Message.txt Driver File Contents (



;	Setup Message String INI file


;	DATE	: 2005 / 1 / 14








;		KeyValue					:	Content


Connect								= >4:;NG5=

NotConnect							= B:;NG5=

InsertItemValues						= 2548B5 7=0G5=85

ServerAlreayRegistered						= !5@25@ C65 70@538AB@8@>20=

SelectOneYouWantToReach						= K15@8B5 A5@25@ 4;O ?>4:;NG5=8O

NotDeleteConnectedServer					= B:;NG8B5AL 4;O C40;5=8O B5:CI53> A5@25@0

NotModifyConnectedServer					= B:;NG8B5AL 4;O 87<5=5=8O B5:CI53> A5@25@0

AlreadyConnected						= #65 ?>4:;NG5=>

ConnectingToServer						= >4:;NG5=85 : A5@25@C. 68409B5& 

ConnectedToServer						= >4:;NG5=85 2K?>;=5=>

ConnectFail							= H81:0 ?>4:;NG5=8O

ConfirmedUserIndentification					= >4B25@645=85 ?>;L7>20B5;O

NotConfirmedUserIndentification					= 5B ?>4B25@645=8O ?>;L7>20B5;O

UndefinedID							= #B>G=8B5 ID C 04<8=8AB@0B>@0

NotUsedID							= ID >B:;NG5= 04<8=8AB@0B>@><

ExpirationOfAccountsPeriod					= H81:0 2E>40. !@>: 70:>=G8;AO

IncorrectPassword						= H81:0 ?0@>;O

IncorrectID&Password						= H81:0 ID/0@>;L

SameChannelIsExisted						= 0=0; C65 ?>4:;NG5= 4;O 40==>3> A5@25@0

NotGranted							= 5B ?@02

There is no picture image					= 5B 40==KE 70 ?5@8>4 ?> 2K1@0==>9 :0<5@5

There is not enough space in the drive				= 0 48A:5 =54>AB0B>G=> <5AB0 4;O 0@E820F88

Delete in Process 						= 45B C40;5=85

Delete Completed 						= #40;5=85 7025@H5=>

Move in Process 						= 45B ?5@5<5I5=85

Move Completed 							= 5@5=>A 7025@H5=

Copying Backup Viewer program into CD				= >?8@>20=85 ?@>3@0<<K ?@>A<>B@0 =0 CD

Preparing for copy work into hard disk				= >43>B>2:0 : :>?8@>20=8N =0 48A:

Copy started into hard disk					= >?8@>20=85 =0 48A:

Copy completed into hard disk					= >?8@>20=85 =0 48A: 7025@H5=>

CD Backup in progress						= @E820F8O CD 2K?>;=O5BAO

CD Backup completed						= @E820F8O CD 2K?>;=5=0

TempFolderDelete						= #40;5=85 2@5<5==>9 ?0?:8 >1@070 CD

Password is incorrect						= H81:0 ?0@>;O

You are not authorized to see Backup data			= 5B ?@02 4;O ?@>A<>B@0 0@E820

Nero Burning Rom is not installed				= Nero Burning Rom =5 CAB0=>2;5=0

Please insert CD						= AB02LB5 CD

Unwritable media						= 5 70?8A.=>A8B5;L

CD storing completed						= 0?8AL =0 CD 70:>=G5=0

CD storing failed						= H81:0 70?8A8 =0 CD

Please wait a moment						= >60;C9AB0 >68409B5

Re-searching							= >2B>@=K9 ?>8A:

Overlay Surface							= 25@;59 8A?>;L7C5BAO 4@C3>9 ?@>3@0<<>9. K948B5 87 ?@>3@0<<K 8 70?CAB8B5 5I5 @07

Unexpected error has occurred					= @>87>H;0 =5>6840==0O >H81:0

Trying connection to the next server				= >2B>@8B5 ?>4:;NG5=85 : 4@C3><C A5@25@C

Connection successful						= #A?5H=>5 ?>4:;NG5=85

Connection failed						= H81:0 ?>4:;NG5=8O

Please check IP and Port					= @>25@LB5 IP/?>@B

Requesting user authentication to the connected server		= K?>;=O5BAO 0CB5=B8D8:0F8O ?>;L7>20B5;O =0 A5@25@5

Requesting user authorization to the local system		= CB5=B8D8:0F8O ?>;L7>20B5;O =0 ;>:.A5@25@5

User Authentication Successful					= CB5=B8D8:0F8O 2K?>;=5=0 CA?5H=>

Please confirm ID and Password					= >4B25@48B5 ID/?0@>;L

There is already other user					= "0:>9 ?>;L7>20B5;L C65 ?>4:;NG5=. B:;NG8BL 4@C3>3> ?>;L7>20B5;O 8 CAB0=>28BL A>548=5=85?

Not Video Channel						= K15@8B5 :0=0; 4;O >B>1@065=8O

Not Delete ID super Or guest					= #40;5=85 super/guest =5 2>7<>6=>

Not Add Same ID							= ID C65 8A?>;L7C5BAO

WarningNotUseDrive						= ;O CAB0=>2:8 4>;6=> 1KBL 1>;55 >4=>3> 48A:0

InputTheScheduleName						= 2548B5 8<O @0A?8A0=8O

ScheduleNameAlreayRegistered					= "0:>5 @0A?8A0=85 C65 5ABL

AlreadyOccupation						= @>3@0<<0 CAB0=>2:8 C65 2K?>;=O5BAO. >?@>1C9B5 ?>74=55

Relogin								= @C3>9 ?>;L7>20B5;L ?>4:;NG5= ?>4 MB8< 8<5=5<. K?>;=8BL A1@>A 8 ?>2B>@8BL A>548=5=85?

FailChangePass							= H81:0 ?0@>;O. >2B>@8B5 22>4

Backup Time Error						= #B>G=8B5 ?5@8>4 0@E820F88

NotInputEnableChar						= ;O 22>40 8A?>;L7C9B5 B>;L:> 0=3;89A:85 1C:2K 8 F8D@K

SamePresetName							= @5A5B A B0:8< 8<5=5< ACI5AB2C5B

PresetCapacityOver						= 1JQ< ?@5A5B0 ?@52KH5=

NotChangePassword						= 5;L7O 87<5=8BL ?0@>;L 4;O ?>;L7>20B5;O

ChangeLanguage							= 5@570?CAB8B5 ?@>3@0<<C 4;O A<5=K O7K:0 8=B5@D59A0

ChangeUsedMonitor						= Modify video display options can be activated properly after restarting the DVR program.

ThisGroupNameIsAlreayRegistered					= <O 3@C??K C65 70@538AB@8@>20=>

NotFoundRecordEventInfo						= 5B 40==KE > A>1KB8OE 4;O 70?8A8

DeleteEditScheduleInfo					= There is editing mode running, would like to delete it ?

NotFoundRecordCameraInfo					= 5B 40==KE ?> :0<5@5 4;O 70?8A8

WarningDeleteAndRemove						= A5 40==K5 70 ?5@8>4 1C4CB C40;5=K. @>4>;68BL?

OverwriteLimitDrive						=  568< ?5@570?8A8 <>65B 1KBL CAB0=>2;5= 2 A;CG05 1>;55 42CE 48A:>2 

RemovalOverwrite						= K 65;05B5 >B<5=8BL DC=:F8N ?5@570?8A8?

RecordAllStopForBackup						= ;O 2K?>;=5=8O 0@E820F88, 70?8AL ?> 2A5< :0=0;0< 4>;6=0 1KBL >AB0=>2;5=0. @>4>;68BL?

;Invalid Select Area						= H81:0 2K1>@0 >1;0AB8

IPAlreadyRegistered						= "5:CI89 IP C65 70@538AB@8@>20=

WaitMessage							= >60;C9AB0 >68409B5!!!

InvalidSetupInfo						= =D>@<0F8O > ?;0B5 8 B5:CI85 7=0G5=8O CAB0=>2>: =5 25@=K

DeleteSetupInfo							= 5@570?CAB8B5 ?@>3@0<<C ?>A;5 A1@>A0 =0AB@>5:

RunNDInitProgram						= K 65;05B5 2K?>;=8BL A1@>A B5:CI8E CAB0=>2>:?

BoardIDMissMatch						= ID ?;0BK =5 :>@@5:B=>

PasswordCreationError						= H81:0 A>740=8O ?0@>;O. K15@8B5 48A: 4;O A>740=8O D09;0.

NotSaveRootFolder						= !>E@.2 :>@5=L =5 2>7<>6=>

SelectTheSaveFolder						= K1>@ ?0?:8

OnlyHDDDrive							= >6=> B>;L:> 6/48A:

IndexSetError							=  A?8A>: :0=0;>2 2:;NG8B5 1>;55 >4=>9 :0<5@K

RetryIndexSet					 		= #AB0=>28B5 A2O7L A :0<5@>9 5I5 @07

DDNSInterceptionID						= A?>;L7>20=85 A5@28A0 DDNS =5 2>7<>6=>. H81:0 ID

DDNSInterceptionService						= A?>;L7>20=85 A5@28A0 DDNS =5 2>7<>6=>. !5@28A =5 70@538AB@8@>20=

DDNSNotAvailableID						= 5;L7O 8A?>;L7>20BL DDNS. 5ACI5AB2CNI89 ID

DDNSRetrySetupProgram						= 0?CAB8B5 CAB0=>2:C 8 22548B5 :>@@5:B=K5 40==K5

DDNSMissMatchPassword						= 5;L7O 8A?>;L7>20BL DDNS. H81:0 ?0@>;O

DDNSServiceDisable						= !5@28A DDNS =5 70?CI5=

DDNSUnKnownError						= 58725AB=0O >H81:0 2 @01>B5 DDNS A5@28A0

DDNSNotUseService						= 5;L7O 8A?>;L7>20BL DDNS

Forced Disconnect						= K >B:;NG5=K. -B>B ID C65 8A?>;L7C5BAO

NotFoundFreeSpace						= 5 4>AB0B>G=> <5AB0 4;O 70?8A8, 2K15@8B5 4@C3>9 48A:

VdmCreateWindowFaild						= H81:0 A>740=8O >:=0

VdmCreateOverlayFaild						= H81:0 8=8F80;870F88 Direct Draw

VdmNotSupportOverlay						= 5 ?>445@68205BAO Direct Draw

VdmOutOfMemory							= 5 4>AB0B>G=> 2845>?0<OB8

PresetRemoveAll							= !1@>A 2A5E CAB0=>2>:. K 65;05B5 ?@>4>;68BL?

SettingRecordStop						= AB0=>2:0 CMS 70?8A8. K?>;=ONBAO CAB0=>2:8. >A;5 >:>=G0=8O 70?CAB8B5 5I5 @07.

RemoveSaveData							= A5 40==K5 =0 48A:5 1C4CB C40;5=K. K 65;05B5 ?@>4>;68BL?

SelectDrive							= K1>@ 48A:0 4;O 2845>40==KE

SelectFolder							= CBL 4;O 70?8A8

QuestionExit							= K9B8 87 ?@>3@0<<K?

RecDriveMsg							= 8A: =5 2K1@0=, 2K?>;=8B5 CAB0=>2:C 48A:0

ExitMsgRebootSystem						= 5@5703@C78BL A8AB5<C?

ExitMsgShutdownSystem						= K9B8 87 A8AB5<K?

failedPasswordChang						= H81:0 ?0@>;O

LackProgramRunSpace						= Out of space! This program can not run any more.

DriveSetLimit							= It is out of recording space. Minimum 1000MB is required.

DriveResetting							= Minimum 1000MB is required for recording videos. Please, make a space again.

BookMark_NotRecData						= There is no video data.

Disconnected Server						= Connection to Server has disconnected.

FailAudioDevice							= It is not able to detect any audio device.
Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web5, load: 1.70