NW312.TXT Driver File Contents (3501V1.ZIP)

Installing PLANET ENW-3501 Ethernet PC Card
For NetWare Server 3.12 Driver Users
    (c) 1997 Copyright PLANET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

This document contains ENW-3501 Ethernet PC Card installation notes,
which is not included in the ENW-3501 Ethernet PC Card USER'S GUIDE
or onscreen instructions, for NetWare Server 3.12 Driver users.

This document contains information on the following topics:

1.0   Overview
2.0   Installation notes for NetWare Server 3.12 Driver users

1.0 Overview

Please also refer to the INST_DOS.TXT file on the driver diskette.

2.0   Installation Note for NetWare Server 3.12 Driver users

  * Notes: The PC Card should be enabled by Card service.          *
  *        Please run DSCD.EXE before starting the server.         *
  *                                                                *
  *        Content of CONFIG.SYS                                   *
  *        ---------------------                                   *
  *        Add below item to the  CONFIG.SYS                       *
  *                                                                *
  *        DEVICE=<PATH>\DSCD.EXE /iop=300 /irq=11                 *
  *        ; <PATH> is a directory include DSCD.EXE file.          *
  *        ; Please refer to the INST_DOS.TXT for details.         *

    Modifying an existing NetWare 3.12 Server

        1. Make a sub-directory NLMS.OLD under <SRVPATH> directory which
           will include SERVER.EXE file.

              <SRVPATH> = SRV312.
              >MD \SRV312\NLMs.OLD

        2. Save NBI31X.NLM, MSM31X.NLM and ETHERTSM.NLM to NLMS.OLD
           the sub-directory.

        3. Please insert release driver diskette into disk drive.

        4. Copy all provided NLM and LAN files into your DOS directory
           which will include the SERVER.EXE file.

           >COPY <PATH>\*.*   C:\<SRVPATH>

           Example: >COPY A:\NETWARE\32BITLAN\ENW35.LAN    C:\SRV312
                    >COPY A:\NETWARE\32BITLAN\NBI31X.NLM   C:\SRV312
                    >COPY A:\NETWARE\32BITLAN\MSM31X.NLM   C:\SRV312
                    >COPY A:\NETWARE\32BITLAN\ETHERTSM.NLM C:\SRV312

           <PATH> here is the directory where support NLMs and
           ENW35.LAN reside.

        5. Start the NetWare Server.

          > CD \SRV312
          > SERVER

        6. From the Novell Server side, execute "LOAD INSTALL". By typing
           :LOAD INSTALL
           Select <System Option>
           Select <Edit Autoexec.NCF file>

        7. Add the item below into the server's AUTOEXEC.NCF file.

        LOAD C:\SRV312\NBI31X.NLM
        LOAD C:\SRV312\MSM31X.NLM

        LOAD C:\SRV312\ENW35 PORT=300 INT=B FRAME=Ethernet_802.3
        BIND IPX ENW35_1_E83 NET=xxxx

        LOAD C:\SRV312\ENW35 PORT=300 INT=B FRAME=Ethernet_802.2
        BIND IPX ENW35_1_E82 NET=xxxx

        LOAD C:\SRV312\ENW35 PORT=300 INT=B FRAME=Ethernet_II
        BIND IPX ENW35_1_EII NET=xxxx

        LOAD C:\SRV312\ENW35 PORT=300 INT=B FRAME=Ethernet_SNAP
        BIND IPX ENW35_1_ESP NET=xxxx

        8. Restart the server.

  * Notes: The PC Card should be enabled by Card service.          *
  *        Please run DSCD.EXE before start server.                *
  *                                                                *
  *        > DSCD /iop=300 /irq=11                                 *

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web5, load: 0.89