[Models] HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8384&DEV_7680&SUBSYS_102801BF=this HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8384&DEV_7680=this default=this [CopyFiles.32] stacgui.cpl = 0x25 stlang.dll = 0x25 sttray.exe = 0x24 stacsv.exe = 0x25 [CopyFiles.64] stacui64.cpl = 0x25 stlang64.dll = 0x25 sttray64.exe = 0x24 stacsv64.exe = 0x25 [DelRegKeys] HKR\Settings=yes HKLM\Software\SigmaTel\StacGUI=yes HKCU\Software\SigmaTel\Settings=yes HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\STSysTray=yes HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\GlobalState=yes HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\Apo=yes HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio=yes HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Volume Control\SigmaTel Audio2=yes HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Multimedia\Sound Mapper=Yes [APPS] [LaunchProgramsAfter.32] STacSV -r STtray [LaunchProgramsAfter.64] STacSV64 -r STtray64 [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.32] SigmatelSysTrayApp="sttray.exe" [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.64] SigmatelSysTrayApp="sttray64.exe" [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\GlobalState] [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\STSysTray\1.0.32] DDLSupport = dword: 0x0 PollingPeriod = dword: 0x000001f4 ForceHT = dword: 0x00000000 DolbyCfg = dword: 0x00000000 HwSpkCfg = dword: 0x00000001 HdmiSupport = dword: 0x00000000 HdmiGateId = dword: 0x00000001 SpdifGateId = dword: 0x00000002 Config_Lang = dword: 0x00000000 ControlPanel = "stacgui.cpl" HideTrayIcon = dword: 0x00000001 PopUpType = dword: 0x00000000 PerPortEvents = dword: 0x00000000 ConfigCapabilities = dword: 0x00000000 ShowEventDialog = dword: 0x00000001 RecordPriority = dword: 0x00000000 MicRetasking = dword: 0x00000000 MultiStream = dword: 1 [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\STSysTray\1.0.64] DDLSupport = dword: 0x0 PollingPeriod = dword: 0x000001f4 ForceHT = dword: 0x00000000 DolbyCfg = dword: 0x00000000 HwSpkCfg = dword: 0x00000001 HdmiSupport = dword: 0x00000000 HdmiGateId = dword: 0x00000001 SpdifGateId = dword: 0x00000002 Config_Lang = dword: 0x00000000 ControlPanel = "stacui64.cpl" HideTrayIcon = dword: 0x00000001 PopUpType = dword: 0x00000000 PerPortEvents = dword: 0x00000000 ConfigCapabilities = dword: 0x00000000 ShowEventDialog = dword: 0x00000001 RecordPriority = dword: 0x00000000 MicRetasking = dword: 0x00000000 MultiStream = dword: 1 [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\GlobalState\STSysTray\1.0] ShowEventDialog = dword: 1 MultiStream = dword: 1 [HKR] CodecName = "STAC9220" [HKR\Settings] BiosType1 = hex: 01 TraceFlags = dword: 0x89b3 ImpedanceMeasurementTimeMs = dword: 0 [HKR\Settings\pin] [HKR\Settings\pin\0a] CfgDflt = dword: 0x0321121F Action = hex: 80,00,87,00,81,0B,81,0C,81,0D,81,0F [HKR\Settings\pin\0b] CfgDflt = dword: 0x01112024 AltCfg = hex: 51,20,A1,01,51,20,81,01 Bias = hex: FF,04,02 Action = hex: 0A, 0B [HKR\Settings\pin\0c] CfgDflt = dword: 0x01111222 [HKR\Settings\pin\0d] CfgDflt = dword: 0x91174220 Action = hex: 85,52,05,22,80,00,87,00 [HKR\Settings\pin\0e] CfgDflt = dword: 0x03A11050 AltCfg = hex: 50,10,81,03 Bias = hex: 04,04,02 Action = hex: 0A, 0E [HKR\Settings\pin\0f] CfgDflt = dword: 0x01116221 [HKR\Settings\pin\15] CfgDflt = dword: 0x90A70330 Mic0Type = dword: 0 Mic0XCoord = dword: 0 Mic0YCoord = dword: 0x00000040 Mic0ZCoord = dword: 0 Mic0VerticalAngle = dword: 0 Mic0HorizontalAngle = dword: 0x00002054 Mic1Type = dword: 0 Mic1XCoord = dword: 0 Mic1YCoord = dword: 0xFFFFFFC0 Mic1ZCoord = dword: 0 Mic1VerticalAngle = dword: 0 Mic1HorizontalAngle = dword: 0x00002054 [HKR\Settings\pin\10] CfgDflt = dword: 0x01452340 [HKR\Settings\pin\11] CfgDflt = dword: 0x40C003F1 [HKR\Settings\pin\1b] CfgDflt = dword: 0x405003F0 [HKR\Settings\connselector] [HKR\Settings\filter\SpeakerHp] UniqueID = hex: 0 LegacyIoctlHere = hex: 1 Pins = hex: 0A,0B,0C,0D,0F RenderConverter = hex: 2, 5, 3, 4 Associations = hex: 1,2 DigitalVolumeControl = hex: 0 EnabledPcmRenderBitsAndRates = dword: 0xfffffffe EnableHwSpeakerConfigurationSupport = hex: 1 EnableIntSpkrMute = hex: 1 EnableVendorPCBeep = hex: 1 UseHwMuteAlways = hex: 1 PCBeepMute = hex: 0 PCBeepVolume = dword: 0xffd00000 ReportInfoForInternalDevPinsToo = hex: 0 MasterVolume = dword: 0xfff40000 [HKR\settings\filter\MuxedIn1] UniqueID = hex: 1 LegacyIoctlHere = hex: 0 Pins = hex: 15 CaptureConverter = hex: 6 EnableCompositeMuxAndAdcCtrl = hex: 0 Associations = hex: 3 EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates = dword: 0xfffffffe MicArrayBoost = hex: 1 MicArrayBoostLevel = dword: 0x00140000 MicArrayRecVolume = dword: 0x000fb000 MicArrayVersion = dword: 0x100 MicArrayType = dword: 0 MicArrayVerticalAngleBegin = dword: 0 MicArrayVerticalAngleEnd = dword: 0 MicArrayHorizontalAngleBegin = dword: 0x00002054 MicArrayHorizontalAngleEnd = dword: 0x00002054 MicArrayFrequencyBandLo = dword: 0x14 MicArrayFrequencyBandHi = dword: 0x4E20 [HKR\settings\filter\MuxedIn2] UniqueID = hex: 2 LegacyIoctlHere = hex: 0 Pins = hex: 0E,0B CaptureConverter = hex: 7 EnableCompositeMuxAndAdcCtrl = hex: 0 Associations = hex: 5 EnabledPcmCaptureBitsAndRates = dword: 0xfffffffe MicBoost = hex: 1 Mic2Boost = hex: 1 MicInRecVolume = dword: 0x000fb000 MicBoostLevel = dword: 0x00140000 Mic2InRecVolume = dword: 0x000fb000 Mic2BoostLevel = dword: 0x00140000 LineInRecVolume = dword: 0x000fb000 Line2InRecVolume = dword: 0x000fb000 [HKR\Settings\filter\SpdifOut] UniqueID = hex: 3 LegacyIoctlHere = hex: 0 Pins = hex: 10 Associations = hex: 4 SpdifMaster = hex: 2 SpdifOutConverter = hex: 8 DisableSPDIFControl = hex: 0 SpdifOutCtrl = hex: 1 [HKR\Settings\filter\MuxedIn1\MaxLvlLimiters] MicArrayBoostLevel = dword: 0x00140000 [HKR\Settings\filter\MuxedIn2\MaxLvlLimiters] MicBoostLevel = dword: 0x00140000 Mic2BoostLevel = dword: 0x00140000 [HKR\Settings\gpio] 02 = hex: 0x82 04 = hex: 0x82 [HKR\Settings\filter\MuxedIn2\TopoNames] MicIn = "{CD2AF943-305E-4786-BCFA-1BE25DECACDB}" Mic2In = "{51F50FD9-850F-4aa5-B6B6-99F6289372B5}" [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Sigmatel\STacGUI] Config_ExTab = dword: 0x0 Config_Tab = dword: 0x0000000a Config_Lang = dword: 0x00000000 Config_Oem = dword: 0x00000000 Config_Adv = dword: 0x00000100 Config_Portmap = dword: 0x00000004 Config_Rates = dword: 0x00000000 Config_Spk = dword: 0x00000038 Config_Credits = dword: 0x00000000 Config_SpkFlags = dword: 0x0000007f Config_Dolby = dword: 0x00000000 Config_Update = dword: 0x00000001 Config_DefPage = "PORTMAP" [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML] Nconfigs=dword:0x00000001 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]] Name="7.1" Desc="IDS_DOLBY_71" Njacks=dword:0x00000007 SpkConfig=dword:0x00000008 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Jack[0]] Color=dword:0x00000004 Pos=dword:0x00000001 Port=dword:0x0000000d Label=dword:0x00000000 X1=dword:0x0000000a Y1=dword:0x00000006 X2=dword:0x00000032 Y2=dword:0x0000002e Ntypes=dword:0x00000001 Dev[0]=dword:0x00000001 Seq[0]=hex:00 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Jack[1]] Color=dword:0x00000001 Pos=dword:0x00000001 Port=dword:0x0000000c Label=dword:0x00000000 X1=dword:0x0000000a Y1=dword:0x0000003a X2=dword:0x00000032 Y2=dword:0x00000062 Ntypes=dword:0x00000001 Dev[0]=dword:0x00000001 Seq[0]=hex:02 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Jack[2]] Color=dword:0x00000006 Pos=dword:0x00000001 Port=dword:0x0000000f Label=dword:0x00000000 X1=dword:0x0000000a Y1=dword:0x0000006e X2=dword:0x00000032 Y2=dword:0x00000096 Ntypes=dword:0x00000001 Dev[0]=dword:0x00000001 Seq[0]=hex:01 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Jack[3]] Color=dword:0x00000002 Pos=dword:0x00000001 Port=dword:0x0000000b Label=dword:0x00000000 X1=dword:0x0000000a Y1=dword:0x000000a2 X2=dword:0x00000032 Y2=dword:0x000000ca Ntypes=dword:0x00000003 Dev[0]=dword:0x00000001 Seq[0]=hex:04 Dev[1]=dword:0x0000000a Seq[1]=hex:ff Dev[2]=dword:0x00000008 Seq[2]=hex:ff [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Jack[4]] Color=dword:0x00000002 Pos=dword:0x00000001 Port=dword:0x00000010 Label=dword:0x00000000 X1=dword:0x0000000a Y1=dword:0x000000d4 X2=dword:0x00000032 Y2=dword:0x000000fc Ntypes=dword:0x00000001 Dev[0]=dword:0x00000004 Seq[0]=hex:ff [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Jack[5]] Color=dword:0x00000001 Pos=dword:0x00000003 Port=dword:0x0000000e Label=dword:0x00000000 X1=dword:0x0000000a Y1=dword:0x00000006 X2=dword:0x00000032 Y2=dword:0x0000002e Ntypes=dword:0x00000002 Dev[0]=dword:0x0000000a Seq[0]=hex:ff Dev[1]=dword:0x00000008 Seq[1]=hex:ff [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Jack[6]] Color=dword:0x00000001 Pos=dword:0x00000003 Port=dword:0x0000000a Label=dword:0x00000000 X1=dword:0x0000000a Y1=dword:0x0000003a X2=dword:0x00000032 Y2=dword:0x00000062 Ntypes=dword:0x00000001 Dev[0]=dword:0x00000002 Seq[0]=hex:ff [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Panel[1]] X1=dword:0x00000276 Y1=dword:0x0000009f X2=dword:0x000002b2 Y2=dword:0x000001a1 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STacGUI\XML\Configuration[0]\Panel[3]] X1=dword:0x000000e6 Y1=dword:0x000000f8 X2=dword:0x00000122 Y2=dword:0x00000160 [HKLM\software\SigmaTel\Apo\GFX\SpeakerHp\plugins\MSAPO] idEffect = dword: 50 idEffectType = dword: 50 load = dword: 1 order = dword: 5 ApoClsId = "{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}" [HKLM\software\SigmaTel\Apo\LFX\SpeakerHp\plugins\MSAPO] idEffect = dword: 50 idEffectType = dword: 50 load = dword: 1 order = dword: 5 ApoClsId = "{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}" [HKLM\software\SigmaTel\Apo\GFX\SpdifOut\plugins\MSAPO] idEffect = dword: 50 idEffectType = dword: 50 load = dword: 1 order = dword: 5 ApoClsId = "{637c490d-eee3-4c0a-973f-371958802da2}" [HKLM\software\SigmaTel\Apo\LFX\SpdifOut\plugins\MSAPO] idEffect = dword: 50 idEffectType = dword: 50 load = dword: 1 order = dword: 5 ApoClsId = "{62dc1a93-ae24-464c-a43e-452f824c4250}" [HKLM\Software\SigmaTel\APO\GFX\SpeakerHp\Plugins] EndpointId = dword: 0xFFFFFFFF [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\APO\LFX\SpeakerHp\Plugins\Spread] idEffect = dword: 0x8 idEffectType = dword: 0x8 load = dword: 0x1 order = dword: 500 [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\APO\LFX\SpeakerHp\Presets\_Initial\Spread] bypass = dword: 0x0 SpoofJackPresence = dword: 1 SpoofJackPresenceFront = dword: 1 SpoofJackPresenceCLfe = dword: 1 SpoofJackPresenceRearPair3 = dword: 1 SpoofJackPresenceSidePair4 = dword: 1 [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\APO\LFX\SpeakerHp\Presets\DisableSpread\Spread] bypass = dword: 0x1 [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\APO\LFX\SpeakerHp\Presets\EnableSpread\Spread] bypass = dword: 0x0 [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\APO\LFX\SpeakerHp\Presets\DisableBoth\Spread] bypass = dword: 0x1 [HKLM\Software\Sigmatel\APO\LFX\SpeakerHp\Presets\EnableBoth\Spread] bypass = dword: 0x0 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STSysTray\1.0\EventExpressions] Version=dword:1 [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STSysTray\1.0\EventExpressions\JackPresenseA] Action1="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(13) == 1,(BypassSystemEq(1)),(BypassSystemEq(0)))" Action2="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(13) == 1,(BypassSystemComp(1)),(BypassSystemComp(0)))" [HKLM\SOFTWARE\SigmaTel\STSysTray\1.0\EventExpressions\JackPresenseD] Action1="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(13) == 1,(BypassSystemEq(1)),(BypassSystemEq(0)))" Action2="if(JackState(10) == 1 || JackState(13) == 1,(BypassSystemComp(1)),(BypassSystemComp(0)))"Download Driver Pack
After your driver has been downloaded, follow these simple steps to install it.
Expand the archive file (if the download file is in zip or rar format).
If the expanded file has an .exe extension, double click it and follow the installation instructions.
Otherwise, open Device Manager by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Device Manager.
Find the device and model you want to update in the device list.
Double-click on it to open the Properties dialog box.
From the Properties dialog box, select the Driver tab.
Click the Update Driver button, then follow the instructions.
Very important: You must reboot your system to ensure that any driver updates have taken effect.
For more help, visit our Driver Support section for step-by-step videos on how to install drivers for every file type.