README.TXT Driver File Contents (

              LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card
                Driver Diskette (Ver 1.40) Overview

               1.  DISKETTE CONTENTS
               2.  ENABLER
               3.  DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM
               4.  NETWARE DOS ODI DRIVER
               5.  PACKET DRIVER
               8.  NDIS2 DRIVER FOR LAN MANAGER V2.1
               9.  NDIS4 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS 95
              10.  NDIS4 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS 98
              11.  NDIS4 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS NT 4.0
              12.  NDIS5 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS 2000
              13.  LINUX DRIVER


      Files and
      Subdirectories      Contents
      \README.TXT          This file
      \CBRSET.EXE          DOS Mode Setup And Diagnostic Program 
      \RTPCI.EXE           DOS Mode CardBus Enabler
      \RTBIOS.COM          DOS Mode CardBus BIOS Enhancer (for command prompt)
      \RTBIOS.SYS          DOS Mode CardBus BIOS Enhancer (for CONFIG.SYS)
      \CARDGO.BAT          PCMCIA Client Batch File
      \FPC0106T.INF         Setup file for Windows 95 / 98
      \FPC0106T.SYS         NDIS driver for Windows 95 / 98
      \WFW311              Directory of NDIS V2.0 Enhance Mode Driver for WFW311
      \MSLANMAN.DOS        Directory of NDIS V2.0 Driver for Lan Manager V2.1
      \NDIS2               Directory of NDIS V2.0 Driver
      \NETWARE.ODI         Directory of Novell Netware DOS ODI Driver
      \PKTDRV              Directory of FTP Compliant Packet Driver Directory
      \LANTASTI.V60        Directory of NDIS V2.0 Driver for Lantastic V6.0
      \WIN2000             Directory of NDIS5 Driver for Windows 20000
      \WINDIAG\NT4         Directory of Diagnostic Program for Windows NT 4.0
      \WINDIAG\WIN9X       Directory of Diagnostic Program for Windows 9x
      \WINDIAG\WIN2000     Directory of Diagnostic Program for Windows 2000
      \WINNT40             Directory of NDIS V3.1 Driver for Windows NT 4.0

[2] ENABLER (For DOS and Windows 3.1 Only)

      The enabler is a  CardBus controller enable  program. This enable
      program only need for DOS and Windows 3.x system. It does not require
      the Card & Socket Services driver to be loaded.
      To load the enabler properly, check your system file config.sys.
      Add this line
      In order to work well with emm386, remove the argument "NOEMS" as  
      or edit it as 
	"device=c:\dos\emm386 x=d000-d3ff"
      or remark it as
	"rem device=c:\dos\emm386"	
      To load the enabler program, type

      CARDGO [/iXX][/mXXXX][/?]

      in DOS command line, or


      in config.sys file.


      [/iXX]     This specifies the hardware interrupt (IRQ) where your
               card will be indicated.
               The valid IRQs are 0-15.

      [/pXXXX]  This specifies the IO Base address. The valid
               MEMs are 1000-FF80.

      [/?]         This specifies to indicate the program to display all
               the possible syntax only.

      If no any parameters given, enabler will find an available setting


       CBRSET.EXE is a complete setup and diagnostic program running on DOS
       environment. Users can make run it to make sure if the card is good
       or not.

       [Note] Before execute diagnostic program, you must make sure the enabler
          programs, rtpci.exe and (or rtbios.sys), are loaded.

       The diagnostic programs for Windows environments are under \WinDiag
       subdirectory. The \WinDiag\Nt4, \WinDiag\Win9x, and \WinDiag\Win2000
       contains the diagnostic programs for Windows NT4.0, Windows 95/98, and
       Windows 2000 respectively. To install the diagnostic, please refer to
       the ReadMe.TXT file under the associated diagnostic program subdirectory.



    1. Follow the section [2] ENABLER to load the enabler program.
    2. Make sure that the LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card is inserted.
    3. Insert the driver diskette in the floppy drive. Choose the directory 
    4. Copy all files to your local directory.
    5. Execute STARTNET.bat, and the driver is installed.


    The RTSPKT.COM is the Packet driver.
    To load the packet driver , type RTSPKT 0X60.

    RTSPKT    [options] <packet_int_no> [media_type]

       -i -- Force driver to report itself as IEEE 802.3 instead of Ethernet II.
       -d -- Delayed initialization.  Used for diskless booting
       -n -- NetWare conversion.  Converts 802.3 packets into 8137 packets
       -w -- Windows hack, obsoleted by winpkt
       -p -- Promiscuous mode disable
       -u -- Uninstall

       media_type ::  auto    = Auto_negotiation
                      10half  = Force 10M/HalfDuplex
                      10full  = Force 10M/FullDuplex
                      100half = Force 100M/HalfDuplex
                      100full = Force 100M/FullDuplex



    1. Follow the section [2] ENABLER to install the enabler program
       as device drivers.
    2. Install Artisoft LANTastic, and sepcify C:\LANTASTI as the
       destination directory.
    3. When "Select Network Adapter" screen pops up, choose "NDIS support
       for Network Adapter".
    4. When install program prompts you the "manufacturer's driver disk"
       on the "Enter NDIS driver directory" screen, insert the driver disk.
    5. Complete the installation, then reboot the computer and start LANTastic.



    1. Follow the section [2] ENABLER to install the enabler program.
    2. Run Windows by typing WIN from the DOS prompt.
    3. Click the "Network" icon in the main Program Group.
    4. Click the "Network Setup" icon from the Network window.
    5. Select "Drivers" item from the Network Setup dialog box.
    6. Select "Add Adapters" item in the option dialog box.
    7. Select "Unlisted or Updated Network Adapter" when the
       install driver field appears.
    8. Type destination drive and path name in your PC.
    9. Insert the Driver Diskette in your floppy drive.
   10. When the "LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card" dialog box appears, select
       the options step by step.
   11. Follow screen instructions to complete the process.
   12. Restart your computer.



    1. Follow the section [2] ENABLER to install the enabler program
       as device drivers.
    2. Type "lmsetup" In LanManager Directory. Press Enter.
    3. Choice "Network Drivers..." in " Configuration ". Press Enter.
    4. Choice <Add New Configs> ,press Enter.
       Network Adapter Driver appears.
    5. Choice <Other Driver> , press Enter.
    6. Insert the Driver Disk to specified drive (A:\> or B:\>),key in the
       specified drive (A:\> or B:\>),then push <OK> button.
    7. Select a available Network Adapter Driver,
       "LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card"
       Push <OK> button.
    8. Press the SPACEBAR to select the protocol what you want.
    9. Push <OK> button.

    Configuration Complete appear.

   10. Push <Save> button.
   11. Press "F3" to exit.
   12. Press Enter.

[9] NDIS4 DRIVER FOR WINDOWS 95 OSR2 (4.00.950b)


    1. Insert the LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card into the CardBus slot. The
       system displays the "New Hardware Found" window, with "PCI Ethernet Controller"
       as the device name.
    2. Insert the Driver Diskette into a: floppy drive, and click "next".
    3. Occasinally, the system may ask for files from the Windows 95
       distribution CD-ROM. Follow the prompt until the installation is complete.
    4. Remove the diskette and restart computer.



    1. Make sure that the LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card is inserted.
    2. In the Add Hardware Device Driver Wizard window, click Next. If this
       window does not appear, click System and then click Reflesh. 
    3. Click the recommanded item and Next.
    4. Inster the driver diskette in the floppy drive. Type the directory 
       "a:\" and click OK.
    5. In the copying files window, type "a:\" and click OK.
    6. If prompted, supply the Windows 98 CD-ROM or type the directory
       path to the Windows 98 files on your PC and click OK. 
    7. In the Update Device Driver Wizard, click Finish.
    8. Remove the drive diskette and restart computer.



    1. Make sure that the LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card is inserted.
    2. Using Control Panel, double-click Network.
    3. Select the Adapter tab and click Add.
    4. Select Have Disk.
    5. Insert the driver diskette in the floppy drive. Choose the directory 
       "a:\winnt4" and click OK. 
    6. Select "LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card" and click OK.
    7. Select proper resources allocations and click OK.
    8. Click close.
    9. Click YES to reboot your computer.



    1. Insert LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card and the Found New Hardware Wizard
       window will appear.
    2. In the Found New Hardware Wizard window, click Next. If this window 
       does not appear, click System and then click Reflesh. 
    3. Click the default "Search for a suitable driver for my device 
       (recommended)" and click Next.
    4. Select Specify a location and click Next.
    5. Inster the OEM diskette in the floppy drive. Type or browse the
       directory "a:\win2000" and click OK.
    6. Click Next.  
    7. In the Digital Signature Not Found window, click Yes.
    8. Click Finish.


Tested Platforms

    This device driver has been fully tested on the following platforms:

    Slackware 7.1
    Slackware 7.0
    Slackware 4.0
    Redhat 7.0
    Redhat 6.2
    Redhat 6.0
    Caldera 2.3
    Caldera 2.0
    SuSE 6.1

File List
    The complete file list is as follows:

Before Installation
    Before you start rebuilding the driver, you must have PCMCIA binaries and
    source installed in your system. PCMCIA module version 3.0.9 or
    later are quaranteed to work well with this driver.

    Latest version of PCMCIA module is available in

    Also, if you have just rebuilt your kernel, you must first rebuild PCMCIA
    then the device driver to avoid any inconsistency.

    When you are rebuilding PCMCIA modules, be sure you select the following

    (1) Read from the currently running kernel.

    Otherwise, you might encounter some problems with  when module
    version is set.

Install Driver

 1. To login as the root.
 2. To copy the driver code from the Installation diskette, simply do 
    > mcopy a:Linux/ddc-en0100-r-v1.1.tgz . 
    > gzip -cd ddc-en0100-r-v1.1.tgz | tar xvf -
    > cd ddc-en0100-r-v1.1 
 3. To generate the driver
    Modify the PCMCIASRC variable in your makefile to the location of your 
    PCMCIA source.
    Modify the KERN_VER variable in your makefile.
    After you finish the modification of variables in your makefile, you can
    rebuild the driver by doing

    > make 
 4. To install the driver
    > make install

 5. To configure the LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card
    > cd /etc/pcmcia
    To add the following text into the "config" file (The mode of the "config"
    file must be the "write" mode.)
    > vi config
    device "en0100r_cb"
      class "network" module "cb_enabler", "en0100r_cb"

    card "LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card"
       version "LevelOne", "10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card"
       bind "en0100r_cb"

    card "LevelOne 10/100Mbps 32-Bit Fast Ethernet PC Card"
       manfid 0x018A, 0x0106 
       bind "en0100r_cb"
    To configure the PCMCIA NIC interface
    > vi network.opts

 6. To reboot the Linux
    > shutdown -r now
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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