Nw312.txt Driver File Contents (v41.zip)

**  VIA Rhine Family Fast Ethernet Adapter
**  ODI Driver (CHSM, Specification v1.11) for NetWare 3.12 Server
**  v5.02    Nov, 2004


  The Fast Ethernet 10M/100M ODI Driver for NetWare 3.12 Servers confirms to the
  Novell Open Data-Link Interface (ODI) specification. This document shows you
  how to setup the driver and how to use the enhanced functions by setting the
  custom keywords.

Contents of the Subdirectory:

    NW312.TXT           This file.
    FETNWSA.LAN         The ODI driver for NetWare 3.12 Server.
    ETHERTSM.NLM        Patch file for Netware 3.12 Server (v3.80).
    MSM31X.NLM          Patch file for Netware 3.12 Server (v3.95).
    NBI31X.NLM          Patch file for Netware 3.12 Server (v2.25).

  Before starting with the installation process, make sure that the adapter
  is properly installed and configured. You can use the diagnostic program
  (A:\SETUP.EXE) in DOS mode to make sure your connection with the network is

  Using Server Install utility:
    1) On the server console, execute the INSTALL.NLM program:

                LOAD INSTALL <Enter>

    2) Choose "System Options/Edit AUTOEXEC.NCF file". If you had not create
       AUTOEXEC.NCF file, please choose "System Options/Create AUTOEXEC.NCF
       file" at first. 

    3) Add the LOAD and BIND command lines to the AUTOEXEC.NCF file so
       that the LAN driver will be loaded automatically while the server
       is starting up.

  Loading Driver Manually:
    1) On the server console, load the driver directly, for example:

          LOAD A:\NETWARE\NWSERVER.312\FETNWSA FRAME=Ethernet_802.2

    2) Bind with IPX:


    3) You can login the server from a workstation, and then copy FETNWSA.LAN to
       the directory SYS:\SYSTEM on server. Add the LOAD and BIND command lines
       to AUTOEXEC.NCF file so that the lan driver will be loaded automatically
       while the server starting up next time.

    1) Multiple Lan Adapters in a system:
        If you want to install mutiple lan adapters in a server, you have to use
        the keyword, SLOT, to let driver locate the right adapter.
        For example:

            LOAD FETNWSA SLOT=1 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2 NAME=Lan_1
            BIND IPX TO Lan_1 NET=2001
            LOAD FETNWSA SLOT=2 FRAME=Ethernet_802.2 NAME=Lan_2
            BIND IPX TO Lan_2 NET=2002

        And the server's packet receive buffers probably need to be increased.
        To do this, setting the following commands to STARTUP.NCF file.

            SET MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS=500  (Or higher)

    2) Hardware checksum offload :
        If "HCHECHSUM" keyword is supported. The ability will be activated. 
        It's only supported by management adapter.

    3) The original keywords "FULLDUPLE", "HALFDUPLE", "SPEED" and "AUTO" are still

    4) Tx Rx buffers setting :
        If you want to set buffer size, you have to use the two keywords "TBUF" "RBUF".

    5) If the receive buffers are not enough for flow control ability using,
       driver will disable flow control automatically.

    6) The required minimum versions of the three support NLMs are :

        For NW3.12 and later                    
        NBI31X.NLM  (v2.25 10/20/98 )           
        MSM31X.NLM  (v3.95 05/12/99 )           
        ETHERTSM.NLM(v3.8  03/01/99 )           

        NBI.NLM (or NBI31X.NLM) must be loaded before MSM and ETHERTSM.
        NetWare 3.12 needs MSM31X.NLM renamed to MSM.NLM.

        We recommends you use the latest Novell Service Packs. The latest server 
        NLMs and support files for NetWare can be found on Novell's automated 
        services under the heading of "Minimum Patch List".

Configuration Parameters:

    Custom Keywords:
        FULLDUPLEX                      This keyword is used to force full
                                        duplex mode.
                                        (suggest use CONNECTIONTYPE instead of this keyword)

        HALFDUPLEX                      This keyword is used to force half
                                        duplex mode.
                                        (suggest use CONNECTIONTYPE instead of this keyword)

        SPEED                           This keyword is used to force Line
                                        Speed at 10 or 100 Mbps.
                                        (suggest use CONNECTIONTYPE instead of this keyword)

        AUTO                            This keyword is used to force the
                                        chip at Auto-Negotiation mode.
                                        (suggest use CONNECTIONTYPE instead of this keyword)

        CONNECTIONTYPE                  This keyword is used to specify media type.
        FLOW_CONTROL                    This keyword is used to specify flow control
            FLOW_CONTROL=HARDWARE_DEFAULT   (default)
        HCHECKSUM                       This keyword is used to force hardware checksum.
                                        Only be supported by management adapter.
            HCHECKSUM=ENABLE            (default)

        TBUF                            This keyword is used to set buffers of transmitting.
                                        It determines the number of TD.

        RBUF                            This keyword is used to set buffers of receiving.
                                        It determines the number of RD.
                                        (The server's packet receive buffers probably need to
                                         be increased if you want to increase the default value
                                         of RBUF. Setting the following commands to STARTUP.NCF
                                         file can increase receive buffers.

                                         SET MINIMUM PACKET RECEIVE BUFFERS=500  (Or higher)    )
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web1, load: 1.74