ReadmeUS.txt Driver File Contents (util_speech_system_27279B.exe)

TOSHIBA Speech System


Web Speak is an easy and useful software tool that can read your Microsoft Outlook email, news from your 
favorite Web site, even instructions from Web-based learning centers, while you continue working on other tasks. 
Web Speak makes multi-tasking a reality!

Even though Toshiba strongly recommends that you read all the available README files, as well as other 
documentation such as the online help, we know that you want to get started using your new program quickly. 

To start Web Speak:

1. Click the START button on the Windows taskbar.

2. Point your mouse at the ALL PROGRAMS option, and then at TOSHIBA SPEECH SYSTEM.  

3. Click WEB SPEAK. You will now see a small menu bar at the top of your computer screen.  

4. Click the MENU button, and then click SETTINGS. A Settings window will display.

5. Click the START WITH A BROWSER checkbox (you want it checked), which will open your Internet 
browser program each time you start Web Speak.

6. Click the ALWAYS KEEP THE MENU BAR VISIBLE checkbox if you want to have easy access to your 
Web Speak options (when selected, the Menu Bar won't be hidden by other programs you may be 

7. Leave the other options unchecked for now. You don't need them to get Web Speak started and 
can learn about these options later using the online help.

8. In the TEXT-TO-SPEECH list, we recommend you select the TOSHIBA MALE VOICE (this is the 
voice that will be used to read your Web pages and email; you can experiment with other voices 
later). To select it, click your mouse on it, and then click OK. 

9. Display the Web page that you would like Web Speak to read to you.

10.Double-click the mouse on any text word, and then click the ABC> button on the Web Speak 
menu bar to have that text read. If you want to read the full page, starting at the top, click 
the |> button. 


Voice Commands allow you to control your computer using your voice instead of your keyboard or 
mouse. And while it works very well, it will take some time for you to get used to pronouncing 
certain words so that the computer can understand them, and for the computer to get used to 
your voice and your unique working environment.  Take your time, speak in a strong voice (you 
don't need to yell), minimize the background noise, and in no time, you will be able to get 
your computer to do whatever you ask it to do (well, most of the time, there are some commands 
that Voice Commands simply can't understand).

To get started using Voice Commands:

1. Click the START button on the Windows taskbar.

2. Point your mouse at the ALL PROGRAMS option, and then at TOSHIBA SPEECH SYSTEM.  

3. Click CONFIGURE MICROPHONE and follow the instructions as they display on your computer 
screen to set the best sound level for your voice and working environment. If you have 
problems, refer to the online Help for details on adjusting the recording level so that the 
volume level indicator remains in the green zone.

4.Click the START button again, point your mouse at the ALL PROGRAMS option, and then at 


6. In the Task Tray on the lower right side of your computer screen, look for a "grayed out" 
yellow monitor with a green screen and headphones. Click the right mouse button on it, and then 

7. Maximize the Voice Command List screen so you can see all the available commands.

8. Click the TOOL menu option, and then click OPTIONS.

9. At the bottom of the displayed Options page, click the START/FINISH RECOGNITION BY KEY/MOUSE 
checkbox (you want it selected).

10. Click the START RECOGNITION BY PRESSING THE NEXT KEY checkbox. You should be able to see 
"Ctrl" in the key options list, but if not, click on the drop-down arrow and select it (click 

11. Click OK and you will return to the Command List.

12. Click VIEW on the menu bar, and then click ALWAYS ON TOP. This will keep the command list 
from being hidden by any other windows you may open.

You will see 3 items in a "tree" on the Command List. 

The GENERAL COMMANDS lists are useful commands, which can be used in many Windows programs. 
They help you navigate a program and control your work.  

The START A PROGRAM is a list of programs that can be opened on your command.  

The NO TITLE list will be different for each application program you open (Internet Explorer, 
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook, and so on). The Voice Command program will locate and list 
the commands that are used by the opened program and list them in the NO TITLE list. There are 
many hundreds of commands used by various software programs and not all will be understood by 
the Voice Command system. This may be confusing at first, but will become easily understood the 
longer you work with your programs, so don't give up simply because one or two commands doesn't 

The "Ctrl" key you selected above for voice input control is a push and release action that 
makes the speech recognition program listen to you. 

Press the "Ctrl" button and release it, and then say the command you want to execute. 
In the lower right corner of your computer screen, the system will display a confirmation box 
showing you what the system heard you say.  You must press and release the CTRL key before 
saying each command.  

Do not rush saying your commands. The program needs a short amount of time between commands to 
recognize and react.  If you rush the next one, the system may get confused and execute the 
incorrect command. There are settings you can specify to adjust the amount of time to wait 
between commands. For more information on specific procedures, refer to the online help for Speech Recognition Settings.  
To avoid noise and speech from causing "extra commands" set the Pause Length to a shorter time.  Keep trying 
until the system only hears one command.

We recommend that you start by practicing each of the GENERAL COMMANDS and don't be too 
concerned with what happens (nothing will be damaged). Once you get used to issuing commands, 
and the system is executing them successfully, move on to the RUN COMMANDS and practice issuing 
multiple commands  

Finally, use the online help to better understand the program details. This will help you 
become proficient at controlling your computer by voice command.  Also, be sure to meet our 
screensaver rabbit and have some fun while you're working so hard.


Computer: Pentium processor, 400 MHz or higher
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista
Memory Requirement: 128 MB or more
Sound Card: Sound board compatible with Sound Blaster


The TOSHIBA Speech System is:

1. Voice-composition software that analyzes document text and then vocalizes that text with an 
easily understood electronic voice.
2. Speech-recognition software that recognizes speech input from a microphone allowing you 
to control various Windows software application programs using voice enabled program commands.

3. Operates only with the Windows XP/Vista operating system.  Any user may operate the program 
but it can only be installed by a user with "Administrative Rights."

4. It is possible that some spoken words may not be recognized by the program.  The working 
environment (i.e., background noise), the manner in which words are pronounced (speed, volume, 
accent, etc.), or the content of the phrase as spoken (the "Run 'program name'" command phrases 
must be spoken as listed in the Voice Command List) may result in an incorrect interpretation of the word.

5. Not all Windows commands can be activated by voice command.


1. This software can only be installed by a user with "Administrative" rights.

2. When using Voice Commands with PowerPoint, the voice commands will not work if a 
PowerPoint dialog box is open.

3. Voice commands must be spoken as they are written in the Voice Command List.  If commands 
are not being recognized, open the Voice Commands List and verify that the command is listed 
and being pronounced correctly.


To uninstall the TOSHIBA Voice Recognition Speech program:

1. Click the START button on the Windows task bar and click CONTROL PANEL.

2. Double-click the mouse on the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS icon.

3. In the CURRENTLY INSTALLED PROGRAMS list, select (click on it) the "TOSHIBA Speech System 
Applications", and then click the CHANGE/REMOVE button.  

4. Select "TOSHIBA Speech System SR Engine (U.S.)" and click the CHANGE/REMOVE button. 

5. Select "TOSHIBA Speech System TTS Engine (U.S.)" and click the CHANGE/REMOVE button.  


Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft PowerPoint,
and Microsoft Speech API are trademarks or registered trademarks of the U.S. Microsoft Co., Ltd.
Pentium and Intel are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation.
SoundBlaster is a trademark of Creative Technologies Corp.

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web3, load: 0.65