Driver File Contents (

=                                                                                        =
=             	    SUNIX Matrix Series Board Driver Installation Guide                  =
=                                                                                        =
=                                    For Kernel 2.4.x                                    =
=                                                                                        =
=                                                                   Version: 1.00        =
=                                                                   Date: 2007/01/31     =


A. Release note

B. Introduction

C. Distributions test

D. Installation
   D.1 Driver install
   D.2 Device node creation
E. Loading driver on system boot
   E.1 RedHat 8	
   E.2 RedHat 9
   E.3 Fedora Core 1 
   E.4 Suse 9.0
   E.5 Mandrake 9.0
F. Utility
   F.1 smxdump
   F.2 snxlink
   F.3 snxterm	


A. Release note

	Support kernel 2.4.x on x86 machine only. Distributions support please refer to item C.
	Before install driver. Make sure system has c compiler and kernel development package.

B. Introduction

	Maximum 4 boards can be installed in combination,
	support SUNIX Matrix Series Board as below,

	2 port -

	4 port -

	8 port -


C. Distributions test

	SUNIX have tested driver on distributions below already.

	RedHat 8
	RedHat 9
	Fedora Core 1
	Suse 9.0
	Mandrake 9.0


D. Installation

	D.1 Driver install
		Please create a directory under root directory,  e.g /temp,
		do commands as below.

		# cd /
		# mkdir temp

		After get driver file "matrix_2.4_Vx.xx.tgz". Copy file to /temp
		directory, then extract and install, do commands as below.

		# cp matrix_2.4_Vx.xx.tgz /temp 
		# cd /temp
		# tar xvfz matrix_2.4_Vx.xx.tgz
		# cd /temp/matrix_2.4
		# make clean ; make install

		* If system is Suse 9.0  and errors occur when            *
		* execute "make install", please do commands below.       *
		*                                                         *
		* # cd /usr/src/linux/                                    *
		* # make cloneconfig                                      *
		* # make dep                                              * 
		*                                                         *
		* then do make install again in /temp/matrix_2.4          *

		Load driver module, please do commands as below.

		# modprobe sunix_matrix
		# insmod /temp/matrix_2.4/driver/sunix_matrix.o

		Check driver is loaded, do command as below.
		# lsmod | grep sunix_matrix

		If want to remove driver, do command as below.
		# rmmod sunix_matrix

	D.2 Device node creation 
		Each serial port has two file nodes. One is dail in
		port which is named "ttySMX?", the other is call out
		port which is named "cmx?". Do commands as below.
		# cd /temp/matrix_2.4/smxmknod
		# ./smxmknod

		This will create device nodes in /dev.

		If there are more than two boards installed, device
		nameing convention table as below.

		Board Number    Dail in port             Callout port
		1st board       ttySMX0  ~ ttySMX7       cmx0  ~ cmx7
		2nd board       ttySMX8  ~ ttySMX15      cmx8  ~ cmx15
		3rd board       ttySMX16 ~ ttySMX23      cmx16 ~ cmx23
		4th board       ttySMX24 ~ ttySMX31      cmx24 ~ cmx31


E. Loading driver on system boot
	E.1 RedHat 8
		After finish item C. Modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local for loading driver
		on system boot. Use vi or other editor to open rc.local, and add
	  	"modprobe sunix_matrix" in last line.

	E.2 RedHat 9
		After finish item C. Modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local for loading driver
		on system boot. Use vi or other editor to open rc.local, and add
	  	"modprobe sunix_matrix" in last line.

	E.3 Fedora Core 1
		After finish item C. Modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local for loading driver 
		on system boot. Use vi or other editor to open rc.local, and add 
	  	"modprobe sunix_matrix" in last line.

	E.4 Suse 9.0
		After finish item C.
		Modify /etc/rc.d/boot.local for loading driver on system boot. Use vi or other
		editor to open boot.local, and add "modprobe sunix_matrix" in last line.
		Modify /etc/rc.d/halt.local for unloading driver on system halt. Use vi or other
		editor to open halt.local, and add "rmmod sunix_matrix" in last line.

	E.5 Mandrake 9.0
		After finish item C. Modify /etc/rc.d/rc.local for loading driver 
		on system boot. Use vi or other editor to open rc.local, and add 
	  	"modprobe sunix_matrix" in last line.


F. Utility

	F1. smxdump - dump port informations, do command as below

		# smxdump

		the informations should be like this

		================ Found  6 SUNIX port, list informations below ===============
		ttySMX0 --
		RS-232 (bus:2 device: 1) , base address = a000, irq =  9
		ttySMX1 --
		RS-232 (bus:2 device: 1) , base address = a008, irq =  9
		ttySMX2 --
		RS-232 (bus:2 device: 1) , base address = a010, irq =  9
		ttySMX3 --
		RS-232 (bus:2 device: 1) , base address = a018, irq =  9
		ttySMX8 --
		RS-422/485 (bus:2 device: 2) , base address = a800, irq =  7
		ttySMX9 --
		RS-422/485 (bus:2 device: 2) , base address = a808, irq =  7

		in this case, means 
		ttySMX0 is the first port on SUNIX Matrix board (bus number:2 , device number:1), 
		base address is 0xa000, irq is 9 and is an RS-232 port.
		ttySMX1 is the second port on SUNIX Matrix board (bus number:2 , device number:1), 
		base address is 0xa008, irq is 9 and is an RS-232 port.		

		ttySMX8 is the first port on SUNIX Matrix board (bus number:2 , device number:2), 
		base address is 0xa800, irq is 7 and is an RS-422/485 port.

		If no information print on screen. Make sure the device node
		in /dev exist and driver alread loaded.

	F2. snxlink - build softlink for device node, command as below

		# snxlink

		commands are:
		?   help (this text)
		B   build soft link in /dev (for example, B ttySNX0 ttyS4)
		A   backup device node in /dev (for example, A ttyS4)
		R   remove device node in /dev (for example, R ttyS4)
		Q   program end

		Please enter command (? for help):

		command B: build soft link in /dev, for example

				b ttySNX0 ttyS4
			   	ttySNX0 is source device node file
				ttyS4 is softlink that want to build

		command A: backup device node in /dev, for example

				a ttyS4
				/dev/ttyS4 will rename to /dev/ttyS4.bak

		command R: remove device node in /dev, for example

				r ttyS4
				delete /dev/ttyS4 

	F3. snxterm - dumb terminal for test tty device node transmitting and receiving

		# snxterm


Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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