schinese.ini Driver File Contents (



Open report window = _/T°U_zãS

Open config window = _/T¾nzãS

Hide = Ï

Exit = »y_

Restore = ØS

Increase threshold = X R4NLu<P

Decrease threshold = ÏQ\4NLu<P

Enable / Disable magnetic = /T¨R / sQíÁxÁHeg

Close = sQí

PC Probe II Message = PC Probe II áOo`

There are some warnings = fJTáOo`

AMD CnQ is enabled. You can disable VCore monitoring in CONFIG = AMD CnQ ò]«_/T, `OïSåN(W¾nzãSÖSmù[ VCore vÑv§c.

degrees centigrade = Ddl)n¦^

Degree F = NSl)n¦^

Top = 

Right = óS

Bottom = N

Left = æ]

OK = nx[

Cancel = ÖSm

Preference = OP}Y¾n

Always on Top = 8lÜ(Wg

Enable Monitoring Panel = /T¨RÑv§czãS

Scheme = cRÄR

User = (u7b

Small = \WzãS

Enable Sound Effect = /T¨Ró

Run in Boot-up Session = (WzãS_/Töe/T¨R

Open scheme window = _/TÄRzãS

DMI information = DMI áOo`

PCI information = PCI áOo`

WMI information = WMI áOo`

Usage = O(us

Open / Close Preference panel = _/T / sQíOP}Y¾nÜUS

Sensor / Threshold = a^hV / 4NLu<P

Preference = OP}Y¾n

Temperature = )n¦^

Voltage = 5uS

Fan Speed = ÎGbl

Enabled = /T¨R

Sensor Name = a^hV

Nominal Value = hÆQ<P

Current Value = îvMR<P

Threshold = 4NLu<P

Default = ؤ

Apply = ^(u

Cancel = ÖSm

Save as = æSX[

Load = }eQ

Alert = fJT

Message Box = áOo`zãS

Audio Alert = ófJT

Volume = óÏ

Temperature Scale = )n¦^USMO

Celsius = Ddl

Fahrenheit = NSl

QFan = QFan

Enable QFan = /T¨R QFan

Target Temperature = 4NLu)n¦^

Increase Target Temperature = X R4NLu)n¦^

Decrease Target Temperature = ÏQ\4NLu)n¦^

Polling Interval = ÑvÆhTg

Seconds = Òy

CPU QFan = YthV QFan

Chassis QFan = :g±{ QFan

Disabled = sQí

Alert log = fJT°U_

System information = û|ß~áOo`

Alert log report = fJT°U_¥bJT

Number = peÏ

Abnormal = 

become normal = ck8^

system information report = û|ß~áOo`¥bJT

date = åeg

time = öeô

Clear = nd

Save as = æSX[

Usage = O(us

Hard Disk = lxØv

Memory = X[.hV

CPU = YthV

Used = ò]O(u

Available = ïS(u

Total = ;`qQ

Bytes = W[

MB = ~vNW[

Physical Memory Usage = [SOQX[O(us

CPU Usage = YthVO(us

CPU Usage History = YthVO(us°U_

Set to default values? = z^ck(W¾b:w<P !

Do you want to apply current setting? = nx[WY(u°s(Wv¾n?

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: ftp, load: 1.16