iProInst.ini Driver File Contents (WLAN_XP_060706.zip)

//| =========================================================================
//| INI file for iProInst.exe                            Generic Version 5.70
//| -------------------------------------------------------------------------

//| =========================================================================
//| Configurable keywords 
//| =========================================================================
    DebugMode           = True
    DebugDump           = False
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Mandatory settings
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    FamilyCode          = 5.73            
    PFilesOffset        = "Intel\Wireless"  
    EFData              = "Intel?PROSet/Wireless", Alpha, ""
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Default over-rides
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Autorun             = TRUE          // default - FALSE
    InstallMode         = FULL          // default - FULL  [FULL | SILENT | REDUCED]
    SilentReboot        = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    ErrorMode           = ROLLBACK      // default - CONTINUE  [ROLLBACK | HALT | CONTINUE]
    Language            = ALL           // default - ALL   [ALL | ENU | FRA | ... | SVE] 
    DowngradeLegal      = FALSE         // default - FALSE  
    ExtendedSupport     = FALSE         // default - TRUE 
    BatteryLevel        = 25            // default - 25
    ProfileSave         = 10            // default - 10 [ 0 | 9 | 10 ]
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Macro over-rides
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    HideTrayIcon        = FALSE         // default - FALSE   
    Disable11A          = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    NoWirelessRadio     = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    NoEAPSIMM           = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    PAC                 = TRUE          // default - TRUE
    SharedProfiles      = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    NoRFKill            = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    D_RF_KILL           = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    MSZCFG              = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    NoExcludeList       = FALSE         // default - FALSE
//  NoExcludeList       = ICHEF         // default - TRUE
    AutoImport          = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    AppAutoLaunch       = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    1xAuthType          = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    ITAdminTool         = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    RadioAppLaunch      = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    RadioMsgLaunch      = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    AdhocNetworking     = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    OpenAdhocNetworking = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    Intel11aRadio       = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    UserXpEnable        = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    Persistent          = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    Prelogon            = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    UserExportImport    = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    ProfileConnectivity = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    SecurityLevel       = 0x00          // default - 0x00
    GlobalWiFiManager   = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    CCxv4               = TRUE          // default - TRUE
    CCXv4FeaturesEnabled        = TRUE          // default - TRUE
    OOBE                = FALSE         // default - FALSE
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    //  Qualification section
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    AllowedAdapter  = NULL, CW1_BG, CW2_BG, CX2_BG, CX2_ABG, GOL_ABG, GOL_V 
    AllowedUpgrade  = {05.xx - Installer FamilyCode Version}    // Golan
    AllowedUpgrade  = {04.xx - Installer FamilyCode Version}    // Not Defined
    AllowedUpgrade  = {03.xx - Installer FamilyCode Version}    // Not Defined (was CW2)          
    AllowedUpgrade  = {02.xx - Installer FamilyCode Version}    // MUROC 9.0.2
    AllowedUpgrade  = {01.xx - Installer FamilyCode Version}    // MUROC 9.0.0, 9.0.1
    BlockedUpgrade  = {D01A9DBE-A56C-44EE-8418-2FDAF57074E1}    // CASWELL1
    AllowedUpgrade  = {6ECD30AA-38EE-43D0-9B93-439DFCF50525}    // MASTER_INSTALL
    AllowedUpgrade  = {286A5A7B-E0AB-481E-B451-2E9EAC3F32B2}    // COMBINED (Or ProSafe)
    AllowedUpgrade  = {642C4071-3526-443B-8D0D-4FCC1ABBC748}    // WIRELESS_SPLIT (Or WlsSafe)
    AllowedUpgrade  = {6BEEE79A-0FD3-40E8-8A4C-F98B1D4468BA}    // SEBRING_API

//| =========================================================================
//| Autorun Data Section
//| =========================================================================
    Operation       = Install
    ButtonText      = [2000]
    ToolTip         = [2000]

//| (UserGuide)
//|     Operation       = Launch
//|     ButtonText      = [2010]
//|     ToolTip         = [2010]
//|     RelativePath    = ..\Docs\iULaunch.exe, index.htm 

//| (ReleaseNotes)
//|     Operation       = Launch
//|     ButtonText      = [2020]
//|     ToolTip         = [2020]
//|     RelativePath    = ..\relnotes.htm 

//| =========================================================================
//| Feature display selection: '-' DeSelected by default
//|                            '+' Selected by default
//| Win2K
//| WinXP
//| Win64
//| =========================================================================
    MSI_Data   = +, Lev0, Driver        
    MSI_Data   = +, Lev0, WirelessCore
    MSI_Data   = +, Lev1, DrWifi
    MSI_Data   = +, Lev1, EoU        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev1, SSO        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev2, PLC        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev1, WMI        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev1, Toolkit        

    MSI_Data   = +, Lev0, Driver        
    MSI_Data   = +, Lev0, WirelessCore
    MSI_Data   = +, Lev1, DrWifi
    MSI_Data   = +, Lev1, EoU        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev1, SSO        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev2, PLC        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev1, WMI        
    MSI_Data   = -, Lev1, Toolkit        

//   MSI_Data   = +, Lev0, Driver        

//| =========================================================================
//| =========================================================================
    FeatureTitle    = DLLTest
    Description     = DLLTest
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mProSafe.msi"   
    ComponentLink   = Plugin

    FeatureTitle    = Plugin
    Description     = Plugin
    RelativePath    = "iProData\CSI_Plugin_A.dll","iProData\iconvrtr.exe",ACTIVE_POST

//| =========================================================================
//| MSI data definitions follow.
//| =========================================================================
    FeatureTitle    = [1130]
    Description     = [1131]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mDriver.msi", "DOINSTALL=Yes SETUPWLD_SILENT=/Silent"

    FeatureTitle    = [1010]
    Description     = [1011]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mCore.msi"  
    ConfigureLink   = FeatureSet2
    ConfigureLink   = SharedProfiles
    ConfigureLink   = HideTrayIcon
    ConfigureLink   = NoExcludeList
    ConfigureLink   = AutoImport
    ConfigureLink   = NoEAPSIMM
    ConfigureLink   = MSZCFG
    ConfigureLink   = Disable11A        
    ConfigureLink   = NoWirelessRadio   
    ConfigureLink   = PAC   
    ConfigureLink   = CCxv4
    ConfigureLink   = NoRFKill
    ConfigureLink   = D_RF_KILL
    ConfigureLink   = SecurityLevel
    ConfigureLink   = GlobalWiFiManager
    ConfigureLink   = OOBE
    ConfigureLink   = VERSION
    ConfigureLink   = CONTACT
    ConfigureLink   = INFOABOUT
    ConfigureLink   = SUPPORTINFO 
    ConfigureLink   = UPDATEINFO
    ConfigureLink   = COMMENTS
    ConfigureLink   = WLANImportFile
    ComponentLink   = ProSafe
    ComponentLink   = WlsSafe
    ComponentLink   = MHInstaller
    ComponentLink   = ProfileManager
    ComponentLink   = iConverter
    ComponentLink   = ProfileWizard
    ComponentLink   = WirelessAssistant

    FeatureTitle    = "ProSafe"
    Description     = "ProSafe"
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mProSafe.msi"   

    FeatureTitle    = "WlsSafe"
    Description     = "WlsSafe"
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mWlsSafe.msi"   

    FeatureTitle    = [1150]
    Description     = [1150]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mMHouse.msi"    

    FeatureTitle    = [1170]
    Description     = [1171]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mXML.msi"   

    FeatureTitle    = [1060]
    Description     = [1061]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mPfMgr.msi" 
    DependantLink   = XMLSupport

    FeatureTitle    = [1090]
    Description     = [1091]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mPfWiz.msi" 

    FeatureTitle    = [1100]
    Description     = [1101]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mZConfig.msi"   

    FeatureTitle    = [1110]
    Description     = [1111]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mIWA.msi"   
//  RelativePath    = "iProData\mIWA.msi", "HIDESHORTCUT=ICHEF"   
    DependantLink   = XMLSupport
    DependantLink   = ZeroConfig
    ComponentLink   = mHelp

    FeatureTitle    = [1050]
    Description     = [1051]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mHelp.msi" 

    FeatureTitle    = [1020]
    Description     = [1021]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mLogView.msi" 
    DependantLink   = XMLSupport

    FeatureTitle    = [1030]
    Description     = [1031]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mDrWiFi.msi" 
    DependantLink   = XMLSupport
    DependantLink   = LogViewer
    ConfigureLink   = Feature_DrWifi

    FeatureTitle    = [1070]
    Description     = [1071]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mEoU.msi" 
    ConfigureLink   = Feature_EoU

    FeatureTitle    = [1120]
    Description     = [1121]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mSSO.msi"   
    ConfigureLink   = Feature_SSO
    ConfigureLink   = Feature_Persistent

    FeatureTitle    = [1122]
    Description     = [1123]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mGina.msi"   
    ConfigureLink   = Feature_PreLogon

    FeatureTitle    = [1080]
    Description     = [1081]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mWMI.msi"  
    FeatureTitle    = [1140]
    Description     = [1141]
    RelativePath    = "iProData\mToolkit.msi"  
    ConfigureLink   = Feature_Toolkit
//| =========================================================================
//| EXE utility support functions
//| =========================================================================
    FeatureTitle	= "iConverter"
    Description		= "iConverter"
    RelativePath	= "iProData\iconvrtr.exe", "/Install"
    WorkingDirectory	= "[BinDir]"
    LaunchAndWait	= TRUE

//| =========================================================================
//| Registry: FeatureSet1
//| =========================================================================
    KeyName         = FeatureSet1
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx  
    Enabled         = FALSE

    KeyName         = FeatureSet1
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    Enabled         = FALSE

    KeyName         = FeatureSet1
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxx1 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    Enabled         = FALSE

    KeyName         = FeatureSet1
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    Enabled         = FALSE

    KeyName         = FeatureSet1
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    Enabled         = FALSE

//| =========================================================================
//| Registry: FeatureSet2
//| =========================================================================
    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_DWORD
    IData           = 000000FF

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1 

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx0x  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x  

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x0xx  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx x1xx  

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0xxx  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 1xxx  

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0 xxxx  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1 xxxx  

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx0x xxxx  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx  

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 0xxx xxxx  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx  

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx0 xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    Enabled         = FALSE

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xx1x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx xx0x xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    Enabled         = TRUE

    KeyName         = FeatureSet2
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx 1xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
    RData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx 0xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx 
    Enabled         = TRUE

    KeyName         = FeatureSet1
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_BINARY
    IData           = xxxx xxxx xxxx x1xx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx  
    Enabled         = FALSE

//| =========================================================================
//| Registry: Other
//| =========================================================================
    KeyName         = MSZCFG
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Intel\Wireless\GuiConfiguration\" 
    Type            = REG_DWORD
    IData           = 00000001
    Enabled         = FALSE

//| =========================================================================
//| INI file - Settings.ini
//| =========================================================================
    RelativePath    = [ProgramFilesWireless], bin\Settings.ini
    Section         = IWA
    KeyName         = HideTrayIcon
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [ProgramFilesWireless], bin\Settings.ini
    Section         = IWA
    KeyName         = HideTaskTrayOOBE
//  KeyName         = OOBELaunchedOnce
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

//| =========================================================================
//| INI file - ITSttngs.ini
//| =========================================================================
    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = AppAutoLaunch
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = VOIP
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = 1xAuthType
    IData           = X
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = ITAdminTool
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = RadioAppLaunch
    IData           = 0
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = RadioMsgLaunch
    IData           = 0
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = AdhocNetworking
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = OpenAdhocNetworking
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = Intel11aRadio
    IData           = 0
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = UserXpEnable
    IData           = 0
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = Persistent
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = Prelogon
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = UserExportImport
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = ProfileConnectivity
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE
    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = SecurityLevel
    IData           = 0x00
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = CCXv4FeaturesEnabled
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = TRUE

    RelativePath    = [AllUsersWireless], ITSttngs.ini
    Section         = CHICKEN_BITS
    KeyName         = GlobalWiFiManager
    IData           = 1
    Type            = INI_FILE_SETTING
    Enabled         = FALSE

//| =========================================================================
//| Registry: Add/Remove Program
//| =========================================================================
    KeyName         = DisplayVersion
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProInst\" 
    Type            = REG_SZ
    IData           = ""
    Enabled         = TRUE

    KeyName         = Contact
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProInst\" 
    Type            = REG_SZ
    IData           = [2031]
    Enabled         = TRUE

    KeyName         = URLInfoAbout
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProInst\" 
    Type            = REG_SZ
    IData           = [2032]
    Enabled         = TRUE

    KeyName         = HelpLink
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProInst\" 
    Type            = REG_SZ
    IData           = [2033]
    Enabled         = TRUE

    KeyName         = URLUpdateInfo
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProInst\" 
    Type            = REG_SZ
    IData           = "http://downloadfinder.intel.com"
    Enabled         = TRUE

    KeyName         = Comments
    KeyPath         = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ProInst\" 
    Type            = REG_SZ
    IData           = [2034]
    Enabled         = TRUE

//| =========================================================================
//| Registry: WLANImportFile - Tooltip for Profile Import/Export
//| =========================================================================
    KeyHive         = HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
    KeyName         = 
    KeyPath         = "WLANImportFile\" 
    Type            = REG_SZ
    IData           = [2040]
    Enabled         = TRUE
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web2, load: 0.64