX_GLIDE_USE_APP_REFRESH)
         P6 Fencing Limit (Glide\FX_GLIDE_FENCE_LIMIT)
         Rendering Color Depth (Glide\FX_GLIDE_BPP)
         Scan Line Height (Glide\FX_GLIDE_2PPC_BAND)
         Scan Line Interleave Mode (Glide\FX_GLIDE_ANALOG_SLI)
         Screen Capture Key (Glide\FX_GLIDE_SCREENSHOT_KEY)
         Skip Screen Updates (Glide\FX_GLIDE_NO_HW)
         Startup Splash Screen (Glide\FX_GLIDE_NO_SPLASH)
         Total Video Memory Size (Glide\FX_GLIDE_FBRAM)
         Triangle Bounds Check (Glide\FX_GLIDE_BOUNDS_CHECK)
         Use AGP Command FIFO (Glide\FX_GLIDE_BUMP)
         Vertical Sync (Glide\FX_GLIDE_SWAPINTERVAL)
         Z Buffering (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_SUPER)
         Z Culling (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_ZCULL_ENABLE)
         Z Culling Far Threshold (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_ZCULL_FAR)
         Z Culling Near Threshold (OpenGL Only) (Glide\FX_GL_ZCULL_NEAR)

        Note that the knowledge on what these variables do, or supposed to do,
        or whether they affect anything at all, and what are their valid values,
        is neither accurate nor complete. A lot of these might be defunct, or
        not do what I think they should do. Learn yourself - but it's often
        a lot of frustration. To really find things out, you will need a
        disassembler and some heavy knowledge of assembly language and Win32

     3. Reset and recomputed all CRT display timings. All video modes now use
        the driver's built in GTF capability, except for those which requre
        doublescan (320*200, 320*240, and 400*300) and those whose horizontal
        frequency drops below 30 kHz, for which timings were calculated by hand
        again using GTF (built in GTF does not support doublescan). Removed all
        non-4/3 video modes except the standard 320*200, 640*400, and 1280*1024.
        Removed TV Out and Digital Flat Panel support since very few boards are
        equipped with TV out or DFP connectors, and even less actually use
        these. Optimal refresh limits for both specific model and generic
        monitors have been increased from 85 Hz to 200 Hz (although Windows will
        likely still not set anything higher than 85 when Optimal). Doublescan
        for 512*384 has been removed (looks better on low end monitors and
        allows for higher refresh rates; you probably don't play games at
        512*384 on a 21" monster anyway).

        Complete list of supported resolutions and refresh rates:

          320, 200          70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
          320, 240      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
          400, 300      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
          512, 384                  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
          640, 400          70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
          640, 480      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
          800, 600      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
          960, 720      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
         1024, 768      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
         1152, 864      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160 200
         1280, 960      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160
         1280,1024      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120 160
         1600,1200      60  70  72  75  80  85  90 100 120
         1792,1344      60  70  72  75  80  85  90
         1856,1392      60  70  72  75  80  85  90
         1920,1440      60  70  72  75  80  85
         2048,1536      60  70  72  75

        Note: although it is unlikely, new timings may cause problems with some
        monitors. Use these drivers with caution if you have some 13" or 14"
        dinosaur plugged into your Voodoo card. Modern multisync monitors
        should have no problems provided that they return correct PnP info about
        themselves and that their drivers allow settings that do not exceed
        their capabilities. Reason for change: consistent support of standard
        and enhanced refresh rates across all resolutions (was not the case
        before). Refer to README.TXT for troubleshooting. View 3DFXVS.INF to
        find out how the timings are calculated.

     4. Different help files are instelled for Voodoo 3 versus Voodoo 4/5, but,
        as mentioned above, only in English. Help files are taken from the
        latest 3dfx/x3dfx official betas or releases for both cards.

V.   Changed 3DFXDRV.INI file to implement multiple Device ID support and so
     that 3dfx Tools setup will now ask you whether you want to install the
     drivers when installing the tools, therefore you don't have to necessarily
     reinstall the drivers if you just want to reinstall the tools.

VI.  Expanded README.TXT to include more troubleshooting info, especially on the
     monitor issues that may surface.

To Do List (possibly in the next versions, though unlikely):

1. Modify 3dfx Tools installation so that it does not add any bullcrap to
   Windows registry that runs every time on startup (like overclock checking or
   system tray icon, which can still be enabled by going to display properties).

2. Modify 3dfx Tools installation so that it does not force you to reboot upon

3. Implement subfolders/subcategories to group tweak settings by relevance. Have
   not yet figured out how to create a recursive directory structure under 3dfx
   Advanced Features page.

4. Add interlaced video modes for 1280*1024 and higher in order to allow high
   resolutions on lower end monitors. Have not yet figured out how interlaced
   timings work.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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