Mdmntstm.inf Driver File Contents (

; Copyright Smart Link Ltd.,1995-2002
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
; INF file for SoftModem device
; Version: Ver3.60.03
; Subversion: MV
; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++





Modem1 = "NetComm 56K USB Modem"
ModemProvider = "NetComm"
SWVendor = "NetComm"
InstallDiskTitle1 = "NetComm 56K USB Modem drivers disk"
HWVendor = "NetComm"
HWVersion="NetComm 56K USB"
SLDevice="MV (CID\SPK)"


MTL.COPY.NT = 10, System32\Drivers   ;  \Windows\System32\Driver
CoinstCopy.NT = 11



AddReg= All, All.nt, MfgAddReg, Modem1.AddReg, INTERNAL, Strings1, ControlNamesSect, Voice_Serwave, Voice_All, DefaultCountry, DefaultCountryEx

slrundll.exe, slrundll.ex_

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\Setup,InstallSource,,"%01%"

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\Speaker,Show,1,02,00,00,00
HKR,, ControlSum, 1, 17,03,19,82
HKR,,DCB,1, 1C,00,00,00, 00,08,07,00, 15,20,00,00, 00,00, 0a,00, 0a,00, 08, 00, 00, 11, 13, 00, 00, 00
HKR,Init,1,0, "AT<cr>"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver,PcmUpstreamEnabled,65537,0
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver,QuickConnectEnabled,65537,1
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver,V44Config,65537,1
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Services\SLExtSpk@SLGenSpk, State, 65537, 1
HKR,,Options.SurpriseRemovalOK,1, 00,00,00,00
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\HALDriver, ESSM, 1, 01,00,00,00
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\HALDriver, RateIn, 1, 80,25,00,00
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\HALDriver, RateOut, 1, 80,25,00,00
HKR, Fax, PreDialCommand,, ""

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Drivers,SpeakerDriver,,"SlnthalDevice0"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Drivers, SLLightDriver,,"SLIOLights"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\HWDriver,Opt.UseBiosSleepState, 1,01,00,00,00
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country,"AutoXP",,"1"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Drivers, DPDriver,,"MTLSTRM"



HKR,Init,2,0, "AT &F E0 V1 &A3 &D2 &C1 S0=0<cr>"
HKR,,InactivityScale, 1, 3c,00,00,00
HKR, Monitor, 1,, "ATS0=0<cr>"
HKR, Monitor, 2,, "None"
HKR, Hangup,1,, "ATH<cr>"
HKR, Answer, 1,, "ATA<cr>"
HKR,,Reset,0, "ATZ<cr>"
HKR,Settings,Prefix,0, "AT"
HKR,Settings,Pulse,0, "P"
HKR,Settings,Tone,0, "T"

HKR, Settings, Terminator,, "<cr>"

HKR,Settings,DialPrefix,0, "D"
HKR,Settings,DialSuffix,0, ";"

HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Off,,     "&H0"
HKR, Settings, FlowControl_Hard,,    "&H1"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_On,,     "\N3"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Off,,    "\N0"
HKR, Settings, ErrorControl_Forced,, "\N2"

HKR, Settings, Modulation_CCITT,, "B0"

HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_Off,,"N0"
HKR, Settings, SpeedNegotiation_On,, "N1"

HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Low,,   "L1"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_Med,,   "L2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerVolume_High,,  "L3"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Off,,     "M0"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Dial,,    "M1"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_On,,      "M2"
HKR, Settings, SpeakerMode_Setup,,   "M3"

HKR, Settings, Blind_Off,,       "X4"
HKR, Settings, Blind_On,,        "X3"
HKR, Settings, Compression_On,,  "%%C3"
HKR, Settings, Compression_Off,, "%%C0"


;HKR,Responses,"<cr>",1,           01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
;HKR,Responses,"<lf>",1,           01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>",1,             00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>RING<cr><lf>",1,           08, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>NO CARRIER<cr><lf>",1,     04, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>ERROR<cr><lf>",1,          03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>DELAYED<cr><lf>",1,        03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>BLACKLISTED<cr><lf>",1,    03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>DISCONNECT<cr><lf>",1,     04, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>NO DIALTONE<cr><lf>",1,    05, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>BUSY<cr><lf>",1,           06, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>NO ANSWER<cr><lf>",1,      07, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0

HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>PROTOCOL: NONE",1,         01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>PROTOCOL: LAPM",1,         01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>PROTOCOL: MNP",1,          01, 02, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0

HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>COMPRESSION: NONE",1,      01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>COMPRESSION: V.42BIS",1,   01, 01, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>COMPRESSION: V.44",1,   	  01, 01, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>COMPRESSION: CLASS 5",1,   01, 01, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0

HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.21",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.22",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.22BIS",1,    01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.32",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.32BIS",1,    01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.34",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: B103",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: B212",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: K56FLEX",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.90",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: V.92",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>MODULATION: TEST",1,       01, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0

HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT<cr><lf>",1,        02, 00, 00,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 75<cr><lf>",1,   02, 00, 4B,00,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 300<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 2C,01,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ; 012C
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 600<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 58,02,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ; 0258
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 1200<cr><lf>",1,   02, 00, B0,04,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 2400<cr><lf>",1,   02, 00, 60,09,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 4800<cr><lf>",1,   02, 00, C0,12,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 7200<cr><lf>",1,   02, 00, 20,1C,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 9600<cr><lf>",1,   02, 00, 80,25,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 12000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, E0,2E,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 14400<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 40,38,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 16800<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, A0,41,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 19200<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 00,4B,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 21600<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 60,54,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 24000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, C0,5D,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 26400<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 20,67,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 28000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 60,6D,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;   6D60
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 28800<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 80,70,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 29333<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 96,72,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;47  7295
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 30666<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, CA,77,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;  48    77CA
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 31200<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, E0,79,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 32000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 00,7D,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 33333<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 35,82,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;49   8235
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 33600<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 40,83,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 34000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, D0,84,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 34666<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 6A,87,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;50  876A
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 36000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, A0,8C,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 37333<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, D5,91,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;51  91D5
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 38000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 70,94,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 38400<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 00,96,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 38666<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 0A,97,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;52  970A
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 40000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 40,9C,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 41333<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 75,A1,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;53  A175
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 42000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 10,A4,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 42666<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, AA,A6,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;54  A6AA
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 44000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, E0,AB,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 45333<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 15,B1,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;55  B115
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 46000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, B0,B3,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 46666<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 4A,B6,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;56  B64A
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 48000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 80,BB,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 49333<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, B5,C0,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;57  C0B5
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 50000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 50,C3,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 50666<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, EA,C5,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;58  C5EA
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 52000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 20,CB,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 53333<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 55,D0,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;59  D055
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 54000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, F0,D2,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 54666<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 8A,D5,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;60  D58A
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 56000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, C0,DA,00,00, 0,0,0,0
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 57600<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 00,E1,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;  E100
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 58000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 90,E2,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;  E290
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 60000<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 60,EA,00,00, 0,0,0,0 ;  EA60
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 115200<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 00,C2,01,00, 0,0,0,0  ; 01C200
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 230400<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 00,84,03,00, 0,0,0,0 ; 038400
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 460800<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 00,08,07,00, 0,0,0,0 ; 070800
HKR,Responses,"<cr><lf>CONNECT 921160<cr><lf>",1,  02, 00, 48,0E,0E,00, 0,0,0,0 ; 0E0E48

HKR, Responses, "0<cr>", 1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "1<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "2<cr>", 1, 08, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "3<cr>", 1, 04, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "4<cr>", 1, 03, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "5<cr>", 1, 02, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "6<cr>", 1, 05, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "7<cr>", 1, 06, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "8<cr>", 1, 07, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR,Fax\Class1\AdaptiveAnswer,HostCommandDataDetect,, "ATO"

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\0, AcceptSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\0, RejectSeq,, ""
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\0, ResumeIncomingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\0, ResumeOutgoingSeq,, "!!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\0, OutgoingSeq,,"!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\0, Name,,"General"

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\1, AcceptSeq,, "!2"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\1, RejectSeq,, ""
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\1, ResumeIncomingSeq,, "!1"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\1, ResumeOutgoingSeq,, "!!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\1, OutgoingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\1, Name,,""

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\2, AcceptSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\2, RejectSeq,, ""
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\2, ResumeIncomingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\2, ResumeOutgoingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\2, OutgoingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\2, Name,,"Default PBX"

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\3, AcceptSeq,, "!2"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\3, RejectSeq,, ""
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\3, ResumeIncomingSeq,, "!2"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\3, ResumeOutgoingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\3, OutgoingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\3, Name,,"China"

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\4, AcceptSeq,, "!2"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\4, RejectSeq,, "!1"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\4, ResumeIncomingSeq,, "!1"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\4, ResumeOutgoingSeq,, "!1"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\4, OutgoingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\4, Name,,"Ireland"

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\5, AcceptSeq,, "!2"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\5, RejectSeq,, "!0"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\5, ResumeIncomingSeq,, "!"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\5, ResumeOutgoingSeq,, "!1"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\5, OutgoingSeq,, "!1"
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver\Country\FlashProfiles\5, Name,,"EURO 2"


HKR,, SpeakerPhoneSpecs,         1, 00,00,00,00,  0f,00,00,00, 03,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, SpeakerPhoneEnable,         1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneDisable,        1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneDisable,        2,, "at#spk=0,15,,<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneDisable,        3,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneMute,           1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneMute,           2,, "at#spk=0,,,<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneUnMute,         1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneUnMute,         2,, "at#spk=1,,,<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneSetVolumeGain,  1,, "at#vls=6<cr>"
HKR, SpeakerPhoneSetVolumeGain,  2,, "at#spk=,<Vol>,<Gain><cr>"

HKR, EnableCallerID,           1,, "at#cid=1<cr>"
HKR,, ForwardDelay,            1,88,13
HKR, CloseHandset,             1,, "at#cls=0<cr>"
HKR,, CallerIDPrivate,,        "P"
HKR,, CallerIDOutSide,,        "O"
HKR,, VariableTerminator,,<cr><lf>
HKR, GenerateDigit,            1,, "at#vts=<Digit><cr>"

HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>VCON<cr><lf>",    1, 00, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "<cr><lf>DATE = ", 1, 93, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "TIME = ", 1, 94, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NMBR = ", 1, 95, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "NAME = ", 1, 96, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00
HKR, Responses, "MESG = ", 1, 97, 00, 00,00,00,00, 00,00,00,00

HKR,, HandsetCloseDelay,     1, 05,00,00,00
HKR, StartPlay,              1,, "at#vtx<cr>"
HKR, StopPlay,               1,, "None"
HKR, StopPlay,               2,, "NoResponse"
HKR, StartRecord,            1,, "at#vrx<cr>"
HKR, StopRecord,             1,, "at<cr>"
HKR, StopRecord,             2,, "at<cr>"
HKR,, TerminateRecord,,      "<cr>"
HKR,, TerminatePlay,,        "<h10><h03>at<cr>"
HKR,, AbortPlay,,            "<h10><h18>at<cr>"
HKR, LineSetPlayFormat,      1,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, LineSetRecordFormat,    1,, "None"
HKR, LineSetRecordFormat,    2,, "NoResponse"
HKR, HandsetSetRecordFormat, 1,,"at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, HandsetSetRecordFormat, 2,,"at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR, HandsetSetPlayFormat,   1,,"at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, HandsetSetPlayFormat,   2,,"at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR, VoiceToDataAnswer,      1,, "at#cls=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceToDataAnswer,      2,, "ata<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,            1,, "at#cls=8<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,            2,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,            3,, "at#vbt=1<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,            4,, "at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,            5,, "at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR, VoiceAnswer,            6,, "ata<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,   1,, "at#cls=8<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,   2,, "at#vls=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,   3,, "at#vrn=0<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,   4,, "at#vbt=1<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,   5,, "at#vsr=7200<cr>"
HKR, VoiceDialNumberSetup,   6,, "at#vbs=4<cr>"
HKR,, VoiceBaudRate,  1, 00, c2, 01, 00
HKR, WaveDriver, XformModule,  , "umdmxfrm.dll"
HKR, WaveDriver, XformID,     1, 01, 00
HKR, WaveDriver, BaudRate,    1, 00, c2, 01, 00
HKR, WaveDriver, WaveDevices, 1, 01, 00
HKR, WaveDriver, WaveHardwareID, , "HALFDUPLEX"
HKR,, VoiceManufacturerID,  1, 01,00
HKR,, VoiceProductIDWaveIn, 1, 80,00
HKR,, VoiceProductIDWaveOut,1, 81,00
;HKR,, VoiceProductIDHandsetWaveIn,1, 82,00
;HKR,, VoiceProductIDHandsetWaveOut,1, 83,00
;HKR,, VoiceMixerMid,          1,02,00
HKR,, VoiceMixerPid,          1,99,01
HKR,, VoiceMixerLineID,       1,00,00,05,00
HKR,, VoiceProfile,          1, 21,12,08,02

HKR,, Properties, 1, 00,01,00,00, ff,00,00,00, ff,00,00,00, 07,00,00,00, 0f,00,00,00, 97,03,00,00, 00,10,0E,00, C0,DA,00,00

HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\DPDriver, AcceleratedResponsiveness, 1, 00, 00, 00, 00
HKR, HostBasedModemData\Parameters\HALDriver, Log, 1, 00,00,00,00

HKR, Strings1, 1,, "Active Profile:"
HKR, Strings1, 2,, "Stored Profile %u:"
HKR, Strings1, 3,, "Telephone Numbers:"
HKR, Strings1, 4,, "Phone%i=%s"
HKR, Strings1, 5,, "SLDevice"
HKR, Strings1, 6,, "MO"
HKR, Strings1, 9,, "CID"
HKR, Strings1, 10,,"SPK"
HKR, Strings1, 11,,"HSet"
HKR, Strings1, 12,,"EZP"
HKR, Strings1, 13,,"VoiceProfile"
HKR, Strings1, 14,,"0,1,2,3,6"
HKR, Strings1, 15,,"0,2,3,6"
HKR, Strings1, 16,,"+ES:(0-4),(0-4),(0-5)"
HKR, Strings1, 17,,"+ES:%u,%u,%u"
HKR, Strings1, 18,,"Can't load Stream Manager"
HKR, Strings1, 19,,"Can't open Stream Manager"
HKR, Strings1, 20,,"Modem data is corrupted"
HKR, Strings1, 21,,"ControlNames"
;HKR, Strings1, 22 - see below
;HKR, Strings1, 24 - see below
HKR, Strings1, 25,,"ControlSum"
HKR, Strings1, 26,,"Model"
HKR, Strings1, 27,,"ModelVersion"
HKR, Strings1, 28,,"Manufacturer"
HKR, Strings1, 29,,"SWVendor"
HKR, Strings1, 30,,"SWVersion"
HKR, Strings1, 31,,"SLDevice"
HKR, Strings1, 32,,"HWVendor"
HKR, Strings1, 33,,"HWVersion"
HKR, Strings1, 34,,"SRegs"
HKR, Strings1, 35,,"Serial Number: %x%s"
HKR, Strings1, 36,,"Protocol Factor: %x%s"
HKR, Strings1, 37,,"Test1"
HKR, Strings1, 38,,"S32=254 S145=%i A"
HKR, Strings1, 39,,"x1 S11=0 dt0"
HKR, Strings1, 40,,"x1 S11=0 dt1"
HKR, Strings1, 41,,"x1 S11=0 dt2"
HKR, Strings1, 42,,"x1 S11=0 dt3"
HKR, Strings1, 43,,"x1 S11=0 dt4"
HKR, Strings1, 44,,"x1 S11=0 dt5"
HKR, Strings1, 45,,"x1 S11=0 dt6"
HKR, Strings1, 46,,"x1 S11=0 dt7"
HKR, Strings1, 47,,"x1 S11=0 dt8"
HKR, Strings1, 48,,"x1 S11=0 dt9"
HKR, Strings1, 49,,"x1 S11=0 dt*"
HKR, Strings1, 50,,"x1 S11=0 dt#"
HKR, Strings1, 51,,"x1 S11=0 dtA"
HKR, Strings1, 52,,"x1 S11=0 dtB"
HKR, Strings1, 53,,"x1 S11=0 dtC"
HKR, Strings1, 54,,"x1 S11=0 dtD"
HKR, Strings1, 71,,"Dialing... %s"

HKR, Strings1, 72,,"ListUD"
HKR, Strings1, 73,,"DIAG <2A4D3263 %s>%s"
HKR, Strings1, 74,,"20"
HKR, Strings1, 75,,"18"
HKR, Strings1, 76,," "
HKR, Strings1, 77,,"20"
HKR, Strings1, 78,,"LastHookOnTime"
HKR, Strings1, 79,,"%3smin."
HKR, Strings1, 80,,"No. Called Blocked Phone%s"
HKR, Strings1, 81,,"%-2i  %02i   %-7s   %s%s"
HKR, Strings1, 85,,"2"
HKR, Strings1, 86,,"300"
HKR, Strings1, 87,,"Country: %s%s"
HKR, ListUD, 000,,"000 2 00="
HKR, ListUD, 001,,"004 1 01="
HKR, ListUD, 002,,"008 1 02="
HKR, ListUD, 003,,"012 1 03="
HKR, ListUD, 004,,"016 s 04=%024s"
HKR, ListUD, 005,,"030 s 05=%024s"
HKR, ListUD, 016,,"128 4 16="
HKR, ListUD, 017,,"132 2 17="
HKR, ListUD, 018,,"136 i 18=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 020,,"168 b 20=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 021,,"172 b 21=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 022,,"176 i 22=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 023,,"180 i 23=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 024,,"184 i 24=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 025,,"188 i 25=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 026,,"192 i 26=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 027,,"196 i 27=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 030,,"232 2 30="
HKR, ListUD, 031,,"236 2 31="
HKR, ListUD, 032,,"240 2 32="
HKR, ListUD, 033,,"244 2 33="
HKR, ListUD, 034,,"248 4 34="
HKR, ListUD, 035,,"252 4 35="
HKR, ListUD, 040,,"296 2 40="
HKR, ListUD, 041,,"300 3 41="
HKR, ListUD, 042,,"304 2 42="
HKR, ListUD, 043,,"308 2 43="
HKR, ListUD, 044,,"312 2 44="
HKR, ListUD, 045,,"316 4 45="
HKR, ListUD, 050,,"360 1 50="
HKR, ListUD, 051,,"364 1 51="
HKR, ListUD, 052,,"368 i 52=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 053,,"372 i 53=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 054,,"376 i 54=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 055,,"380 i 55=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 056,,"384 i 56=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 057,,"388 i 57=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 058,,"392 i 58=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 059,,"396 i 59=%x"
HKR, ListUD, 060,,"424 2 60="
HKR, ListUD, 061,,"428 2 61="
HKR, ListUD, 128,,"552 i 128=%x"
HKR, Strings1, 88,,"TP"
HKR, Strings1, 7,, "MV"
HKR, Strings1, 8,, "MA"
HKR, Strings1, 22,,"(21,22,122,23,32,132,34,90,103,212),(0,1),(75-56000),(75-56000)"
HKR, Strings1, 24,1, 8,15,16,7a, 17,20,84,22, 86,67,d4,64, ff,5a,5b, 0
HKR, SRegs, 45,,"251"
HKR, SRegs, 41,,"2"
HKR, SRegs, 32,,"92"
HKR, SRegs, 138,,"128"
HKR, SRegs, 139,,"128"
HKR, SRegs, 152,,"128"
HKR, SRegs, 153,,"128"
HKR, SRegs, 154,,"128"
HKR, SRegs, 135,,"100"
HKR, SRegs, 136,,"100"
HKR, SRegs, 137,,"12"
HKR, SRegs, 141,,"12"
HKR, SRegs, 214,,"0"

HKR, ControlNames, SLDevice,,""
HKR, ControlNames, HWVendor,,""
HKR, ControlNames, HWVersion,,""
HKR, ControlNames, SWVendor,,""
HKR, ControlNames, SWVersion,,""
HKR, ControlNames, ModelVersion,,""
HKR, ControlNames, ModemProvider,,""

mtlmnt5.sys, mtlmnt5.sy_
mtlstrm.sys, mtlstrm.sy_
slnthal.sys, slnthal.sy_
ntmtlfax.sys, ntmtlfax.sy_
RecAgent.sys, RecAgent.sy_



DisplayName    = Mtlmnt5
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_MANUAL_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\Mtlmnt5.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Base

DisplayName    = Mtlstrm
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_MANUAL_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\Mtlstrm.sys

DisplayName    = NtMtlFax
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_MANUAL_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\NtMtlFax.sys

ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_MANUAL_START
ErrorControl   = 0                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NONE
LoadOrderGroup = Base
DisplayName    = "USB Soft Modem Driver"
ServiceBinary  = %12%\slnt7554.sys

DisplayName    = SlNtHal
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_MANUAL_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\Slnthal.sys

AddService = Mtlmnt5, 0x00000000, Modem1.NT.Serv.Mtlmnt5
AddService = Mtlstrm, 0x00000000, Modem1.NT.Serv.Mtlstrm
AddService = NtMtlFax, 0x00000000, Modem1.NT.Serv.NtMtlFax
Addservice = SlNtHal,0x00000000, Modem1.NT.Serv.SlNtHal
AddService = RecAgent, 0x00000000, Modem1.NT.Serv.RecAgent
Addservice = Slnt7554,0x00000000, Modem1.NT.Serv.HwDriver
Addservice = SlWdmSup,0x00000000, Modem1.NT.Serv.SlWdmSup

DisplayName    = RecAgent
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 0                  ; SERVICE_MANUAL_START
ErrorControl   = 1                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
ServiceBinary  = %12%\RecAgent.sys

HKR, Parameters, UnloadPriority, 0x00010001, 1

HKR, Parameters, TraceDevice, 0x00010001, 3
HKR, Parameters, TraceOutputLevel, 0x00010001, 100
HKR, Parameters, TraceBreakLevel, 0x00010001, 100
HKR, Parameters, BreakOnEntry, 0x00010001, 0
HKR, Devices\SlNtHalDevice\0, Reserved,, ""
HKR, Parameters, SlHwDrvPnpDevName,, SLinkUsbMon



slgen.dll, slgen.dl_
coinst.dll, coinst.dl_
slserv.exe, slserv.ex_
slextspk.dll, slextspk.dl_

DisplayName    = SlWdmSup
ServiceType    = 1                  ; SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER
StartType      = 3                  ; SERVICE_MANUAL_START
ErrorControl   = 0                  ; SERVICE_ERROR_NONE
ServiceBinary  = %12%\SlWdmSup.sys

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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