PRINTER.INF Driver File Contents (winntms.exe)

    OptionType = PRINTER
"Tektronix Phaser 840 Extended" = pscrptui, tkp840e1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 840 Plus" = pscrptui, tkp840p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 840" = pscrptui, tkph8401, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 140" = pscrptui, tkph1401, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 200e 17" = pscrptui, tk200172, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 200e 39" = pscrptui, tk200392, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 200i" = pscrptui, tkp200i2, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 220e 17" = pscrptui, tk220171, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 220e 39" = pscrptui, tk220391, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 220i" = pscrptui, tkp220i1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 240 17" = pscrptui, tk240172, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 240 39" = pscrptui, tk240392, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 300i" = pscrptui, tkp300i1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 300X" = pscrptui, tkp300x1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 300X Extended" = pscrptui, tk300xp1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 340" = pscrptui, tk340173, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 340 600 dpi" = pscrptui, tk340693, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 350" = pscrptui, tk350171, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 350 Extended" = pscrptui, tk350691, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 360 Extended" = pscrptui, tkp360p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 380" = pscrptui, tkph3801, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 380 Extended" = pscrptui, tkp380p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 440" = pscrptui, tkph4401, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 450" = pscrptui, tkph4501, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 450 Extended" = pscrptui, tkp450p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 480" = pscrptui, tkph4801, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 480X" = pscrptui, tkp480x1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 540" = pscrptui, tkph5401, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 540 Plus" = pscrptui, tkp540p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 550" = pscrptui, tk550172, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 550 1200 dpi" = pscrptui, tk550392, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 560" = pscrptui, tkph5601, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 560 Extended" = pscrptui, tkp560p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 600" = pscrptui, tkph6001, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 600 Extended" = pscrptui, tkp600p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 740 Extended" = pscrptui, tkp740e1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 740 Plus" = pscrptui, tkp740p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 740" = pscrptui, tkph7401, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 780" = pscrptui, tkph7801, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 780 Graphics" = pscrptui, tkp780g1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser 780 Plus" = pscrptui, tkp780p1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser PXi" = pscrptui, tkphpxi1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser II PXi" = pscrptui, tkphzr22, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser III PXi" = pscrptui, tkphzr32, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser II PXe 17" = pscrptui, tkpxe171, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser II PXe 39" = pscrptui, tkpxe391, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser IISD" = pscrptui, tkph2sd1, pscript
"Tektronix Phaser IISDX" = pscrptui, tkp2sdx1, pscript
    read-syms Identification
    set Status     = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
    set Identifier = $(OptionType)
    set Media      = #("Source Media Descriptions", 1, 1)
    Return $(Status) $(Identifier) $(Media)
    set Status        = STATUS_FAILED
    set OptionList     = {}
    set OptionTextList = {}
    set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1)
    Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList)
        goto returnoptions
        set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE
        goto finish_ReturnOptions
returnoptions = +
    set OptionList     = ^(Options, 0)
    set OptionTextList = ^(OptionsText$($0), 1)
    set Status         = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
finish_ReturnOptions = +
    Return $(Status) $(OptionList) $(OptionTextList)
    set Status   = STATUS_FAILED
    set Option   = $($1)
    set SrcDir   = $($2)
    set AddCopy  = $($3)
    set DoCopy   = $($4)
    set DoConfig = $($5)
    GetDriveInPath DriveVar $(SrcDir)
    set CDDrive = $(DriveVar)
    set LanguageList = ^(LanguagesSupported, 1)
    Ifcontains(i) $($0) in $(LanguageList)
        set Status = STATUS_NOLANGUAGE
        goto finish_InstallOption
    read-syms Strings$($0)
    set OptionList = ^(Options, 0)
    ifcontains $(Option) in $(OptionList)
        goto finish_InstallOption
    set OptionList = ""
    set ConfigOption = #(Options, $(Option), 1)
    set DataOption   = #(Options, $(Option), 2)
    set DriverOption = #(Options, $(Option), 3)
installtheoption = +
    ifstr(i) $(AddCopy) == "YES"
        install Install-AddCopyOption
        ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) != "STF_SUCCESS"
            Debug-Output "Adding video files to copy list failed"
            goto finish_InstallOption
    ifstr(i) $(DoCopy) == "YES"
        read-syms ProgressCopy$($0)
        install Install-DoCopyOption
        ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_FAILURE"
            Debug-Output "Copying files failed"
            goto finish_InstallOption
        else-ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_USERQUIT"
            set Status = STATUS_USERCANCEL
            goto finish_InstallOption
    ifstr(i) $(DoConfig) == "YES"
        set DriverPath      = $(!STF_PRNDRIVERPATH)"\"#(Files-PrinterDriver, $(DriverOption), 2)
        set DataFilePath    = $(!STF_PRNDRIVERPATH)"\"#(Files-PrinterData,   $(DataOption),   2)
        set ConfigFilePath  = $(!STF_PRNDRIVERPATH)"\"#(Files-PrinterConfig, $(ConfigOption), 2)
        LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(DriverPath)
        ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == YES
            LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(DataFilePath)
            ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == YES
                LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE),CheckFileExistance $(ConfigFilePath)
        ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == NO
            set OptionText = #(OptionsText$($0), $(Option), 1)
            shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $($0) "NONFATAL" $(String4)$(OptionText)$(String5)
            Debug-Output "Copying printer files failed"
            goto finish_InstallOption
        install Install-Configure
        ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_FAILURE"
            Debug-Output "Installing printer driver failed"
            goto finish_InstallOption
        else-ifstr(i) $(STF_INSTALL_OUTCOME) == "STF_USERQUIT"
            set Status = STATUS_USERCANCEL
            goto finish_InstallOption
        ifstr(i) $(STATUS) != "ADDED"
            set OptionText = #(OptionsText$($0), $(Option), 1)
            ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "PRESENT"
                shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $($0) "NONFATAL" $(String1)$(OptionText)$(String2)
                set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
            else-ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "DENIED"
                shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $($0) "NONFATAL" $(String6)
                shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $($0) "NONFATAL" $(String1)$(OptionText)$(String7)
            goto finish_InstallOption
    set Status = STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
finish_InstallOption = +
    Return $(Status)
    set STF_VITAL = ""
    AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList   Files-PrinterConfig          +
                                  $(ConfigOption)              +
                                  $(SrcDir)                    +
    AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList   Files-PrinterData            +
                                  $(DataOption)                +
                                  $(CDDrive)\tekmsdrv         +
    AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList   Files-PrinterDriver          +
                                  $(DriverOption)              +
                                  $(SrcDir)                    +
    AddSectionKeyFileToCopyList   Files-PrinterDriverHelp      +
                                  $(DriverOption)              +
                                  $(SrcDir)                    +
    set Model       = $(Option)
    set Driver      = #(Files-PrinterDriver, $(DriverOption), 2)
    set DataFile    = #(Files-PrinterData,   $(DataOption),   2)
    set ConfigFile  = #(Files-PrinterConfig, $(ConfigOption), 2)
    LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), SetupAddPrinterDriver   +
                                               $(Model)            +
                                               $(!STF_PRNENVIRONM) +
                                               $(Driver)           +
                                               $(DataFile)         +
                                               $(ConfigFile)       +
    Set !G:DebugOutputControl = 0
    set Exit_Code    = $(!SETUP_ERROR_GENERAL)
    set DrivesToFree = {}
    install LoadSetupLibrary
    ifstr(i)      $(STF_LANGUAGE)  == ""
        goto end
    else-ifstr(i) $(OPTION)        == ""
        goto end
    else-ifstr(i) $(ADDCOPY)       == ""
        goto end
    else-ifstr(i) $(DOCOPY)        == ""
        goto end
    else-ifstr(i) $(DOCONFIG)      == ""
        goto end
    read-syms PlatformID
    read-syms ProductType
    ifstr(i) $(STF_PLATFORM) == $(PlatformID_I386)
        set STF_PRNPLATFORM = "w32x86"
        set STF_PRNENVIRONM = "Windows NT x86"
    else-ifstr(i) $(STF_PLATFORM) == $(PlatformID_Mips)
        set STF_PRNPLATFORM = "w32mips"
        set STF_PRNENVIRONM = "Windows NT R4000"
    else-ifstr(i) $(STF_PLATFORM) == $(PlatformID_PPC)
        set STF_PRNPLATFORM = "w32ppc"
        set STF_PRNENVIRONM = "Windows NT PowerPC"
    else-ifstr(i) $(STF_PLATFORM) == $(PlatformID_Alpha)
        set STF_PRNPLATFORM = "w32alpha"
        set STF_PRNENVIRONM = "Windows NT Alpha_AXP"
        goto end
    read-syms UiVars
    detect    UiVars
    read-syms Strings$(STF_LANGUAGE)
    ifstr(i) $(STF_SRCDIR) != $(STF_CWDDIR)
        goto skip_asksource
    set STF_SRCDIR = A:\
    shell "registry.inf" GetNTSource
    ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
    else-ifstr(i) $($R0) != STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
        set STF_SRCDIR = $($R1)
    shell "subroutn.inf" DoAskSource $(STF_SRCDIR)
    ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
        Debug-Output "shelling DoAskSource failed"
        goto end
    ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
        set STF_SRCDIR  = $($R1)
        ifstr(i) $($R2) != ""
            set DrivesToFree = >($(DrivesToFree), $($R2))
        goto end
skip_asksource = +
    LibraryProcedure IsFullPath, $(!LIBHANDLE), CheckPathFullPathSpec $(STF_PRNDRIVERPATH)
    ifstr(i) $(IsFullPath) == "NO"
        LibraryProcedure STATUS, $(!LIBHANDLE), ProcessForUNC $(STF_PRNDRIVERPATH)
        ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "ERROR"
            shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "NONFATAL" $(String3)
            goto end
        else-ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "NOT-UNC"
            shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "NONFATAL" $(String3)
            goto end
        else-ifstr(i) $(STATUS) == "UNC-FAILCONNECT"
            shell "subroutn.inf" SetupMessage $(!STF_LANGUAGE) "NONFATAL" $(String3)
            goto end
            set STF_PRNDRIVERPATH = $(STATUS)
    shell "" InstallOption $(STF_LANGUAGE) $(OPTION) $(STF_SRCDIR) $(ADDCOPY) $(DOCOPY) $(DOCONFIG)
    ifint $($ShellCode) != $(!SHELL_CODE_OK)
        Debug-Output "Execing InstallOption failed"
        goto end
    ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_SUCCESSFUL
        set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_SUCCESS)
    else-ifstr(i) $($R0) == STATUS_USERCANCEL
        set Exit_Code = $(!SETUP_ERROR_USERCANCEL)
end =+
    ForListDo $(DrivesToFree)
        LibraryProcedure STATUS,$(!LIBHANDLE), DeleteNetConnection $($) "TRUE"
    install   FreeSetupLibrary
    LoadLibrary "x" $(!STF_CWDDIR)setupdll.dll !LIBHANDLE
    FreeLibrary $(!LIBHANDLE)
    PlatformID_I386 = I386
    PlatformID_Mips = Mips
    PlatformID_Alpha  = Alpha
    PlatformID_PPC  = ppc
    STF_CONTROLSET     = CurrentControlSet
    STF_WINDOWSPATH    = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetWindowsNtDir
    STF_WINDOWSSYSPATH = "" ? $(!LIBHANDLE) GetWindowsNtSysDir
[Source Media Descriptions]
    1 = "Tektronix Printer Disk" , TAGFILE = tek1
    read-syms Signature
    return $(FileType)
pscrptui = 1,PSCRPTUI.DLL , SIZE=407552
tkp840e1 = 1, TKP840E1.PPD, SIZE=48345
tkp840p1 = 1, TKP840P1.PPD, SIZE=48898
tkph8401 = 1, TKPH8401.PPD, SIZE=46600
tkph1401 = 1, TKPH1401.PPD, SIZE=17426
tk200172 = 1, TK200172.PPD, SIZE=23911
tk200392 = 1, TK200392.PPD, SIZE=25279
tkp200i2 = 1, TKP200I2.PPD, SIZE=25948
tk220171 = 1, TK220171.PPD, SIZE=15218
tk220391 = 1, TK220391.PPD, SIZE=16586
tkp220i1 = 1, TKP220I1.PPD, SIZE=17648
tk240172 = 1, TK240172.PPD, SIZE=15915
tk240392 = 1, TK240392.PPD, SIZE=17309
tkp300i1 = 1, TKP300I1.PPD, SIZE=29353
tkp300x1 = 1, TKP300X1.PPD, SIZE=35165
tk300xp1 = 1, TK300XP1.PPD, SIZE=34103
tk340173 = 1, TK340173.PPD, SIZE=17588
tk340693 = 1, TK340693.PPD, SIZE=20915
tk350171 = 1, TK350171.PPD, SIZE=15017
tk350691 = 1, TK350691.PPD, SIZE=17998
tkp360p1 = 1, TKP360P1.PPD, SIZE=32604
tkph3801 = 1, TKPH3801.PPD, SIZE=34604
tkp380p1 = 1, TKP380P1.PPD, SIZE=37958
tkph4401 = 1, TKPH4401.PPD, SIZE=17519
tkph4501 = 1, TKPH4501.PPD, SIZE=27831
tkp450p1 = 1, TKP450P1.PPD, SIZE=28388
tkph4801 = 1, TKPH4801.PPD, SIZE=16319
tkp480x1 = 1, TKP480X1.PPD, SIZE=16988
tkph5401 = 1, TKPH5401.PPD, SIZE=20856
tkp540p1 = 1, TKP540P1.PPD, SIZE=22374
tk550172 = 1, TK550172.PPD, SIZE=18628
tk550392 = 1, TK550392.PPD, SIZE=21136
tkph5601 = 1, TKPH5601.PPD, SIZE=16359
tkp560p1 = 1, TKP560P1.PPD, SIZE=18793
tkph6001 = 1, TKPH6001.PPD, SIZE=40795
tkp600p1 = 1, TKP600P1.PPD, SIZE=42814
tkp740e1 = 1, TKP740E1.PPD, SIZE=39412
tkp740p1 = 1, TKP740P1.PPD, SIZE=39870
tkph7401 = 1, TKPH7401.PPD, SIZE=36797
tkph7801 = 1, TKPH7801.PPD, SIZE=41695
tkp780g1 = 1, TKP780G1.PPD, SIZE=45748
tkp780p1 = 1, TKP780P1.PPD, SIZE=48418
tkphpxi1 = 1, TKPHPXI1.PPD, SIZE=26054
tkphzr22 = 1, TKPHZR22.PPD, SIZE=26451
tkphzr32 = 1, TKPHZR32.PPD, SIZE=34239
tkpxe171 = 1, TKPXE171.PPD, SIZE=24123
tkpxe391 = 1, TKPXE391.PPD, SIZE=25487
tkph2sd1 = 1, TKPH2SD1.PPD, SIZE=24762
tkp2sdx1 = 1, TKP2SDX1.PPD, SIZE=24920
pscript = 1,PSCRIPT.DLL , SIZE=448512
pscript = 1,PSCRIPT.HLP , SIZE=35840
"Tektronix Phaser 840 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 840 with Extended Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 840 Plus" = "Tektronix Phaser 840 with Plus Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 840" = "Tektronix Phaser 840 with Base Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 140" = "Tektronix Phaser 140"
"Tektronix Phaser 200e 17" = "Tektronix Phaser 200e with 17 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 200e 39" = "Tektronix Phaser 200e with 39 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 200i" = "Tektronix Phaser 200i"
"Tektronix Phaser 220e 17" = "Tektronix Phaser 220e with 17 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 220e 39" = "Tektronix Phaser 220e with 39 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 220i" = "Tektronix Phaser 220i"
"Tektronix Phaser 240 17" = "Tektronix Phaser 240 with 17 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 240 39" = "Tektronix Phaser 240 with 39 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser 300i" = "Tektronix Phaser 300i"
"Tektronix Phaser 300X" = "Tektronix Phaser 300X"
"Tektronix Phaser 300X Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 300X Extended"
"Tektronix Phaser 340" = "Tektronix Phaser 340"
"Tektronix Phaser 340 600 dpi" = "Tektronix Phaser 340 with 600 dpi"
"Tektronix Phaser 350" = "Tektronix Phaser 350"
"Tektronix Phaser 350 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 350 Extended"
"Tektronix Phaser 360 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 360 with Extended Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 380" = "Tektronix Phaser 380"
"Tektronix Phaser 380 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 380 with Extended Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 440" = "Tektronix Phaser 440"
"Tektronix Phaser 450" = "Tektronix Phaser 450"
"Tektronix Phaser 450 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 450 Extended"
"Tektronix Phaser 480" = "Tektronix Phaser 480"
"Tektronix Phaser 480X" = "Tektronix Phaser 480X"
"Tektronix Phaser 540" = "Tektronix Phaser 540"
"Tektronix Phaser 540 Plus" = "Tektronix Phaser 540 Plus"
"Tektronix Phaser 550" = "Tektronix Phaser 550"
"Tektronix Phaser 550 1200 dpi" = "Tektronix Phaser 550 with 1200 dpi"
"Tektronix Phaser 560" = "Tektronix Phaser 560"
"Tektronix Phaser 560 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 560 with Extended Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 600" = "Tektronix Phaser 600"
"Tektronix Phaser 600 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 600 with Extended Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 740 Extended" = "Tektronix Phaser 740 with Extended Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 740 Plus" = "Tektronix Phaser 740 with Plus Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 740" = "Tektronix Phaser 740"
"Tektronix Phaser 780" = "Tektronix Phaser 780"
"Tektronix Phaser 780 Graphics" = "Tektronix Phaser 780 with Graphics Features"
"Tektronix Phaser 780 Plus" = "Tektronix Phaser 780 with Plus Features"
"Tektronix Phaser PXi" = "Tektronix Phaser PXi"
"Tektronix Phaser II PXi" = "Tektronix Phaser II PXi"
"Tektronix Phaser III PXi" = "Tektronix Phaser III PXi"
"Tektronix Phaser II PXe 17" = "Tektronix Phaser II PXe with 17 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser II PXe 39" = "Tektronix Phaser II PXe with 39 fonts"
"Tektronix Phaser IISD" = "Tektronix Phaser IISD"
"Tektronix Phaser IISDX" = "Tektronix Phaser IISDX"
    String1 = "The printer model "
    String2 = " is already installed."
    String3 = "Failed to connect to the print server."
    String4 = "The driver files for the printer model "
    String5 = " couldn't be copied.  Failed to install the printer model."
    String6 = "Access is denied. You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators "+
              "group to carry out this operation."
    String7 = " could not be installed."
    ProCaption   = "Windows NT Setup"
    ProCancel    = "Cancel"
    ProCancelMsg = "Windows NT is not correctly installed.  Are you sure you want "+
                   "to cancel copying files?"
    ProCancelCap = "Setup Message"
    ProText1     = "Copying:"
    ProText2     = "To:"
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web3, load: 2.10