Rockx3v5.inf Driver File Contents (

;**************************** Comment Area ********************************
; 370pvs.inf			ITU V.90 &K56Flex 115.2kbps Internal
;				Data, Fax, Voice, and Speakerphone
; Windows Modem Setup File
; Version: 2.40
; Date		     by		   Change Description
;--------	--------------	-------------------------------------------
;07/09/97	Gary Sanderson	Generated from RSSK56INTa.inf V2.2
;				Rearrange to simplify customizing
;07/17/97	Gary Sanderson	Modified for July 97 CINF
;				Removed "LayoutFile = ..." not needed
;07/23/97	Gary Sanderson	Added V.23 support
;08/07/97	Gary Sanderson	Changed PnP ID to *RSS0251 to avoid conflict with WaveArtist Combo
;08/14/97	Gary Sanderson	Microsoft LOGO with AK56-D120, no changes 
;10/20/97	Gary Sanderson	Fix DTMF Problem
;				Limit microphone gain  0 - 1 only
;02/12/98	Gary Sanderson	Added ITU V.90 (V.PCM)
;03/31/98       John Li         Rename to Rockv2.inf For Internal & External Modem                

;************************** Header Area ***************************

%Mfg% = Device

Mfg 		= "Rockwell RSS"
ModemName  	= "Rockwell Internal V.90 K56 Voice Modem"
ModemName1  	= "Rockwell External V.90 K56 Voice Modem"

%ModemName%  = Install, *RSS0263,ISAPNP\RSS0263      ;Rockwell Internal PnP ID
%ModemName1%  = Install1, *RSS0273,Serenum\RSS0273     ;Rockwell External PnP ID

;************************** Installation Area *****************************
AddReg		= Profiles,Basic_Commands,Voice,AuxPhone,Speakerphone,56k,INTERNAL

AddReg		= Profiles,Basic_Commands,Voice,AuxPhone,Speakerphone,56k,EXTERNAL


;--------- Registry entry additions associated with Profiles --------------
HKR,, Properties, 1, 80,00,00,00, FF,00,00,00, FF,00,00,00, 07,00,00,00, 0F,00,00,00, F7,05,00,00, 00,C2,01,00, C0,DA,00,00
HKR,,VoiceProfile,    	1,27,22,09,00	;20-Oct-97 DTMF Fix

;--------- Registry entry additions associated with internal modems -------
HKR,, DeviceType, 1, 02

HKR,, DeviceType, 1, 01

;--------- Registry entry additons associated with K56Flex modems ---------

HKR,, DeviceType, 1, 01
HKR, K56mode,    			1,,"AT+MS=56,1,32000,56000<cr>"
HKR, V90mode,				1,,"AT+MS=12,1,28000,56000<cr>"

HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 28000", 	1, 02, 00, 60,6D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 29333", 	1, 02, 00, 95,72,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 30667", 	1, 02, 00, CB,77,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 33333", 	1, 02, 00, 35,82,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 34667", 	1, 02, 00, 6B,87,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 37333", 	1, 02, 00, D5,91,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 38667", 	1, 02, 00, 0B,97,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 41333", 	1, 02, 00, 75,A1,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 42667", 	1, 02, 00, AB,A6,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 45333", 	1, 02, 00, 15,B1,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 46667", 	1, 02, 00, 4B,B6,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 49333", 	1, 02, 00, B5,C0,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 50667", 	1, 02, 00, EB,C5,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 53333", 	1, 02, 00, 55,D0,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 54667", 	1, 02, 00, 8B,D5,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 32000", 	1, 02, 00, 00,7D,00,00, 00,00,00,00 
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 34000", 	1, 02, 00, D0,84,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 36000", 	1, 02, 00, A0,8C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 38000", 	1, 02, 00, 70,94,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 40000", 	1, 02, 00, 40,9C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 42000", 	1, 02, 00, 10,A4,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 44000", 	1, 02, 00, E0,AB,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 46000", 	1, 02, 00, B0,B3,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 48000", 	1, 02, 00, 80,BB,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 50000", 	1, 02, 00, 50,C3,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 52000", 	1, 02, 00, 20,CB,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 54000", 	1, 02, 00, F0,D2,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 56000", 	1, 02, 00, C0,DA,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 28000", 	1, 01, 00, 60,6D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 29333", 	1, 01, 00, 95,72,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 30667", 	1, 01, 00, CB,77,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 33333", 	1, 01, 00, 35,82,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 34667", 	1, 01, 00, 6B,87,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 37333", 	1, 01, 00, D5,91,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 38667", 	1, 01, 00, 0B,97,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 41333", 	1, 01, 00, 75,A1,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 42667", 	1, 01, 00, AB,A6,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 45333", 	1, 01, 00, 15,B1,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 46667", 	1, 01, 00, 4B,B6,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 49333", 	1, 01, 00, B5,C0,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 50667", 	1, 01, 00, EB,C5,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 53333", 	1, 01, 00, 55,D0,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 54667", 	1, 01, 00, 8B,D5,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 32000", 	1, 01, 00, 00,7D,00,00, 00,00,00,00 
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 34000", 	1, 01, 00, D0,84,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 36000", 	1, 01, 00, A0,8C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 38000", 	1, 01, 00, 70,94,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 40000", 	1, 01, 00, 40,9C,00,00, 00,00,00,00 
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 42000", 	1, 01, 00, 10,A4,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 44000", 	1, 01, 00, E0,AB,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 46000", 	1, 01, 00, B0,B3,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 48000", 	1, 01, 00, 80,BB,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 50000", 	1, 01, 00, 50,C3,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 52000", 	1, 01, 00, 20,CB,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 54000", 	1, 01, 00, F0,D2,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 56000", 	1, 01, 00, C0,DA,00,00, 00,00,00,00

;------- registry entry additions associated with voice --------------------

HKR,,Enumerator,			,serwave.vxd    
HKR, EnableCallerID, 			1,, "at#cid=1<cr>"
HKR, StartPlay,               		1,, "at#vtx<cr>"
HKR, StopPlay,                		1,, "AT<cr>"	;20-Oct-97 DTMF Fix
HKR, StartRecord,             		1,, "at#vrx<cr>"
HKR, StopRecord,              		1,, "AT<cr>"	;20-Oct-97 DTMF Fix
HKR,,TerminateRecord,			, "<h10><cr>"
HKR,,TerminatePlay,			, "<h10><h03>"
HKR,,AbortPlay,				, "<h10><h18>"
HKR, LineSetPlayFormat,       		1,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, LineSetRecordFormat,     		1,, "None"
HKR, LineSetRecordFormat,     		2,, "NoResponse"
HKR, VoiceToDataAnswer,          	1,,"at#cls=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceToDataAnswer,          	2,,"ata<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,               	1,, "at#cls=8<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,               	2,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,               	3,, "at#vbt=1<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,               	4,, "at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,               	5,, "at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,               	6,, "ats30=60<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,               	7,, "ata<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,      	1,, "at#cls=8<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,      	2,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,      	3,, "at#vrn=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,      	4,, "at#vbt=1<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,      	5,, "at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,      	6,, "at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,      	7,, "ats30=60<cr>"
HKR, GenerateDigit,             	1,, "at#vts=<Digit><cr>"
HKR,,CallerIDPrivate,			,P
HKR,,CallerIDOutSide,			,O
HKR,,VariableTerminator,		,<cr><lf>
HKR, EnableDistinctiveRing, 		1,, "at-sdr=7<cr>"
HKR,,ForwardDelay,   			1,88,13

HKR, Responses, "VCON", 		1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "DATE = ", 		1, 93, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "TIME = ", 		1, 94, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NMBR = ", 		1, 95, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NAME = ", 		1, 96, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "MESG = ", 		1, 97, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "RING1",        	1, 18, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "RING2",        	1, 19, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "RING3",        	1, 1a, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

;------- registry entry additions associated with Aux Phone operation ------
HKR,,HandsetCloseDelay,     		1,1e,00,00,00
HKR, HandsetSetRecordFormat,   		1,,"at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, HandsetSetRecordFormat,   		2,,"at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR, HandsetSetPlayFormat,     		1,,"at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, HandsetSetPlayFormat,     		2,,"at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR, OpenHandset,               	1,, "at#cls=8<cr>"
HKR, OpenHandset,               	2,, "at#vls=1<cr>"
HKR, CloseHandset,                   	1,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, CloseHandset,                   	2,, "at#cls=0<cr>"

;------- registry entry additions associated with speakerphone operation ----
HKR,,SpeakerPhoneSpecs,       		1, 0A,00,00,00,  0f,00,00,00,  03,00,00,00,  00,00,00,00
HKR, SpeakerPhoneEnable,      		1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneEnable,      		2,, "at#cls=8<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneEnable,      		3,, "at#spk=1,10,2<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneDisable,    		1,, "at#spk=0,16,,<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneDisable,    		2,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneMute,        		1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneMute,        		2,, "at#spk=0,,,<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneUnMute,      		1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneUnMute,      		2,, "at#spk=1,,,<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneSetVolumeGain,  	1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneSetVolumeGain,  	2,, "at#spk=,<Vol>,<Gain><cr>"

;------- registry entry additions associated with all modems --------------------------


HKR,,ConfigDialog,			,modemui.dll
HKR,,DevLoader,				,*vcomm
HKR,,EnumPropPages,			,"modemui.dll,EnumPropPages"
HKR,,FriendlyDriver,			,Unimodem.VXD
HKR,,InactivityScale, 			1, 0a,00,00,00
HKR,,PortSubClass,			1,02
HKR,,Reset,				, "ATZ<cr>"
HKR, Answer,    			1,, "ATA<cr>"
HKR, Hangup,    			1,, "ATH<cr>"

HKR, Init,      			1,, "AT<cr>"
HKR, Init,      			2,, "AT&FE0V1&C1&D2S95=45S0=0<cr>"

HKR, Monitor,   			1,, "ATS0=0<cr>"
HKR, Monitor,   			2,, "None"


HKR, Responses, "OK", 			1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "ERROR", 		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr>",   		1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<lf>",   		1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "RING",        		1, 08, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NO CARRIER",  		1, 04, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NO DIALTONE", 		1, 05, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "BUSY",        		1, 06, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NO ANSWER",   		1, 07, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT",     		1, 02, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "FAX",    		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; ERROR
HKR, Responses, "DATA",   		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; ERROR
HKR, Responses, "VOICE",  		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; ERROR
HKR, Responses, "+FCON",  		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; ERROR
HKR, Responses, "0<cr>",  		1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; OK 
HKR, Responses, "1<cr>",  		1, 02, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT
HKR, Responses, "2<cr>",  		1, 08, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; RING
HKR, Responses, "3<cr>",  		1, 04, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; NO CARRIER 
HKR, Responses, "4<cr>",  		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; ERROR
HKR, Responses, "5<cr>",  		1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; CONNECT 1200
HKR, Responses, "6<cr>",  		1, 05, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; NO DIALTONE
HKR, Responses, "7<cr>",  		1, 06, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; BUSY
HKR, Responses, "8<cr>",  		1, 07, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; NO ANSWER
HKR, Responses, "+F4", 			1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00 ; FAX Error

HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 0600", 	1, 02, 00, 58,02,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 1200", 	1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 2400", 	1, 02, 00, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 4800", 	1, 02, 00, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 7200", 	1, 02, 00, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 9600", 	1, 02, 00, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 12000", 	1, 02, 00, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 14400", 	1, 02, 00, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 16800", 	1, 02, 00, A0,41,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 19200", 	1, 02, 00, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 21600", 	1, 02, 00, 60,54,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 24000", 	1, 02, 00, C0,5D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 26400", 	1, 02, 00, 20,67,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 28800", 	1, 02, 00, 80,70,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 31200", 	1, 02, 00, E0,79,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 33600", 	1, 02, 00, 40,83,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 38400", 	1, 02, 00, 00,96,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 57600", 	1, 02, 00, 00,E1,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 115200", 	1, 02, 00, 00,C2,01,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 75TX/1200RX",	1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CONNECT 1200TX/75RX",	1, 02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "DELAYED", 		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "BLACKLISTED", 		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 300", 		1, 01, 00, 2C,01,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 1200/75", 	1, 01, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 75/1200", 	1, 01, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 1200", 	1, 01, 00, B0,04,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 2400", 	1, 01, 00, 60,09,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 4800", 	1, 01, 00, C0,12,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 7200", 	1, 01, 00, 20,1C,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 9600", 	1, 01, 00, 80,25,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 12000", 	1, 01, 00, E0,2E,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 14400", 	1, 01, 00, 40,38,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 16800", 	1, 01, 00, A0,41,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 19200", 	1, 01, 00, 00,4B,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 21600", 	1, 01, 00, 60,54,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 24000", 	1, 01, 00, C0,5D,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 26400", 	1, 01, 00, 20,67,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 28800", 	1, 01, 00, 80,70,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 31200", 	1, 01, 00, E0,79,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "CARRIER 33600", 	1, 01, 00, 40,83,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Responses, "COMPRESSION: CLASS 5",	1, 01, 01, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "COMPRESSION: V.42BIS", 1, 01, 01, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "COMPRESSION: NONE", 	1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "PROTOCOL: NONE", 	1, 01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "PROTOCOL: LAP-M", 	1, 01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "PROTOCOL: ALT", 	1, 01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "+FCERROR", 		1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00


HKR, Settings, Blind_Off,		, "X4"
HKR, Settings, Blind_On,		, "X3"
HKR, Settings, CallSetupFailTimer,	, "S7=<#>"
HKR, Settings, Compression_Off,		, "%%C"
HKR, Settings, Compression_On,		, "%%C3"
HKR, Settings, DialPrefix,		, "D"
HKR, Settings, DialSuffix,		, ";"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Off,	, "\N"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_On,		, "\N3"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Forced,	, "\N2"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Off,		, "&K"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Hard,	, "&K3"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Soft,	, "&K4"
HKR, Settings, InactivityTimeout,	, "S30=<#>"
HKR, Settings, Modulation_CCITT,	, "B"
HKR, Settings, Modulation_Bell,		, "B1"
HKR, Settings, Modulation_CCITT_V23,	, "+MS=3"
HKR, Settings, Prefix,			, "AT"
HKR, Settings, Pulse,			, "P"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Low,	, "L1"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Med,	, "L2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_High,	, "L3"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Off,		, "M0"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Dial,	, "M1"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_On,		, "M2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Setup,	, "M3"
HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_Off,	, "N0"
HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_On,	, "N1"
HKR, Settings, Terminator,		, "<cr>"
HKR, Settings, Tone,			, "T"

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How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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