japanese.ini Driver File Contents (ProbeII_v10408.zip)



Open report window = ì0³0ü0É0¦0£0ó0É0¦0’0‹•O0

Open config window = CONFIG ¦0£0ó0É0¦0’0‹•O0

Hide = hˆ:yW0j0D0

Exit = úQ

Restore = ê0¹0È0¢0

Increase threshold = ƒXLu$P’0

Decrease threshold = ƒXLu$P’0NR0‹0

Enable / Disable magnetic = Áxl¹Rœg’0	g¹R/!q¹Rk0Y0‹0

Close = ‰•X0‹0

PC Probe II Message = PC Probe II á0Ã0»0ü0¸0

There are some warnings = f‹JTá0Ã0»0ü0¸0

AMD CnQ is enabled. You can disable VCore monitoring in CONFIG = AMD CnQ o0Y0g0k0	g¹Rg0Y00CONFIGg0Vcore n0â0Ë0¿0ê0ó0°0’0!q¹Rk0Y0‹0S0h0L0g0M0~0Y00

degrees centigrade = Bdl

Degree F = ïƒl

Top = 

Right = óS

Bottom = N

Left = æ]


Cancel = ­0ã0ó0»0ë0

Preference = J0}Y0-Šš[

Always on Top = 8^k0KbMRk0hˆ:y

Enable Monitoring Panel = â0Ë0¿0ê0ó0°0Ñ0Í0ë0’0	g¹Rk0Y0‹0

Scheme = ¹0­0ü0à0

User = æ0ü0¶0ü0

Small = \U0D0¦0£0ó0É0¦0

Enable Sound Effect = µ0¦0ó0É0¨0Õ0§0¯0È0’0	g¹Rk0Y0‹0

Run in Boot-up Session = wÕR»0Ã0·0ç0ó0g0wÕR

Open scheme window = ¹0­0ü0à0¦0£0ó0É0¦0’0‹•O0

DMI information = DMI Å`1X

PCI information = PCI Å`1X

WMI information = WMI Å`1X

Usage = O(u‡s

Open / Close Preference panel = J0}Y0Ñ0Í0ë0’0‹•O0/‰•X0‹0

Sensor / Threshold = »0ó0µ0ü0/ƒXLu$P

Preference = J0}Y0-Šš[

Temperature = )n¦^

Voltage = û–'W

Fan Speed = Õ0¡0ó0¹0Ô0ü0É0

Enabled = 	g¹R

Sensor Name = »0ó0µ0ü0Í0ü0à0

Nominal Value = j–n$P

Current Value = þs(Wn0$P

Threshold = ƒXLu$P

Default = Ç0Õ0©0ë0È0

Apply = i(u

Cancel = ­0ã0ó0»0ë0

Save as = 

Load = í0ü0É0

Alert = f‹JT

Message Box = á0Ã0»0ü0¸0Ü0Ã0¯0¹0

Audio Alert = Audio0f‹JT

Volume = ó—Ï‘

Temperature Scale = )n¦^n0XSMO

Celsius = ïƒl

Fahrenheit = Bdl

QFan = QFan

Enable QFan = QFan ’0	g¹Rk0Y0‹00

Target Temperature = ƒXLu)n¦^

Increase Target Temperature = ƒXLu$P’0

Decrease Target Temperature = ƒXLu$P’0NR0‹0

Polling Interval = ãv–‰n0“•”–

Seconds = Òy0


Chassis QFan = ·0ã0ü0·0 QFan

Disabled = !q¹Rk0Y0‹0

Alert log = f‹JTí0°0

System information = ·0¹0Æ0à0Å`1X

Alert log report = f‹JTí0°0ì0Ý0ü0È0

Number = pe

Abnormal = pu8^

become normal = ck8^

system information report = ·0¹0Æ0à0Å`1Xì0Ý0ü0È0

date = åek0a0

time = Bf“•

Clear = ˆm»S

Save as = 

Usage = O(u‡s

Hard Disk = Ï0ü0É0Ç0£0¹0¯0

Memory = á0â0ê0


Used = O(un0

Available = )R(uïSý€

Total = TŠ

Bytes = Byte


Physical Memory Usage = irtá0â0ê0O(u‡s

CPU Usage = CPUO(u‡s

CPU Usage History = CPUO(u‡sn0e\tk

Set to default values? = -Šš[’0Ç0Õ0©0ë0È0k0;bW0~0Y0K0ÿ

Do you want to apply current setting? = ÊNY0P0i(uW0~0Y0K0ÿ

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

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