INSTALL.INF Driver File Contents (

; Installation Control File

; Package installation information
name=$mfg$					; manufacturer name
infdisk=inscd1					; disk for this inf file

inscd1=$product$ Installation CD-ROM		; the one and only

; International settings
eng=0,English,Select this option to install $product$ for English

; Date input parsing	0 = US 		m/d/y
;   			1 = European	d/m/y
;   			2 = Japanese	y/m/d 
; Time input parsing	0 = 12 hr
;   			1 = 24 hr
key=del:international,lngId			; delete the language key
key=del:international,timeFormat		; delete the time format key
key=del:international,dateFormat		; delete the date format key

; Define each package that can be installed
package=document				; package being installed

; Define the information about the main package
displayName=$product$ Version $verinfo$		; display name during install
licenseKey=Yes					; does this require a license
licenseType=0xffffffff				; type of licensing
platforms=dos,net,w95,wns,wnw			; all platforms
evalKey=92B3BC55-AB0545E9-E9F8CE9B		; evaluation key code
installedBuild=1				; this versions build id
;requiredBuild=n				; required to be installed

; Cleanup the .Ini file from previous versions

; DOS files


fil=add:inscd1,root,dos4g.exe			; Copy dos4g
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosclb.dll		; C Library


fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$dossmt.dll		; gateway

fil=add:inscd1,root,install.exe			; Setup Stub Program
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$admin.exe		; Adminstrator U/I
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$agent.exe		; Remote Service Agent U/I
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dcs$lngid$.msg	; Dev Control Service Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosasp.dll		; Aspi Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosbas.dll		; Base Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosdcs.dll		; Device Control Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosdtb.dll		; Database Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosins.bin		; Setup Main Program
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosipx.dll		; IPX Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosldr.dll		; Autoloader Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$doslf4.dll		; 4.x Log Tape Format Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$doslf6.dll		; 6.x Log Tape Format Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$doslfa.dll		; ARCsolo/ARCserve LTF Drv
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosodb.dll		; Database Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosods.dll		; Connector Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosofs.dll		; File System Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dosrp1.dll		; Basic Reports
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dossup.dll		; System Kernel
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dostap.dll		; Tape Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ldrdev.ini		; Config File for Ldr Devices
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$print.ini		; Printer Definitions
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$filter.ini		; Filter Definitions
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$tapdev.ini		; Config File for Tape Devices
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$supeng.msg		; System Kernel Msgs (English)
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$erreng.msg		; Error Messages (English)
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$err$lngid$.msg	; Error Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ink$lngid$.msg	; Installation Kernel Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$inu$lngid$.msg	; Installation U/I Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ods$lngid$.msg	; DataStream Service Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$sup$lngid$.msg	; Software Bus Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$tip$lngid$.msg	; Tip of the Day Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$usr$lngid$.msg	; User Interface Msgs and Help
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$win$lngid$.msg	; Window Manager Msgs and Help
fil=add:inscd1,root,readme.txt			; Readme file

inc=iniClean					; cleanup old ini files
inc=dosClean					; cleanup from prev versions
inc=dosLinks					; include the linkages
inc=dosClib					; include c libraries
inc=dosDebug					; include debugging files
inc=dosUpdate					; update any options installed
inc=dosCommon					; common files

; NetWare files



fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$scsi.nlm		; Scan SCSI bus utility

fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$netsmt.nlm		; gateway
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$netbtr.nlm		; connector

fil=add:inscd1,root,install.nlm			; Setup Stub Program
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$admin.nlm		; Administrator U/I
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$agent.nlm		; Remote Service Agent U/I
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ldrdev.ini		; Config File for Ldr Devices
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$net3xx.nlm		; NetWare 3.xx Support
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$net4xx.nlm		; NetWare 4.xx Support
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netasp.nlm		; Aspi Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netbas.nlm		; Base Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netbnd.nlm		; Bindery Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netdcs.nlm		; Device Control Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netdtb.nlm		; Database Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netins.nlm		; Installation
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netipx.nlm		; IPX Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netldr.nlm		; Autoloader Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netlf4.nlm		; 4.x Log Tape Format Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netlf6.nlm		; 6.x Log Tape Format Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netlfa.nlm		; ARCsolo/ARCserver LTF Drv
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netndp.nlm		; NDS Partition Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netodb.nlm		; Database Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netods.nlm		; Data Stream Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netofs.nlm		; File System Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netrp1.nlm		; Basic Reports
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$netsup.nlm		; System Kernel
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$nettap.nlm		; Tape Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$nettcp.nlm		; TCP Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$print.ini		; Printer Definitions
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$filter.ini		; Filter Definitions
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$tapdev.ini		; Config File for Tape Devices
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$supeng.msg		; System Kernel Msgs (English)
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$erreng.msg		; Error Messages (English)
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dcs$lngid$.msg	; Device Control Service Msgs
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$err$lngid$.msg	; Error Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ink$lngid$.msg	; Installation Kernel Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$inu$lngid$.msg	; Installation U/I Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ods$lngid$.msg	; DataStream Service Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$sup$lngid$.msg	; Software Bus Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$tip$lngid$.msg	; Tip of the Day Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$usr$lngid$.msg	; User Interface Msgs and Help
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$win$lngid$.msg	; Window Manager Msgs and Help
fil=add:inscd1,root,readme.txt			; Readme file

inc=iniClean					; cleanup old ini files
inc=netClean					; cleanup from prev versions
inc=netLinks					; include the linkages
inc=netClib					; include c libraries
inc=netDebug					; include debugging files
inc=netUpdate					; update any options installed
inc=netCommon					; common files

; Windows files
grp=del:AdminGrp,$product$ 6.00,1
grp=del:AdminGrp,$product$ 6.10,1
grp=del:AdminGrp,$product$ 7.00,1
grp=del:AdminGrp,$product$ 6.00,0
grp=del:AdminGrp,$product$ 6.10,0
grp=del:AdminGrp,$product$ 7.00,0
lnk=del:AdminLnk,$product$ Administration

itm=del:AdminExe,$product$,$product$ Administrator,1
itm=add:AdminExe,$product$,$targetdir$\$prefix$Admin.exe,$targetdir$,$product$ Administrator,1
itm=del:AdminHlp,$product$,$product$ Help,1
itm=add:AdminHlp,$product$,$targetdir$\$prefix$Admin.hlp,$targetdir$,$product$ Help,1
itm=del:AdminIns,$product$,$product$ Setup,1
itm=add:AdminIns,$product$,$targetdir$\setup.exe,$targetdir$,$product$ Setup,1
itm=del:AdminWri,$product$,Release Notes,1
itm=add:AdminWri,$product$,$targetdir$\ReadMe.wri,$targetdir$,Release Notes,1
lnk=add:AdminLnk,$targetdir$\$prefix$Admin.exe,$targetdir$,$product$ Administrator,$product$ Administration Program
reg=add:Reg9,HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\$mfg$\$product$", "Registration"

fil=add:inscd1,root,mfc42$dbgcrt$.dll		; MFC 4.2
fil=add:inscd1,root,msvcrt$dbgcrt$.dll		; MSC Runtime

fil=@add:inscd1,root,$prefix$wintst.exe		; Test harness
fil=@add:inscd1,root,mfco42d.dll		; MFC 4.2

fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winsql.dll		; connector
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$sql$lngid$.msg	; message file
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winsql.$prefix$x	; configuration program
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$xql$lngid$.msg	; message file
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winsmt.dll		; gateway
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winsmt.$prefix$x	; configuration program
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$xmt$lngid$.msg	; message file
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winmpi.dll		; gateway
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winmpi.$prefix$x	; configuration program
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$xpi$lngid$.msg	; message file
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winexc.dll		; connector
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$exc$lngid$.msg	; message file
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winexc.$prefix$x	; configuration program
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$xxc$lngid$.msg	; message file
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$winscm.exe		; Service Control Manager
fil=upd:inscd1,root,$prefix$scm$lngid$.msg	; message file 

fil=add:inscd1,root,unins.bin			; Uninstall executable
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$supeng.msg		; System Kernel Msgs (English)
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$erreng.msg		; Error Messages (English)
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ods$lngid$.msg	; DataStream Service Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$dcs$lngid$.msg	; Device Control Service Msgs
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$err$lngid$.msg	; Error Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ink$lngid$.msg	; Installation Kernel Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ins$lngid$.msg	; Installation U/I Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$sup$lngid$.msg	; Support Kernel Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$tod$lngid$.msg	; Tips of the day
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$adm$lngid$.msg	; Windows Interface Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winasp.dll		; ASPI Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winbas.dll		; Basic Services
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$windcs.dll		; Device Control Services
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$windtb.dll		; Database Services
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winipx.dll		; IPX Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winldr.dll		; Loader Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winlf4.dll		; 4.x Logical Tape Formatter
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winlf6.dll		; 6.x Logical Tape Formatter
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winlfa.dll		; ARCserve Tape Formatter
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winnti.dll		; NT Ioctrl Controller
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winodb.dll		; Database Connector
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winods.dll		; Object Data Stream Service
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winofs.dll		; File System Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winreg.dll		; Registry Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winrp1.dll		; Generic Reports
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winsup.dll		; System Kernel
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$wintap.dll		; Tape Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$wintcp.dll		; TCP Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$ldrdev.ini		; Loader Configuration
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$tapdev.ini		; Device Configuration
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$filter.ini		; Filter Definitions
fil=add:inscd1,root,setup.exe			; Setup
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$admin.exe		; Main Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winsvc.exe		; Service Control Manager (Chr)
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winsdr.exe		; Service Driver
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$admin.cnt		; Help Contents
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$admin.hlp		; Help Module
fil=add:inscd1,root,readme.wri			; Readme file
oth=add:root,$prefix$admin.gid			; delete gid file from help
oth=add:root,$prefix$admin.fts			; delete fts file from help

; Define the platform specific for Windows
inc=iniClean					; cleanup old ini files
inc=winClean					; cleanup from prev versions
inc=winLinks					; include the windows linkages
inc=winClib					; include windows c libraries
inc=winDebug					; include debugging files
inc=winUpdate					; update any options installed
inc=winCommon					; common files

inc=iniClean					; cleanup old ini files
inc=winClean					; cleanup from prev versions
inc=winLinks					; include the windows linkages
inc=winClib					; include windows c libraries
inc=winDebug					; include debugging files
inc=winUpdate					; update any options installed
inc=winCommon					; common files

inc=iniClean					; cleanup old ini files
inc=winClean					; cleanup from prev versions
inc=winLinks					; include the windows linkages
inc=winClib					; include windows c libraries
inc=winDebug					; include debugging files
inc=winUpdate					; update any options installed
inc=winCommon					; common files

; This section defines the stuff for the optional service control manager
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$scm$lngid$.msg	; Service Control Mgr Messages
fil=add:inscd1,root,$prefix$winscm.exe		; Service Control Mgs (Gui)
itm=del:AdminScm,$product$,$product$ Service Control,1
itm=add:AdminScm,$product$,$targetdir$\$prefix$WinScm.exe,$targetdir$,$product$ Service Control,1




Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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