README.TXT Driver File Contents (

Installing D-Link DE-220 Family Ethernet Adapter
For Setup/Diagnostic Program
    (c) 1997 Copyright D-Link Corporation  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

1.0 General SETUP Options
    1.1 No Option
    1.2 /D Option
    1.3 /F Option
2.0 Additional Information
    2.1 Files List
    2.2 Menu for Setup/Diagnostic Program
    2.3 Resource Options

1.0 General SETUP Options

    The SETUP.EXE program is responsible for configuring and confirming
    the functionality of the D-Link DE-220 Family Ethernet Adapters.

    To run this program, execute one of the following commands:

      SETUP /D
      SETUP /F

    1.1 No Option
        SETUP runs the standard setup. Running the program without
        switches will cover almost all situations. SETUP will allow
        changes to all hardware settings and diagnose most problems
        with the D-Link DE-220 Family Ethernet Adapters.

    1.2 /D Option
        SETUP /D allows the adapter to be setup non-interactive. This
        allows remote batch changes or to ease a multiple card setup.
        The SETUP program will load the configuration values from a
        SETUP.DAT text file. SETUP.DAT needs to be in the same directory
        as SETUP.EXE.

        Example SETUP.DAT file:
        Connector Type   UTP     ---> This sets the media type
        I/O Base Address 0x300   ---> This sets the I/O base address
        Interrupt Number 5       ---> This sets the IRQ number
        ROM Size         16k     ---> This sets the boot ROM size
        ROM Address      0xD0000 ---> This specifies the boot ROM address
        PNP              Enable  ---> This enables the PnP function
        FullDuplex       Enable  ---> This enables the full duplex function
                                      (DE220 revision D1 above only)

        The PnP function is only used with PnP-compliant adapters.
        SETUP/D only affects the parameters that are specified in the
        SETUP.DAT file; other configuration parameters will remain
        If the SETUP.DAT file specifies any parameter settings related to
        the boot ROM, the boot ROM will be automatically enabled. Otherwise,
        it is disabled.
        If the connector type is not specified, the driver will try to
        automatically detect a cable attached to it's media port(s).

    1.3 /F Option
        SETUP/F is to be used only if the adapter cannot configured
        by setup. In some cases using this function can permanently
        disable the card. Other trouble shooting options should exausted
        including contacting support before it is used.

2.0 Additional Information
    2.1 Files List
        A list the setup and diagnostic files:

        DE22X.COM   : The ODI driver
        DIAG.EXE    : The diagnostic program
        IPXODI.COM  : The IPX protocol driver for the ODI stack
        LSL.COM     : The link support layer for the ODI stack
        NET.CFG     : The ODI configuration file
        NETDIAG.EXE : The network diagnostic program for PnP adapters
        README.TXT  : Contains information on the usage of the setup program
        SETUP.DAT   : The configuration data file
        SETUP.EXE   : The Setup program

    2.2 Menu for Setup/Diagnostic Program
        The SETUP main menu provides three options:

        SetUp Configuration
        - This option allows you to manually specify configuration values
          for the adapter.

        Adapter Basic Diagnostics
        - This option performs a diagnostic test on the adapter

        Network Diagnostics
        - This option allows you to test the connectivity of the adapter
          on the network.

        SETUP also lets you view the current adapter configuration,

        Viewed items: Your Current Configuration
                    <1> Node ID
                    <2> Bus Mode
                    <3> Card Type
                    <4> I/O Base Address
                    <5> Interrupt Number

        Viewed/Changed items: Setup Configuration
                    <1> Connector Type
                    <2> I/O Base Address
                    <3> Interrupt Number
                    <4> Plug and play
                    <5> Full Duplex
                    <6> Remote Boot ROM Size/Address

        The following displays the SETUP main menu:

                        ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Main Menu ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»
                        º  SetUp Configuration         º
                        º  Adapter Basic Diagnostics   º
                        º  Network Diagnostics         º

        Select the Setup Configuration option to manually configure your

                   ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Setup Configuration ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿
                   ³                                         ³
                   ³ Connector Type ------> UTP (RJ-45)      ³
                   ³ I/O Base Address ----> 300              ³
                   ³ Interrupt Number ----> 3                ³
                   ³ Plug and Play -------> Disabled         ³
                   ³ Full Duplex ---------> Disabled         ³
                   ³ Remote Boot ---------> Disabled         ³

          The Connector Type field allows specification of the adapter's
          media port that will be used in its network connection.

          The I/O Base Address field allows specification of the I/O base
          address on the adapter.

          The Interrupt Number field allows specification of the IRQ
          number on the adapter.

          The Plug and Play field allows enabling or disabling of the PnP
          function on the adapter. This field only appears on the DE220P
          series of adapters.

          The Full Duplex field allows enabling or disabling of the Full
          Duplex function on the adapter. This field only appears on the
          DE220P series of adapters.

          The Remote Boot field allows you to use the remote boot function
          of the adapter. This however requires that you install a boot
          ROM chip on the provided socket on the adapter.

          The Boot ROM Address field allows specification of the starting
          address for the Boot ROM. This field only appears when the
          Boot ROM function is enabled.

          The Boot ROM Size field specifies the boot ROM size (in K). This
          field only appears when the Boot ROM function is enabled.

        The Adapter Basic Diagnostics option checks the major components
        on the adapter and network cable to ensure proper operation.
        The following is the screen print of the diagnostics screen...

         º  Node ID          : 00 80 C8 00 00 02                  º
         º  I/O Base Address : 300                                º
         º  Connector Type   : UTP (RJ-45)                        º
         º  Interrupt Number : 3                                  º
         º                       Cycle   0                        º
         º  Current I/O Base Address ...................  PASS    º
         º  DC-DC Convert, Oscillator, Crystal T7213 ...  PASS    º
         º  EEPROM .....................................  PASS    º
         º  LAN Setup Registers ........................  FAIL    º
         º  Memory .....................................  Testing º
         º  LAN Control Functions ......................  Unknown º
         º  Cable Connection ...........................  Unknown º
         º  Loopback Mode Testing ......................  Unknown º

        Select Network Diagnostics to perform a live transmission test for
        checking the adapter's network connectivity. This test requires that
        LSL.COM, DE22X.COM and IPXODI.COM be located on the same directory
        as the Setup program.

                    ÉÍÍÍÍ Network Diagnostic ÍÍÍÍ»
                    º Set up as a master station º
                    º Set up as a slave station  º

          The Network Diagnostics option tests the ability of the adapter
          to communicate with other stations on the network. This test
          requires one master station and one slave station. The master
          station is responsible for sending test packets to the network.
          The slave station is responsible for sending back these packets
          to the master station. There is good connectivity if all the
          packets sent by the master were able to come back.

          Before running this test, ensure to copy first LSL.COM,
          IPXODI.COM, DE22X.COM and NET.CFG to the same directory where
          the Setup program resides. Also, ensure that the slave and
          master stations use the same frame type specified in the net.cfg
          file. We provide everything you need in the \SETUP directory.
          To set up a station as master, select "Set up as a master
          station". To set up the other station as slave, select "Set up
          as a slave station".

          When you start the test, these messages appear on each station:

                              MASTER STATION

                      ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍ Master Station ÍÍÍÍÍÍ»
                      º Waiting Sending Receiving  º
                      º    \       |        /      º

                               SLAVE STATION

    º Node Address     : 00 80 C8 00 00 02                               º
    º I/O Base Address : 300                  Test started at : 20:06:10 º
    º Interrupt Number : 3                    Current time    : 20:10:50 º
    º                                                                    º
    º                                                                    º
    º Transmit Packet Length .................................  1234     º
    º Transmit Packet Counter ................................  1111     º
    º Transmit Time Out Counter ..............................  0        º
    º                                                                    º
    º Received Packet Length .................................  1234     º
    º Received Packet Counter ................................  1111     º
    º Received Error Counter .................................  0        º
    º No Response Counter ....................................  0        º
    º Data Mismatch Counter ..................................  0        º
    º                                                                    º

    2.3 Resource options

    Below displays the options for the DE220, DE220E, and DE220P.

                DE220 Adapter Series
        ³ KEYWORDS       ³      AVAILABLE SELECTIONS       ³
        ³ Connector Type ³  UTP, BNC, AUI                  ³
        ³ Interrupt      ³  3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15     ³
        ³    Number      ³                                 ³
        ³ I/O Base       ³  300H, 320H, 340H, 360H         ³
        ³    Address     ³                                 ³
        ³ ROM Size       ³  8K / 16K / 32K                 ³
        ³ ROM Address    ³  C8000H,CA000H,CC000H,CE000H,   ³
        ³                ³  D0000H,D2000H,D4000H,D6000H,   ³
        ³                ³  D8000H,DA000H,DC000H,DE000H    ³
        ³                ³  <Note>                         ³
        ³                ³  DC000 (Ethernet II frame type) ³

                DE220E Adapter Series
        ³ KEYWORDS       ³  AVAILABLE SELECTIONS           ³
        ³ Connector Type ³  UTP, BNC, AUI                  ³
        ³ Interrupt      ³  3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 14         ³
        ³    Number      ³                                 ³
        ³ I/O Base       ³  200H, 220H, 240H, 260H,        ³
        ³    Address     ³  300H, 320H, 340H, 360H         ³
        ³ ROM Size       ³  8K / 16K                       ³
        ³ ROM Address    ³  C8000H,CC000H,D0000H,D4000H    ³
        ³                ³  D8000H,DC000H                  ³

                DE220P Adapter Series
        ³ KEYWORDS       ³  AVAILABLE SELECTIONS           ³
        ³ Connector Type ³  UTP, BNC, AUI                  ³
        ³ Interrupt      ³  3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15     ³
        ³    Number      ³  Rev.C1/D1 don't support 4      ³
        ³ I/O Base       ³  240H, 260H, 280H, 2A0H         ³
        ³    Address     ³  2C0H, 2E0H, 300H, 320H         ³
        ³                ³  340H, 360H, 380H               ³
        ³ ROM Size       ³  8K / 16K                       ³
        ³                ³  <Note>                         ³
        ³                ³  16K only for Rev.C1/D1         ³
        ³ ROM Address    ³  C8000H,CC000H,D0000H,D4000H,   ³
        ³                ³  D8000H,DC000H                  ³
        ³ PNP            ³  Enable / Disable               ³
        ³ FullDuplex     ³  Enable / Disable               ³
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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