-------------------------------------------------- Readme File for Microsoft IntelliPoint Version 2.0 September 1996 -------------------------------------------------- (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 This document provides late-breaking or other information that supplements the Microsoft IntelliPoint printed documentation and the IntelliPoint Online User's Guide. The IntelliPoint 2.0 software ships with the Microsoft IntelliMouse, the Microsoft Mouse, and the Microsoft Home Mouse. ------------------------- How to View This Document ------------------------- To view the Readme file on-screen in Windows Notepad, maximize the Notepad window and click Word Wrap on the Edit menu. To print the Readme file, open it in Notepad or another word processor, and then click Print on the File menu. -------- CONTENTS -------- 1. GENERAL NOTES 1.1 Using IntelliMouse with a Switch Box 1.2 Using an External Mouse with a Laptop Computer 1.3 Mouse is not working or not working properly 1.4 Mouse Icon Disappears from Taskbar 1.5 Using IntelliMouse with EasyBall 1.6 If SnapTo Doesn't Work the Way You Expect 1.7 SmartSpeed Description is Incorrect 1.8 Disabling Point32.exe If You Use CorelDRAW 6.00.112 1.9 Disabling SnapTo If You Use CorelDRAW 2. NOTES FOR WINDOWS NT USERS 2.1 Installing Windows NT 4.0 over IntelliPoint 2.0 2.2 Installing IntelliType over IntelliPoint 2.0 2.3 Attaching Multiple Pointing Devices in Windows NT 2.4 Don't Change Mouse Driver in Windows NT ===================== Part 1: GENERAL NOTES ===================== 1.1 Using IntelliMouse with a Switch Box If you use a switch box to connect your IntelliMouse pointing device to two or more computers, be sure to install IntelliPoint 2.0 on both machines. Otherwise, your IntelliMouse pointing device may work erratically, or the wheel and wheel button may stop functioning. In addition, do not move your mouse while switching between computers, or you may lose the wheel and wheel button functions. Restart your computer if the wheel and wheel button stop working. If you experience other problems with the switch box, it may be due to the way the switch box passes through the mouse data. Contact your switch box supplier for support. 1.2 Using an External Mouse with a Laptop Computer Some laptop computers enable you to use both an internal and external pointing device at the same time. If you find that the external mouse works erratically, or you lose the wheel and wheel button functionality (if it is an IntelliMouse pointing device), change the system settings on the laptop to have the system automatically detect the external pointing device before the internal pointing device. If your laptop computer does not support automatic detection, you can also try attaching your mouse to the serial port. See your laptop documentation for information about changing system settings. 1.3 Mouse is not working or not working properly If your mouse is not working, or is not working properly, there may be another device (such as a modem or internal pointing device) using either the same port or interrupt used by the mouse. Turn off your computer and try connecting the mouse to a different serial or PS/2 port. 1.4 Mouse Icon Disappears from Taskbar When you install IntelliPoint 2.0, a Microsoft Mouse icon appears on the taskbar (in the lower right corner). You can click this icon to open IntelliPoint. However, if you turn off all the features on the Visibility and StepSavers tabs and the Odometer feature on the Productivity tab, the Mouse icon disappears from the taskbar. 1.5 Using IntelliPoint with EasyBall If you attach both a Microsoft mouse and an EasyBall mouse to your computer, you can select a different set of pointers for each mouse. (You select the Easyball pointers in PointerLand and the Microsoft Mouse pointers in IntelliPoint.) However, if any pointers are animated, both pointing devices will use the same animated pointer. For example, if the "Busy" pointer is animated for the Microsoft mouse, you will get the same "Busy" pointer when you are using the EasyBall mouse. 1.6 If SnapTo Doesn't Work the Way You Expect If you enable the SnapTo feature on the IntelliPoint StepSavers tab, the pointer automatically moves to the default button when you open a dialog box. However, if there is no default button, or if the buttons in the dialog box are not standard Windows buttons (many normal-looking buttons are actually custom buttons that SnapTo can't find), then the pointer snaps to the center of the dialog box. If you prefer that the pointer not move automatically to the center of the dialog when there is no default button, but remain where it is, you can disable the feature in those cases. >>>To prevent the pointer from snapping to the center of a dialog box: 1 Click the Start button, then click Run. 2 Type REGEDIT and then press ENTER. (In Windows NT 3.5x, type REGEDT32.EXE and then press ENTER.) 3 In the Registry Editor, open HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/ Microsoft Input Devices/Mouse. 4 In the right window, change the setting for SnapToCenterOfWindow from "ON" to "OFF". 5 Restart your computer. WARNING: Using the Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall Windows. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of the Registry Editor can be solved. Use the Registry Editor at your own risk. For information about how to edit the registry, view the "Changing Keys And Values" online Help topic in the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). Note that you should make a backup copy of the registry files (System.dat and User.dat) before you edit the registry. These files are located in the Windows folder. 1.7 SmartSpeed Description is Incorrect In the IntelliPoint Online User's Guide and the Getting Started manual, the description of the SmartSpeed feature is slightly in error. Turning on SmartSpeed slows the pointer over some controls, such as icons and dialog box buttons, but not all of the controls listed. 1.8 Disabling Point32.exe If You Use CorelDRAW If you use IntelliPoint with CorelDRAW version 6.00.112, you will get a general protection fault when you open CorelDRAW. Until you receive your upgrade to CorelDRAW version 6.00.167, you can temporarily fix this error by disabling Point32.exe while using CorelDRAW. >>>To disable Point32.exe: * From Windows 95, press CTRL+ALT+DEL to display the Close Program dialog. Select Point32, and then click End Task. * From Windows NT 4.0, press CTRL+ALT+DEL, then click the Task Manager button. In the Task Manager, select Point32 and then click End Task. * From Windows NT version 3.51, use File Manager to rename the file Point32.exe to another name, then restart your computer. Click OK when Windows informs you that a program listed on the run line is not available. Remember to restore the original name once you upgrade CorelDRAW. 1.9 Disabling SnapTo If You Use CorelDRAW If you use the Zoom In feature in CorelDRAW, be sure to disable the SnapTo feature on the IntelliPoint StepSavers tab. Zoom In does not work if SnapTo is enabled. ================================== Part 2: NOTES FOR WINDOWS NT USERS ================================== 2.1 Installing Windows NT 4.0 over IntelliPoint 2.0 If you install Windows NT 4.0 over Windows NT 3.5x and IntelliPoint 2.0, the Windows NT 4.0 default Mouse Properties software replaces the IntelliPoint software. Although Windows NT 4.0 provides support for the IntelliMouse pointing device, not all of the IntelliPoint features are available on the Windows NT 4.0 Mouse Properties software. To have access to all of the IntelliPoint features, reinstall IntelliPoint 2.0. 2.2 Installing IntelliType over IntelliPoint 2.0 In Windows NT 3.51 only, if you lose the IntelliMouse wheel and wheel button functionality after installing the IntelliType version 1.1 software (available with the Microsoft Natural Keyboard), run Setup to reinstall IntelliPoint 2.0. 2.3 Attaching Multiple Pointing Devices in Windows NT If you attach both an IntelliMouse pointing device and a second mouse of a different type (such as a Microsoft Mouse without a wheel), you may encounter the following problems: * If you reset the right button to be the primary button using the Button Selection feature on the Basics tab in IntelliPoint, the second mouse does not recognize the change. * You cannot use the second mouse to set Orientation on the Productivity tab in IntelliPoint, and the second mouse does not recogonize any changes you make using the Orientation feature. * In Windows NT 3.51 only, the wheel and wheel button on the IntelliMouse pointing device do not function. NOTE: This does not apply to an external mouse attached to a laptop with an internal pointing device. 2.4 Changing the Mouse Driver in Windows NT If you are running Windows NT, it is recommended that you do NOT change the mouse driver. (For Windows NT 4.0, the mouse driver is set on the General tab in IntelliPoint; in Windows NT 3.5x, the device driver is set in the Windows NT Setup program in the Main program group.) If you change the device driver, your computer may stop responding when you restart it. >>>To recover if your computer stops responding: 1 Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to restart your computer. 2 Press the Spacebar when prompted to display the Hardware Profile/Last Known Good menu. (In Windows NT 3.5x, press the Spacebar to invoke the Last Known Good State.) 3 Press "L" to choose "Last Known Good configuration." (In Windows NT 3.5x, use the down arrow instead.)Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.