readme.txt Driver File Contents (setup_P111_00_007.exe)

README.TXT              MATROX GRAPHICS INC.             2007.27.08

                    Matrox Graphics BIOS Software 
           (for Matrox Parhelia and later graphics cards)


Note: This document and the associated software are currently 
available in English only. We apologize for the inconvenience.


- Overview
- Backing up your graphics BIOS
- Updating your graphics BIOS
- Matrox BIN files
- VESA (Super VGA) display mode support
- TV-output support (Matrox QID)
- Matrox VBE setup
- Troubleshooting


Included with this document is software to update or backup the
BIOS ("Basic Input/Output System") of your Matrox graphics 
hardware. The BIOS of your graphics hardware controls basic 
(low-level) graphics functions.

For a list of specific hardware models supported by this software, 
see "Matrox BIN files".

This document assumes you're familiar with the basics of the 
operating system you're using. For more information on how to use 
your operating system, see its documentation or your system manual.

Backing up your graphics BIOS

Before updating the BIOS of your Matrox graphics hardware, we 
recommend you back up the current BIOS of your Matrox graphics 

Windows 2000/XP or Vista
(1) Run "PBIOSWin", then click "Create a Matrox BIOS backup file".

(2) Select a file to save to (or keep the default file name 
    selected), then click "Save".

DOS (not under Windows)
(1) Copy the files included with this software to a directory on 
    your hard disk. For example, you can copy files to the root 
    directory on your "C:" drive.

(2) At a command prompt or DOS prompt, change to the directory 
    where you copied the files. For example, type "cd c:\" if you 
    copied the files to the root folder of your "C:" drive.

(3) Type:

        pbiosdos /o mtxbios.bin

    ("mtxbios.bin" is the name of the file that your graphics BIOS 
    information is saved to. Back up this file.)

Updating your graphics BIOS

Before updating the BIOS of your Matrox graphics hardware, we 
recommend you back up your graphics BIOS (see "Backing up your 
graphics BIOS"). To update your graphics BIOS:

Windows 2000/XP or Vista
(1) Run "PBIOSWin", then click "Update your Matrox BIOS".

(2) Select the BIN file appropriate for the BIOS of your Matrox 
    graphics hardware, then click "Open". For information on 
    available BIN files, see "Matrox BIN files".

DOS (not under Windows)
(1) Copy the files included with this software to a directory on 
    your hard disk. For example, you can copy files to the root 
    director on your "C:" drive.

(2) At a command prompt or DOS prompt, change to the directory 
    where you copied the files. For example, type "cd c:\" if you 
    copied the files to the root folder of your "C:" drive.

(3) Type:

        pbiosdos /i xxx-xx.bin

    In the previous command, replace "xxx-xx.bin" with the file 
    name of a BIN file included with this software (for example, 
    "971-20.bin") or a BIN file you previously created with 
    "PBIOSWin" or "PBIOSDOS". For information on available BIN 
    files, see "Matrox BIN files".

Matrox BIN files

One or more BIN (*.bin) files for your Matrox BIOS are included 
with this software. These BIN files are a copy or backup of the 
information in the BIOS of your Matrox graphics hardware. These 
files are used or created by "PBIOSWin" or "PBIOSDOS" (see 
"Backing up your graphics BIOS" and "Updating your graphics BIOS").

The following is a list of available BIN files and the Matrox 
hardware models they support:

File            Models
----            ------
971-22.bin     	- Matrox Parhelia 128MB* 
		- Matrox Parhelia 256MB* 
		- Matrox MED2mp-DVI* 
		- P-256 Edge Overlap Controller 

975-40.bin     	- Matrox Parhelia 128MB** 
		- Matrox Parhelia 256MB** 
		- Matrox MED2mp-DVI 
		- Matrox Sono S20 
		- Matrox PJ-3OL 
		- Matrox PJ-4OL 
		- Matrox MED5mp 
		- Matrox MED3mp-DVI 
		- Matrox MED5mp-DVI 
		- Matrox MED2mp-DVI** 
		- Matrox MED3mp-DVI 
		- Matrox MED5mp-DVI 
		- Matrox Parhelia PCI 
		- Matrox Parhelia Precision SGT 
		- Matrox ATC-4MP 
		- Matrox ATC-4MP 
		- Matrox TheatreVUE T30 
		- Matrox TheatreVUE T20 
		- Matrox MED2mp-DVI 
		- Matrox MED3mp-DVI 
		- Matrox MED5mp-DVI 
		- Matrox Parhelia DL256 PCI 
		- Matrox Parhelia Precision SDT 
		- Matrox MED4mp-DVI 
		- Matrox Parhelia HR256 
		- Matrox QID Pro 
		- Matrox PJ-4OLP 
		- Matrox EWS Quad 
		- Matrox PPX-OUT8 
		- Matrox VPX-OUT8 
		- Matrox PPX-OUT4 
		- Matrox VPX-OUT4 
		- Matrox LPX-OUT4 

976-37.bin     	- Matrox Millennium P750 
		- Matrox Millennium P650 
		- Matrox RAD2mp 
		- Matrox RAD3mp 
		- Matrox Sono S10 
		- Matrox QID 
		- Matrox Millennium P650 Low-profile PCI 
		- Matrox RAD PCI 
		- Matrox Spectrum PCI 
		- Matrox EpicA TC2 
		- Matrox QID LP PCI 
		- Matrox QID LP PCI LW 
		- Matrox EpicA TC4 
		- Matrox Extio F1400 
		- Matrox Extio F1220 
		- Matrox RG-400SL 
		- Matrox Extio F1420 

979-30.bin     	- Matrox RAD PCIe 
		- Matrox Millennium P650 PCIe 128 
		- Matrox Parhelia APVe 
		- Matrox ATC PCIe 4MP 
		- Matrox Millennium P650 LP PCIe 128 
		- Matrox Millennium P650 LP PCIe 64 
		- Matrox Millennium P650 PCIe x1 
		- Matrox QID LP PCIe 
		- Matrox Aurora VX3mp 
		- Matrox QID LP PCIe

981-10.bin      - Matrox Millennium P690 PCIe x16	
 	        - Matrox ONYX 
 		- Matrox SPECTRA 
 		- Matrox Millennium P690 Plus LP PCIe x16 
 		- Matrox Millennium P690 LP PCIe x16 
 		- Matrox Millennium P690 Plus LP PCI 
 		- Matrox Millennium P690 PCI 64 
 		- Matrox Millennium P690 LP PCIe x1 	

*  Versions designed for AGP 2x and 4x systems

** Versions designed for PCI or AGP 2x, 4x, AND 8x systems

VESA (Super VGA) display mode support

Some DOS-based programs (for example, games and older CAD 
programs) use VESA (Super VGA) display modes.

The following VESA display modes are supported:

  Graphics modes
  |   Display     |           Simultaneous display colors         |
  |  resolution   |   16    |   256   |   32 K  |   64 K  | 16 M  |
  |  640 x 400    |   ---   |   100   |   ---   |   ---   |  ---  |
  |  640 x 480    |  (VGA)  |   101   |   110   |   111   |  112  |
  |  800 x 600    |   102   |   103   |   113   |   114   |  115  |
  | 1024 x 768    |   ---   |   105   |   116   |   117   |  118  |
  | 1280 x 1024   |   ---   |   107   |   119   |   11A   |  11B  |
  | 1600 x 1200   |   ---   |   11C   |   11D   |   11E   |  11F  |

  Text modes
  |              |                 Rows                  |
  |   Columns    |    25   |    43   |    50   |    60   |
  |      80      |   ---   |   ---   |   ---   |   108   |
  |     132      |   109   |   10A   |   10B   |   10C   |

TV-output support (Matrox QID)

The BIOS ("Basic Input/Output System") for Matrox QID product 
supports TV-output in DOS and VGA display modes. To match the TV 
standard used by your video devices, you may need to change the TV 
standard used by your Matrox product. To change the TV standard of 
your Matrox product:

Windows 2000/XP or Vista
(1) Run "PBIOSWin", then click "Change your TV output standard".

(2) Select your TV standard: "NTSC"(used in North America and 
    Japan, among other places) or "PAL"(used in most of Western 
    Europe and in China, among other places)

(3) You may need to restart your system for the changes to take 


(1) Copy the files included with this software to a directory on 
    your hard disk. For example, you can copy files to the root 
    directory on your "C:" drive.

(2) At a command prompt or DOS prompt, change to the directory 
    where you copied the files. For example, type "cd c:\" if you 
    copied the files to the root folder of your "C:" drive.

(3) Depending on your TV standard, type:

        pbiosdos /tvout ntsc


        pbiosdos /tvout pal

(4) You need to restart your system for the changes to take effect.

Matrox VBE Setup

BIOS ("Basic Input/Output System") information is stored on your 
Matrox graphics hardware. This information is for basic graphics 
functions and includes support for VBE ("Video BIOS Extension") 
display modes. The specifications for VBE modes are defined by 
VESA ("Video Electronics Standards Association").

VBE modes may be used by some older DOS-based Super VGA programs 
and by the BIOS of your computer. (The BIOS of your computer is 
separate from, and not to be confused with, the BIOS of your 
Matrox graphics hardware.) Your computer BIOS may use a VBE 
display mode, for example, to display the logo of the computer 
manufacturer immediately after you restart your computer.

The BIOS of some computers may not properly handle information 
from the Matrox BIOS and, as a result, you may experience problems 
with VBE display modes. If you experience problems with VBE 
display modes, it's most likely to be with mode 101h (101 
hexadecimal: 640 x 480, 256 colors). This mode is sometimes used 
to display the logo of the computer manufacturer immediately after 
the computer restarts. If this mode is improperly handled, the 
image on the screen may be garbled. Problems with VBE display 
modes don't affect any software that uses a Matrox display driver 
(for example, Windows software).

If you experience problems with a garbled display immediately 
after you restart your computer, contact the manufacturer of your 
computer for a possible software update for your computer BIOS.

If an update isn't available for your computer BIOS, you may be 
able to configure the BIOS of your computer to use a different 
display mode or to display a blank screen when you restart your 
computer. For example, on some computers, the "Boot Time 
Diagnostic Screen" setting determines what (text or full-screen 
logo) is displayed immediately after your computer restarts.

If an update isn't available for your computer BIOS and this BIOS 
can't be configured to use a different display mode, you can use 
the "Matrox VBE Setup" program to disable (or enable) mode 101h. 
If this display mode is disabled and your computer normally uses 
this mode immediately after restarting, your computer screen may 
be blank until the operating system (for example, Windows XP) 
starts. (A blank screen may be preferable to a garbled screen 

Another option is to use the "Matrox System Logo Fix" program to 
reconfigure mode 101h for this special case.

If your system logo is correct but displays the wrong colors, use 
the "Matrox System Logo Color Fix" program to fix this problem.

VBE Setup usage
To use the "Matrox VBE Setup" program to enable or disable mode 
101h, simply start the "ParVBE" program from Windows and follow 
the on-screen instructions. This program will change the BIOS of 
your Matrox graphics hardware.

System Logo Fix usage
To use the "Matrox System Logo Fix" program to reconfigure mode 
101h, simply start the "SystemLogoFix" program from Windows and 
enable the "System logo fix" option. This program will change the 
BIOS of your Matrox graphics hardware.

System Logo Color Fix usage
To fix the colors of your system logo, first make sure you update 
your graphics BIOS. (For more information on updating your 
graphics BIOS, see "Updating your graphics BIOS".)

After your graphics BIOS is updated, run the "Matrox System Logo 
Color Fix" program. Simply start the "SystemLogoColorFix" program 
from Windows and follow the on-screen instructions. This program 
will change the BIOS of your Matrox graphics hardware.

Matrox BIOS backup
Before using any software to change your Matrox BIOS, we recommend 
you back up your Matrox BIOS. To back up your Matrox BIOS, see 
"Backing up your graphics BIOS".

WARNING: Don't restart or turn off your computer while the BIOS of 
your Matrox graphics hardware is being updated. Otherwise, your 
computer display or displays may become unusable.

Note: If the update of the Matrox BIOS is unexpectedly interrupted 
and your computer display or displays become unusable (for 
example, as a result of a power failure during the BIOS update), 
you may be able to restore your graphics hardware with a backup of 
your Matrox BIOS.


If "emm386.exe" is used in your "config.sys" file, the 
"X=C000-CFFF" option must be used. For example:

device=c:\windows\command\emm386.exe AUTO NOEMS X=C000-CFFF
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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