README.TXT Driver File Contents (

This README.TXT file contains information to help you set up your Megahertz
Ethernet*Modem and avoid common problem areas when using your PC Card.

Items 1 through 5 below provide information about Setup and specific computer
configurations.  Items 6 and 7 address cellular issues, and items 8 through 12
deal with LAN items.


2.  Decompressing the Compressed Files on the Diskette
3.  Disabling IBM Internal Modems
4.  Computers with Nonstandard IRQs 
5.  Switches Available With ENABLE.EXE

6.  Cellular Faxing 
7.  Connecting to the Internet over Cellular

8.  LAN driver placement in AUTOEXEC.BAT 
9.  Using NDIS2 With ENABLE.EXE
10. Setting Up Your Ethernet*Modem Using DOS
11. Setting Up Your Ethernet*Modem Using Microsoft Windows NT
12. TurboTasking Using ODI and NDIS Networks Simultaneously



DIAGNOSE.EXE allows you to easily collect information about your computer and
any inserted PC Cards.  The information is then used to verify that your
system is running correctly, or to fix identified problems.  

To use DIAGNOSE, enter DIAGNOSE and any of the following flags you want to use
with it at the DOS prompt.  

The correct format is as follows:  
DIAGNOSE /A /D=directory /L /M /? filename
All flags are optional.
The flags are as follows:
/A            Print all information without any user
/D=directory  Send or receive files to the specified
/L            Test LAN functionality even if not running 
              under DOS
/M            Print in monochrome
/?            Print out this list of available flags
filename      Save the program results in the specified

When you run the DIAGNOSE.EXE program from the DOS prompt, a screen will
appear that gives you a brief description of DIAGNOSE, how to get the results,
and where the results of this session are stored.  Press any key to go to the
main menu, where you can select the information. 


2.  Decompressing the Compressed Files on the Megahertz Diskette   

You may need a file from the Megahertz Installation and Registration diskette
that was not decompressed during Setup.  To decompress the file using
Windows 3.1x, follow these steps:

    1.  Insert the diskette into the floppy drive
    2.  At the DOS prompt, enter 
                 EXPAND sourcefile destinationfile 


3.  Disabling IBM Internal Modems

If you are using an IBM Thinkpad 755CSE or other IBM computer that has an
internal modem, you must disable it in order to use your PC Card.  To do this,
follow these steps:

    1.  Load Windows
    2.  Open the IBM Thinkpad Setup Group
    3.  Open the DSP Icon
    4.  Remove the check from the Telephony Function
    5.  Save 
    6.  Reboot the computer 


4.  Computers With Nonstandard IRQs
Following is a list of machines that contain nonstandard
IRQs, along with the recommended resources.  

NOTE:  Under DOS, both the LAN and the modem IRQ must be
       less than 8 or greater than 8.  IRQs of 8 and 11
       will not work.
    Computer               Recommended   Recommended  Recommended
                           Mem Exclude   COMPort/IRQ  LANBase  IRQ
    Ambra Notebook          D000-D3FF       3     12  Not Ethernet Compatible
    Ambra Subnote           C800-CFFF       3     9     300     5
    AMS Soundpro            C800-CFFF       3     9     300     10
    Austin Business Audio   D000-D7FF       3     5     320     7
    DEC Ultra Highnote      D000-DFFF       4     3     320     10
    Epson ActionNote 4000   D000-DFFF       3     5     300     10
    Eurocom 9200            D800-DFFF       4     5     300     15
    Durocom 9600            D800-DFFF       4     5     300     15
    Gateway Handbook        D000-DBFF       3     5     300     5
    Gateway Colorbook       D000-DFFF       3     5     300     5
    HP Omnibook 4000        D000-DFFF       3     5     320     10
    Hyundai Neuron          D000-DFFF       3     5   Not Ethernet Compatible
    Panasonic CF-41         CC00-CFFF       3     5     300     10
    Sharp 8650              C800-CFFF       3     5   Not Ethernet Compatible
    Sharp 8900              D000-D7FF       3     5     300     5
    TI Travelmate 4000      C800-CFFF       4     3     320     7
    TI Travelmate 5000      C800-CFFF       4     3     320     7
The HP Omnibook 600C has a proprietary PCMCIA controller that is not supported
by the Ethernet*Modem.


5.  Switches Available With ENABLE.EXE

The following command line switches can be used with ENABLE.EXE: 
     /Cn       COM port 1, 2, 3, 4

     /Bnnn     LAN I/O base address in hex
     /Nn..n    LAN node address in hex
     /O        Use the point enabler only

     /ILn      LAN IRQ
     /IMn      Modem IRQ
     /L        Enable LAN functions only
     /M        Enable modem functions only

     General PC Card:
     /Dnnnn    Delay in milliseconds (specifically for
               IBM 755 and 360 models)
     /In       IRQ 3, 4, ... 15
     /Pnnnn    Attribute memory window segment address in
     /Sn       PC Card slot A to H
     /U        Disable the Card 
     /V        Display verbose status messages
     /H or /?  Display switches available with ENABLE.EXE



6.  Cellular Faxing 

To avoid receiving unusable cellular faxes, we recommend that you use Class 1
for cellular faxing.  


7.  Connecting to the Internet Over Cellular

It is highly recommended that you connect to your Internet provider using a
landline connection.  Most Internet providers are not set up to support and
maintain a cellular connection.  

If you need to use a cellular phone system to connect to an Internet provider
with a cellular phone system, contact your local carrier to see if they
provide a cellular modem pool.

-  If so, follow your carrier's instructions for connecting with the modem
   pool.  Contact your Internet provider through the modem pool.

-  If not, we recommend that you set your modem startup rate to 4800bps by
   setting S79=1.



8.  LAN Driver Placement in AUTOEXEC.BAT 

Some computers are configured so Windows is run automatically after each
reboot.  When that happens, files that Setup appends to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file
(such as the ODI networking files or the MEGACHEK.EXE program) will not be run
until after you exit Windows.

To correct the problem, use a text editor such as EDIT to go into your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file.  Find the WIN or WIN.COM statement and move it to the end
of the file. Save the file and reboot your machine.


9.  Using NDIS 2 With ENABLE.EXE 

The Megahertz PC Card Enabler, ENABLE.EXE, is used to make the resources for
the PC Card (IO, IRQ, MEM) available to the system.  

When you use ODI drivers, the driver interacts with the Enabler, which
provides other services for the driver.  All Card Service support is in the
Enabler and NOT in the driver.

When you use NDIS drivers, all Card Service support is built into the driver.
If Card Services is available, the driver will enable the Card. If no Card
Services are available, the driver expects the Card to be pre-enabled by means
of a point enabler.

The driver for NDIS2 is called MHZEM.DOS.  It must be placed in the CONFIG.SYS
file AFTER the line


10.  Setting Up Your XJEM3288 or CCEM3288 PC Card Using DOS

This section explains how to set up the LAN portion of your Card without
running Setup and without using Windows.  These instructions assume you are
familiar with networks, specifically the network you plan to use.

-  Create a directory (such as MHTZ) on your hard disk for the setup files.

-  Move to that directory by entering at the DOS prompt
                        CD MHTZ

-  At the DOS prompt, enter 
                        XCOPY /S A:*.*
   This will copy the contents of the installation diskette into directory
-  Expand the compressed files (those whose extensions end with _ such as
   MHZETH.CO_ (see section 4).

-  For an ODI (Novell) network, follow these steps:

    o  You will need the following files:

    o   Rename the NET.EM file to NET.CFG, and edit this file to conform to
        your system; for example, if IRQ 5 is not available on your machine,
        change the INT parameter to a different number.   
    o   Change the ComboFile parameter in the ENABLE.INI file to read

    o   Run the following files from the DOS prompt, or insert them into
        (The files must be run or inserted in this order.)

-  For an NDIS2 (Microsoft) network, follow these steps:    
    o  You will need the following files:

    o  Rename the PROTOCOL.EM file to PROTOCOL.INI.

    o  Change the ComboFile parameter in the Enable.INI file to read

    o  Adjust the PROTOCOL.INI parameters (E.g., IOBASE) to conform to your

    o  Copy this new PROTOCOL.INI and the other files to your NDIS2 directory;
       for example, if you are using LANtastic, your directory would be

    o  In the CONFIG.SYS file, the following lines must appear in this order,
       but not necessarily consecutively (again, we are assuming LANtastic):

       PROTMAN.DOS is provided by your network vendor.  When you reboot, you
       should be able to load your protocol stack.  The file VHMZEMD.386 must
       be in the same directory as MHZEM.DOS.  This file is necessary to use
       the modem functions on your Ethernet*Modem under Windows.

11.  Setting Up Your XJ/CCEM3288 Ethernet*Modem Using Microsoft Windows NT

This section details the Ethernet*Modem installation under
Windows NT version 3.51. If you are using a version of Windows NT other than
3.51, contact Microsoft.  This section assumes Windows NT is running on your
computer.  We recommend that you use COM3 for your Ethernet*Modem.  If you use
COM3, skip steps 2 and 3 below.

To install your Ethernet*Modem, follow these steps:

Your Ethernet Combo card is configured to function correctly on COM3 with
Windows NT version 3.51.  If your Combo card is configured for any other COM
port, the LAN portion of your Combo card will function, but the MODEM will
not.  You can verify your Combo card configuration by looking in the Ethernet
configuration window.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Windows NT version 3.51.  To
correct this problem, you will need to replace your PCMCIA.SYS and SERIAL.SYS
files with a new version located on the Microsoft BBS.

A PCMCIA.SYS and SERIAL.SYS correction is now available (HOTFIX #Q152124) but
is not fully regression tested and should be applied only to systems
experiencing this specific problem. Unless you are severely impacted by this
specific problem, Microsoft recommends that you wait for the service pack
release containing this fix.  Contact Microsoft Product Support Services for
more information.

The PCMCIA.SYS and SERIAL.SYS correction and installation instructions can be
obtained from Microsoft at the following location.

	Via a web browser: s-postSP4/Mhz-fix

	Via an ftp utility: /bussys/winnt/winnt-public/fixes/usa/NT351/hotfixes-postSP4/Mhz-fix at

1.  Remove all network adapters and protocols from your computer and reboot. 

2.  In directory WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ rename the files PCMCIA.SYS and
    SERIAL.SYS as a back up.

3.  Download the files PCMCIA.SYS and SERIAL.SYS from the hot fix section of
    the Microsoft BBS, and place it in directory WINNT35\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\.

NOTE:  Be sure that the COM port you will be using for the Combo card is
    available.  If you install to a COM port that is in use, the install will
    add a second COM port with the same COM port number.

4.  In Windows NT, from the Main group, select Control Panel.

5.  Double-click on Network.

6.  You will be asked if you want to install the network now? Click on Yes.

7.  Type the path for the Windows NT 3.51 diskette or CD and click on Enter.

8.  The Network Adapter Dialog box will appear.  Click on Do Not Detect, then
    on Continue.

9.  Under Network Adapter Card, select <Other> Requires disk from manufacturer
    and click on Continue.

10. Insert the Megahertz Installation and Registration diskette into the

11. The default path of drive A:\ will appear for the diskette.  Change it to
    A:\WINNT and click on OK.

12. The Select OEM Option screen will appear.
    Select Megahertz XJEM3288 Ethernet*Modem PCMCIA Adapter and click OK.

13. The Megahertz PCMCIA Card Setup v1.00 Control screen will appear.  Ensure
    that the values listed are correct for your machine (consult your computer
    manuals or network administrator for more information.  Section 4 in this
    README.TXT file may also supply needed information).   If you want to
    change some values, use the drop-down menus to select new values.  Click
    on Continue.

NOTE:  The network and modem share the same IRQ. 

14. The Windows NT Setup screen will appear.  Select the services and
    protocol(s) your network requires (see your network administrator and
    Windows NT manuals for the correct information) and click on Continue.
    If you did not select TCP/IP, skip to step 16.

15. If you selected TCP/IP protocol, the Windows NT TCP/IP Installation
    Options screen will appear.  Type or select the options you want to use
    and click on Continue.  If you need more information, see your network

16. Insert the Microsoft Windows NT diskette or CD into the drive.

17. The Network Settings screen will appear.  Note that the Installed Adapter
    Card is the Megahertz XJEM3288 PCMCIA Adapter.  Click on OK.

NOTE:  The NETWORKS and WORKGROUPS buttons are grayed out during the initial
    installation.  After the first reboot, they will return to normal.

NOTE:  You can not configure the card settings in the NETWORKSSETINGS menu
    until after you reboot the first time.

18. If you are using NWLINK IPX/SPX compatible transport, select Auto Detect
    and click OK.  If you did not select TCP/IP in step 14, skip to step 20.

19. If you selected TCP/IP in step 14, the TCP/IP Configuration screen will
    appear.  Type the correct address  (see your network administrator if you
    need more information), and click on OK.

20. A Network Setup Warning will appear, stating that the network was unable
    to start.  Click on NO.  You will then be asked if you want to reconfigure
    the card because of the error.  Click on NO.

21. The Domain/Workgroup Settings screen will appear.  Type in these values
    (see your network administrator for more information) and click on OK.

22. When the Restart screen appears, select Restart Computer.

Congratulations!  Your Ethernet*Modem is enabled. 

Under certain configurations in Windows NT you may not be able to hear audio.
To use the LAN portion of your Card, you must install the network client now.
See your system administrator or network manuals for installation procedures.


12.  TurboTasking Using ODI and NDIS Networks Simultaneously

The Novell ODI driver, MHZETH.COM, has a feature called TurboTasking that can
increase network throughput.  Its value is set by modifying the ERX line in
the NET.CFG file.  ERX can have a value of 0 to 9. ERX 7 is the default.
ERX 0 turns off this feature.
You must set ERX=0 to connect to both Microsoft and Novell networks

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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