I92XXD3.INI Driver File Contents (WDM.zip)

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio=yes
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio2=yes
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Sound Mapper=Yes
sttray.exe = 0x24
stacgui.cpl = 0x25
stlang.dll = 0x25
stacsv.exe = 0x25
STacSV -r
ShowEventDialog = dword: 1
HideTrayIcon   = dword: 0
PollingPeriod  = dword: 500
RecordPriority = dword: 0
ControlPanel   = "stacgui.cpl"
Automatic      = dword: 1
PopUpType      = dword: 1
HwSpkCfg       = dword: 1
CodecName = "STAC9227"
InitVerbs                            = hex:
TraceFlags                           = dword: 0x89B3
CPL_SaveExtraPower                   = hex: 0
CPL_MaySwitchExtAmpPowerState        = hex: 0
CPL_UserControlsMaySwitchExtAmpPowerState = hex: 0
CPL_SecondsAfter                     = dword: 5
CPL_SpdifTransmitterEnabledByUser    = hex: 0
CPL_UserControlsFixedDigitalOutRate  = hex: 0
CPL_FixedDigitalOutRate              = dword: 0
MicBoostLevel                        = dword: 0x000A0000
Mic2BoostLevel                       = dword: 0x000A0000
CfgDflt = dword: 0x0221421F     
Action = hex: 81,0D,81,0C,81,0E
CfgDflt = dword: 0x02A1902E     
Bias = hex: FF,04,02
Action = hex: 09,0B
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000FD     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x01114210     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x01A19220     
Bias = hex: FF,04,02
AltCfg = hex: 12,90,11,01     
Action = hex: 09,0E
CfgDflt = dword: 0x01813221     
AltCfg = hex: 11,32,11,01     
Action = hex: 09,0F
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000FC     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000FB     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000FA     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000F9     
CfgDflt = dword: 0x400000FF     
UniqueID                             = hex: 0
LegacyIoctlHere                      = hex: 1
RenderConverter                      = hex: 2,5,4
CaptureConverter                     = hex: 7
EnableCompositeMuxAndAdcCtrl         = hex: 0
Associations                         = hex: 1,2
DisableSPDIFControl                  = hex: 1
DigitalVolumeControl                 = hex: 1
EnableInputMonitor                   = hex: 0
KeepAdcAlwaysOn                      = hex: 0
MasterControlsIndependentMixerInputs = hex: 0
DigitalInputMonitor                  = hex: 1
DIMGainOffsetdB                      = hex: 0
DIMAttenOffsetdB                     = hex: 3
DIMMaxBufferSize                     = dword: 40
DIMBufferPrefill                     = dword: 0
DIMBufferZerofill                    = dword: 1
DigitalStereoMix                     = hex: 1
DSMGainOffsetdB                      = hex: 0
DSMAttenOffsetdB                     = hex: 0
DSMMaxBufferSize                     = dword: 1000
DSMBufferZerofill                    = dword: 1
MicBoost                             = hex: 0
Mic2Boost                            = hex: 0
EnableSetFormatSupport               = hex: 1
EnableHwSpeakerConfigurationSupport  = hex: 0
TurnBiasOffOnNotSelectedPin          = hex: 1
EnabledPcmRenderBitsAndRates         = dword: 0x1F0040
EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates        = dword: 0x1F0040
RegVersion                           = dword: 1
MicIn                                = "{A72A6A9C-896A-45ce-AD88-6BB096B11B36}"   
MicIn                                = dword: 0x000c0000
Mic2In                               = dword: 0x000c0000
Config_Tab                           = dword: 0xF
Config_Spk                           = dword: 0x1
Config_Adv                           = dword: 0x109
Config_Digital                       = dword: 0x5
Config_Rates                         = dword: 0x3F
Config_MicLevN                       = dword: 0x1
MicBoost[0]                          = dword: 0xA
Config = dword: 0x0
Nconfigs = dword: 0x3
GroupOffset = dword: 0x1
Name      = "IDS_CONFIG_OPEN"
Desc      = "IDS_CONFIG_OPEN"
Njacks    = dword: 0x5
SpkConfig = dword: 0x4
X1 = dword: 0xA0
X2 = dword: 0x112
Y1 = dword: 0x50
Y2 = dword: 0x165
X1 = dword: 0x1CC
X2 = dword: 0x23E
Y1 = dword: 0x50
Y2 = dword: 0x106
Pos = dword: 0x2
Port = dword: 0xA
Color = dword: 0x4  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0xE
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x4A
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x2  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xF
Pos = dword: 0x2
Port = dword: 0xB
Color = dword: 0x9  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x60
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x9C
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0xA  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xE
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xF
Color = dword: 0x3  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x19
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x55
Ntypes = dword: 0x2
Dev[0] = dword: 0x8  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x1
Dev[1] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[1] = hex: 0x1
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xD
Color = dword: 0x4  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x6C
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0xA8
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x0
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xE
Color = dword: 0x9  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0xBE
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0xFA
Ntypes = dword: 0x2
Dev[0] = dword: 0xA  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x0
Dev[1] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[1] = hex: 0x2
Njacks    = dword: 0x5
SpkConfig = dword: 0x4
X1 = dword: 0xA0
X2 = dword: 0x112
Y1 = dword: 0x50
Y2 = dword: 0x165
X1 = dword: 0x1CC
X2 = dword: 0x23E
Y1 = dword: 0x50
Y2 = dword: 0x106
Pos = dword: 0x2
Port = dword: 0xA
Color = dword: 0x4  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0xE
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x4A
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x2  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xF
Pos = dword: 0x2
Port = dword: 0xB
Color = dword: 0x9  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x60
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x9C
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0xA  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xE
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xF
Color = dword: 0x3  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x19
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x55
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x8  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x1
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xD
Color = dword: 0x4  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x6C
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0xA8
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x0
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xE
Color = dword: 0x9  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0xBE
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0xFA
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0xA  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x0
Name      = "IDS_CONFIG_51"
Desc      = "IDS_CONFIG_51"
Njacks    = dword: 0x5
SpkConfig = dword: 0x6
X1 = dword: 0xA0
X2 = dword: 0x112
Y1 = dword: 0x50
Y2 = dword: 0x165
X1 = dword: 0x1CC
X2 = dword: 0x23E
Y1 = dword: 0x50
Y2 = dword: 0x106
Pos = dword: 0x2
Port = dword: 0xA
Color = dword: 0x4  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0xE
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x4A
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x2  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xF
Pos = dword: 0x2
Port = dword: 0xB
Color = dword: 0x9  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x60
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x9C
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0xA  
Seq[0] = hex: 0xE
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xF
Color = dword: 0x3  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x19
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0x55
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x1
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xD
Color = dword: 0x4  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0x6C
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0xA8
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x0
Pos = dword: 0x1
Port = dword: 0xE
Color = dword: 0x9  
Label = dword: 0x1
X1 = dword: 0x1B
Y1 = dword: 0xBE
X2 = dword: 0x57
Y2 = dword: 0xFA
Ntypes = dword: 0x1
Dev[0] = dword: 0x1  
Seq[0] = hex: 0x2
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio\Volume Control]
STacAPI = "RegSvr32 /s stacapi.dll"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.56