TVCARD.INI Driver File Contents (

;* Module      : TVCARD.INI
;* Description : Hardware description file
;* Copyright   : TelSignal Co., Ltd.
;* Version     :

;* Support TV card
[TV Card]
01=DVD plus(3010)
02=DVD plus(3020)/TV+Remote
03=DVD plus(3020)/TV+Remote/LG
04=DVD plus(3060)/TV
05=DVD plus(3060)/TV/LG
Default = DVD plus(3060)/TV/LG

[DVD plus(3010)]
HKey            = Software\TelSignal\SMTV
Copyright       = TelSignal Co., Ltd.
Company         = DVD Plus
Product         = DVD plus(3010)
Function        = MPEG-II
VideoSrc        = Nothing

AgpioStart      = 0x00000000 ; ASwitch Start Bit
AgpioEnd        = 0x00000001 ; ASwitch End   Bit
AudioTV         = 0x00000001 ; Audio TV
AudioFM         = 0x00000002 ; Audio FM
AudioLine       = 0x00000000 ; Audio Line
AudioNC         = 0x00000003 ; Audio NC
AudioSW         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Switch
AudioUSB        = 0x00000000 ;
AmutePin        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Pin
AmuteOn         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Value
AmuteOff        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Unmute Value
AmuteStatus     = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Status
FmFreq          = 0x00000000 ; FM Frequency
FmI2C           = 0x000000C0 ; FM I2C Address
GPIE            = 0x00000000 ; GPIE
GPOE            = 0x00000003 ; GPOE
MTSioStart      = 0x00000000 ; MTS Start Bit
MTSioEnd        = 0x00000000 ; MTS End   Bit
MTSioMONO       = 0x00000000 ; MONO
MTSioSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP
MTSioST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO
MTSioSW         = 0x00000000 ; MTS Switch
MTSspST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Pin
MTSspSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Pin
MTSsvST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Value
MTSsvSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Value
TunerI2C        = 0x000000C0 ; Tuner I2C Address
TunerBrand      = 0x00000001 ;
Saa711I2C       = 0x00000042 ; SAA7108 I2C Address
VideoComposite  = 0x000000C0 ; Support Composite
VideoSVideo     = 0x000000C7 ; Support SVideo
VideoTuner      = 0x00000000 ; Support Tuner
VideoCamera     = 0x00000000 ; Not support Camera
VideoQSCamera   = 0x00000000 ; Not support QSCamera
PowerOnEnabit   = 0x00000008 ; Power on Enabler
PowerOffValue   = 0x00000000 ; Power off value

RemoteCode      = 0x00000000 ; Remote Code
RemoteDecoder   = 0x00000000 ; Decoder Name
RemoteI2C       = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 1
RemoteI2Cex     = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 2
RemoteStart     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Start Bit
RemoteEnd       = 0x00000000 ; GPIO End   Bit
RemoteReset     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Pin
RemoteRScode    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Value
RemoteRSdelay   = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Delay
RemoteBitmap    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bitmapped
RemoteBit0      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 0
RemoteBit1      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 1
RemoteBit2      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 2
RemoteBit3      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 3
RemoteBit4      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 4
RemoteBit5      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 5
RemoteBit6      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 6
RemoteBit7      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 7
RemoteBitS      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit
RemoteBitSV     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit Value

RemoteKey00     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey01     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey02     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey03     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey04     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey05     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey06     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey07     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey08     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey09     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey10     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey11     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey12     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey13     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey14     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey15     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey16     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey17     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey18     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey19     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey20     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey21     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey22     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey23     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey24     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey25     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey26     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey27     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey28     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey29     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey30     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey31     = 0x00000000 ;

[DVD plus(3020)/TV+Remote]
HKey            = Software\TelSignal\SMTV
Copyright       = TelSignal Co., Ltd.
Company         = DVD Plus
Product         = DVD plus(3020)/TV+Remote
Function        = TV+Remote+MPEG-II
VideoSrc        = Nothing

AgpioStart      = 0x00002313 ; ASwitch Start Bit
AgpioEnd        = 0x00000000 ; ASwitch End   Bit
AudioTV         = 0x00000045 ; Audio TV
AudioFM         = 0x00000045 ; Audio FM
AudioLine       = 0x00000044 ; Audio Line
AudioNC         = 0x00000042 ; Audio NC
AudioSW         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Switch
AudioUSB        = 0x00000000 ;
AmutePin        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Pin
AmuteOn         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Value
AmuteOff        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Unmute Value
AmuteStatus     = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Status
FmFreq          = 0x00000000 ; FM Frequency
FmI2C           = 0x000000C0 ; FM I2C Address
GPIE            = 0x00000000 ; GPIE
GPOE            = 0x00000003 ; GPOE
MTSioStart      = 0x00000000 ; MTS Start Bit
MTSioEnd        = 0x00000000 ; MTS End   Bit
MTSioMONO       = 0x00000013 ; MONO
MTSioSAP        = 0x00000014 ; SAP
MTSioST         = 0x00000013 ; STEREO
MTSioSW         = 0x00000000 ; MTS Switch
MTSspST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Pin
MTSspSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Pin
MTSsvST         = 0x00000010 ; STEREO Signal Value
MTSsvSAP        = 0x00000020 ; SAP    Signal Value
TunerI2C        = 0x000000C0 ; Tuner I2C Address
TunerBrand      = 0x00000001 ;
Saa711I2C       = 0x00000042 ; SAA7108 I2C Address
VideoComposite  = 0x000000C0 ; Support Composite
VideoSVideo     = 0x000000C7 ; Support SVideo
VideoTuner      = 0x000000C5 ; Support Tuner
VideoCamera     = 0x00000000 ; Not support Camera
VideoQSCamera   = 0x00000000 ; Not support QSCamera
PowerOnEnabit   = 0x00000008 ; Power on Enabler
PowerOffValue   = 0x00000000 ; Power off value

RemoteCode      = 0x00000000 ; Remote Code
RemoteDecoder   = 0x00000064 ; Decoder Name
RemoteI2C       = 0x00000064 ; I2C  Byte 1
RemoteI2Cex     = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 2
RemoteStart     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Start Bit
RemoteEnd       = 0x00000000 ; GPIO End   Bit
RemoteReset     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Pin
RemoteRScode    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Value
RemoteRSdelay   = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Delay
RemoteBitmap    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bitmapped
RemoteBit0      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 0
RemoteBit1      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 1
RemoteBit2      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 2
RemoteBit3      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 3
RemoteBit4      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 4
RemoteBit5      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 5
RemoteBit6      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 6
RemoteBit7      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 7
RemoteBitS      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit
RemoteBitSV     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit Value

RemoteKey00     = 0x00000000 ; Key 0
RemoteKey01     = 0x00010001 ; Key 1
RemoteKey02     = 0x00020002 ; Key 2
RemoteKey03     = 0x00030003 ; Key 3
RemoteKey04     = 0x00040004 ; Key 4
RemoteKey05     = 0x00050005 ; Key 5
RemoteKey06     = 0x00060006 ; Key 6
RemoteKey07     = 0x00070007 ; Key 7
RemoteKey08     = 0x00080008 ; Key 8
RemoteKey09     = 0x00090009 ; Key 9
RemoteKey10     = 0x0017000A ; Recall
RemoteKey11     = 0x000A0017 ; + 100(Enter)
RemoteKey12     = 0x001B001A ; CH. +
RemoteKey13     = 0x001F001E ; CH. -
RemoteKey14     = 0x001A001B ; Vol +
RemoteKey15     = 0x001E001F ; Vol -
RemoteKey16     = 0x000B0037 ; OSD
RemoteKey17     = 0x000C0039 ; Reset
RemoteKey18     = 0x00160011 ; Source
RemoteKey19     = 0x00140010 ; MTS
RemoteKey20     = 0x00190015 ; Mute
RemoteKey21     = 0x001D0037 ; OSD ???
RemoteKey22     = 0x0010000F ; Zoom
RemoteKey23     = 0x00120012 ; Power Off
RemoteKey24     = 0x000D0033 ; Record
RemoteKey25     = 0x000E0035 ; Play
RemoteKey26     = 0x00410034 ; Stop
RemoteKey27     = 0x00420036 ; Pause
RemoteKey28     = 0x0043003B ; F.F. OSD +
RemoteKey29     = 0x0040003A ; B.W. OSD -
RemoteKey30     = 0x001C0038 ; Snapshot
RemoteKey31     = 0x00000000 ;

[DVD plus(3020)/TV+Remote/LG]
HKey            = Software\TelSignal\SMTV
Copyright       = TelSignal Co., Ltd.
Company         = DVD Plus
Product         = DVD plus(3020)/TV+Remote/LG
Function        = TV+Remote+MPEG-II
VideoSrc        = Nothing

AgpioStart      = 0x00002313 ; ASwitch Start Bit
AgpioEnd        = 0x00000000 ; ASwitch End   Bit
AudioTV         = 0x00000045 ; Audio TV
AudioFM         = 0x00000045 ; Audio FM
AudioLine       = 0x00000044 ; Audio Line
AudioNC         = 0x00000042 ; Audio NC
AudioSW         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Switch
AudioUSB        = 0x00000000 ;
AmutePin        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Pin
AmuteOn         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Value
AmuteOff        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Unmute Value
AmuteStatus     = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Status
FmFreq          = 0x00000000 ; FM Frequency
FmI2C           = 0x000000C0 ; FM I2C Address
GPIE            = 0x00000000 ; GPIE
GPOE            = 0x00000003 ; GPOE
MTSioStart      = 0x00000000 ; MTS Start Bit
MTSioEnd        = 0x00000000 ; MTS End   Bit
MTSioMONO       = 0x00000013 ; MONO
MTSioSAP        = 0x00000014 ; SAP
MTSioST         = 0x00000013 ; STEREO
MTSioSW         = 0x00000000 ; MTS Switch
MTSspST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Pin
MTSspSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Pin
MTSsvST         = 0x00000010 ; STEREO Signal Value
MTSsvSAP        = 0x00000020 ; SAP    Signal Value
TunerI2C        = 0x000000C0 ; Tuner I2C Address
TunerBrand      = 0x00000041 ;
Saa711I2C       = 0x00000042 ; SAA7108 I2C Address
VideoComposite  = 0x000000C0 ; Support Composite
VideoSVideo     = 0x000000C7 ; Support SVideo
VideoTuner      = 0x000000C5 ; Support Tuner
VideoCamera     = 0x00000000 ; Not support Camera
VideoQSCamera   = 0x00000000 ; Not support QSCamera
PowerOnEnabit   = 0x00000008 ; Power on Enabler
PowerOffValue   = 0x00000000 ; Power off value

RemoteCode      = 0x00000000 ; Remote Code
RemoteDecoder   = 0x00000064 ; Decoder Name
RemoteI2C       = 0x00000064 ; I2C  Byte 1
RemoteI2Cex     = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 2
RemoteStart     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Start Bit
RemoteEnd       = 0x00000000 ; GPIO End   Bit
RemoteReset     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Pin
RemoteRScode    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Value
RemoteRSdelay   = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Delay
RemoteBitmap    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bitmapped
RemoteBit0      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 0
RemoteBit1      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 1
RemoteBit2      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 2
RemoteBit3      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 3
RemoteBit4      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 4
RemoteBit5      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 5
RemoteBit6      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 6
RemoteBit7      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 7
RemoteBitS      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit
RemoteBitSV     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit Value

RemoteKey00     = 0x00000000 ; Key 0
RemoteKey01     = 0x00010001 ; Key 1
RemoteKey02     = 0x00020002 ; Key 2
RemoteKey03     = 0x00030003 ; Key 3
RemoteKey04     = 0x00040004 ; Key 4
RemoteKey05     = 0x00050005 ; Key 5
RemoteKey06     = 0x00060006 ; Key 6
RemoteKey07     = 0x00070007 ; Key 7
RemoteKey08     = 0x00080008 ; Key 8
RemoteKey09     = 0x00090009 ; Key 9
RemoteKey10     = 0x0017000A ; Recall
RemoteKey11     = 0x000A0017 ; + 100(Enter)
RemoteKey12     = 0x001B001A ; CH. +
RemoteKey13     = 0x001F001E ; CH. -
RemoteKey14     = 0x001A001B ; Vol +
RemoteKey15     = 0x001E001F ; Vol -
RemoteKey16     = 0x000B0037 ; OSD
RemoteKey17     = 0x000C0039 ; Reset
RemoteKey18     = 0x00160011 ; Source
RemoteKey19     = 0x00140010 ; MTS
RemoteKey20     = 0x00190015 ; Mute
RemoteKey21     = 0x001D0037 ; OSD ???
RemoteKey22     = 0x0010000F ; Zoom
RemoteKey23     = 0x00120012 ; Power Off
RemoteKey24     = 0x000D0033 ; Record
RemoteKey25     = 0x000E0035 ; Play
RemoteKey26     = 0x00410034 ; Stop
RemoteKey27     = 0x00420036 ; Pause
RemoteKey28     = 0x0043003B ; F.F. OSD +
RemoteKey29     = 0x0040003A ; B.W. OSD -
RemoteKey30     = 0x001C0038 ; Snapshot
RemoteKey31     = 0x00000000 ;

[DVD plus(3060)/TV]
HKey            = Software\TelSignal\SMTV
Copyright       = TelSignal Co., Ltd.
Company         = DVD Plus
Product         = DVD plus(3060)/TV
Function        = TV+MPEG-II
VideoSrc        = Nothing

AgpioStart      = 0x00000000 ; ASwitch Start Bit
AgpioEnd        = 0x00000001 ; ASwitch End   Bit
AudioTV         = 0x00000001 ; Audio TV
AudioFM         = 0x00000002 ; Audio FM
AudioLine       = 0x00000000 ; Audio Line
AudioNC         = 0x00000003 ; Audio NC
AudioSW         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Switch
AudioUSB        = 0x00000000 ;
AmutePin        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Pin
AmuteOn         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Value
AmuteOff        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Unmute Value
AmuteStatus     = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Status
FmFreq          = 0x00000000 ; FM Frequency
FmI2C           = 0x000000C0 ; FM I2C Address
GPIE            = 0x00000000 ; GPIE
GPOE            = 0x00000003 ; GPOE
MTSioStart      = 0x00000000 ; MTS Start Bit
MTSioEnd        = 0x00000000 ; MTS End   Bit
MTSioMONO       = 0x00000000 ; MONO
MTSioSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP
MTSioST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO
MTSioSW         = 0x00000000 ; MTS Switch
MTSspST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Pin
MTSspSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Pin
MTSsvST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Value
MTSsvSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Value
TunerI2C        = 0x000000C0 ; Tuner I2C Address
TunerBrand      = 0x00000001 ;
Saa711I2C       = 0x00000042 ; SAA7108 I2C Address
VideoComposite  = 0x000000C0 ; Support Composite
VideoSVideo     = 0x000000C7 ; Support SVideo
VideoTuner      = 0x000000C5 ; Support Tuner
VideoCamera     = 0x00000000 ; Not support Camera
VideoQSCamera   = 0x00000000 ; Not support QSCamera
PowerOnEnabit   = 0x00000008 ; Power on Enabler
PowerOffValue   = 0x00000000 ; Power off value

RemoteCode      = 0x00000000 ; Remote Code
RemoteDecoder   = 0x00000000 ; Decoder Name
RemoteI2C       = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 1
RemoteI2Cex     = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 2
RemoteStart     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Start Bit
RemoteEnd       = 0x00000000 ; GPIO End   Bit
RemoteReset     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Pin
RemoteRScode    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Value
RemoteRSdelay   = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Delay
RemoteBitmap    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bitmapped
RemoteBit0      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 0
RemoteBit1      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 1
RemoteBit2      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 2
RemoteBit3      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 3
RemoteBit4      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 4
RemoteBit5      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 5
RemoteBit6      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 6
RemoteBit7      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 7
RemoteBitS      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit
RemoteBitSV     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit Value

RemoteKey00     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey01     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey02     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey03     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey04     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey05     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey06     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey07     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey08     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey09     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey10     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey11     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey12     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey13     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey14     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey15     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey16     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey17     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey18     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey19     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey20     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey21     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey22     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey23     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey24     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey25     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey26     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey27     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey28     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey29     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey30     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey31     = 0x00000000 ;

[DVD plus(3060)/TV/LG]
HKey            = Software\TelSignal\SMTV
Copyright       = TelSignal Co., Ltd.
Company         = DVD Plus
Product         = DVD plus(3060)/TV/LG
Function        = TV+MPEG-II
VideoSrc        = Nothing

AgpioStart      = 0x00000000 ; ASwitch Start Bit
AgpioEnd        = 0x00000001 ; ASwitch End   Bit
AudioTV         = 0x00000001 ; Audio TV
AudioFM         = 0x00000002 ; Audio FM
AudioLine       = 0x00000000 ; Audio Line
AudioNC         = 0x00000003 ; Audio NC
AudioSW         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Switch
AudioUSB        = 0x00000000 ;
AmutePin        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Pin
AmuteOn         = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Value
AmuteOff        = 0x00000000 ; Audio Unmute Value
AmuteStatus     = 0x00000000 ; Audio Mute   Status
FmFreq          = 0x00000000 ; FM Frequency
FmI2C           = 0x000000C0 ; FM I2C Address
GPIE            = 0x00000000 ; GPIE
GPOE            = 0x00000003 ; GPOE
MTSioStart      = 0x00000000 ; MTS Start Bit
MTSioEnd        = 0x00000000 ; MTS End   Bit
MTSioMONO       = 0x00000000 ; MONO
MTSioSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP
MTSioST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO
MTSioSW         = 0x00000000 ; MTS Switch
MTSspST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Pin
MTSspSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Pin
MTSsvST         = 0x00000000 ; STEREO Signal Value
MTSsvSAP        = 0x00000000 ; SAP    Signal Value
TunerI2C        = 0x000000C0 ; Tuner I2C Address
TunerBrand      = 0x00000041 ;
Saa711I2C       = 0x00000042 ; SAA7108 I2C Address
VideoComposite  = 0x000000C0 ; Support Composite
VideoSVideo     = 0x000000C7 ; Support SVideo
VideoTuner      = 0x000000C5 ; Support Tuner
VideoCamera     = 0x00000000 ; Not support Camera
VideoQSCamera   = 0x00000000 ; Not support QSCamera
PowerOnEnabit   = 0x00000008 ; Power on Enabler
PowerOffValue   = 0x00000000 ; Power off value

RemoteCode      = 0x00000000 ; Remote Code
RemoteDecoder   = 0x00000000 ; Decoder Name
RemoteI2C       = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 1
RemoteI2Cex     = 0x00000000 ; I2C  Byte 2
RemoteStart     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Start Bit
RemoteEnd       = 0x00000000 ; GPIO End   Bit
RemoteReset     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Pin
RemoteRScode    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Value
RemoteRSdelay   = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Reset Delay
RemoteBitmap    = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bitmapped
RemoteBit0      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 0
RemoteBit1      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 1
RemoteBit2      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 2
RemoteBit3      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 3
RemoteBit4      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 4
RemoteBit5      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 5
RemoteBit6      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 6
RemoteBit7      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Bit 7
RemoteBitS      = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit
RemoteBitSV     = 0x00000000 ; GPIO Valid Bit Value

RemoteKey00     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey01     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey02     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey03     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey04     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey05     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey06     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey07     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey08     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey09     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey10     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey11     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey12     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey13     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey14     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey15     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey16     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey17     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey18     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey19     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey20     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey21     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey22     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey23     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey24     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey25     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey26     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey27     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey28     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey29     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey30     = 0x00000000 ;
RemoteKey31     = 0x00000000 ;

Download Driver Pack

How To Update Drivers Manually

After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.

  • Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).

  • If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

  • Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.

  • Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.

  • Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.

  • From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.

  • Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.

Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.

For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.

server: web1, load: 0.55